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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
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Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Reserve2 AUX Agents Report3-111 Level The skill level associated with the agents current WORKSKILL, when WORKSKILL is not null. Requires a Generic 3 Version 2 or later switch with the EAS feature. For CentreVu Advocate, in the cagent table, WORKSKLEVEL contains either a skill level (1-16) for a normal skill, or a reserve level (1 or 2) for a reserve skill. This WORKSKLEVEL applies to WORKSKILL.syn(WORKSKLEVEL) Time The elapsed time since the last agent WORKMODE change for any split/skill. This item is not reset if the DIRECTION changes, but WORKMODE remains the same. For example, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT to AUX, AGTIME continues without resetting. AGTIME Field Definition Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill AUX Report3-112 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Skill AUX Report OverviewThis report shows, for one or more skills, the number of agents in AUX work with each reason code. Things to know about this reportHere are some things you need to know about this report: •You must have an ECS Release 5 switch or later with the EAS feature. •You must be using reason codes. You can run the report without using the reason codes, but all agents will be in reason code zero (0) when in AUX. •The database items used for the Skill AUX report are stored in the csplit table. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information. Skill AUX report exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Skill AUX report:

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill AUX Report3-113 Skill AUX report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Skills: The name(s) or number(s) of the skills selected for the report. syn(SPLIT) Calls Waiting The number of skill ACD calls waiting to be answered. This includes calls that are in queue and calls that are ringing at an agent voice terminal. It does not include direct agent calls for the Generic 3 switch.INQUEUE+INRING Agents Staffed The total number of agents that are logged into each skill.STAFFED Agents in AUX The current number of agent positions that are either in AUX work mode for this skill or on AUX- IN/AUX- OUT calls.INAUX Reason Code 0... 9The number of agents in each AUX reason code (0 to 9).INAUX0...9

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-114 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Skill Status Report OverviewThis report shows how long the oldest call has been waiting in queue, how many calls are currently waiting to be answered, the agent names, the agent states, the agents skill level, and the number of the skill for which the agent is handling the call or is in after call work. Things to know about this reportsIf you have a an ECS Release 5 switch with the EAS feature activated, you will see the report displayed in this section. This new report: •Provides agent AUX reason codes. •Provides the agent login identification and the agent name. •Provides the level for the agents currently active skill (ACD call or ACW session). This level can be any level from 1 to 16, or R1 or R2. •The Login Skills columns have been removed from this report. If you have a switch release earlier than ECS Release 5 with the EAS feature activated, a slightly different Skill Status Report than the one described in this section is displayed. This report: •Provides the agent login skills, including whether a skill is p (primary) or s (secondary). •Does not provide agent AUX reason codes. •With the Generic 3 Version 2 through Version 4 switches, all the skills the agent is logged into are shown in the Login Skills column of the report. These skills are designated with a p or s to indicate if the skill is a primary or secondary skill. •If you have the Generic 3 Version 3 switch or an earlier switch, the Expected Wait Time (EWT) fields are blank. EWT is only available on the Generic 3 Version 4 switch and later switches. •All agents who are logged into a particular skill are displayed. You can page or scroll to view agents not shown in the window. •The EWT value is updated whenever a call queues to the skill. If no call has queued for 2 minutes, CMS will request the switch to send the current EWT values for the skill. The EWT fields may be blank for one of the following reasons: •The EWT is unknown at this time. •The EWT is infinity (for example, no agents are logged in). •The priority is inactive, such as TOP, HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW. •The queue for the priority is full. Expected Wait Time (EWT) may be different than you anticipate. The following factors can affect EWT: •A low volume of calls are coming into a skill, or very few are coming in at one or more of the priorities. This causes EWT to show larger fluctuations than when there is heavier call volume.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-115 •A skill has only one or two agents logged in. •A combination of the low call volume and a small number of agents logged in. •The number of agents logged into a given skill suddenly increases or decreases substantially. EWT adjusts immediately, and you will see a big jump or fall in the EWT. •A significant percentage of callers who are queued drop from queue, either from hanging up or from being answered, and no new calls are queued. For example, in a vector with time-of-day routing, after a specified time, no more calls are routed to a particular skill. Calls in queue to this skill continue to be serviced, but no new calls are coming into the queue. The EWT remains unchanged until the specified time interval from the timer expires and the audit takes place. •Calls may be queued to more than one skill. •Agents may be logged into multiple skills. •The switch may have the Multiple Call Handling feature enabled. •A new skill is created or the switch reboots. No history exists, and 30 to 50 queued calls must accrue for an accurate EWT. •The average handling times for calls changes suddenly. •The call traffic is varying significantly. •The queuing times are erratic. •If calls are HIGH or MEDIUM priority call redirected, via intraflow to a skill that does not queue calls at this priority, the priority does not change. •Agents are in multiple skills and distribution of calls for those agents changes suddenly. •EWTs are displayed for the priorities for which calls are queuing. However, if you change the routing for a skill so that calls are not being queued at a priority, the EWT for that priority continues to be shown until all agents in the skill log out or until a translation pump- up is forced. •The database items used for the Skill Status Report are stored in the csplit and cagent tables. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-116 Skill Status report example The following figure provides an example of a Skill Status Report: Skill Status report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or Skill The name or number of the skill selected for the report. syn(SPLIT) Skill State The current state of the skill, compared to the administered thresholds. This displays as Normal, Overload 1, and Overload 2 on the report. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. SKSTATE Calls Waiting The number of skill ACD calls waiting to be answered. This includes calls that are in queue and calls that are ringing at an agent voice terminal. It does not include direct agent calls for the Generic 3 switch. INQUEUE+ INRING Oldest Call WaitingThe length of time (in seconds) the oldest ACD skill call has waited in queue or ringing before being answered. This does not include direct agent calls. OLDESTCALL

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-117 Expected Wait Time (Pri): TopThis heading contains EWT for the skill at top priority. EWT is the wait time for the skill when a call is queued to the skill at top priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 switch or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exception command. EWTTOP Expected Wait Time (Pri): High This heading contains EWT for the skill at high priority. EWT is the wait time for the skill when a call is queued to the skill at high priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 switch or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exception command. EWTHIGH Expected Wait Time (Pri): MediumContains EWT for the skill at medium priority. EWT is the wait time for the skill when a call is queued to the skill at medium priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 switch or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exception command. EWTMEDIUM Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-118 Expected Wait Time (Pri): LowThis heading contains EWT for the skill at low priority. EWT is the wait time for the skill when a call is queued to the skill at low priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 switch or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exception command. EWTLOW Agent Name The name(s) of the agent(s) assigned to this skill and logged in (or their login IDs if names have not been assigned to them in Dictionary). syn(LOGID) Login ID The login identification of the agent. LOGID AUX Reason The reason associated with the auxiliary work state of this agent, (for example, lunch, break, meeting, or training). This field is blank if the agent is not in the AUX state.syn(AUXREASON) State The current work mode (state), that the agent is in (AVAIL, ACD, ACW, AUX, DACD, DACW, RINGING, UNKNOWN, OTHER, UNSTAFF), and the call direction (BLANK IN, or OUT). syn(WORKMODE) syn(DIRECTION) Skill/Level When an agent is on a skill call, a direct agent call, or in ACW mode, this is the skill associated with the call or the ACW, and the level associated with the skill. WORKSKILL is the OLDEST_LOGON: •When an agent is on an AUXIN/AUXOUT call from the available state, while in AUX or with an AUXIN/AUXOUT call on hold •When an agent is on an AUXIN call with an ACD call on hold. When an agent is on an AUXOUT call with an ACD call on hold, this is the skill associated with the ACD call. When an agent is available, in AUX, or in OTHER, this is blank. WORKSKLEVEL is the skill level (ranging from 1 to 16) or the reserve skill level (R1 or R2) associated with WORKSKILL.WORKSKILL/ syn(WORKSKLEVEL) Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Status Report3-119 Time The elapsed time since the last agent WORKMODE change for any split/skill. This item is not reset if the DIRECTION changes, but WORKMODE remains the same. For example, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT to AUX, AGTIME continues without resetting. AGTIME VDN Name (Shows data only if you have purchased the Vectoring feature.)The number or name of the VDN for which the report shows data. the Vector Directory Number is associated with the ACD call in progress. If a name has been assigned to the VDN in the Dictionary, the name displays instead of the number. VDN Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Skill Top Agent Report3-120 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Skill Top Agent Report OverviewThis report is similar to the Split/Skill Report, but shows counts of agents for whom the skill is the top skill. It also shows a count of agents for whom the skill is a backup skill. Things to know about this reportHere are some things you need to know about this report: •You must have a Generic 3 switch with the EAS feature. •The agents top skill is the highest priority skill the agent is logged into. If the agent is logged into more than one skill that are listed as highest priority, then the top skill is the first skill listed. •The database items used for the Skill Top Agent Report are stored in the csplit table. •This report uses the Split/Skill Report Input Window. Select a skill that you want to view on the report. See Split/skill report input fields (3-60) for more information. Skill Top Agent report exampleThe following figure provides an example of a Skill Top Agent report: