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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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Page 131

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-3 Switch Administration 
Task 2: Administer a Hunt Group for Digital
Networking Ports
If there are two d ig ital networking p orts, it is rec ommend ed that they b e p lac ed in 
a switc h Hunt Group . 
To assig n the d ig ital networking  p orts to a hunt g roup , use the following  
p roc ed ure:
1. To access the Hunt Group sc reen, enter add hunt-group
number at the 

Page 132

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-4 Switch Administration 
DCP Mode 2
DCP Mod e 2 req uires the following  ad d itional switc h ad ministration.
7400A Data Module and Asynchronous Data
Unit (ADU)
For each 7400A data module or ADU used in a DCP Mode 2 modem/data 
mod ule arrang ement, ad minister a Data Mod ule sc reen. 
1. At the switc h ad ministration terminal, enter add data 
or add 

Page 133

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-5 Switch Administration 
21. In the Parity field , enter space
22. In the Connec ted  Ind ic ation field , enter y
23. Save the c hang es.
24. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h ADU.
For eac h mod em used  in a DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ement, 
ad minister a Station sc reen.
1. At the switc h ad ministration terminal, enter add station
extension or add...

Page 134

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-6 Switch Administration 
23. Enter the Site Data if req uired .
24. Save the c hang es.
25. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h mod em.
Hunt Groups for Modem Ports/ADU Ports/Data
Module Ports
If there is hard ware for two DCP Mod e 2 networking  p orts for DEFINITY AUDIX 
d ig ital networking , set up  the following  ad d itional hunt group s on the switc h.
nset up  eac h p...

Page 135

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-7 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
12. Enter the extension of the first d ata mod ule, ADU, or mod em p ort for 
Extension one (suc h as 40021). The name d isp lays that was entered  on 
the Data Mod ule sc reen for d ata mod ules and  PDMs or on the Station 
sc reen for mod ems. 
13. Enter the extension of the sec ond  d ata mod ule, ADU, or mod em p ort for 
Extension two (suc...

Page 136

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-8 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
The g eneric  DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration sc reen d isp lays.
Pre s s  
to plac e the c ursor at enter command:
. From this sc reen you 
c an ac c ess DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens to p erform ad ministration tasks. 
Press   (F3) to up d ate a sc reen.
Pre s s  
(F5) for sc reen help.
Pre s s  
(F6) for field  help  for the field  where the c ursor...

Page 137

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-9 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
Task 1: Verify All Required Software and 
Before b eg inning  initial ad ministration of the d ig ital networking  p orts on the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system, verify that all req uired  software and hard ware is 
p resent.
With the c ursor at enter command:
, enter list configuration
 and press  
to d isp lay the List Config uration sc reen....

Page 138

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-10 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
n386_FW — 386 firmware
nA disk drive
nA tape drive
Release 4.0 List Configuration
The List Config uration Sc reen for Release 4.0 should app ear similar to the sc reen 
shown b elow.
Figure 9-2. List Configuration Screen
The List Config uration sc reen should  d isp lay the following :
nA software vintag e of 4.0
nMFB_BD — MFB b oard  TN568...

Page 139

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-11 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
Task 2: Verify Proper Number of Networking 
Disp lay the System Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen to c hec k the Maximum 
Number of Dig ital Networking  Ports. 
With the c ursor at enter command:
, enter display system-parameters 
 and  press  
to d isp lay the System Parameters Customer 
Options sc reen similar to one...

Page 140

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
9-12 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
Task 3: Verify Adequate Number of Administered
Remote Subscribers
Verify that the numb er of Ad ministered  Remote sub sc rib ers is eq ual to or g reater 
than the total number of mailb oxes on all remote systems with whic h this loc al 
DEFINITY AUDIX system will network (the networking  installation information from 
the d esig n c enter...
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