Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual
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Traffic Reports 301 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Traffic Rep orts feature c ollec ts d ata on system ac tivities d uring sp ec ified hours, d ays, and months. These rep orts ind ic ate how many sub sc rib ers are using the DEFINITY AUDIX system, when they use it, and how intensively. The system ad ministrator c an d efine rep ort c riteria to help man- age system resourc es and d...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Traffic Reports 302 Applications Applications The Traffic Rep orts feature is p rimarily used for the following tasks: nEvaluating ac tual system use as c omp ared to p rojec ted use nPred ic ting future eq uipment req uirements By g enerating p eriod ic rep orts of ac tual system use, the system ad ministrator c an measure port ac tivity and c alc ulate the level of servic e that sub sc rib ers are...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Traffic Reports 303 Interactions with Other Features Interactions with Other Features This sec tion id entifies the interac tions of the Traffic Rep orts feature with switc h features and other DEFINITY AUDIX features. Interactions with Switch Features These Traffic Rep orts are exc lusively a DEFINITY AUDIX feature and have no d irec t interac tions with any switc h features. However, the system ad ministrator...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Traffic Reports 304 Interactions with Other Features nVoice Mailb ox: Statistic s that illustrate how subsc ribers g enerally use the Voic e Mailb ox feature are c ollec ted using the Sp ec ial Features Daily Traffic , Sp ec ial Features Hourly Traffic , Subsc rib er Daily Traffic , and Sub sc rib er Monthly Traffic sc reens.
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Transfer Into AUDIX (CL Mode Only) 305 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Transfer Into AUDIX feature allows an attendant to easily transfer a c all into the DEFINITY AUDIX system, enab ling the c aller to rec ord a message for the sub sc rib er he/she was try- ing to reac h. Wh o h a s i t: Covering attendants who are administered b efore the DEFINITY AUDIX system in a subsc rib er’s c...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Into AUDIX (CL Mode Only) 306 Applications Applications When a c aller is transferred to a c overing attend ant, the c aller c an req uest to b e sent to the sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox. This is usually done if the c aller wishes to leave a c onfid ential messag e. Requirements The following req uirements are nec essary for the Transfer Into AUDIX feature to work p rop erly: nThe switc h ad...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Into AUDIX (CL Mode Only) 307 Interactions with Other Features 3. Press the Rec all or Transfer b utton ag ain, or simp ly hang up . The c all then g oes to the orig inally c alled sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox — with c omp lete c aller information — as if the c all had not b een interc ep ted . The sub sc rib er’s normal Call Answer g reeting g reets the c alling p arty. For more information about...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Into AUDIX (CL Mode Only) 308 Interactions with Other Features nMultiling ual: If the Multiling ual feature is ac tivated for a sub sc rib er and an attend ant transfers a c all to the sub sc rib er’s mailbox, the DEFINITY AUDIX system treats the c all as if it were a c all answer c all and the c aller hears whatever g reetings are ac tive for the sub sc rib er. nMultiple Personal Greeting s: If a...
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Transfer Into Mailbox (DS Mode Only) 309 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 DescriptionPoints to Remember Administration Screens The Transfer Into Mailb ox feature allows an attendant to transfer a c all into the DEFINITY AUDIX system, enab ling the c aller to rec ord a message for the sub sc rib er he/she was try- ing to reac h. Wh o h a s i t: Anyone who is ad ministered to rec eive c alls b efore the system d oes in a sub sc rib er’s c...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Feature Descriptions 585-300-206 Issue 5 May 1999 Transfer Into Mailbox (DS Mode Only) 310 Applications Applications When a c aller is transferred to a c overing attend ant, the c aller c an req uest to b e sent to the sub sc rib er’s voic e mailb ox. This is usually done if the c aller wishes to leave c onfidential or tec hnic al information. Requirements Transfer Into Mailbox uses a transfer port. An extension is d esig nated as the “ transfer into AUDIX...