NEC Neax2000 Ivs Command Manual
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CHAPTER 3 ND-45669 (E) Page 234 Addendum-002 Revision 2.2 JANUARY, 1999 CM61 COMMAND CODE TITLE: EXTERNAL KEY FUNCTION 61 MAT 4 . D ATA TA B L E : 1. FUNCTION: This command is used to activate and specify the function of the switch closure detection circuit (PN-DK00) card when interfaced with external keys. 2. PRECAUTION: This command is included in MAT mode menu “E4” (External Key function [COM02]). 3. ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE: : Initial Data KEY NUMBER YY SETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING No....
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ND-45669 (E) CHAPTER 3 Pag e 2 35 Revision 2.0 CM62 COMMAND CODE TITLE: TENANTS FOR EACH ATT GROUP 62 INITIAL 4. DATA TABLE: 1. FUNCTION: This command is used to assign which tenants are handled by each ATTCON Group. 2. PRECAUTION: (1) This command requires a system reset after data setting. (2) Multiple tenants can be assigned to one ATT Group, but one tenant cannot be assigned to more than one ATT Group. 3. ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE: : Initial Data Y TENANT SETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING No....
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CHAPTER 3 ND-45669 (E) Page 236 Addendum-001 Revision 2.1 AUGUST, 1998 CM63 COMMAND CODE TITLE: RESTRICTION OF INTER-TENANT CONNECTION 63 4 . D ATA TA B L E : 1. FUNCTION: This command is used to define the restrictions on inter-tenant access. 2. PRECAUTION: None 3. ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE: : Initial Data Y TENANT SETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING No. MEANING No. MEANING 0 TAS answer from another tenantXXXX 0 1 TAS allowed TAS not allowedCM53 Y = 4 CM30 YY = 17 1 Restriction of Inter-office...
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ND-45669 (E) CHAPTER 3 Addendum-002 Page 237 JANUARY, 1999 Revision 2.2 CM64 COMMAND CODE TITLE: AUTOMATED ATTENDANT 64 4. DATA TABLE: Note:If no tone connection is required, Dial Tone sending can be stopped by CM48 Y=2. 1. FUNCTION: This command defines the answering system of the Automated Attendant feature. 2. PRECAUTION: None 3. ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE: : Initial Data Y TENANTSETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING DATA MEANING 0 Setting of Answering SystemXX: 00 – 63 00 01 02 03 Dial Tone Connection...
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CHAPTER 3 ND-45669 (E) Pag e 2 38 Revision 2.0 CM65 COMMAND CODE TITLE: SERVICE FEATURES ON TENANT BASIS 65 4. DATA TABLE: 1. FUNCTION: This command is used to define the features available in each tenant. 2. PRECAUTION: None 3. ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE: : Initial Data Y TENANTSETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING DATA MEANING 23 Call Forwarding type when an internal call from station is termi- natedXX: 00 – 63 0 1Split Call Forwarding–All Calls/ Busy Line/No Answer Call Forwarding–All Calls/Busy Line/No...
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ND-45669 (E) CHAPTER 3 Addendum-001 Page 239 AUGUST, 1998 Revision 2.1 CM65 COMMAND CODE TITLE: SERVICE FEATURES ON TENANT BASIS 65 : Initial Data Y TENANTSETTING DATA RELATED COMMAND No. MEANING DATA MEANING 28 RR sending priority when receiv- ing SCFXX: 00 – 630 1Send RR (Returned Result) after SMFN Send RR (Returned Result) before SMFN 30 VMS Password Privacy 0 1VMS Password Privacy Allowed Not allowedCM13 YY=10 50 When the transferred destination does not answer0 1Connection of the Transferred...
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CHAPTER 3 ND-45669 (E) Pag e 2 40 Revision 2.0 CM71 COMMAND CODE TITLE: MEMORY ALLOCATION FOR SYSTEM SPEED DIALING 71 MAT 1. FUNCTION: This command is used to allocate memory area for System Speed Dialing to tenants, attendants and Hot Line outside stations. 2. PRECAUTION: (1) System Speed Dialing has 300 memory locations system-wide; this is referred to as a “Memory Block” (see figure below). Each location where a dialed number is stored is called a “Memory Slot”. Example:The System Speed Dialing memory...
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ND-45669 (E) CHAPTER 3 Pag e 2 41 Revision 2.0 CM71 COMMAND CODE TITLE: MEMORY ALLOCATION FOR SYSTEM SPEED DIALING 71 MAT (3) There is a maximum of 300 memory slots assigned by this command. However, if required, another 1000 memory slots can be added. In this case, the maximum number of digits stored is 16. These additional 1000 memory slots are to be assigned with CM 08-110, 111, 112, 176, and CM73 and CM74. (4) The Abbreviated codes for System Speed Dialing are automatically determined by assigning...
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CHAPTER 3 ND-45669 (E) Pag e 2 42 Revision 2.0 CM71 COMMAND CODE TITLE: MEMORY ALLOCATION FOR SYSTEM SPEED DIALING 71 MAT 4. DATA TABLE: KIND OF CALLING PARTY SETTING DATA No. MEANING MEANING MEANING 00 63Tenant 00 Tenant 63XXXXXX XXX XXX • First Memory Slot Number in Block: 000-299 • Number of Slots to be assigned in Block: 001-300 64 Exclusively for ATTCON 65 Exclusively for Hot Line Outside Call (Related Command: CM52) 66 Exclusively for Route Advance from Tie line to C.O. line (Related Command:...
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ND-45669 (E) CHAPTER 3 Pag e 2 43 Revision 2.0 CM72 COMMAND CODE TITLE: STORED NUMBER FOR SYSTEM SPEED DIALING 72 MAT (1) The stored number, for System Speed Dialing, is assigned for each Memory Slot Number, not for the abbreviated code of each calling party. When assigning stored numbers, the correspondence between Memory Slot Numbers and abbreviated codes is first to be determined for each kind of calling party, and then the stored numbers are to be assigned according to the determined correspondence,...