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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Guide
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Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Report3-31 Oldest Call WaitingThe length of time (in seconds) the oldest ACD call has waited in queue or ringing before being answered. This does not include direct agent calls. OLDESTCALL Avg Speed AnswerThe average time calls waited in queue and ringing before an agent answered. This does not include direct agent calls, but it does include outbound ACD calls placed by an adjunct (also called outbound predictive dialing), for the Generic 3 with the ASAI only. ANSTIME/ ACDCALLS EWT Top This heading contains EWT for the split/skill at top priority. EWT is the wait time for the call when it is queued to the split/skill at the top priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exceptions command.EWTTOP EWT High This heading contains EWT for the split/skill at high priority. EWT is the wait time for the call when it is queued to the split/skill at high priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exceptions command.EWTHIGH Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Report3-32 EWT Medium This heading contains EWT for the split/skill at medium priority. EWT is the wait time for the call when it is queued to the split/skill at medium priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exceptions command.EWTMEDIUM EWT Low This heading contains EWT for the split/skill at low priority. EWT is the wait time for the call when it is queued to the split/skill at low priority. EWT measures only the time it takes to deliver the call to an agent. It does not include ringing time. If CentreVu CMS is connected to a switch previous to the Generic 3 Version 4 or if vectoring is not activated, the EWT headings and columns are displayed, but the fields are blank. Exception thresholds for EWT can be set from the Exceptions command.EWTLOW ACD Calls The ACD calls that were queued to the split/skill and answered by an agent. This does not include direct agent calls, but it does include ACD calls placed by an adjunct (also called outbound predictive dialing), for the Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature only. ACDCALLS Avg ACD Time The average talk time for all ACD calls to this split/skill. This does not include hold time or time on direct agent calls, but it does include talk time of all outbound ACD calls placed by an adjunct (also called outbound predictive dialing) for the Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature only. ACDTIME/ ACDCALLS Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Report3-33 Aban Calls The total number of queued calls for each split/ skill that abandoned before an agent answered. This includes calls that are ringing at a voice terminal but does not include direct agent calls. It also includes the number of outbound calls for each split/skill that abandoned at the far end before the agent answered, for the Generic 3 switches with the ASAI feature only. ABNCALLS Avg Aban Time The average time a caller waited (in split/skill or VDN) before hanging up. ABNTIME / ABNCALLS Agents Available:The total number of agents who are available to receive ACD calls in each split/skill. AVAILABLE Agents Ringing: The current number of agents that are available and have ACD calls (including direct agent calls) ringing at their voice terminal but have not yet answered. If the agent places a call or answers an extension call, the agent is shown in the AUX work state, rather than in the ringing state. AGINRING Agents on ACD Calls:The total number of agents that are connected to inbound and outbound ACD calls in each split/skill. This does not include direct agent calls. ONACD Agents in ACW: The number of agents who are in the after call work mode for each split/skill. This includes agents on ACWIN/ACWOUT calls and agents in ACW not associated with an ACD call. INACW Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Report3-34 Agents in Other:The current number of agent positions that are doing other work. Agent positions show up as OTHER directly after the link to the switch comes up and directly after the agents log in before the CentreVu CMS is notified of the agents work state. For the Generic 3 switches with EAS, the agent did one of the following activities while in the Auto-in or Manual-In state: The agent put any call on hold and performed no further action. The agent is on a direct agent call or in ACW for a direct agent call. The agent is dialing to place a call or to activate a feature. The agent has a ringing personal call queued through another split or skill, with no other activity. For the Generic 3 switch without EAS, agents are logged into multiple splits and doing work for a split other than this one. OTHER Agents in Aux: The current number of agents who are in the AUX work mode for all splits/skills including agents who are handling AUXIN or AUXOUT calls. INAUX Agents Staffed: The number of agents logged into each split/ skill. STAFFED Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-35 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Multi-ACD Top Agent Report OverviewThis report displays skill information for skills from multiple ACDs. Agent counts show top and backup agents. This report allows you to enter skills from multiple ACDs connected to the CMS. The Multi-ACD report appears on the real-time reports menu even if you have only one real ACD installed on your CentreVu CMS. Things to know about this reportHere are some things you need to know about this report: •This report shows the number of agents with this skill as their top skill for DEFINITY ECS G3 EAS switches. •This report shows the number of agents with this split as OLDEST_LOGON for Generic 3 non-EAS switches. •The menu items for this report appear only if the current ACD is a Generic 3 switch and EAS is activated. The report can be run for any live ACD on the CMS (some of which may not be G3 switches with EAS activated). •Top Agents are agents for whom the skill is their highest-level skill. If agents have more than one skill at the highest level, then the first one administered is the top skill. •The database items used for the Multi-ACD Top Agent Report are stored in the csplit table. •The standard report can only include information on six ACDs. This report must be customized with Report Designer to view information on eight ACDs.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-36 Multi-ACD Top Agent report input windowThe following figure shows an example of the Multi-ACD Top Agent input window. You must fill in the report input window to run the report. Multi-ACD Top Agent report Input FieldsThe following table describes the input fields on real-time Multi-ACD Top Agent report input windows: Field Definition Skill: (for First through Sixth Skill)Fill in the names or numbers of the First through Sixth Split/ Skill(s) for which you want to run the report. You can enter a split/skill name only if the name has been defined in Dictionary.

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-37 Multi-ACD Top Agent report exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Multi-ACD Top Agent report: Refresh Every SecondsEnter the number of seconds from 3 to 600, to specify how rapidly CentreVu CMS should update the report data. The default for the Refresh Every Seconds field in this window is your assigned minimum refresh rate plus 15 seconds. To find out what your minimum refresh rate is, or to change it, check with your CentreVu CMS administrator. Enable Report ThresholdsCheck the Enable Report thresholds option to start the report with report thresholds running. Uncheck the option if you do not want to fun report thresholds. Run Minimized Check the Run Minimized option to run the report in a minimized window. Uncheck the option to run the report at full size. Field Definition

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-38 Multi-ACD Top Agent report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields: Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or Skill The name or number of the splits/skills selected for this report.syn(SPLIT) ACD The name or number of the ACD for which the data was collected.syn(ACD) Skill State The current state of the skill, compared to the administered thresholds. This displays as Normal, Overload 1, and Overload 2 on the report. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. SKSTATE Calls Waiting The number of split or skill ACD calls waiting to be answered. This includes calls that are in queue and calls that are ringing at an agent voice terminal. It does not include direct agent calls for the Generic 3 switch.INQUEUE+INRING Oldest Call WaitingThe length of time (in seconds) that the oldest ACD call has waited in queue or ringing (at an agent voice terminal for each split/skill in the report) before being answered. This does not include direct agent calls.OLDESTCALL Avg Speed AnsThe average time that calls waited in queue and ringing before an agent answered. This does not include direct agent calls, but it does include outbound ACD calls placed by an adjunct (outbound predictive dialing) for the Generic 3 switches with ASAI only.ANSTIME/ACDCALLS ACD Calls The ACD calls that were queued to the split/skill and answered by an agent in the split/skill. This does not include direct agent calls. It does include outbound ACD calls placed by an adjunct (outbound predictive dialing) for the Generic 3 switch with the ASAI feature only.ACDCALLS Avg ACD TimeThe average talk time for all ACD calls to this split/skill. This does not include hold time or time on direct agent calls. It does include outbound ACD calls placed by an adjunct (outbound predictive dialing) for the Generic 3 switch with the ASAI feature only.ACDTIME/ACDCALLS

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-39 Aban Calls The number of calls that are abandoned by the caller when calls are in queue or when calls are ringing for this split/skill. This includes calls with talk times less than the phantom abandoned call timer value, if it is set. NOTE: When a call is queued to multiple splits/skills and abandons from the queue, only the primary split/skill increments ABNCALLS. (Calls that are ringing at an agents voice terminal and then abandoned count as abandons for the split/skill for which they were ringing.)ABNCALLS Avg Aban Tim eThe average time a caller waited (in split/skill or VDN) before hanging up.ABNTIME/ABNCALLS Top Agents AvailThe number of top agents that are logged into the skill who are available in the skill.TAVAILABLE Top Agents RingingThe number of top agents that are logged into the skill who have ACD calls (including direct agent calls) ringing at their voice terminals.TAGINRING Top Agents on ACD CallsThe number of top agents connected to inbound and outbound ACD calls in each split/skill. This does not include direct agent calls.TONACD Top Agents in ACWThe number of top agents who are in the after call work state for each skill. This includes agents on ACWIN or ACWOUT calls and agents in ACW not associated with an ACD call.TINACW Top Agents in AUXThe number of top agents logged into the skill who are in the AUX work mode for all skills or are on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls. Does not apply to direct agents in ACW.TINAUX Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or

Real-Time Reports CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports Multi-ACD Top Agent Report3-40 Top Agents in OtherFor the Generic 3 switch, the agent did one of the following activities while in the Auto-in or Manual- In state: •The agent put any call on hold and performed no further action. •The agent was on a direct agent call or in ACW for a direct agent call. •The agent was dialing to place a call or to activate a feature. •The agent had a personal call l ringing with no other activity. For the Generic 3 switch without EAS, agents are logged into multiple splits and doing work for a split other than this one (on an ACD call or in ACW). For the Generic 3, agents are logged into multiple skills and doing work for a skill other than this one (on an ACD call or in call-related ACW). Agent positions show up as OTHER directly after the link to the switch comes up and directly after the agents log in before the CentreVu CMS is notified of the agents work state.TOTHER Top Agents StaffedCurrent number of top agents that are staffed in the skill.TSTAFFED Flex Agents StaffedNumber of agents who are staffing the skill, but are neither top or reserve agents. Requires ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. FSTAFFED Reserve1 Agents StaffedNumber of agents staffing this skill as reserve1. Requires ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. R1STAFFED Reserve2 Agents StaffedNumber of agents staffing this skill as reserve2. Requires ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate. R2STAFFED Report HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, or