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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    A system 
    reb oot is d one to c lear major system problems (suc h as c orrup t program memory). It 
    also runs automatically whenever the system is p owered  up . Also see 
    Remote Field Update
    A set of software chang es on a given release that is transmitted from a c entral location to customer 
    eq uip ment. Chang es are generally restricted to serious b ug  fixes and  are limited  in volume.
    Reply Loop Escape
    Allows the sub sc rib er the op tion to return to resp ond ing  to a messag e after trying  to rep ly to a 
    non-subsc rib er messag e.
    During maintenanc e, a system 
    restart b ring s the system software b ac k into full servic e, usually 
    after an ad ministrative shutd own. This is often d one to try to clear software problems.
    Red uced  Instruc tion Set Comp uter. Refers to c omp uters b ased on an unusually hig h speed p ro-
    cessing  tec hnolog y that uses a far simp ler set of operating c ommands.
    Sanity and Control Interface (SAKI)
    An integ rated  c irc uit that rec eives and transmits TDM b us control messages and monitors the san-
    ity of the ang el p rocessor.
    Shutdown States
    States of system operation where either a technic ian can shut d own the system for maintenance, 
    or where a c ritical error c ond ition b ring s d own the system. In either c ase, filesystems are c losed  
    and  the system can b e powered  down and  removed from the c arrier.
    Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)
    An interface stand ard  d efining the p hysic al, log ic al, and  electrical c onnections to comp uter sys-
    tem p erip herals suc h as tape, magneto-optic al and  disk drives.
    Standalone Utility
    A software utility with op tions that inc lud e d isk d rive initialization, c op ying  files from a g eneric  tap e 
    or MO disk onto the c ustomers d isk, and map  p artition mod ific ation. With release 3.2 and  earlier 
    releases the stand alone utilities where referred to as stand alone tap e utilities.
    Subscriber Specific Announcement Set
    When the Multiling ual feature is enab led , each sub sc rib er form has three field s sp ecifying the 
    announcement set with whic h the sub sc rib er will interac t with the system once they log in, and  the 
    two announc ement sets with whic h c allers to the sub sc rib ers mailb ox can interact with the sys-
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
    A set of protoc ol stand ard s which allows a p roc ess on one mac hine to send  data to a p roc ess on 
    another machine. Communication may b e full or half dup lex. TCP/IP inc lud es sup port for multip le 
    op erating  systems and  mac hine architec tures.
    Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD)
    A categ ory of DEFINITY AUDIX features, including p ersonal g reeting s and  announc ement sets, 
    that exchang e text messages with sub scribers or callers using teletyp ewriters. 
    Teletypewriter (TTY)
    A devic e that uses Baud ot tones to transmit text-b ased  telep hone messag es for the hearing  
    imp aired . Sub sc rib ers or c allers can use teletyp ewriters to acc ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system if 
    TDD features are enab led .
    Time Division Multiplex (TDM) Bus
    The interfac e b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX System and the switc h that c arries dig itally-enc od ed 
    voic e waveforms and  circuit-switc hed  data.
    A limited  inc remental chang e on an existing  release involving  software only.
    The rep lacement of one release with a new release. This may involve software, flashware, hard -
    ware, and/or data.
    Vo i c e  P o r t
    An elec tric al p athway that c onnects c alls b etween two devic es, such as telep hones, switches, or 
    voic e messag ing  systems. 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507   Issue 7
    May 1999
    Activity log,7-3
    ADAP,1-5, 3-3Add ing
    automated attend ants,9-7
    broadcast messages,3-7frag ment to announc ement,6-16login announc ements,3-19
    subscriber name recordings,5-4subscrib ers,5-1Administration
    ad d  frag ment to an announc ement
    ,6-16c ustomizing  system announcements,6-9Administration and  Data Ac quisition Packag e, see ADAP
    Administration log
    ,5-6, 7-3Administrative announcements,6-12Administrator
    p rereq uisite skills
    ,xiresp onsibilities,1-6, 4-2, 5-13, A-1subscrib er interac tion,A-1
    Alarm orig ination,3-3Alarms,1-5error logs,7-2
    hand ling,7-1origination,3-3system,7-1
    Americ ans with Disab ilities Ac t,3-28AMIS analog networking
    Announc ement directory
    b ac kup  req uirements,6-7Announc ement sets,3-3
    creating,6-13Announc ements,3-3ad ministrative,6-12
    c ustomizing,2-6, 6-9eliminating fragments from announcements,6-15
    frag ments,6-10system,6-12useng,6-9
    Aud io sessions,11-2Aud its,1-5automatic,7-6
    d emand,7-6filesystems,6-4periodic,7-6
    AUDIX login sessions,11-2Automated  attend ants
    ad ministration,9-1, 9-7
    b ulletin board d irec tories,9-23c ustomizing,2-6description,3-4
    examples,9-17listing  attend ants,9-11 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Automated  attend ants, (c ontinued)
    main attend ants
    ,9-17multiling ual,9-3nested attend ants,9-19
    nonresid ent sub sc rib ers,9-21overview,9-1p rereq uisite conditions,9-6
    rec ord ing  attend ant menus,9-10setting  up,9-7shared  extensions,9-20
    theory,9-5TTY,3-30using  multip le p ersonal greetings,9-24
    Automatic  messag e sc an,5-11
    Bac king up
    announc ement d irec tory
    ,6-7filesystems,6-6names d irec tory,6-7
    subd irec tories,6-6system d ata filesystem,6-7voic e,6-7
    Bac kup s
    announc ement d irec tory,6-7installing  a tape,6-8
    installing  an MO d isk,6-8MO d isk,4-3names d irec tory,6-7
    policies,10-3rec overing b acked -up filesystems,6-9system d ata filesystem,6-7
    tap es to use,6-6voic e,6-6, 6-7Basic call transfer,3-34
    Broad cast messages,3-5c hang ing  or d eleting,3-8creating,3-7
    TTY,3-5Bulletin b oard s,3-9directories,9-23
    Call answer,3-9c hang ing  default g reeting s,6-14, 6-20
    Call answer language c hoice,3-22Call answer p rimary announc ement set,3-22Call answer sec ond ary announc ement set,3-22
    Call sc reening,3-10Call transfer,3-32Call transfer restrictions,10-5 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Cap ac ity
    p lanning
    ,8-9Chang e request and  trouble rep ort form,A-1Chang e-request form,5-14, A-1
    Chang ing
    broadcast messages,3-8d efault c all answer g reeting s,6-14, 6-20
    d efault voic e mail g reeting s,6-21extension length,3-11, 5-10login announc ements,3-19
    subscrib er extensions,5-7subscriber name recordings,5-4subscrib er names,5-7
    subscrib er servic e op tions,5-8Chec king  threshold  exc ep tions,6-5Class of servic e screen
    intuity messag e manag er
    ,11-6Classes of servic e,3-13changing subscribers,5-8
    Cleaning the removab le tap e,4-4Client software,11-2Cloc k, see System clock,3-28
    Communic ating with sub sc ribers,A-1Community traffic  rep orts,8-7Creating
    announc ement sets
    ,6-13Customer c are c enter,xvCustomizing  announcements,2-6, 6-9
    Customizing  automated  attend ants,2-6
    Daily maintenance tasks,4-2
    Data ad ministration
    overview,1-3, 6-1Data collec tion
    ,8-5Data org anization,6-1Data retention
    c all answer g reeting s
    ,6-14, 6-20voic e mail g reeting s,6-21DEFINITY AUDIX System Screens Referenc e,xiv
    broadcast messages,3-8frag ments from announcements,6-15
    login announc ements,3-19subscrib ers,5-5Delivery sc hed uling,5-11
    Diag nostic  prog rams,1-5Dial-by-name,5-11Dig ital networking,3-14
    Direc tories
    b ulletin boards,9-23 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Direc tory
    adding subscribers
    ,5-2description,5-11p ersonal,5-12
    Distributing subscriber documentation,2-7Doc umentation
    subscrib er,2-7
    Domain name server,11-8Domain name system,11-8
    End-of-message warning,3-14Enhanc ed  c all transfer,3-34Error log s,1-5, 7-1
    alarms,7-2hand ling,7-1
    Esc ap e to attend ant,3-16Exit AUDIX,3-16Ext en s io ns
    ,5-7c hang ing  length,3-11, 5-10listing,5-7
    Feature traffic  rep orts,8-8
    ac tivity log,7-3ad ministration,3-1
    alarm origination,3-3AMIS analog  networking,3-2announc ement administration,3-3
    automated attend ant,2-6, 3-4automatic message sc an,5-11broadcast messages,3-5
    b ulletin boards,3-9c all answer,3-9
    c all sc reening,3-10class of service,3-13d elivery sched uling,5-11
    dial-by-name,5-11d ig ital networking,3-14directory,5-11
    d isc onnec t d etect,3-15end-of-messag e warning,3-14escap e to attend ant,3-16
    exit AUDIX,3-16full mailb ox answer mod e,5-12guest passwords,3-16
    leave word  c alling,3-17login announc ements,3-17mailing  lists,3-20 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Features, (continued )
    messag e d elivery
    ,3-20messag e send ing  restric tions,3-21multiple p ersonal greetings,3-23
    name rec ord  b y sub sc riber,3-25online help,3-25outcalling,3-26
    overview,3-1p ersonal directory,5-12playback and recording control,5-12
    p riority messages,3-27p riority outc alling,3-27p rivate messages,5-12
    security p assword s,5-13subscrib ers,5-11system c loc k,3-28
    traffic  rep orts,3-32transfer into AUDIX,3-32transfer out of AUDIX,3-32
    untouched  messag e,5-13voic e mail,3-35voic e mailbox,3-36
    ad d  frag ment to an announc ement,6-16audits,6-4
    b ac kup  req uirements,6-6c ustomizing  announcements,6-9d ata organization,6-1
    d efined,6-3interactions,6-4names d irec tory,6-7
    org anization,6-1rec overing b ackup s,6-9sizes,6-4
    system d ata,6-7threshold exceptions,6-5voic e text d irectory,6-7
    volumes,6-2Fr a g m e n t s
    ad d  to an announcement,6-16
    d efined,6-10eliminating from announcements,6-15rerecord ing,6-14
    Full mailb ox answer mod e,5-12
    Generating traffic  rep orts,8-7Grade of servic e,8-9Greeting s
    d efault c all answer
    ,6-14, 6-20d efault voic e mail,6-21guest,9-6
    multiple p ersonal,3-23Guest g reeting,9-6Guest p assword,3-16 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    ,3-25online,3-25p ath line,3-25
    Help line
    see c ustomer c are c enter,xvHow d ata are organized,6-1
    Initial ad ministration
    after c omp letion,2-8
    c ustomizing  system announcements,2-6logg ing  in,2-4overview,1-4, 2-1
    p rereq uisites,2-2Installing
    MO d isk,6-8
    removable tapes,6-8Interfac e
    ad ministrative,1-2
    Intuity Messag e Manager,11-1ad ministering,11-3b alancing server log in sessions with voic e p orts,11-11
    c lient software,11-2hand ling  prob lems with service,11-8outcalling,11-3
    p erformance c ontrols,11-12session limitations,11-2traffic,11-11
    ad ministering  the AUDIX server
    ,11-3pinging the default gateway,11-9resetting  the AUDIX server,11-9
    server,11-3testing  the c onnec tion,11-9Leave word  calling feature,3-17
    Limits, see System limits,4-4Listing
    automated attend ants,9-11
    extensions,5-7subscrib ers,5-7Load traffic  rep orts,8-12
    Loc al area network, see LAN,11-1Logging in,2-4Log in announcement set,3-22 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Log in announcements
    description,3-17Log ins
    attemp ts,10-1
    unloc king  sub sc rib er,5-6unsucc essful attemp ts,5-6, 10-1Log s,1-5
    ac tivity,7-3ad ministration,5-6, 7-3
    Mailb oxes
    locked,10-1voic e,3-36
    zero-leng th,10-6Mailing  lists,3-20Maintenanc e
    daily tasks
    ,4-2monthly tasks,4-4ongoing,4-1
    overview,4-1ports,10-3p reventive,4-1
    resp onsibilities,4-2weekly tasks,4-3Manag ement tools, see System manag ement tools,1-5
    Messag e d elivery,3-20Messag e send ing  restric tions,3-21Messag es
    ,3-5c all answer,3-9login announc ements,3-17
    priority,3-27private,5-12undeliverab le,5-13
    untouched,5-13voic e mail,3-35
    MO d isk,6-6rep lac ing,6-8Monthly maintenanc e tasks,4-4
    Multiling ual,3-21automated attend ant,9-3Multip le p ersonal g reeting s,3-23, 9-24 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507    Issue 7
    May 1999
    Name rec ord  by sub sc rib er,3-25
    changing,5-7d irec tory bac kup  req uirements,6-7
    numb ers directory,5-11subscriber name recordings,3-25subscriber recording,5-4
    Nested  attendants,9-19New sub scrib er administration,5-2Nonresid ent subscrib ers,9-21
    Ongoing  administration,1-4Online help,3-25
    Org anization
    Outc alling
    ad ministration,3-26description,3-26
    intuity messag e manag er,11-3priority,3-27
    Pas sw o r d
    Pas sw o r d s,2-4ad ministration,5-13ad ministrator,10-2
    changing,2-5, 10-3fac tory-installed,10-3
    security,5-13sec urity c onsid erations,10-1, 10-3system,10-2
    Path line help,3-25Personal d irec tory,5-12Phases of ad ministration,1-4
    ad ministration,1-4overview,1-4
    port capacity,8-9Playback and recording control,5-12Por t s
    c apac ity p lanning
    ,8-9maintenanc e,10-3Prerequisites
    ad ministration skills
    ,xiinitial administration,2-2 
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