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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
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Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports General Information About the Vector Report4-173 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................General Information About the Vector Report Organization of the Vector ReportThe Vector Report is available in Interval, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly versions. Vector Report selector windowThe following figure is an example of the Vector Report Selector window.

Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Vector Report Input Fields4-174 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Vector Report Input Fields Vector report input fieldsThe following table describes the fields on the input window. Field Definition Vector: Enter the name or number of the vector you want to include in the report. Date: (for interval report only) Enter the date(s) you would like the report to cover: •You can use the month/day/year (for example, 3/21/95). •You can use a - offset based on todays date (for example, -1 for yesterday). Date: (for daily, weekly, and monthly reports) Enter the date(s) you would like the report to cover: •Daily - enter the day(s). •Weekly - enter the start date for the week(s). When you specify a date for a weekly report, that date must correspond to the week start day selected in the System Setup-Storage Intervals window. If the date and day do not match, the message No records found displays in the status line. •Monthly - enter the first day of the month(s). Use any of the following formats: •A month/day/year (for example, 3/21/96). •A minus (-) offset based on todays date (for example, -1 for yesterday). •A semicolon (;) to separate individual data entry items (for example, 3/ 21/96;3/23/96;3/25/96) •A hyphen (-) to designate a range of dates (for example, 3/21/96-3/25/ 96). For the weekly and monthly versions, the report includes any weeks or months that begin in the range. Times: Enter the time you would like the report to cover. •You can use AM/PM format (for example, 7:30AM- 5:00PM). •You can use military time format (for example, 7:30- 17:00). Destination: Choose a report destination. You can select View Report on Screen or Print Report on: and then use the Select Printer button to print the report on any Windows printer. The default printer is shown.

Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Vector Report4-175 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Vector Report OverviewThe Vector report displays, for a single vector, various types of data that show how calls were handled by the vector. This menu item is available only if you have purchased the CentreVu CMS Vectoring feature and that feature has been authorized for you to use. Things to know about this reportHere are some things to know about this report: •The Vector report is available in interval, daily, weekly, and monthly versions. •The database items for the Vector reports are stored in the hvector (interval), dvector (daily), wvector (weekly), and mvector (monthly) tables. Vector report exampleThe following figure provides an example of a Vector report.

Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Vector Report4-176 Vector report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields for the time period covered by the report. Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Vector: Number or name of the vector for which the report shows data (selected in the report input window). syn(VECTOR) Date, Week Starting, Month Starting:Day (for interval report) or dates (for daily, weekly, and monthly reports) for which the report was run (selected in the report input window).ROW_DATE Time (for Interval reports only)Intrahour intervals for which the report shows data (selected in the report input window).STARTTIME, STARTTIME+INTRVL Inbound Calls Number of calls processed by the vector that completed in the specified time period.INCALLS sum(INCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Avg Speed Ans Average time, in minutes and seconds, that split/ skill and direct agent ACD calls waited before they were answered by an agent. This item includes only calls that were answered as a result of processing by this vector.ANSTIME/ACDCALLS (for the “Totals” line) Main ACD Calls Number of calls completed during the specified time period that were answered by an agent in a main split/skill because of processing by this vector. The calls are directed to the main split/ skill by the “queue to main” vector command. This item does not include direct agent calls.ACDCALLS-BACKUPCALLS sum(ACDCALLS) - sum(BACKUPCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Backup ACD CallsNumber of calls completed during the specified time period that were answered by an agent in a backup split/skill using a vector command other than “queue to main.” This report item includes messaging split/skill calls, check backup calls, route to split/skill calls, and direct agent calls.BACKUPCALLS sum(BACKUPCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Aban Calls The number of calls that were abandoned by the caller while in vector processing. This item includes calls that abandoned either while in a split/skill or direct agent queue or while ringing at agent voice terminals or while in vector processing (call need not have queued yet). The number of calls applies for the specified time period.ABNCALLS sum(ABNCALLS) (for the “Totals” line)

Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Vector Report4-177 Avg Aban Time The average time, in minutes and seconds, that calls waited in the vector before they were abandoned. ABNTIME/ABNCALLS (for the “Totals” line) Forced Busy CallsThe number of calls that, in the specified time period, received a forced busy signal as a result of processing by this vector. BUSYCALLS sum(BUSYCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Forced Disc Calls The number of calls that, in the specified time period, received a forced disconnect as a result of processing by the vector. DISCCALLS sum(DISCCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Flow In The number of calls that, in the specified time period, were redirected to this vector from within the switch via “route to VDN” and “go to vector” commands.INFLOWCALLS sum(INFLOWCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Flow Out Number of calls that, in the specified time period, were redirected to another destination by way of a “go to vector,” “route to,” or “adjunct routing” command to a destination other than a split/skill or direct agent. (Calls that route to a split/skill or direct agent by way of a “route to,” “adjunct routing,” or “messaging split/skill” command are still tracked in the vector.)OUTFLOWCALLS sum(OUTFLOWCALLS) (for the “Totals” line) Other Calls This includes forced busy calls, forced disconnect calls and outflow calls. OTHERCALLS = INCALLS - ACDCALLS - ABNCALLS.OTHERCALLS Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Historical Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Vector Report4-178 Avg Vector Time The average time, in minutes and seconds, that calls were being processed by the vector. This average, which applies to the specified time period of the report, is for all calls to the vector. The item includes calls that were abandoned, disconnected calls, interflowed calls, and so on. Talk time is not included because calls are removed from the vector when the calls connect to agent voice terminals. Vector processing stops when the “stop” step or the “go to vector” step is processed or the “route to” completes successfully; or at the completion of the last step in the vector, when busy or disconnect is sent, when the call abandons, or when a messaging split/skill or adjunct routing command succeeds.INTIME/INCALLS (for the “Totals” line) Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Integrated Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Overview5-1 5 Integrated Reports .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Overview PurposeThis chapter is written for supervisors who use CentreVu Supervisor integrated reports to effectively run the call center. Integrated reports can be displayed on your PC, printed, stored to a file, copied to a clipboard, run as a script, or exported to HTML format through the Save as HTML feature. IntroductionThis chapter explains every integrated report available through CentreVu Supervisor. Definition of integrated reportsAt the Integrated Reports tab, reports that refresh in real-time can be selected to display information accumulated from any interval beginning in the past 24 hours until the time the report is generated. Standard integrated reports show data for ACD, agent, split/skill, trunks/trunk group, vector, and VDN activities. The reports you see depend on your switch type, permissions, and system performance. How this chapter is organizedThis chapter gives a brief description of each available report and definitions of the input fields. It provides the information needed to complete any integrated report input screen. Each report section contains the following headings: •Things to know about this report—gives you information on factors that affect the integrated report discussed in each section. •Report example—provides an example of the report. A table provides report headings, field definitions, and the corresponding database item. Diagram of integrated reporting systemThe following diagram shows how the Integrated reporting system is structured. This section follows the report structure outlined in the diagram- agent reports are described first, followed by split/skill reports, then V Presentation of report informationThe Integrated reports are available only when you are using the Supervisor application (they are not available through Terminal or standard CMS). Only reports that are available exclusively through Supervisor are described in this chapter. An Integrated report combines real-time and historical data for a current view of the day. For general information about Integrated reports, see Chapter 2, Using Reports, in this document.

Integrated Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Overview5-2 Designer reports are described in the CentreVu® Report Designer Version 8 User Guide585-210-930 . Presentation of report informationThe Integrated reports are available only when you are using the Supervisor application (they are not available through Terminal or standard CMS). Only reports that are available exclusively through Supervisor are described in this chapter. An Integrated report combines real-time and historical data for a current view of the day. For general information about Integrated reports, see Chapter 2, Using Reports, in this document. Historical Data in Integrated ReportsOnce the historical CMS database is queried for an integrated report, the historical data in the report will not refresh unless you request the report again. The real-time data will continue to refresh at the end of each interval. Therefore, to see new historical data on an integrated report, you must request the report again to update the data.

Integrated Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Agent Reports5-3 Agent Reports .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Overview PurposeCentreVu Supervisor Agent reports allow for access to information and statistics for each agent from specified start times. Organization of this sectionThis section contains the following topics: •General Information About Agent Reports (5-4) •Agent Report Selector Window and Input Fields (5-5) •Agent Graphical Information Report (5-7) •Agent Information Report (5-13)

Integrated Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports General Information About Agent Reports5-4 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................General Information About Agent Reports Organization of Agent reportsThe following list shows how the Integrated Agent reports are organized in Supervisor. Depending on your switch type, you will see either the Information or Graphical Information report. •Graphical information (with Expert Agent Selection) •Information (without Expert Agent Selection)