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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-5 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 8 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e (ADAP) provid es a vehic le for d ownload ing subsc rib er, traffic , and b illing d ata d irec tly from the DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase files to a p ersonal c omp uter (PC) for further proc essing using a set of stand ard rep orts that run und er d BASE III Plus or using c ustomized d BASE III Plus rep orts d evelop ed b y you or your p rog ramming staff. Outp ut from the stand ard rep orts and from your c ustomized rep orts c an b e d isp layed op tionally in a g rap hic format using the Stella Business Grap hic s p rog ram on the PC. NOTE: The Stella Business Grap hic s p rog ram is no long er availab le, b ut you may have p urc hased it with a p revious version of ADAP. ADAP is described in AUDIX Administration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e, 585-302-502. Activating Traffic Collection Traffic c ollec tion must be turned on b efore the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an produc e traffic reports. Since reports can be produced for the current day or hour, you c an start running traffic rep orts almost as soon as traffic c ollec tion is ac tivated . However, data for the full range of rep orting period s (suc h as 192 hours, eig ht d ays, or 13 months, d ep ending on the report) are not available until that many hours, d ays, or months worth of traffic d ata has b een c ollec ted . Use the System-Parameters Features sc reen to ac tivate traffic c ollec tion on a system-wid e b asis and to d efine the p rime time hours for c ollec tion. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-6 Data Retention Requirements 8 Data Retention Requirements When traffic c ollec tion is ac tivated , the DEFINITY AUDIX system stores the p resent c ollec tion rec ord and the c onsec utive p revious c ollec tion p eriod rec ord s. How long eac h rec ord is retained d ep end s on the rep ort it is c ollec ted for: nTraffic rec ord s c ontaining d aily information for the feature, load , c ommunity, and sp ec ial features rep orts are stored for 32 c onsec utive days. For examp le, if it is January 1, the p resent rec ord is the traffic c ollec ted so far today and the p revious d aily rec ords that are stored are the 31 p revious c onsec utive rec ord s starting at Dec ember 31 (yesterd ay) and going back to December 1. nTraffic records c ontaining daily information for the remote messages and sub sc rib er rep orts are stored for eig ht c onsec utive d ays. For examp le, if it is Mond ay, the p resent rec ord is the traffic c ollec ted so far today and the p revious d aily rec ords that are stored are the seven p revious c onsec utive rec ord s starting at Sunday (yesterd ay) and g oing b ac k to the p revious Mond ay. nTraffic rec ord s c ontaining hourly information for the c ommunity, feature, load , and sp ec ial features rep orts are stored for 192 c onsec utive hours, whic h is eight d ays of hourly information. For examp le, if it is 8:15 a.m., the present rec ord is the traffic c ollec ted this hour sinc e 8:00 a.m. and the p revious hourly rec ord s that are stored are the 191 p revious c onsec utive rec ord s starting at the hour c ounting b ac k from 8:00 a.m. nTraffic rec ord s c ontaining monthly information for the remote messag es and sub sc rib er rep orts are stored for 13 c onsec utive months. For examp le, if it is January, the p resent rec ord is the traffic c ollec ted so far this month. The p revious monthly rec ord s that are stored are the 12 rec ord s for the p revious year starting at Dec emb er (last month) and g oing b ac k to the p revious January. As eac h new traffic rec ord is c ollec ted , the oldest rec ord is d eleted . For examp le, if eig ht c onsec utive d aily rec ords are stored , today is the c urrent rec ord and a week ag o tod ay is the old est rec ord . The rec ord for the d ay b efore this old est record was deleted when collection began for today. What this means is that you must p rod uc e traffic rep orts on a reg ular and timely b asis or lose the information they make availab le to you. This is esp ec ially true if you retain the rep orts for historic al p urp oses as a DEFINITY AUDIX system p erformanc e aud it to use for c omp arative analysis.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-7 Using DEFINITY AUDIX Traffic Reports 8 Using DEFINITY AUDIX Traffic Reports To run the traffic rep orts, you enter the c ommand p ath to the sc reen you want to d isp lay on the DEFINITY AUDIX PATH line, the start d ate or month (and for some sc reens the starting hour or traffic typ e), and in a few sec ond s the rep ort for the starting d ay, month, or hour is d isp layed on your terminal sc reen. The c urrent d ay, month, or hour is d isp layed if no start d ate is g iven. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for instructions on running ind ividual traffic rep orts. Interpreting the Community Reports The Community Daily Traffic and Community Hourly Traffic reports p rovide information ab out the send ing restric tions b y c ommunity feature for up to 32 c onsec utive d ays or 192 c onsec utive hours. For eac h of the 15 p ossib le c ommunities of interest, the rep orts show the numb er of c alls sent and rec eived and the numb er of inc oming and outg oing c alls that were b loc ked b ec ause of send ing restric tions. Figure 8-1. Sample Community Daily Traffic Report AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 COMMUNITY DAILY TRAFFIC Date : ........ Ending Time : ..... Number of Voice Mail Messages Community ID Sent by Received by Not Sent by Not Received by 1 320669. 317332. 960.... ....... 2 2394... 5731... ....... 960.... 3 ....... ....... ....... ....... 4 ....... ....... ....... ....... 5 ....... ....... ....... ....... 6 ....... ....... ....... ....... 7 ....... ....... ....... ....... 8 ....... ....... ....... ....... 9 ....... ....... ....... ....... 10 ....... ....... ....... ....... 11 ....... ....... ....... ....... 12 ....... ....... ....... ....... 13 ....... ....... ....... ....... 14 ....... ....... ....... ....... 15 ....... ....... ....... ....... enter command: list measurements community day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements community day Page 1 of 1 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-8 Interpreting the Feature Reports 8 If you use the Sending Restric tions feature, use these rep orts to monitor the feature’s effec tiveness and to insure that only the ap p ropriate c ommunities in your org anization are restric ted . For examp le, if a c ommunity has a larg e numb er of calls being blocked by sending restrictions, you may want to investigate further to d etermine if there is an ad ministration p rob lem (are the rig ht c ommunities b eing allowed or d enied ac c ess?) or a sub sc rib er prob lem (d o sub sc rib ers know they are restric ted and is the restric tion app rop riate?). Also, d ep end ing on how you use the feature, these rep orts c an p rovid e sec urity information if you are monitoring c all ac tivity involving sensitive c ommunities. Interpreting the Feature Reports The Feature Daily Traffic and Feature Hourly Traffic rep orts eac h d isp lay two sep arate rep orts listing session traffic or messag e traffic information for up to 32 c onsec utive d ays or 192 c onsec utive hours. Figure 8-2. Sample Feature Daily Session Report AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 FEATURE DAILY TRAFFIC Date : 100192.. Ending Time : 09:16 Maximum Average Ports in Use: 6.2.. SUBSCRIBERS Local: 526... Remote: 778..... Non Administered Remote: 23...... VOICE MAIL Successful Logins, External: 24...... Internal: 431..... Failed Logins, ~ ~ External: 9....... Internal: 23...... Session Usage (Seconds) ~ ~: 26990... CALL ANSWER Completed Calls, ~ External: 225..... Internal: 350..... Abandoned Calls, ~ External: 80...... Internal: 45...... Session Usage (Seconds) ~ ~: 9334.... enter command: list measurements feature day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements feature day Page 1 of 2 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-9 Interpreting the Feature Reports 8 Figure 8-3. Sample Feature Daily Message Report These reports play an important role in determining the grade of service. Port req uirements on the DEFINITY AUDIX system are b ased on the use of p orts for all app lic ations inc lud ing c all answer, voic e mail, automated attend ant, outc alling , AMIS Analog Networking and Message Delivery. Grad e of servic e also is used in determining port requirements. Grad e of servic e is a p arameter that d esc ribes the d elays in ac c essing a p ort on the DEFINITY AUDIX system for the ap p lic ations mentioned ab ove. Id eally, enoug h p orts should b e p rovid ed so that there is always a p ort availab le. However, this is not nec essary sinc e c alls are q ueued in a hunt g roup until a p ort is availab le. This is ac c ep tab le to users as long as the d elays are not too long . The g rad e of servic e is d efined as the frac tion of c alls q ueued long er than 10% of the averag e hold ing time on the p orts. For examp le, if the averag e hold ing time on a DEFINITY AUDIX p ort is 100 sec ond s, then a.05 grad e of servic e means that 5% of the c alls will exp erienc e q ueuing delays of greater than 10 sec onds. A.05 or lower grade of servic e generally is recommended for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 FEATURE DAILY TRAFFIC Date : 100192.. Ending Time : 09:16 VOICE MAIL Total Messages,~~~Sent: 1725...... Current: 1431............... Broadcast Messages, ~ Sent: 0......... Current: 0.................. Log-in Announcements, Sent: 0......... Current: 0.................. Priority Messages, ~ ~Sent: 3......... Current: 0.................. Private Messages, ~ ~ Sent: 0......... Current: 0.................. Avg. Storage Time: 2061.... Avg. Connect Time: 35.... CALL ANSWER Total Messages,~~~Sent: 720....... Current: 643................ Avg. Storage Time: 5172.... Avg. Connect Time: 87.... enter command: list measurements feature day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements feature day Page 2 of 2 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-10 Interpreting the Feature Reports 8 To d etermine the p resent g rad e of servic e on an installed DEFINITY AUDIX system, the averag e p orts used d uring the b usy hour need to b e retrieved from the system traffic d ata. This c an be d one b y read ing the Maximum Averag e Ports in Use field on the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. (Use the c ommand , list measurements feature day , to d isp lay this sc reen.) This value is the average p orts used d uring the b usiest hour of the d ay. This number, along with the DEFINITY AUDIX p ort c ap ac ity tab le (following ), c an b e used to d etermine the p resent g rad e of servic e. You should look ac ross a numb er of d ays to d etermine the averag e of this value sinc e one d ay may not b e a good ind ic ator. Look at the row on the tab le for the numb er of p orts p resently in the system and look ac ross until you find the number just larg er than your Maximum Averag e Ports in Use value from the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. The value at the top of the c olumn g ives the g rad e of servic e during the b usy hour. Table 8-1. DEFINITY AUDIX Port Capacity in Erlangs (Avg. Ports in Use) at Various Grades of Service DEFINITY AUDIX Port Capacities Ports .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 2 0.16 0.23 0.29 0.33 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.54 3 0.47 0.61 0.71 0.79 0.86 0.92 1.03 1.12 4 0.89 1.09 1.22 1.34 1.43 1.51 1.65 1.78 5 1.38 1.64 1.81 1.94 2.07 2.17 2.35 2.49 6 1.92 2.24 2.44 2.60 2.74 2.86 3.06 3.22 7 2.51 2.86 3.11 3.31 3.44 3.58 3.81 4.00 8 3.14 3.53 3.81 4.00 4.17 4.33 4.58 4.78 9 3.78 4.22 4.53 4.75 4.94 5.08 5.36 5.58 10 4.44 4.92 5.25 5.50 5.69 5.89 6.17 6.42 11 5.14 5.67 6.00 6.28 6.50 6.67 6.97 7.25 12 5.83 6.39 6.78 7.06 7.28 7.47 7.81 8.08 13 6.56 7.17 7.56 7.83 8.08 8.31 8.64 8.92 14 7.31 7.92 8.33 8.64 8.92 9.14 9.50 9.78 15 8.03 8.69 9.14 9.47 9.72 9.97 10.33 10.64 16 8.81 9.50 9.94 10.28 10.56 10.81 11.19 11.53

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-11 Interpreting the Feature Reports 8 You also c an d etermine from the tab le the numb er of p orts req uired for a system und er the p resent load . If a.03 g rad e of servic e is d esired , look und er the c olumn of.03 g rad e of servic e. Find the numb er just larg er than the Maximum Averag e Ports in Use field from the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. The number on the left of that row is the numb er of p orts req uired for a.03 g rad e of servic e. Note that p orts are always sold in inc rements of two, so if you g et an od d numb er, round it up b y one. It is rec ommend ed that p ort usag e b e monitored reg ularly and p lotted over time in ord er to antic ip ate traffic need s. It is rec ommend ed that you ob serve p ort c ap ac ities on a weekly b asis on new systems or when you are ad ding new sub sc rib ers, and on a monthly b asis on old er systems. In ad dition to help ing d etermine g rad e of servic e and port usage, the Feature rep orts p rovid e statistic al information that is useful for sp otting p otential p rob lems and for evaluating how your DEFINITY AUDIX system ac tually is used b y c allers and subsc ribers. This information inc lud es the numb er of subsc ribers ad ministered in the DEFINITY AUDIX system, the total c all answer and voic e session usage time, the numb er of log in attemp ts and ab and oned c alls, the number of voice mail, call answer, broadcast, log-in, priority, and private messag es sent, and the averag e leng th of voic e mail and c all answer c alls. Note that voic e mail statistic s in these reports inc lud e sub sc rib ers who c all the DEFINITY AUDIX system to g et messag es b ut d o not inc lud e b road c ast messag es.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-12 Interpreting the Load Reports 8 Interpreting the Load Reports The Load Daily Traffic and Load Hourly Traffic rep orts d isp lay information ab out the numb er of c alls hand led b y eac h ac tive p ort for up to 32 c onsec utive d ays or 192 c onsec utive hours. Figure 8-4. Sample Load Daily Traffic Report (Page 1) AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 LOAD DAILY TRAFFIC Date : 070292.. Ending Time: 9:17. TOTAL SUBSCRIBER THRESHOLD EXCEPTIONS Lists: 0.... List Space: 0.... Message Space, Lower: 8.... Upper: 3.... Subscribers Over Threshold: 0.................. Deliveries Rescheduled: 0....... Maximum Simultaneous Ports: 5.. Voice Text Used: 2490..... Voice Text Free Space: 1010..... enter command: list measurements load day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements load day Page 1 of 2 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-13 Interpreting the Load Reports 8 Figure 8-5. Sample Load Daily Traffic Report (Page 2) Notic e the averag e numb er and d uration of the c alls that are mad e to the DEFINITY AUDIX system d uring the period that is b eing rep orted . These numb ers may ind ic ate a p rob lem at the switc h with either p ort c overag e or d istrib ution if one p ort is overload ed and other p orts are und erload ed . Threshold exc ep tions ind ic ate that sub sc rib ers tried to use more messag e or list sp ac e than is availab le and that warning s have b een issued . These exc ep tions may b e the first ind ic ation that you need to c hang e c ertain information c ontained within other sc reens. If you notic e that a larg e numb er of threshold exc ep tions for lists are b eing rep orted , it may mean that you initially misc alc ulated the maximum numb er of lists p er sub sc rib er. Sub sc rib ers ac tually may need more lists than you thoug ht they would. You may inc rease the numb er of lists assig ned eac h subsc rib er throug h b oth the System-Parameters Limits and Class of Servic e sc reens; b ut, you should d o so with c are, keep ing in mind that filesystem sizes are fixed . An alternative is asking sub sc rib ers to d elete old or unnec essary lists. AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 LOAD DAILY TRAFFIC Port Usage Data (Seconds) 1- 6: 3171.. 2921.. 3485.. 3378.. 3692.. 3748.. 7-12: 3489.. 3114.. 2994.. 3241.. 3108.. 3031.. Port Peg Count Data (Number of Calls) 1- 6: 66.... 65.... 61.... 61.... 57.... 57.... 7-12: 60.... 63.... 55.... 53.... 53.... 45.... enter command: list measurements load day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements load day Page 2 of 2 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Traffic Reports 8-14 Interpreting the Special Features Reports 8 Lower and up per sub sc rib er messag e sp ac e threshold s are shown on the sc reen in the hig h fields. There are a numb er of thing s you may d o if upp er and lower messag e sp ac e threshold s are exc eeded c onsistently. First, you may d ec rease message retention times on both the Sub sc riber and Class of Servic e sc reens. This will limit the leng th of time that the DEFINITY AUDIX system retains messag es within sub scrib ers’ mailb oxes and will c ause messag es to b e thrown away more freq uently. Sec ond ly, you mig ht issue a notic e (b roadc ast a messag e) to sub sc rib ers asking them to delete messag es immed iately after listening to them or that they reg ularly c lean b oth their inc oming and outg oing mailb oxes. Finally, you may interp ret a larg e numb er of threshold exc ep tions as an indic ation that the thresholds orig inally were set too low. If you find this to b e the c ase, you may raise the thresholds through the System-Parameters Thresholds sc reen. Interpreting the Special Features Reports The Sp ec ial Features Daily Traffic and Sp ec ial Features Hourly Traffic rep orts d isp lay outc alling traffic information for up to 32 c onsec utive d ays or 192 c onsec utive hours. Figure 8-6. Sample Special Features Daily Traffic Report AUDIX STATUS: Active alarms: none thresholds: none logins: 1 SPECIAL FEATURES DAILY TRAFFIC Date: 072192.. Ending Time: 10:05 Maximum Simultaneous Outcalls : 3.. Outcalls Attempted ~: 52...... Outcalls Completed ~: 31...... Outcalls Rescheduled: 0....... Calls Answered Without Connect: 0....... enter command: list measurements special-features day [ mm/dd/yy] list measurements special-features day Page 1 of 1 Canc el Refresh Enter ClearFld Help Choic es NextPag e PrevPag e