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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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Ongoing Administration 10-1 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 10 Ongoing Administration This c hap ter d esc rib es the ong oing ad ministration req uired for DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking . Ong oing ad ministration inc lud es the following : nMaintaining mac hine p rofile information on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system for b oth the loc al system and the remote systems nMaintaining remote sub sc rib er information...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-2 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 nRec ord ing remote mac hine names NOTE: If you c hang e your loc al mac hine p rofile, c ontac t all remote network ad ministrators and inform them of the c hang es. Do not c hange your loc al mac hine p rofile without informing the other ad ministrators. If they d o not up d ate their mac hines, sub sc ribers will not b e ab le to exc hang e mail messag es....
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-3 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 The List Mac hines sc reen lists the loc al system and eac h ad ministered remote system. In the ab ove examp le, d ab is the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. The network c ontains two other DEFINITY AUDIX systems (d aa and d ac ), one Intuity AUDIX system, and one AUDIX R1 system. Use the List Mac hines sc reen to find mac hine names. Rec ord the names for use in...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-4 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 . Figure 10-3. Machine Profile Screen for a Remote System — Page 2 Adding a Remote Machine As your network g rows, you may need to ad d remote systems to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase. The loc al system need s to know sp ec ific information ab out eac h remote system, inc lud ing the mac hine name, p assword , mac hine type, d ial string , and mod em string...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-5 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 Changing Machine Administration As you use your network and tune the network to meet your need s, you may need to c hang e the information ad ministered for the loc al and remote systems. Chang e mac hine information as seld om as p ossib le to red uc e p ossib le c ommunic ation p rob lems. This sec tion c ontains the following p roc ed ures. nChang ing Loc al...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-6 Ongoing Machine Administration 10 Deleting Remote Machines If you are c ontac ted b y a remote network ad ministrator and informed that a remote system has b een removed from the network, you need to d elete that system information from the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. When you remove a remote system, you also remove any remote sub sc rib ers assoc iated with that remote system. Do not remove a...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-7 Adding a Second Networking Port 10 2. The following messag e is displayed on the screen. Press [Enter] to exec ute or [ Canc el] to ab ort 3. Press (F3) to remove the mac hine p rofile information for this remote system. 4. You rec eive the following c onfirmation messag e: Command Suc c essfully Comp leted Record Remote Machine Names If you ad d or c hang e the name of loc al and remote mac...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-8 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 10 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’, for instruc tions. Perform the following tasks. nTask 4: Ad minister Dig ital Networking Port(s) and Extensions nTask 5: Verify Status of Networking Port(s) nTask 6: Test the Networking Ports Ongoing Subscriber Administration After DEFINITY AUDIX d...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-9 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 10 Remote Subscriber Administration Overview During the initial ad ministration p roc ess, two remote test sub sc rib ers were entered for eac h system in the network. If remote sub sc rib ers were not ad d ed d uring initial administration, you now need to ad d all remote sub sc rib ers who will exchange messages across the network. The DEFINITY AUDIX system...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Ongoing Administration 10-10 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 10 The remote up d ates feature g reatly red uc es the amount of time req uired b y the ad ministrator to ad minister d ig ital networking . Whether you use the remote up d ates feature d ep end s on the numb er of sub sc rib ers in your network, the size and d isk sp ac e of your loc al system, and the numb er of networking ports that you are using . The d esign...