NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Office Data Specification
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 107 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1126 b0External Equipment Alarm Timer (0-127): If external equipment continues to send alarm information for the duration over this timer value, the system will regard it as a failure. Example: b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 0 011110=30 sec. 1 111000=120 sec. b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 When MFC Public Exchange requests one more digit (GA-I): 0/1 = PBX sends GI-15 (end of digit) and waits a Backward Sig- nal/PBX waits a Backward Signal 127 00 Not used 128...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 108 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1129 b0Register Inter Digit Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).The interval between dialed digits. Timer Value Setting is MTC × 2 sec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default data is automatically set to 6 sec. b1 b2 b3 0b4 Not used 0b5 0b6 0b7 130 b0Sender Connection Acknowledgment Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F...
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 109 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 11310 b0 Not usedFor 2nd DT trunks, the sender waits until this timer expires before sending dialed digits. Timer Value Setting is MTC × 512 msec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, the following default data is automatically set: DP=2.9 sec. PB=2.5 sec. 0 b1 0b2 0b3 b4 Sender Prepause Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).b5 b6 b7 1320 b0 Not usedThe interval between...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 110 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 11330 b0 Not usedThe interval between dialed digits Timer Value Setting is 60 msec./120 msec. + MTC × 512 msec. Note 1:When this data is 00 Hex, timer value is 60 msec/120 msec. Note 2:60/120 msec. is decided by parameter ONSG of the ARTD command. 0 b1 0b2 0b3 b4 Sender Inter Digit Timer for PB: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).b5 b6 b7 134 b0ATT Sender Release...
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 111 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1135 b0Seizure Guard Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).After a trunk is seized, it cannot be dialed until this timer expires. This timer prevents bypassing of Toll Restriction. Timer Value Setting is MTC × TC msec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default data is automatically set to 1 sec. b1 b2 b3 b4Timer Class (TC) is to be assigned one of the following...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 112 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1137 b0Start Timer for Periodic Indication Tone: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).This timer specifies the point in a conversation at which the first Periodic Indication Tone is to be sent. This timer is only valid for routes that have been assigned Periodic Indication Tone service via parameter TELP (CDN 29) of command ARTD. Timer Value Setting is MTC + 1 × TC. Note:When...
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 113 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1138 b0Periodic Indication Tone Interval Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).This timer assigns the interval between Periodic Indication Tones, after the first tone has been sent. Timer Value Setting is MTC + 1 × TC. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default data is automatically set to 3 min (±30 sec.). b1 b2 b3 b4Timer Class (TC) is to be assigned one of the...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 114 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1139 b0No Answer Timer: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).No Answer Timer for Station to Station, DID, and Tie Line calls. This timer applies to C.F.-Don’t Answer, Call Back, and Call Hold. Timer Value Setting is MTC × TC sec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default data is automatically set to 30 sec. b1 b2 b3 b4Timer Class (TC) is to be assigned one of the following...
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 115 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1141 b0No Answer Timer for Station Call from AT T : Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).This timer applies to stations for which C.F.-Don’t Answer has been set. This timer assigns the duration for which calls being transferred by the attendant will ring at the station before being forwarded. Timer Value Setting is MTC × TC sec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 116 Issue 1 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1144 b0Automatic Hold Recall Timer for Dterm: Miscellaneous Timer Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 0 Hex to F Hex (0-15).This timer is used for Exclusive Hold and Non-Exclusive Hold. Timer Value Setting is MTC × TC sec. Note:When this data is 00 Hex, default data is automatically set to 30 sec. b1 b2 b3 b4Timer Class (TC) is to be assigned one of the following values: b6b5b4b6b5b4 0 00=–100=– 0 01=–101=– 0...