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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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Page 121
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-11 Paradyne Comsphere 3810plus/3820plus/3910 Front Panel Settings 8 Linefeed Char 010 ASCI Result Codes Enable Extend ResltCode Enab le Re s u l t C o d e Fo r m Wo r d s AT Cmnd Mod e Normal Line_Dialer Setting Notes AutoAnswerRing # 1 AT c ommand s0= 1 Dialer Type Tone DialTone Detec t Enab le BusyTone Detec t Enab le , Pa u s e Ti m e 2 s e c NoAnswer Timout 45sec Fast Disc onnec t Disab...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-12 Paradyne Comsphere 3810plus/3820plus/3910 Front Panel Settings 8 V42/MNP/Buffer Setting Notes Err Contrl Mod eBufferMode AT c ommand 0 EC Neg otiat Bfr Disab le Flw Cntl of DTE CTS_to_DTE AT c ommand \q 3 Flw Cntl of Md m RTS to Md m XON / XOFF Ps t h r u D is a b le Md m/Md m FlowCtl Disab le Break Buffr Ctl Keep _Data Send Break Cntl Data_First Tx Buff Disc Delay 10sec Rx Buff Disc...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-13 Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Front Panel Settings 8 Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Front Panel Settings The following tab le shows the front p anel setting s for the Parad yne Comsp here 3810 and 3820 mod ems. Security Setting Notes NMS_Rep orting 00 Answer_Sec ur No_Answ_Sec Orig inate_Sec ur No_Orig_Sec Table 8-2. Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Modem Settings (Bold Setting s are Chang es...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-14 Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Front Panel Settings 8 DTE_Dialer Setting Notes DTE Dialer Typ e AT AT Esc ap e Char128 ASCI AT c ommand s2= 128 Escape GuardTim 1 sec BreakForc eEsc ap Disab le CommandCharEc ho Enab le Carriag eRtnChar 013 ASCI Bac ksp ac e Char 008 ASCI Linefeed Char 010 ASCI Result Codes Enable Extend ResltCode Enab le Re s u l t C o d e Fo r m Wo r d s AT Cmnd Mod e...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-15 Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Front Panel Settings 8 Dial_Line Setting Notes Dial Line Rate19200(V32t) 9600(V32b)AT c ommand s41= 20 AT c ommand s41= 3 Automod eDisable AT c ommand s76= 1 AutorateDisable AT c ommand s78= 1 Dial TX Level Permissv(-9) V22b Guard Tone Disab le V32b is Train Long Fall Fwd Delay Disab le V42/MNP/Buffer Setting Notes Err Contrl Mod eBufferMode AT c ommand...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-16 Paradyne Comsphere 3810/3820 Front Panel Settings 8 Misc Setting Notes Strap sWhenDisc No_Chang e Sp eaker Control OnUntilCarr Some loc ations may p refer Off AT c ommand m0 Sp eaker Volume Med ium Ac c ess frm Remt Enable RemAc c ssPasswrd 00000000 Dir#1_Callb ac k Disab le NetMng mtAd d ress 001 NMS_Call_Msg s CallCnc t&Prg NMS DTR Alarm Disab le CellurRJ11 Adpt Disable Security...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-17 7400A Option Settings 8 7400A Option Settings The 7400A fac tory d efault user interfac e is set for the Hayes AT c ommand set. The DEFINITY AUDIX system need s to have the user interfac e set for Keyb oard Dial. Use the following p roc ed ure to c hang e the user interfac e: 1. Press the NEXT/NO or BACK b uttons on the front p anel until the SET INTERFACE? op tion ap pears. 2....
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Hardware Installation for DCP Mode 2 8-18 7400A Option Settings 8 Set DTR Lead ? Follow2 Set LL Lead ? off Se t Pa r i t y ? Sp a c e Set Remote Loop ? Grant Set RI Lead ? on Set RL Lead ? off Se t Si g ls D is c ? o n Set TM Lead ? off 1. If DEFINITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking is to b e set at 9600 b p s, set 9600 to yes and 19200 b p s to no. 2. On Paradyne Comsphere 3800 Mod ems this setting should b e set to Follow. On...
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Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-1 9 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 9 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests This chapter contains instruc tions for performing initial digital networking ad ministration and ac c ep tanc e tests on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Ac c ep tanc e tests are network c hec ks p erformed b efore p rovid ing networking c ap abilities to sub sc rib ers. This c hap ter p resents: nAdministering the...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-2 Switch Administration 9 Switch Administration Refer to the information you rec eived from the d esig n c enter when c ompleting the switc h ad ministration. Before beg inning this ad ministration, ob tain the first two voic e p ort extensions for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system from the Voic e Group sc reen (display voice-group ) on the DEFINITY AUDIX system if you d o...