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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-3 Administration Log 7 Administration Log Prob lems that req uire your attention ap p ear in the ad ministration log . These ad ministration errors (inc lud ing notific ation of full mailb oxes, b reak-in attemp ts to sub sc rib er mailboxes, nondeliverab le messag es, extensions without rec ord ed names) should b e c orrec ted to op timize DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration or sec urity. The system d isp lays an alarm messag e (alarms: A ) on the DEFINITY AUDIX status line when it log s ad ministration errors. The ad ministration log should b e c hec ked by the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator eac h morning as a p art of the ong oing p reventive maintenanc e routine that was described in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Ong oing Preventive Maintenanc e’’. You can correct subscrib er p rob lems id entified in the ad ministration log using reg ular ad ministrative p roc ed ures (suc h as rec ord ing a name or notifying a sub sc rib er of a delayed delivery, undeliverable message, or apparent break-in attempts). Note that the ad ministration alarm on the STATUS line is c leared when you ac c ess the ad ministration log , even if you d o not c orrec t the p rob lem. Activity Log The Ac tivity Log is an administrative tool useful for investigating reported p rob lems with messag e d elivery and the op eration of the message waiting indic ator (MWI). It maintains a history of the ac tivity in the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Sinc e you then c an trac k ac tivity b y sub sc rib er extension and a sp ec ific time, you will often b e ab le to resolve rep orted p rob lems b y ob serving the Ac tivity Log b efore filing a troub le rep ort with Luc ent. You will use two d ifferent sc reens when working with the Ac tivity Log: the System-Parameters Ac tivity-Log sc reen and the Disp lay Ac tivity-Log sc reen. Use the change/display system-parameters activity-log c ommand to: nEnab le/d isab le the Ac tivity Log . The d efault is “ n” — The Ac tivity Log is disabled. nInstruc t the Ac tivity Log to rec ord MWI up d ates. The d efault is “ n” — The Ac tivity Log will not rec ord MWI up d ates. nSet a maximum numb er of Ac tivity Log entries. The maximum allowab le value is 99,999. The d efault is 10,000. If this numb er is red uc ed to a numb er less than the number of rec ord s c urrently in the log , the log will b e c leared . In this c ase, the user will b e notified and p romp ted to c onfirm. Use the Disp lay Ad ministration-Log sc reen to selec t and d isp lay ad ministration errors from the system log . Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc ription of this sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-4 Activity Log 7 nClear all entries in the Ac tivity Log. The d efault is “ n” . If you enter “ y” , all entries in the Ac tivity Log will b e c leared immed iately. However, this value always reverts to “ n” after you exit the sc reen as long as you have the Ac tivity Log enab led . NOTE: If you instruc t the Ac tivity Log to rec ord MWI upd ates, the numb er of records g enerated will increase significantly and could d egrade system p erformanc e. It is rec ommend ed that this field not be enab led on a reg ular b asis, b ut only as nec essary. Onc e you have enab led the Ac tivity Log , it rec ord s sp ec ific ac tivities for eac h sub sc rib er’s mailb ox, inc lud ing : nSub sc rib er log -in/log -off. These entries inc lud e new, unop ened , and old messag e c ounts. nRec eip t of a new messag e nSc heduled d elivery of a messag e nCanc eled d elivery of a sc hed uled messag e nStatus of a new messag e. The status of a messag e c an c hang e from new to unop ened , new to old , or from unop ened to old. nMWI up d ates (if enab led ) nResets. A reset entry is mad e whenever the system d ate and /or time is c hang ed , either manually or automatic ally, and inc lud es the p revious d ate and time. You will use the display activity-log extension c ommand and d esignate a d ate and time. The Ac tivity Log sc reen then d isp lays ac tivity information for the selec ted sub sc rib er. The events are listed in c hronolog ic al ord er (old est first) b eg inning with the sp ec ified d ate and time. Press (F7) to d isp lay the remaining entries. A rec eived entry is mad e in the Ac tivity Log eac h time a messag e is d elivered into a subsc rib er’s mailbox. Note that a messag e with multip le rec ip ients will g enerate a rec eived entry for eac h rec ip ient. The messag e may b e one of the following : nVoice mail (VM) nPriority voice mail nCall Answer (CA) nLeave Word Calling (LWC) nBroad c ast voic e mail messag e N EXTPA G E

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-5 Activity Log 7 nLog -in announc ement nAMIS analog networking messag e nUnd eliverab le message notific ation A sched uled entry is mad e in the Ac tivity Log eac h time a messag e is sc hed uled for d elivery. A sing le sc hed uled entry will b e mad e for a messag e reg ard less of the numb er of rec ip ients. The messag e may b e one of the following : nVoice mail nPriority voice mail nCall Answer Sinc e Call Answer messag es are sc heduled for immediate d elivery at the time they are c reated , the sc hed uled d elivery time is not rep eated on the d isp lay. In ad dition, — If b oth the c alling p arty and the c alled p arty are loc al sub sc rib ers, the d isp lay will show that the c alling p arty sc hed uled the messag e for the c alled p arty. — If the c alling p arty is not a loc al sub sc rib er, the ac tivity will not b e rec ord ed . — If the c alled p arty is not a loc al sub sc rib er, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will have no knowled g e of the c all and the ac tivity will not b e rec ord ed . nBroad c ast voic e mail messag e nLog -in announc ement It is rec ommend ed that you enab le the Ac tivity Log so that you have the b enefit of the information at the time p rob lems are rep orted . The Ac tivity Log will help you d iag nose user-p erc eived p rob lems, MWI d elays, resc hed uled d eliveries d ue to full mailb oxes, and the like. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of Ac tivity Log sc reens.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-6 Demand and Periodic Audits 7 Demand and Periodic Audits There are two major typ es of audits: p eriod ic (or automatic ) aud its and d emand aud its. Aud its are software prog rams d esig ned to up d ate internal DEFINITY AUDIX filesystems and sync hronize them with eac h other and to rec ognize and resolve p rob lems that may oc c ur within filesystems. Some aud its run automatic ally eac h nig ht, others run onc e eac h week, and still others are run only on d emand (typ ic ally b y the TSC d uring a remote op eration) as p art of a rec overy p roc ed ure or in resp onse to a sp ec ific p rob lem while troub leshooting the system. The DEFINITY AUDIX system also may run aud its automatic ally in resp onse to system faults that c ause alarms. Both demand and p eriod ic aud its are defined in Table 7-1, Demand and Periodic Aud its. Table 7-1. Demand and Periodic Audits Audits FunctionPerformed Periodically? Announc ements Performs an announc ement c ontrol integ rity c hec k No Fi le s p a c eAdjusts software’s internal size c ounts for the voic e sub d irec tory of the storag e filesystem to ag ree with ac tual size of subd irec tory on d iskAt least every half hour Mailing lists nCounts subsc rib er lists and entries on a system and p er-subsc riber b asisWe e k l y nRemoves d eleted sub sc rib ers from lists Weekly nUp dates remote sub sc rib er p rofiles to allow d eletion of names from loc al mailing listsDaily nAud its d elivery manager q ueues, and makes und eliverab le entries for deleted sub sc ribersDaily Maintenanc e log s Performs internal c hec ks on maintenanc e logs Weekly Messag e d ata nRemoves IDs of deleted sub sc rib ers from messag e head ersEvery 3 d ays nRemoves referenc es to nonexistent voic e files from messag e head ersWe e k l y nPuts a time frame on remote sub sc rib ers who are orig inators or rec ipients of existing messag es to sup p ort the remote sub sc rib er d eletion featureWe e k l y Personal d irec tories Removes d eleted sub sc rib ers from loc al sub sc rib ers’ p ersonal d irec toriesWe e k l y Reb uild sc rip t Rebuild s sub sc rib er mailboxes and d elivery queues (Only in OA&M mode) No Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-7 Demand and Periodic Audits 7 Sub sc rib er d atanChec ks d elivery lists assoc iated with c urrent outgoing messagesWe e k l y nValid ates field s in c lass-of-servic e templates, sub sc rib er profiles, and automated attendant p rofilesWe e k l y nCounts subsc rib ers Weekly nChec ks the system g uest p assword ag ainst individ ual subsc rib er p assword s, and makes ap prop riate entries in the ad ministration logWe e k l y nChec ks subsc riber p rofiles ag ainst c lass-of-servic e templates, and c hanges sub sc rib ers to a c lass-of-servic e if a matc h existsWe e k l y nDeletes remote unverified sub sc rib ers who have not b een on d elivery lists in last 24 hoursDaily nDeletes remote sub sc rib ers with no valid nod es Daily nDeletes unad ministered remote sub sc rib ers who have not used the system for a sp ec ified time periodDaily nCross-c hec ks name, extension, touc h-tone, user d irec tory and remote note list translation files for c onsistenc y with sub sc rib er profilesWe e k l y Mailb oxes nChec ks and deletes old messag es and login announc ementsDaily nClears b roadc ast-d eleted messag es from sub sc rib er mailb oxesDaily nSends subsc riber messag e-waiting indic ations to switc hDaily nChec ks for valid mailb ox struc ture Weekly nMakes sp ac e-ac c ounting c orrec tions on a p er-sub sc rib er and system basisWe e k l y nChec ks for valid messag e and sub sc rib er IDs No Switc h-translations Examines and up d ates internal d ata used b y the switc h interfac eWe e k l y Voic e files Deletes files in the voic e sub d irec tory of the storage filesystem not having message head ersWe e k l y Table 7-1. Demand and Periodic Audits — Continued Audits FunctionPerformed Periodically? Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Alarms, Logs, and Audits 7-8 Demand and Periodic Audits 7 Periodic or automatic aud its run at nig ht so as not to c ompete for system time with c all p roc essing . The aud its normally c omp lete in several hours. It is imp ortant that you b ec ome familiar with aud its and their op eration sinc e you c ontinually must monitor system p erformanc e. NamesnMatc hes eac h voic e name with a valid loc al or remote sub sc rib erWe e k l y nLog s messages in administration log for first 20 loc al sub sc rib ers not having voic ed namesWe e k l y Switc h-names Matc hes eac h voic e name with a valid loc al or remote sub sc riber on the switc hNig htly Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete description of audit screens. Table 7-1. Demand and Periodic Audits — Continued Audits FunctionPerformed Periodically? Continued on next page

Traffic Reports 8-1 Overview 8 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 8 Traffic Reports This c hapter d esc rib es how to p rod uc e and interp ret the DEFINITY AUDIX system traffic rep orts. Overview The DEFINITY AUDIX system c ollec ts traffic information that d ep ic ts how the system is b eing used , inc lud ing d ata ab out features, sub sc rib ers, c ommunities, d ata port load s, and remote messag e traffic . This information is d isp layed on rep orts that are p rod uc ed using the DEFINITY AUDIX traffic sc reens. DEFINITY AUDIX traffic rep orts serve several p urp oses: nThey help you d etermine if your DEFINITY AUDIX system is p erforming at p eak effic ienc y b y p rovid ing ac tual usage information that you c an c omp are with the typ e of usag e that was initially forec ast for your system. nThey help you troub leshoot ad ministration p rob lems that c an oc c ur with sub sc rib ers and eq uip ment as system usag e g rows in your c omp any and req uirements c hang e. nIf you are using the AMIS Analog Networking feature, they provide information ab out outc alling p orts, sub sc rib er traffic , and feature traffic that help you evaluate system effic ienc y. AMIS analog messag es will b e inc lud ed in the following statistic s on traffic rep orts: voic e mail sessions, total messag es, averag e storag e time/mailb ox sp ac e used , remote messag es sent/rec eived , port usag e, outc alling p ort usage, und eliverab le notific ations, and c ommunity usag e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-2 Traffic Report Summary 8 Ad d itionally, if you run and p rint DEFINITY AUDIX traffic rep orts on a reg ular basis and file them sequentially by date, they can provide an ongoing paper aud it and historic al referenc e of your DEFINITY AUDIX system that may b e useful for analyzing trend s and trac king system p erformanc e over a period of time. Sinc e traffic rec ord s c ollec ted for a sp ec ific day, hour, or month are retained only for a limited numb er of d ays, hours, or months, it is imp erative that you run the rep orts on a reg ular sc hed ule to ensure c omp leteness and c onsistenc y from one rep orting p eriod to the next. Two of the most imp ortant uses for DEFINITY AUDIX traffic rep orts are d etermining the g rade of servic e p rovid ed sub sc rib ers d uring the b usy hour at your site and d etermining the p ort usag e on the DEFINITY AUDIX system in d aily or hourly p eriod s. These ap p lic ations, d esc rib ed in Chapter 4, ‘‘Ongoing Preventive Maintenanc e’’, should be performed periodically to monitor p erformanc e and to antic ip ate your system’s need s. Traffic Report Summary Ind ivid ual DEFINITY AUDIX traffic reports and their c ontents are listed below. Guid elines for interp reting these rep orts follow in this c hap ter. Instruc tions for p rod uc ing the ind ivid ual reports and field -b y-field d esc rip tions are in the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e. Traffic Report Contents Community The Community Daily Traffic and the Community Hourly Traffic rep orts list information ab out the send ing restric tions b y c ommunity feature for any day or hour in the p ast 32 d ays or 192 hours, inc lud ing the numb er of messag es sent and rec eived b y eac h c ommunity and the numb er of messag es not sent and not rec eived b y eac h c ommunity d ue to send ing restric tions. Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-3 Traffic Report Summary 8 Feature The Feature Daily Traffic and the Feature Hourly Traffic rep orts eac h d isp lay two sep arate rep orts listing session or messag e traffic information for any of the p ast 32 d ays or 192 hours. The rep ort lists d ifferent typ es of sub sc rib er, voic e mail, and c all answer information: nThe averag e numb er of p orts in use d uring the b usiest hour nThe number of loc al, remote, and non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers administered at the end of the period nThe voic e mail session usag e time and the numb er of suc c essful and unsuc c essful log in attemp ts b y internal and external c allers nThe c all answer session usag e time and the numb er of c omp leted and ab and oned c alls b y internal and external c allers nThe numb er of voic e mail messag es sent and c urrently resid ing on the DEFINITY AUDIX system nThe number of b road c ast messag es, log -in announc ements, p riority messag es, and p rivate messag es sent and c urrently resid ing on the DEFINITY AUDIX system nThe number of c all answer messag es sent and c urrently resid ing on the DEFINITY AUDIX system nThe averag e leng th of voic e mail and c all answer c alls. This is the amount of time the messag es were stored in the mailb oxes and the averag e time b etween when voic e mail and c all answer messag es were delivered and when they were removed from the system Load The Load Daily Traffic and the Load Hourly Traffic rep orts list port usag e and related information for any of the p ast 32 d ays or hourly for the p ast 192 hours, inc lud ing the following : nThe numb er of sec ond s eac h p ort hand led c alls and the numb er of c alls that were hand led nThe number of warning s the system issued informing a sub sc rib er that s/he has exc eed ed the total numb er of mailing lists or list entries allowed d uring the d ay or hour rep orted nThe number of sub sc rib er mailb ox threshold exc ep tions and the numb er of messag e d eliveries that req uired resc hed uling Traffic Report Contents Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-4 Traffic Report Summary 8 Sp e c i a l featuresThe Sp ec ial Features Daily Traffic and the Sp ec ial Features Hourly Traffic rep orts list outc alling information for the p ast 32 days or the p ast 192 hours, inc lud ing the following : nThe maximum number of p orts with an outc all in p rog ress at any one time d uring c ollec tion nThe total numb er of outc alls attemp ted d uring the c ollec tion p eriod nThe total numb er of outc alls c omp leted d uring the c ollec tion period nThe total numb er of outc alls resc hed uled d uring the c ollec tion p eriod b ec ause all availab le p orts were b usy Sub sc rib er The Sub sc riber Daily Traffic and the Sub sc rib er Monthly Traffic rep orts d isp lay session traffic, messag es received , and messag es created information on a sp ec ific sub sc rib er on a d aily (up to the last 8 d ays) or a monthly b asis. These rep orts inc lud e the following information: nThe larg est amount of messag e sp ac e (in sec ond s) used at any given time by the subscriber nThe minimum amount of sp ac e (in sec ond s) that is g uaranteed in the sub scrib er’s mailb ox nThe numb er of times the sub sc rib er used the c all answer/voic e mail features d uring p rime and non-p rime time nThe total amount of time (in sec ond s) for all sessions that the sub sc rib er used the c all answer/voic e mail feature d uring p rime and non-p rime time nThe number of voic e mail messages rec eived nThe number of und eliverab le messag es rec eived b y the sub sc rib er nThe number of new c all answer messag es stored in the subscriber’s mailbox during prime and non-prime time for the day nThe number of voic e mail messages c reated b y the sub sc rib er nThe number of b road c ast messag es c reated b y the sub sc rib er nThe number of log in announc ements c reated b y the subsc rib er nThe number of p riority messag es c reated b y the sub sc rib er nThe number of p rivate messag es c reated b y the sub sc riber nThe number of voic e mail messages sent to loc al sub sc rib ers nThe number of voic e mail messages sent to remote sub sc rib ers Traffic Report Contents Continued on next page