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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
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Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Real-Time Graphical Allocated Agents Report3-71 Graphical Allocated Agents report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Skill: The name or number of the split/skill selected for this report. syn(SPLIT) Skill State The current state of the skill, compared to the administered thresholds. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. syn(SKSTATE) Total Agents Active: The current number of POSITIONS that are on inbound and outbound ACD calls; plus the current number of POSITIONS that are in after call work (ACW), including agents on ACWIN/ ACWOUT calls as well as agents in ACW not associated with an ACD call; plus the current number of POSITIONS at which skill or direct agent calls are ringing. ONACD + INACW + AGRING Full Time Equivalent Agents Staffed: CentreVu Advocate full-time equivalent number of agents staffed for this skill. Full Time Equivalent Agents Staffed = TOT_PERCENTS / 100. FTE_AGENTS Standard Agents (active) The current number of POSITIONS that are on inbound and outbound ACD calls; plus the current number of POSITIONS that are in ACW, including agents on ACWIN/ACWOUT calls as well as agents in ACW not associated with an ACD call. This also includes the current number of POSITIONS at which skill or direct agent calls are ringing, minus the reserve1 agents (active); or the number of reserve1 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve1 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve1 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing. This field is minus the reserve2 agents (active); or the number of reserve2 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve2 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve2 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing. (ONACD + INACW + AGINRING) - (R1ONACD + R1INACW + R1AGINRING) - (R2ONACD + R2INACW + R2AGINRING)

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Real-Time Graphical Allocated Agents Report3-72 Standard Agents (staffed) The current number of POSITIONS that are staffed (logged in), minus the number of agents staffing this skill as reserve1, minus the number of agents staffing this skill as reserve2. STAFFED - R1STAFFED - R2STAFFED Reserve1 Agents (active) The number of reserve1 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve1 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve1 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing. (R1ONACD + R1INACW + R1AGINRING) Reserve1 Agents Staffed: The number of agents staffing this skill as reserve1. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. R1STAFFED Reserve2 Agents (active) The number of reserve2 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve2 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve2 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing. (R2ONACD + R2INACW + R2AGINRING) Reserve2 Agents Staffed: The number of agents staffing this skill as reserve2. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. R2STAFFED Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents Report3-73 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents Report This report, which is available only with the DEFINITY ECS release, shows all agents with this skill who are in AUX, the reason, and the time in AUX. Things to know about this reportHere are some things to know about this report: You can access this report in the following ways: •From the Real-Time Split/Skill Category selector menu. •By drilling down from the AUX work state fields on other reports to this report (only available with DEFINITY ECS). All other switch/EAS configuration drills down to the Work State Report. Report formatsThis report shows the following two-dimensional pie chart information for the number of agents in AUX for each reason code for that skill: •The pie charts legend shows the synonym for each reason code and its corresponding color of the pie. •The legend is sorted in ascending order by the reason code number, with the customer-defined synonym for reason code 0 at the bottom. •The number of agents are shown inside each slice of the pie. This report includes the following table information: •A row for each agent currently in the AUX work state for that skill. •The agents name, login ID, reason code, and the time in AUX since the agent entered AUX for that reason code. •You can specify how you want to sort the agents name, login ID, reason code, and time. •You can use the scroll bar to see additional agents who are in the AUX state. •Call center supervisors can use this report to see which staffed agents are unavailable to take calls, and for what reason. The supervisor can also see how long each agent has been unavailable for each of the reason codes. This will help show the supervisor who can be pulled to answer calls if call volumes increase, and will also help to identify agents who are taking too long for breaks, lunch, etc. •From this report, you can drill-down to the Agent Information report from the Agent Name field. •The chart type can be changed. See Chapter 2: Using Reports in this document for more information. •The database items used for the Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents Report are stored in the csplit and cagent tables. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents Report3-74 This report shows the following two-dimensional pie chart information for the number of agents in AUX for each reason code for that skill: •The pie charts legend shows the synonym for each reason code and its corresponding color of the pie. •The legend is sorted in ascending order by the reason code, with the customer-defined synonym for reason code 0 at the bottom. •The number of agents are shown inside each slice of the pie. Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents report exampleThe following figure provides an example of a Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents report: Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Skill: The name or number of the skill (up to 20 characters) that is selected for this report.syn( SPLIT)

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Agents Report3-75 Agents in AUX: The current number of agent positions that are in AUX mode for this skill or on AUX-IN/AUX- OUT calls. INAUX Reason Code 0 The current number of positions that are in auxiliary work with reason code zero (0) for this skill or on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls. Reason code 0 is for system AUX work when reason codes are active ( DEFINITY ECS with EAS and later). INAUX0 Reason Code 1-9The current number of positions that are in auxiliary work with each of the reason codes 1-9 for this skill or on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls. ( DEFINITY ECS and later). INAUX1-9 Agent Name The names (or agent IDs if the names have not been assigned in Dictionary) of the agents assigned to this split/skill and logged in.syn(LOGID) Login ID The login identification of the agent. LOGID Location ID The location ID(s) associated with the agent. This ID is not associated with the agent personally, but rather with the terminal the agent is logged into. It is also associated with a port network location ID on DEFINITY. If the Agent Site Tracking feature is not available on your system, the field will not display meaningful data. LOC_ID AUX Reason For the DEFINITY ECS, this is the reason associated with the auxiliary work state (on a break, in a meeting, and so on) of this agent. This field is blank if the agent is not in the AUX work state.syn(AUXREASON) Time The elapsed time since the last agent WORKMODE change for any split/skill. This item is not reset if the DIRECTION changes, but WORKMODE remains the same. For example, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT to AUX, AGTIME continues without resetting. AGTIME Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents Report3-76 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents Report OverviewThis report, which is available only with the DEFINITY ECS release, shows top agents with this skill who are in AUX, the reason, and the time in AUX. Things to know about this reportHere are some things to know about this report: •Call center supervisors can use this report to see which top agents are unavailable to take calls, and for what reason. The supervisor will also be able to see how long each top agent has been unavailable for each of the reason codes. This will help the supervisor figure out who could be pulled in to answer calls if call volumes increase, and will also help to identify top agents who are taking too long for breaks, lunch, etc. •Top agents are agents for whom this measured skill is their highest priority. The skill level 1 is the highest priority and 16 is the lowest. •The chart type can be changed. See Chapter 2: Using Reports in this document for more information. •The database items used for the Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents Report are stored in the csplit and cagent tables. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information. You can access this report in the following ways: •From the Real-Time Split/Skill Category selector menu •By drilling down from the AUX or Top Agent AUX (csplit.TINAUX) work states on other top agent reports to this top agent report. This occurs only with DEFINITY ECS with EAS; otherwise, you drill down to the Work State report. This report includes the following table information: •A row for each top agent that is currently in the AUX work state for that skill. •The top agents name, login ID, reason code, and the time in AUX since the agent entered AUX for that reason code. •You can specify how you want to sort the agents name, login ID, reason code, and time. •You can use the scroll bar to see additional top agents that are in the AUX state. This report shows the following 2-D pie chart information for the number of agents in AUX for each reason code for that skill: •The pie charts legend shows the synonym for each reason code and its corresponding color of the pie.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents Report3-77 •The number of agents are shown inside each slice of the pie. •The legend is sorted in ascending order by reason code number, with the customer-defined synonym for reason code 0 at the bottom. Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents report exampleThe following figure provides an example of a Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents report: Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Skill: The name or number of the skill (up to 20 characters) that is selected for this report.syn( SPLIT)

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical AUX Top Agents Report3-78 Top Agents in AUX:The number of top agents logged into the skill who are in the AUX work mode. This includes agents on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls. INAUX Reason Code 0 The current number of positions that are in auxiliary work with reason code zero (0) for this skill or on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls. Reason code 0 is for system AUX work when reason codes are active ( DEFINITY ECS with EAS and later). NAUX0 Reason Code 1-9 The current number of positions that are in auxiliary work with each of the reason codes 1-9 for this skill or on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls ( DEFINITY ECS and later). INAUX1-9 Agent Name The names (or agent IDs if the names have not been assigned in Dictionary) of the agents assigned to this skill and logged in.syn(LOGID) Login ID The login identification of the agent. LOGID Location ID The location ID(s) associated with the agent. This ID is not associated with the agent personally, but rather with the terminal the agent is logged into. It is also associated with a port network location ID on DEFINITY. If the Agent Site Tracking feature is not available on your system, the field will not display meaningful data. LOC_ID AUX Reason For the DEFINITY ECS, this is the reason code associated with the auxiliary work state (on a break, in a meeting, and so on) of this agent. This field is blank if the agent is not in the AUX state.syn(AUXREASON) Time The elapsed time since the last agent WORKMODE change for any split/skill. This item is not reset if the DIRECTION changes, but WORKMODE remains the same. For example, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT to AUX, AGTIME continues without resetting. AGTIME Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile Report3-79 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile Report OverviewThis report shows how well the split or skill you specify is performing compared to your call centers predefined acceptable service level. Things to know about this reportHere are some things to know about this report: •You can access this report from the Real-Time Split/Skill Category selector menu. •The split/skill selected for the report and the predefined acceptable service level are displayed above the top graph. Legends appear to the right of each chart. •On the bottom graph, the horizontal axis represents the service interval in seconds, and the vertical axis represents the number of ACD calls answered/abandoned within the acceptable service level. •The number displayed for each service interval is the upper limit of the interval. For example, if the first two intervals are 3 and 5, the first data point on the graph indicates the number of calls answered/ abandoned within 0-3 seconds, and the second data point indicates the number of calls answered/abandoned within 4-5 seconds. •The chart type can be changed. See Chapter 2: Using Reports in this document for more information. •The database items used for this report are stored in the csplittable. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information. This report has two charts: •The top chart, a three-dimensional pie chart, shows the percentage of ACD calls answered within the predefined Acceptable Service Level and the percentage of ACD calls answered outside this level. •The bottom chart, a stacked area graph, shows the number of ACD calls answered and abandoned within each service interval.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile Report3-80 Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile report exampleThe following figure provides an example of a Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile report: Split/Skill Graphical Call Profile report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Split/Skill: The name or number of the split/skill selected for this report.syn( SPLIT) Secs: The size of each increment is measured in seconds. Each increment of seconds represents a progressively longer wait time segment during which calls may be answered or abandoned, and each increment can be a different length. These increments are defined in the Call Center Administration Split/Skill Call Profile Setup window. PERIOD1-9