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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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Page 341

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 
321 Feature Operation 
Enhanc ed Call Transfer p rovid es g reater sec urity ag ainst toll fraud  than Basic  
Call transfer, so the DEFINITY AUDIX system allows only this typ e of transfer in 
the CL mod e. 
Feature Operation
The section describes how the Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced feature works 
and  p rovid es p roc ed ures for using  it. 
With Enhanc ed  Call...

Page 342

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 
322 Interactions with Other Features 
extension is b usy or forward ed  (inc lud ing  Send-All-Calls), the 
transfer will fail and  the switc h will rec onnec t the c aller to the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system. The system then p romp ts the c aller for 
alternative ac tions. 
With a DCS Network, the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not p rovid e c omp lete 
DCS transp arenc y for the...

Page 343

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 
323 Interactions with Other Features 
Interactions with Switch Features
The Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanc ed  feature interac ts with switc h features as 
nAttend ant Console Call Transfers:   On many switc hes, you c annot transfer 
c alls to an attend ant c onsole using  either the Transfer Out of AUDIX — 
Enhanc ed feature or the Automated  Attend ant feature....

Page 344

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Transfer Out of AUDIX — Enhanced (CL Mode) 
324 Interactions with Other Features  

Page 345

TTY Automated Attendant 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
May 1999
DescriptionPoints to Remember
Administration Screens
The Telec ommunic ations Devic e for the Deaf (TDD) 
announc ement set makes it more c onvenient to set up  tele-
typ ewriter (TTY) automated  attendants that p rovid e auto-
mated  attend ant servic e to hearing -imp aired  c allers. (The 
TDD announc ement set is not req uired  to set up  TTY auto-
mated  attend ants, b ut it is rec...

Page 346

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
TTY Automated Attendant 
326 Applications 
The TTY Automated  Attendant feature p rovid es automated  attend ant servic e to 
TTY users. All that hearing -imp aired  c allers need  are a stand ard  stand -alone, 
ac oustic ally-c oup led  TTY along  with a touc h-tone telep hone. 
Sep arate telep hone numb ers are strong ly rec ommended , b ut not req uired , for 
TTY automated  attend ants and  for voic e...

Page 347

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
TTY Automated Attendant 
327 Requirements 
Most TTYs d o not have a letters key and a numb ers/fig ures key. If you d o not 
have sep arate letters and  numb ers/fig ures keys, sync hronization of mod es is 
less c onvenient b ut c an b e ac c omp lished  in the following  way: 
nIf the first c harac ter you need  to typ e is a letter, enter a slash (/); then 
p ress the sp ac e b ar a few times b efore you start typ...

Page 348

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
TTY Automated Attendant 
328 Feature Operation 
Feature Operation
Assig n the TDD announc ement set on the automated  attend ant Sub sc riber or 
Class of Servic e sc reen, and  rec ord  a TTY automated attend ant menu using  a 
TTY (the menu is ac tually the p ersonal g reeting  for the automated  attend ant 
extension). Instead  of sp eaking  the menu into the telephone, typ e the menu 
using the TTY keyb oard. See...

Page 349

Untouched Message 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206 Issue 5
May 1999
DescriptionPoints to Remember
Administration Screens
The Untouc hed  Messag e feature p rovid es sub sc rib ers with 
the ab ility to sc an messag es or messag e head ers in the 
inc oming  sec tion of the voic e mailb ox without c hang ing  the 
status of the messag e from 
new to old, or from new to 
unop ened. If the messag e is in the new c ateg ory, and  this 
feature is ac tivated , the...

Page 350

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  585-300-206  Issue 5
May 1999
Untouched Message 
330 Applications 
The Untouc hed  Messag e feature allows a sec retary or other ag ent to review 
another p erson’s 
new messag es (or just the messag e head ers) and  leave those 
messag es in the 
new c ateg ory of the inc oming  voic e mailb ox — leaving  the MWI 
ac tive. The sec retary c an ac t on information c ontained in c ertain messag es, 
while allowing  the ad d ressed  rec ip...
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