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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-7 Customer Initial Administration Tasks 2 Task 5: Distributing Documentation to Subscribers At this p oint, it is imp ortant for you to p rovid e your sub sc rib ers with the ap p rop riate d oc umentation to help them use the DEFINITY AUDIX system p rop erly. Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Communic ating with Sub sc rib ers’’, inc lud es several temp late letters that you c an c ustomize and d istribute to subsc rib ers to help you in this end eavor. Selec t the ap p rop riate temp late and make the nec essary c hang es. The following DEFINITY AUDIX d oc umentation is rec ommend ed also: nA Portab le Guid e to Voice Messag ing, 585-300-701 nVoice Messaging Quic k Reference, 585-300-702 nMultiple Personal Greeting s Quic k Reference, 585-300-705 nVoice Messag ing Wallet Card, 585-300-704 nVoice Messag ing Business Card Stickers, 585-304-705 nOutc alling Quic k Referenc e, 585-300-706 You should decide which documents will best suit your subscribers’ needs and then ord er the ap p ropriate numb er of d oc uments. Ord ering information is loc ated on the b ac k of the title p ag e of this d oc ument. Alternately, you c an use the G u i d e B u il d e r So f t w a re f o r A U D I X Sy st e m s , 585-310-745, to c reate sub sc rib er d oc umentation that is tailored to your c omp any and sub sc rib er req uirements. The Guid e Build er software was ship p ed with your system. These tools will p rovid e your sub sc rib ers with easy-to-follow instruc tions for DEFINITY AUDIX op eration and, as a result, will make your job muc h easier.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-8 What to Do After Initial Administration 2 What to Do After Initial Administration Basic DEFINITY AUDIX initial administration is now c omp leted . At this point, you have estab lished b asic DEFINITY AUDIX servic e for your initial sub sc rib ers and set system p arameters. Your next task is to determine whic h DEFINITY AUDIX features you will use and to ac tivate or d eac tivate those features as req uired for your system. Features are d iscussed in Chap ter 3, ‘‘Feature Ad ministration’’. You also should review Chap ter 4, ‘‘Ong oing Preventive Maintenanc e’’, for some insig ht into your ong oing resp onsib ilities as ad ministrator of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Set up a d aily, weekly, and monthly ong oing maintenanc e sc hed ule and make it an imp ortant part of your routine. NOTE: Your DEFINITY AUDIX system has b een c arefully d esig ned to b e very sec ure. However, it is your resp onsib ility to take ad ministrative p rec autions to ensure and maintain the maximum amount of system sec urity p ossib le. Therefore, it is rec ommended that you review and follow the sug g estions in Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ong oing System Sec urity’’, before allowing your subsc rib ers to use the system. You will need to ad minister ad d itional sub sc rib ers as system usag e inc reases. These tasks are desc ribed in Chapter 5, ‘‘Ongoing Subscriber Administration’’.

Feature Administration 3-1 Overview 3 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 3 Feature Administration This chapter describes administration you may need to perform to set up and use ind ividual DEFINITY AUDIX system and sub sc rib er features. DEFINITY AUDIX System — Feature Desc rip tions , 585-300-206, c ontains more d etailed information and ad ministration p roc ed ures for all features. Overview Besides the preliminary and initial administration described in Chap ter 2, ‘‘Prep aring for DEFINITY AUDIX System Op eration’’, you may need to p erform ad d itional ad ministration to ac tivate or d eac tivate DEFINITY AUDIX features and to mod ify feature p arameters to meet your sp ec ific req uirements. You should review eac h feature ind ivid ually and make dec isions ab out its usag e in your org anization b efore ad ministering your DEFINITY AUDIX subsc riber p op ulation and making the system live. As d etailed in Ta b l e 3 - 1, Feature Comp arison Between Switc h Integ ration Method s, some features are available to users of Control Link switc h integration and not to users of Disp lay Set integ ration, and vic e versa. This tab le will g ive you an id ea how some features vary for eac h switc h integ ration method . In ad dition, eac h of the DEFINITY AUDIX features and their ad ministration req uirements are summarized in this c hap ter. NOTE: Unless otherwise noted , the feature desc rib ed is availab le for all switc h integ ration method s. For more information about ind ivid ual features, refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System — Feature Desc rip tions , 585-300-206.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-2 AMIS Analog Networking 3 AMIS Analog Networking Aud io Messag ing Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog Networking is a DEFINITY AUDIX feature that p ermits sub sc rib ers to exc hang e voic e mail messag es with any other voic e mail system that also has AMIS analog c ap abilities, anywhere in the world . Messag es c an b e exc hang ed with sub sc rib ers on remote voic e mail systems with AMIS c ap ab ilities, inc lud ing Luc ent or other vend ors with AMIS c ap ab ility. AMIS network outc alls will b e mad e using the System announc ement set. AMIS Analog Networking is an op tional feature that is not inc lud ed in the b asic DEFINITY AUDIX system and must b e p urc hased sep arately. You c an ad minister a range of remote systems that c an b e ad d ressed via AMIS two-step add ressing ; ind ividual remote voic e mail systems d o not need to b e ad ministered . However, you also c an c hoose to ad minister any sp ec ific remote voic e mail systems with heavy AMIS analog traffic for AMIS one-step ad d ressing (this simp lifies the ad dressing p roc ed ure). Remote sub sc rib ers on remote systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing c an b e ad ministered on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. For c omp lete instruc tions and information on AMIS Analog Networking , refer to AMIS Analog Networking, 585-300-512. AMIS Analog Networking is availab le for all switc h integ ration methods. Table 3-1. Feature Comparison Between Switch Integration Methods FeatureDS IntegrationCL Integration Integ rated Messag e Notific ation no yes LWC stored on DEFINITY AUDIX no yes Call Transfer out of AUDIX 1 1. Transfer c an b e ac comp lished ind irec tly. b asic b asic or enhanc ed Call Transfer into AUDIX no* yes Time Sync hronization yes yes AMIS Networking yes yes Call Sc reening yes no available on Call Answer no yes *R

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-3 Alarm Origination 3 Alarm Origination The Alarm Orig ination feature enab les the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c all you or a remote maintenanc e c enter when a major or minor alarm has oc c urred. If this feature is not ac tivated , no c all c an b e sent. To d isp lay the Alarm Orig ination feature, use the System-Parameters Maintenanc e sc reen. Announcements and Announcement Sets Up to nine announc ement sets may b e installed on the DEFINITY AUDIX system at one time as long as enoug h d isk sp ac e is available for both the announc ement sets and voic e messag e storag e. You c an look at and mod ify the c omp osition of system announc ements heard b y subscribers. This requires very precise intervention and is recommended only when nec essary. In ad d ition, announc ement sets are availab le to allow you to rec ord , c hang e, or listen to short sec tions of DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p romp ts called fragments. Announc ements and announc ement sets are ad ministered via the change/remove/copy announcement , change/remove/copy annc-set , change/remove/copy fragment , and change system-parameters features sc reen-ac tivation c ommand s. The numb er of announc ement sets availab le for DEFINITY AUDIX is always exp and ing . If you are interested in using (for examp le) several lang uag es for your announc ements, c ontac t your Luc ent sales outlet to ac q uire the most rec ent list of announc ement sets. ADAP The AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Pac kage (ADAP) is a data c ollec tion and rep orting tool that transfers raw d ata from your DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase to a p ersonal c omp uter (PC) for further analysis. This software p ac kag e inc lud es a set of menu-d riven stand ard reports that work in c onjunc tion with the d BASE III PLUS relational d atab ase p rog ram, and a separate MS-DOS-b ased c ommand lang uag e for retrieving d ata from DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase files for use in c ustomized rep orts. This c ommand lang uag e also c an b e used to mod ify sub sc rib er d ata in the d atabase files from the PC. Refer to AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e, 585-302-502, for more information ab out setting up and using this software.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-4 Automated Attendant 3 Automated Attendant The Automated Attend ant feature allows you to set up the DEFINITY AUDIX system to answer extensions and p romp t c allers to p ress ap p rop riate keys on their touc h-tone telephones to transfer to d esired extensions or leave messag es for ind ivid ual subsc rib ers. You c an set up any numb er of automated attend ants, and you c an nest them so that an op tion selec ted from one attend ant menu d ials another automated attend ant to p rovid e a c omp letely new menu of op tions. Callers c an b e transferred d irec tly to DEFINITY AUDIX mailboxes from automated attend ant menu op tions without g oing to the switc h, allowing you to effic iently hand le DEFINITY AUDIX c overag e for shared extensions and non-resid ent sub sc rib ers with an automated attend ant. The first stag e of an automated attend ant in a multiling ual environment mig ht ask the user to selec t a lang uag e. Sub seq uent stag es c an imp lement the auto-attend ant func tion in the lang uag e c hosen. To administer an automated attend ant: 1. Ac c ess the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Set the Call Answer Language Choice field to “ n” and p ress to c all up the Sub sc riber Class Of Servic e Parameters sc reen. 2. Type auto-attendant in the PERMISSIONS, Type: field to estab lish the sub sc rib er as an automated attend ant. This ac tion add s a third p ag e to the sc reen, Sub sc rib er Automated Attendant Menu, on whic h to ad minister the attend ant. To ac c ess this p ag e, p ress . 3. Rec ord the attend ant menu using your touc h-tone telephone. You c an rec ord as many lang uag es within the Automated Attend ant as need ed . Sinc e you rec ord the Automated Attend ant menu, an Automated Attend ant is not limited to two lang uag es. If you have the Multiling ual feature set to ON, Automated Attend ants c an use the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature as long as the Call Answer Language Choice field is set to “ n” . If you set the Call Answer Language Choice field to “ y” , the first menu in the automated attendant should b e one where the c aller c hooses a lang uag e (suc h as p ress 1 for Eng lish or p ress 2 for Frenc h Canadian); then you c an set up sep arate menu trees for eac h lang uag e. Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Automated Attend ant’’, for c omplete instruc tions on setting up and using automated attend ants. NEXTPAGE N EXTPA G E

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-5 Broadcast Messages 3 Broadcast Messages The Broad c ast Messag es feature allows selec ted sub sc rib ers to send b road c ast messag es to all local sub scrib ers and selec ted remote sub scrib ers. Permission to send b road c ast messag es c an b e assig ned on a per-sub sc rib er b asis or b y c lass-of-servic e. You should limit p ermission to send b road c ast messag es to yourself or to a few selec ted sub sc rib ers to avoid overuse of this feature. Any user with b road c ast p ermission c an interac t with the system in the lang uag e of her or his c hoic e. The broad c aster should c onsid er the ap p ropriateness of b roadc asting a uni-ling ual messag e versus a multiling ual message to a multiling ual community. The b road c ast message is seen as the first messag e in the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox reg ard less of sub seq uent messag e ac tivity. The sub sc rib er c an retrieve, listen, save, and — if the messag e is not p rivate — forward the messag e. Broad c ast messag es are not ac tually d istributed . Instead , sub sc ribers hear the messag e from a mailb ox that is ad ministered as the b road c ast mailb ox. Sinc e the messag e is not ac tually sent, the send er c an sp ec ify a d ate when the message should no long er b e p layed . The send er c an also sp ec ify whether or not notific ation of the messag e is to b e p rovid ed; if so, the messag e ac tivates the messag e-waiting ind ic ator (MWI), stutter d ial tone, and /or outc alling as if the b road c ast message was a new messag e. NOTE: You are urg ed not to sp ec ify notific ation for b road c ast messag es und er normal c irc umstanc es b ec ause lig hting the MWI on every sub sc rib er’s p hone simultaneously c an severely imp ac t the DEFINITY AUDIX system and switc h p erformanc e. Note that even if you attempt to limit the imp ac t b y sc hed uling the messag e d elivery d uring out-of-hours, eac h sub sc riber will find their messag e notific ation mec hanism ac tive the next morning , c ausing a larg e b urst of DEFINITY AUDIX system traffic . NOTE: A hearing -imp aired user who uses only a teletyp ewriter (TTY) for c ommunic ations with the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not see anything on the TTY for a voic ed b road c ast messag e. The system ad ministrator may want to send a TTY message to TTY users informing them of the messag e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-6 Broadcast Messages 3 Setting Up the Broadcast Mailbox The b road c ast mailb ox is assoc iated with a “ p hantom” sub sc rib er. (A “ p hantom” sub sc rib er in the DEFINITY AUDIX system is one that is ad ministered on a Su b s c r ib e r sc reen in the DEFINITY AUDIX system for an extension that log ic ally exists in the DEFINITY AUDIX system b ut is not ad ministered on the switc h.) This phantom subscriber must be added to the system before anyone will be allowed to c reate and send a b road c ast messag e or log in announc ement. The PERMISSIONS, Type field must b e set to “ none” to d isallow c all answer p ermission for this sub sc rib er. The p hantom sub sc rib er is id entified as the broadcast mailbox by a “y” in the Broadcast Mailbox? field. You must sp ecify “ y” when initially ad d ing the p hantom sub sc rib er, b ec ause you will not be ab le to c hang e the value in the b road c ast mailb ox later (to c hang e the b road c ast mailb ox value, you must d elete the sub sc rib er rec ord and re-enter it). The b roadc ast mailb ox extension is id entified on the System-Parameters Features sc reen for referenc e. Login ID and Password Subscribers with broadcast permission do not normally need to use the b roadc ast mailb ox log in ID and p assword to c reate b road c ast messages. Therefore, c onsid er c arefully how many ind ivid uals are g iven the extension and p assword of the b road c ast mailb ox. The only reason to log into this mailb ox is to p rematurely p urg e a b road c ast messag e or log in announc ement b efore its sc hed uled exp iration time or to sc an the mailb ox to see what b road c ast messag es are p resent. If you sc an messag es in the b road c ast mailb ox, d o not p ress while sc anning messages (the message b eing sc anned will b e totally d eleted from the system and no one will hear that message ag ain). Message Storage and Deletion When a sub sc rib er with b road c ast p ermission c reates a b roadc ast messag e, the messag e is stored in the sub sc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox until the sc hed uled d elivery time when it is d elivered to the b road c ast mailb ox. The sub sc rib er c an change the message’s text and status prior to delivery the same as any voic e mail messag e orig inated b y the sub sc rib er. After the message is delivered to the broadcast mailbox, it is no longer owned by the orig inator and c an b e d eleted only b y logg ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the b road c ast mailb ox extension and p assword . Broad c ast messag es are d eleted automatic ally two d ays after the delivery d ate unless otherwise sp ec ified d uring messag e c reation. *D

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-7 Broadcast Messages 3 The size of the b road c ast mailbox is d efined on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The maximum length of individual broadcast messages is defined by each orig inator’s maximum messag e length on p ag e 2 of the Sub sc rib er screen. A maximum of 16 messages c an be in the b roadc ast mailb ox at one time. However, because broadcast messages will be presented to subscribers before their other messag es, use restraint with this feature to avoid overwhelming sub sc rib ers with messag e head ers that must b e sc anned b efore they c an hear their p ersonal messag es. The List Measurements Feature and List Measurements Subscriber sc reens inc lud e information ab out the numb er of b road c ast messag es that are sent during their respective reporting periods. Administration To administer broadcast messaging: 1. Choose one of the following : nIf p ermission to c reate broad c ast messag es is b y c lass-of-servic e, use the List Sub sc rib er sc reen (or the AUDIX ADAP) to verify that only the intend ed sub sc rib ers are memb ers of that c lass-of-servic e. Then set b road c ast p ermission to “ both” or “ voic e” on the ap p rop riate Class of Servic e sc reen. nIf p ermission to c reate broad c ast messag es is on a p er-sub sc rib er b asis, set b road c ast permission to “ b oth” or “ voic e” on the Su b s c r ib e r sc reen for eac h ind ivid ual sub sc rib er who will have that p ermission. 2. Set up a p hantom sub sc rib er for the b road c ast mailb ox on the Sub sc rib er sc reen using a DEFINITY AUDIX extension that is not ad ministered at the switc h. Set the Broadcast Mailbox? field to “ y” (you must set the b roadc ast mailbox to “ y” when you initially c reate the p hantom sub sc rib er b ec ause you c annot c hange the field on an existing sub sc rib er). Set PERMISSIONS, Typ e to “ none” for this sub sc rib er. Make sure the mailb ox size is larg e enoug h to hold at least 16 messag es, and that inc oming mailb ox retention times are longer than the numb er of d ays you will want to keep b road c ast messages ac tive in your system. To c reate a b road c ast message: 1. Using your touc h-tone p hone, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system as a subscriber who has broadcast permission, and press to record a messag e. 2. Rec ord the messag e, and p ress to ap p rove the messag e. 3. Ind ic ate that there are no add itional rec ip ients b y p ressing . 4. Press in resp onse to the voic e p romp ts to make the messag e a b roadc ast messag e. 1 # # 8

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-8 Broadcast Messages 3 5. If you want the messag e to b e p rivate, p ress in resp onse to the voic e p rompts, and sub sc rib ers will b e unab le to forward the messag e. In the d elivery op tions menu, you also c an sp ec ify filing or future d elivery. Press to file a c op y of your broad c ast messag e. Press to sp ec ify d elivery for some time in the future. 6. Optionally, p ress to hear the sec ond -level b road c ast op tions menu, and then p ress to notify rec ip ients of the b road c ast messag e (not rec ommend ed und er normal c irc umstanc es) or to c hang e the messag e exp iration d ate from the d efault (two d ays after delivery date) up to a year in the future. Press as p romp ted to ap p rove your b road c ast op tion c hang es, and return to the d elivery op tions menu. 7. Press in response to the voic e p rompts to ap p rove the d elivery op tions. Note that the b roadc ast messag es you c reate are “ d elivered ” into one and only one mailbox, the sp ec ial b road c ast mailb ox. Sub sc ribers will hear b roadc ast messag es from this b road c ast mailb ox, althoug h they will have the p erc ep tion that the messag es are in their own mailb oxes. Sub sc rib ers must press after hearing a broad c ast messag e, or the DEFINITY AUDIX system will make a c op y of that messag e in the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox in the unop ened or old c ateg ory, dep end ing on whether or not they listened to the message b od y. To c hange or d elete a b road c ast messag e: nTo c hang e the messag e text or d elivery instruc tions before the sc hed uled d elivery, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the extension and p assword of the person who c reated the messag e, p ress to c hec k outgoing messag es, and ed it as you would for any outg oing messag e. To c hang e messag e op tions (b road c ast, p rivate, notific ation), ac tivate or d eac tivate op tions as p romp ted . To c hang e b road c ast op tions (notific ation, expiration d ate), p ress at the delivery op tions menu to hear the broad c ast op tions menu and make c hang es as app rop riate. nTo purge a broadcast message after the sc hed uled d elivery b ut b efore the exp iration date, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the extension and p assword of the b road c ast mailb ox, sc an the inc oming mailb ox until you find the b road c ast messag e you wish to p urg e, and p ress to d elete it. NOTE: If you delete a broadcast message that has had message waiting notific ation turned on, it will take the system an aud it c yc le to turn off all the Messag e Waiting Ind ic ators (MWIs). To minimize subsc riber c onfusion, if a b road c ast messag e with messag e waiting notific ation is d eleted from the b road c ast mailb ox or exp ires while MWIs are lit for it, sub sc rib ers will hear a messag e, “ Broad c aster has d eleted this b road c ast messag e” when they resp ond to the b road c ast messag e notific ation. This new b road c ast d eleted messag e will b e purg ed from sub sc rib er mailb oxes when the nig htly aud its run and MWIs that are still lit will b e turned off at that time. 1 43 *M 1 2 # # *D 4 *M *D