NEC EliteMail Vms/Elitemail Limited Job Specifications Manual
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2 - 8Fill in the Worksheets Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Table 2-2 Sample Worksheet 2 – The Opening Greeting Worksheet 2The Opening Greeting The opening greeting is recorded in a default transaction box ($Greeting). You may select the default prompt or write an announcement suitable for your application. Also identify what should happen if the caller does not respond to the prompts. System ID $Greeting Call Transfer Transfer the calls reaching this box to an extension? Day hours Yes, to extension No Night hours Yes, to extension _____ No Call transfer type Await Answer for 4 r i n gs R e l e as e Wait for Ringback for ___ rings (3 rings or more) (3 rings or more) Transfer options Announce Confirm Introduce Message Screen Screen None (Use only with Await Answer call transfer) Use call holding? Yes Vox No (Do not use with Release call transfer) Greeting Day Greeting I’m sorry , all of our technicians are answering other calls. Please hold and I’ll connect you to an operator. Night GreetingYou’ve reached our network support desk after hours. You may leave a message for our technicians . Be sure to include your telephone number. Use one-key dialing during greeting? Yes No 1= ________ 2 = ________ 3 = ________ 4 = _________ 5 = _________ 6 = ________ 7 = ________ 8 = ________ 9 = _________ 0 = _________ Action After Greeting Day Night(check one box for Day hours and one box for Night hours) Say “Goodbye” then hang up Transfer the caller to the operator Restart the call at the opening greeting Route the call to another subscriber or transaction box (Use Go-to-ID ) Interview the caller (Use Go-to-ID $PM) Take a message If taking message: Maximum Message Length 180 seconds Allow caller to edit message? Yes No Mark the messages urgent? Yes No Ask Action after message? Say Goodbye Transaction Directory

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1 Job Specifications Manual2 - 9 SECTION 3 W ORKSHEET 3: O PERATOR HANDLINGWhen callers reach your organization during normal business hours, they must have easy access to an operator. Callers need to know how and when they can be connected to an operator. 20. When is an operator available to handle calls? Identify when an operator is available to answer calls. Most organizations have operator coverage only during normal business hours. Operator availability during night hours varies widely from one organization to another. If operator is not available for either day or night, check the No boxes and go to the next worksheet. Transferring Calls to the Operator What is the operator extension number? Enter the actual operator extension number on the NEC telephone system, both for day and night. At many organizations, the operator extension number is 0. If your operator has a different extension number, fill in the blank with the number. The voice mail system automatically dials this extension when transferring a call to your operator. The extension numbers can be different for Day Mode and Night Mode. Call transfer type to use for the operator extension The voice mail system can transfer a call to the operator three ways. If you are not sure which to use, select Release, the most common method for transferring to the operator. Release The voice mail system puts the caller on hold, dials the extension and then releases the call to the NEC telephone system. The voice mail system does not check the progress of the call or the status of the called extension. If the extension is busy or not answered, the telephone system determines what happens to the call. Releasing a call to the operator clears the voice mail system port to take other calls. Await Answer The voice mail system puts the caller on hold and dials the operator. If the operator answers within the number of rings specified in the rings field, the voice mail system puts the caller through.

2 - 10Fill in the Worksheets Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited If the extension is busy or does not answer within the specified number of rings, the voice mail system plays the operator greeting and then takes an action (typically, goes to a special interview box). For details on this call transfer type, refer to the EliteMail VMS/ EliteMail Limited Technician Guide. Wait for Ringback The voice mail system puts the caller on hold and dials the operator extension. If the extension rings the number of times specified in the rings field, the voice mail system releases the call to the NEC telephone system. If the extension is answered while the voice mail system is counting rings, the voice mail system puts the call through. If the extension is busy, the voice mail system plays the extension greeting and takes the specified action. The operator cannot use call screening features. For details on this call transfer option, refer to the EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Technician Guide. rings This specifies the number of rings the voice mail system waits for a call to be answered. The minimum number of rings is three. Enter the number of rings for your application. Using three or four rings is recommended. Table 2-3 Sample Worksheet 3 – Operator Handling Worksheet 3Operator Handling 20. When is an operator available to handle calls? Day Yes No Night Yes No Transfer Calls to the Operator What is the operator extension number on the telephone system? Day 0 (zero) _____ Night 0 (zero ) _____ Call transfer type to use for operator extension Release Await Answer for ______ rings Wait for Ringback for ______ rings (3 rings or more) Application Screen Page 3

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1 Job Specifications Manual2 - 11 SECTION 4 WORKSHEET 4: S YSTEM SCHEDULESMost organizations set regular working hours. You can set up the voice mail system to handle calls differently when your organization is open and closed. The voice mail system uses a Day Mode schedule to define the hours your organization is open. The rest of the time the system operates in Night Mode. You can define up to four different Day Mode schedules, and then assign to different voice ports or transaction boxes different Day Mode schedules. In most cases, however, you use only Schedule #1. This worksheet defines only one schedule. You can define others later. 31. Daytime Schedule Enter regular business hours for your organization. Sample completed Schedules Worksheet is shown below. Each working schedule you define for a site can be specified in three different time ranges. These ranges (a, b, c) define the hours classified as Day Mode. You may specify any range as Day Mode; it need not fall in the range that is normally considered daytime. For any hours not specified, the voice mail system operates in Night Mode. Typically, you specify only one range, such as 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. However, if your organization has different weekend hours, you may specify ranges for Saturday and Sunday. The sample schedule is completed for a business that is open from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday; from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, and 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Sunday. If your organization closes for lunch hour, you can specify Day hours as 8:00 am to 12:00 pm in range a and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm in range b. The voice mail system is then in Night Mode from noon to 1:00 pm. Ignore holidays? In most cases, because your organization is closed on holidays, you want the voice mail system to operate in Night Mode for 24 hours on those days. This is the default setting. If Schedule #1 should not follow your regular Day Mode and Night Mode hours on official holidays (that is, if you want Schedule #1 to operate in Night Mode for 24 hours) select No and fill in 33. Holidays . If you want the system to follow your regular Day and Night schedule on holidays, select Yes, and skip the 33. Holidays section of the worksheet.

2 - 12Fill in the Worksheets Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited 32. Schedule #4 Schedule #4 is a special schedule that stays in either Day Mode or Night Mode 24 hours a day, all days a year. The mode does not change unless you change it at the console. Use Schedule #4 to set a group of ports or transaction boxes to stay in a particular mode regardless of the time of day. By changing the setting of Schedule #4, you can reset all the ports or transaction boxes that use Schedule #4. This field has no effect on Schedules #1, #2, or #3. 33. Holidays At most sites, the voice mail system operates in Night Mode for 24 hours on any day marked as a holiday. You may specify up to 18 holidays. List only the day and month for each holiday. You must update the holiday schedule each year to cover holidays that fall on a different date each year. 34. Automatically adjust system for Daylight Savings Time? The voice mail system can automatically adjust its internal clock for Daylight Savings Time in those countries and locations that recognize it. Select Ye s if you want the voice mail system to adjust for Daylight Savings Time, and enter the dates when Daylight Savings Time changes. If you select No, you may still manually reset the computer clock twice a year for Daylight Savings Time.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1 Job Specifications Manual2 - 13 Table 2-4 Sample Worksheet 4 – System Schedules Worksheet 4System Schedules Use this worksheet to define the system Day Mode operating schedule. This usually matches the company office hours. All other hours the system operates in Night Mode. You may specify up to three ranges of hours and days for Day Mode operation. 31. Daytime Schedule (Enter up to three ranges of hours and days for Schedule #1) a: 9:00 am / pm to 8:00 am / pm on Mon Tue Wed THu Fri Sat S Un b: 10:00 am / pm to 5:00 am / pm on Mon Tue Wed T Hu Fri Sat S Un c: 11:00 am / pm to 3:00 am / pm on Mon Tue Wed T Hu Fri Sat SUn Ignore holidays? Yes No 32. Special Schedule (#4) Day Night 33. Holidays (Write in the day and month of up to eighteen holidays) 1 - J an 2 5 - D e c ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 34. Automatically adjust system for Daylight Savings Time? Yes Date On 1-Apr Date Off 28-Oct No Application Screen Page 4

2 - 14Fill in the Worksheets Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited SECTION 5 W ORKSHEET 5: D EFAULT SUBSCRIBER S ETTINGSThis worksheet helps you plan the default settings for every new subscriber. EliteMail makes adding subscribers with standard features quick and easy. Just fill in Application Screen Page 5 with the settings you want for each subscriber. Then, each new subscriber you add has the settings you choose on this default screen. This saves you time, because you do not have to configure each subscriber individually. Of course, you can still change any setting for any particular subscriber that wants settings different from the default. Use this worksheet to specify default settings for: Personal IDs, feature access, call transfer, message waiting lamps, and message delivery. Personal ID and Access Codes Personal ID for Subscribers First, write down the convention you want the system to use when creating Personal IDs for the subscribers. On the default setup, when you add a new subscriber, the system automatically creates a unique Personal ID for the subscriber by adding 9 to the beginning of the subscriber Extension # ID (write as 9X). You can change 9 to another number or string of numbers plus X (the extension number). Although you do not have to base the Personal IDs on extension numbers, this saves you from having to think of a unique Personal ID each time you add a subscriber to the system. If you want to change the default convention, enter that on the worksheet.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1 Job Specifications Manual2 - 15 Access Codes Set up the access codes for each subscriber. Access codes allow or deny particular features, such as special delivery options, the enrollment conversation, and if subscribers can send open group messages. Specify any combination except M and T of the following access codes: ANo Setup Options Access This denies subscriber access to change setup options by telephone. The subscriber cannot change personal greetings, message groups, call transfer options, message delivery, recorded name, spelled name, security code, or directory listing. The access codes A and T may be combined to deny access to all setup options except personal greetings. BNo Receipt Summary The system does not tell the subscriber that the messages sent to a particular person are received, unless the subscriber marks a message for explicit return receipt. CNo Public Notify This prevents the system from notifying the subscriber when a public message is received. A public message is not addressed to a particular extension. Use this code for subscribers who have public message access (no P code) but want their message waiting lamp lit only for messages sent specifically to them. DNot in Directory Excludes subscriber from automatic directory. EMessages by Extension The subscriber leaves messages by extension number instead of the first three letters of the last name. FFirst-Time Enroll The system enrolls the subscriber by telephone the next time the subscriber calls the system. The system does not deliver messages to subscriber with the F access code. GCan’t Edit Greeting The subscriber cannot change personal greetings. ILive Monitor On? Enables Live Monitoring for the subscriber. Upgrade option on EliteMail Limited.

2 - 16Fill in the Worksheets Issue 1 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited JAuto Live Monitor Sets enabled Live Monitoring to automatic mode. Upgrade option on EliteMail Limited. KCan Edit Hold The subscriber can change call holding by telephone. LMessage Length The system announces how long new and old messages last, for example “You have 3 new messages totaling 3 minutes, 20 seconds. Would you like to hear them?” MMenu Mode Exclusively The subscriber hears the system quick option menus for all voice mail features, instead of the usual yes-and-no conversation. This code cancels the T access code. NHands-Free Play This code turns on handsfree message retrieval. The system does not ask the subscriber “Would you like to hear them?” between message sources. ONo Old Messages The subscriber cannot review old messages. PNo Public Messages The subscriber cannot access public messages. Usually, only one or two people at any site need access to public messages. QNo Urgent Messages The subscriber cannot mark messages urgent. RCan’t Redirect The subscriber cannot redirect received messages. SCan’t Send Message The subscriber cannot leave messages for other subscribers, guests, or groups. TTraditional Order The subscriber hears four basic questions in this order: Check new messages, Leave messages, Change greetings, Review old messages. To reach setup options other than greetings, press # # after the system asks “Would you like to do anything else?”. The M access code cancels this code.

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 1 Job Specifications Manual2 - 17 Call Transfer Transfer calls to subscribers? Select Yes if you want the voice mail system to transfer calls to subscribers. When call transfer is Ye s, the voice mail system transfers callers to the actual subscriber extension. If the extension is busy or does not answer, the caller may leave a message. If you select No, callers may leave a message in a subscriber voice mailbox, but they cannot directly reach a subscriber extension without going through the operator. Select No if you want to use voice mail only. UNot to Subscribers The subscriber cannot send messages to other subscribers. The subscriber can leave messages for guests and message groups. VNo Private Messages The subscriber cannot mark messages private. Any message the subscriber sends may be redirected by the recipient. WNo Future Delivery The subscriber cannot mark messages for future delivery. XNo Receipt Request Subscriber cannot mark messages for explicit return receipt. The subscriber cannot cancel a return receipt marked automatically by the system. YNo Open Groups The subscriber cannot create open message groups, or leave messages for open message groups. The subscriber can still create and leave messages for private message groups. ZAutomatic Receipts The system automatically marks every message sent by the subscriber for return receipt requested. To avoid redundant return receipts and receipt summary announcements, never use this code without also using the B access code.