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Communications System
Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Instructions Manual
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BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-3 authorization c od e,3-3, 3-16, 3-19, 3-25, 3-27, 5-50, 5-52invalid log in attempts,3-58 maximum allowed,3-7monitoring usag e,3-26Network Ac c ess Flag set,3-7 removing,3-26Time-Out to Attend ant,3-33usag e p atterns,4-14, 4-17 used with b arrier cod e,3-6VD N,3-8Authorization Cod e Violations Status Rep ort,3-58, 3-59 auto d ial b utton,2-7programming passwords,5-3automated attend ant,1-1, 1-5, 2-3, 5-18, 5-24, 5-26, 5-30, 5-38 adjunc t eq uip ment,6-3AUDIX Voice Mail System,6-16A U D I X Vo i c e Po w e r Sy s t e m,6-17, 6-19, 6-21 C ON VERSA N T Vo ic e I n f or m at i on Syst e m,6-17D EFI N I TY A U D IX Voi c e Me s sa g i n g Sy st em,6-18 DEFINITY Communications System,6-1INTUITY System,6-18MERLIN MAIL R3 Voice Messag ing System,6-19 MERLIN MAIL Voic e Messag ing System,6-18, 6-19MERLIN MAIL-ML Voic e Messag ing System,6-19nested,6-13 PA RTN ER MA I L Sy st e m,6-20PA RTN ER MA I L VS Sys te m,6-20ports,6-5 restric ting menu options,6-5sec urity tools,6-2symp toms of ab use,6-9 System 75,6-1System 85,6-1toll fraud d etec tion,6-8 Automatic Alternate Routing,3-21analysis,3-17setting FRLs,3-12 Automatic Call Restriction Reset,4-17Automatic Circ uit Assuranc e,3-51, 6-11referral c alls,3-51 Automatic Numb er Id entific ation,F- 2Automatic Route Selection,3-17Automatic Timeout,4-17 B barrier code,3-3, 3-4, 3-25, 3-27, 3-32, 4-13, 4-15, 4-17, 4-20aging,3-61, D-11 COR,3-6, 3-12, 3-26COS,3-6default expiration dates and upgrades,3-61 invalid entry,3-56Basic Call Transfer,5-21, 5-40Basic Works sec urity c hec klists ,H-9Bay Networks sec urity c hec klists,H-28

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-4 BCMS Measurements,3-52b eep er sc am,1-7 bridging to outbound call,5-31, 5-32, 5-33b ulletin board,1-5, 5-24Busy Verific ation,3-64, 5-15, 6-12 b utton,3-64button act-tr-g rp,3-36 Alternate Fac ility Restric tion Level,3-30asvn-c all,3-55auto dial,2-7, 5-3 Busy Verification,3-64, 5-15, 6-12d eac t-tr-g rp,3-36L og i n SVN,3-55 lsvn-c all,3-55lsvn-halt,D-3nig ht servic e,3-9 Re mo te A c c e ss SVN,3-55rsvn-c all,3-55 rsvn-halt,D-5trk-ac-alm,3-38Ver i f y,3-64, 6-12 C call ACA referral,3-51 allowing to sp ecified numb ers,5-9, 6-6d isallowing outb ound,5-25, 6-16FX,5-8 international,3-30, 3-31monitoring,3-51, 3-63, 6-11p rivate network,3-13, 5-8 public network,3-17Re mo te A c c e ss send ing to attend ant,3-33 Tand em Tie Trunk,3-36toll,6-5 Transfer Out of AUDIX,6-16trunk-to-trunk,3-51, 6-11volume trac king ,3-50 WA TS,5-8 Call Ac counting System Plus,3-48Call Ac counting System rep orts,4-7, 4-14, 4-17, 4-20, 5-33, 5-34, 5-45, 5-48, 5-51, 5-53c all attemp t invalid ,3-27, 3-49, 3-53, 4-17, 4-19, 4-20, 6-5, 6-6Call Detail Rec ord ing,1-4, 3-26, 3-48, 5-11, 5-18, 6-13acc ount cod e,3-15 outg oing voic e,5-19, 6-14required with FEAC,3-20reviewing for ab use,3-49 call diverters,1-7c all flow throug h PBX system,A-1Call Forward Follow Me,3-14, 5-6, 6-3 Call Forward Off/On-Net,3-15Call Forward Off-Net,3-14, 5-6, 6-3

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-5 Call Forward ing,1-8, 3-64Feature Acc ess Cod e,3-8 c all list,5-7, 6-5free,3-16sp ec ifying,3-16 unrestricted,3-16, 5-27Call Manag ement System help lines,7-2 log,3-53Measurements,3-52sec uring,2-6 sec urity tip s,7-1call pager,5-27sc am,1-7 Call Promp ting,3-9c all sell operations,1-2Call Traffic Report,5-13, 6-9, 6-12 Call Vectoring,3-9, 3-29c all volume inc reases,3-49 c alling out-of-hours,4-7, 4-14, 4-17restric ting b y area,5-8 c alling card s,1-2, 1-5, 1-6CallMaster PC sec urity tip s,7-3 CAS Plus, see Call Ac c ounting System Plus CDR, see Call Detail Rec ording c ellular phones ,5-3 Central Offic e restrictions,3-19Centralized Attend ant Servic e,3-27Centralized System Management sec uring ,2-6c hang e remote-acc ess c ommand,D-6c hang e station command,3-64 c hang e system-p arameters features c ommand,D-7c hang e system-p arameters features security c ommand,D-6c hang e system-p arameters sec urity c ommand,D-2, D-4 circuit pack TN744 Call Classifier,3-37Tone Detector,3-37 Class of Restric tion,3-12, 3-27, 5-6, 6-33-way calling,3-14authorization cod e,3-12 b arrier c ode,3-12b loc king acc ess,3-10Fac ility Ac cess Trunk test op tion,3-36 maximum allowed,3-12, 5-6, 6-3outward -restric ted,3-26Re mo te A c c e ss,3-26 VD N,3-14Class of Servic e,3-14, 5-6, 6-3c lear measurements sec urity-violations c ommand,3-47 CMS, see Call Manag ement System CO trunks,2-2code acc ount ,5-50, 5-52authorization,2-2, 3-3, 5-34, 5-44, 5-50, 5-52, 5-53b arrier,2-2, 3-3, 3-4 restric tion,3-13Cod e Restriction Level,6-4

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-6 c ommand add /c hange log in,D-7 c hange remote-ac c ess,D-6c hange station,3-64c hange system-p arameters features,D-7 c hange system-p arameters features sec urity,D-6c hange system-p arameters security,D-2, D-4c lear measurements security-violations,3-47 disable remote-access,D-7enab le remote-ac c ess,D-6list b c ms trunk,3-52 list c all forward ing,3-64list data module,2-7list history,3-61 list hunt g roup,2-7list measurements,3-50list p erformance,3-50 monitor,3-41monitor security-violations,3-54, 3-58 status remote ac cess,3-10verify,3-64Committee of the Alliance for Telec ommunic ations,xx con games,1-6, 1-8Conferenc e Reservation and Control System p rotecting the system,7-4 sec urity c hec klists,H-43c onferenc ing,5-33c onsole attendant ,3-64, 5-26, 6-12key,3-36permissions,3-15 CONVERSANT Voice Information System automated attend ant,6-17password chang ing ,E- 2 remote maintenance board,5-31 sec urity c hec klists,H-13sec urity tip s,5-33COR-to-COR restrictions,3-13, 3-44 NETCON,2-6credit card calls,1-2, 1-5, 1-6 D DAC, see Dial Ac c ess Cod e d ata c hannel,2-3Data Orig ination Feature Acc ess Cod e ,3-8Data Privacy Feature Acc ess Cod e,3-8 Data Restriction Feature Acc ess Cod e,3-8DCS, see Distrib uted Communic ation System default passwords c hanging ,2-4

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-7 DEFINITY AUDIX Voic e Messag ing System automated attend ant,6-18 log ins,5-21password chang ing,E- 3 p rotec ting,5-20 p rotecting the system,5-15sec urity c hec klists,H-5sec urity c onsid erations,5-21 DEFINITY Communic ations System automated attend ant,6-1d etec ting toll fraud,3-45 Re mo te A c c e ss,3-3restric ting unauthorized outg oing c alls,3-11sec urity g oals and tools,2-10 sec urity measures,3-24sec urity tip s,3-2 sec urity tools b y release,I-1voic e mail,5-4DEFINITY Communic ations System G1 password chang ing ,E- 4 sec urity c hec klists,H-15DEFINITY Communic ations System G2 password chang ing ,E- 5 sec urity c hec klists,H-21 DEFINITY Communic ations System G3 password chang ing ,E- 4 sec urity c hec klists,H-15DEFINITY ECS, see DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server d etec ting toll fraud ,3-45Re mo te A c c e ss,3-3 restric ting unauthorized outg oing c alls,3-11sec urity c hec klists,H-15sec urity measures,3-24 sec urity tip s,3-2voic e mail,5-4Dial Ac cess Cod e,3-37, 5-2 d ial tone AAR,3-38acc essing,1-5 ARS,3-17, 3-38authorization cod e,3-7b arrier c ode,3-6 Re mo te A c c e ss,3-2sup p ressing,3-38switc h,3-38 transferring,1-4DID Restriction,6-4d igit conversion,3-21, 3-31, 3-32 D i g it a l Po r t Emu l at i on Mo d e,5-28DIMENSION PBX System sec urity c hec klists,H-25 d irec t dial acc ess,3-8, 3-17Direct Distanc e Dialing,1-1Direct Inward Dialing,F- 1

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-8 Direct Inward System Ac cess,1-4, 1-5, 2-2, F- 2MERLIN LEGEND Communic ations System,4-7 DISA, see Direc t Inward System Acc ess disable remote-access command,D-7disabling Remote Access,C-3 d isallowing outsid e c alls,5-25, 6-2, 6-16Distrib uted Communication System,3-40, 3-51Trunk Turnaround,3-40 d ump ster d iving,1-6 E Elec tronic Tand em Network,3-17, 3-41 E-mail ad ministration Vir u se s,5-17 emp loyee abuse,1-8, 2-7, 7-8educ ation,2-7 emulation p rog rams PC-b ased,2-6enab le remote-acc ess c ommand,D-6 Enhanced Automated Attendant,5-18, 6-13Enhanced Call Transfer,5-22, 5-25, 5-28, 6-1, 6-16c overag e limitations,5-23 EPSC S n e tw o r k,3-14eq uip ment rooms physical security,2-9 Escap e to Attend ant,5-23ETN, see Elec tronic Tand em Network Extended User Administration of Red irec ted Calls,3-23 F FAC, see Feature Ac c ess Cod e Facility Restriction Level,3-15, 5-5, 6-2, 6-4 attendant c onsole,3-28overrid ing,3-16p rovid ing ind ivid ualized calling p rivileg es,3-28 sug g ested value,3-28Facility Restriction Levels MERLIN LEGEND System,4-12 Facility Test Call,3-38access code,3-37, 5-2denying,3-10 disabling,3-36FEAC, see Forc ed Entry of Ac c ount Cod e Feature Ac c ess Cod e,1-4 Ab b reviated Dialing,3-8ARS/AAR,3-8Call Forwarding,3-8 Data Orig ination,3-8Data Privac y,3-8Data Restric tion,3-8 Fac i li t y Tes t Ca l ls,3-8FNPA, see Foreig n Numb ering Plan Area

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-9 Forced Entry of Ac count Code,3-20, 3-42Forced Password Ag ing,3-47 Foreig n Numb ering Plan Area,3-31, 3-32, 3-34free c all list,3-16AAR/ARS c alls,3-16 TA C c a ll s,3-16FRL, see Fac ility Restric tion Level Fully Restric ted Servic e,3-13, 3-27 FX trunks,2-2 G G3-MA, see Generic 3 Manag ement Ap p lic ation G3-MT, see Generic 3 Manag ement Terminal Generic 3 Manag ement Ap p lication ,2-6, 3-53 invalid log in attempts,3-58Generic 3 Manag ement Terminal,3-50, 3-53, 5-13, 6-10 H hackers,1-2800 numb ers,2-2acc essing automated attend ant systems,2-3 rand om number generators,1-2, 2-2Hig hest Extension,6-18hold ing time long ,3-50, 3-51, 3-52, 6-11short,3-48, 3-49, 3-50, 3-51, 3-52, 4-20, 6-11, F- 1 I INADS p ort,3-47individual and group-controlled restrictions,3-18individ ualized c alling p rivileg es providing ,3-28interc ep t tone,3-21c all routing,3-27 interc ep t treatment,3-35Interexc hang e Carrier,1-6, 4-19internal ab users,1-8 international c alls,3-30, 3-31, 3-32disallowing,4-19 operator,3-31I N TU I TY A U D I X Vo i c e Me ss ag i ng Sys te m,5-39 log ins,5-21password p rotec ting,5-20, 5-39 p rotecting,5-39p rotecting the system,5-15 sec urity c hec klists,H-5sec urity c onsid erations,5-21

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-10 INTUITY System automated attend ant,6-18 password chang ing,E- 5 Inward Restric tion,6-4IXC, see Interexc hang e Carrier L LDN, see Listed Direc tory Numb er LEC, see Loc al Exc hang e Carrier list bc ms trunk c ommand ,3-52 list call forward ing command,3-64list data mod ule c ommand,2-7list history c ommand,3-61 list hunt g roup command,2-7list measurements command,3-50 list performanc e c ommand,3-50Listed Direc tory Numb er,3-9, 5-26, 6-17lobb y telep hones ,3-34Local Exchang e Carrier,1-7log Real-Time Exc ep tion ,3-53Trunk Group Exc ep tions,3-53login invalid attempts ,3-54Login Violations Status Rep ort,3-58logins,3-47 assig ned d uring installation,3-25bcms,3-24, 3-41browse,3-24, 3-41 cust,3-24, 3-41invalid attempts,3-55, 3-56NMS,3-24 rc ust,3-24, 3-41storing,2-6logoff sc reen,3-10 loop ing,1-3, 1-6loop -start trunks,4-16, 4-19trunk to trunk transfers,4-19 Lowest Extension,6-18 M maintenanc e acc ess,2-6 maintenanc e p ort,2-8targ et of ab use,1-4Malicious Call Trac e,3-62 Manager I,5-13reporting,3-50, 6-10Manager III/IV,2-6 Manual Terminating Line Restriction,6-4Measurement Selection ARS,3-51, 5-14, 6-10

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-11 measurements BCMS,3-52 CMS,3-52MERLIN Attendant,6-18, 6-19MERLIN II Communications System p rotecting DISA ,4-6sec urity c hec klists,H-29sec urity g oals and tools,2-13 sec urity tip s,4-6voic e mail,5-33MERLIN LEGEND Communications System allowed and disallowed lists ,4-10p reventative measures,4-9Re mo te A c c e ss,4-13 sec urity c hec klists,H-31sec urity g oals and tools,2-13setting fac ility restric tion levels,4-12 star c od es,4-10voic e mail,5-36 MERLIN LEGEND Mail Voic e Messag ing System,5-43automated attend ant p rotec ting,5-43 password chang ing,E- 7 p rotec ting,5-44 MERLIN MAIL R3 Voic e Messaging System,5-43automated attend ant,6-19p rotec ting,5-43 password chang ing,E- 7 p rotec ting,5-44 sec urity c hec klists,H-38sec urity tip s,5-44MERLIN MAIL Voic e Messag ing System,5-43 automated attend ant,6-18, 6-19p rotec ting,5-43 password chang ing,E- 6 p rotec ting,5-34, 5-44 ports,5-33 p rotecting,5-33sec urity c hec klists,H-34sec urity tip s,5-34, 5-44 MERLIN MAIL-ML Voic e Messag ing System,5-43automated attend ant,6-19p rotec ting,5-43 password chang ing,E- 6 p rotec ting,5-44 sec urity c hec klists,H-36sec urity tip s,5-44MERLIN Plus Communications System p rotecting Remote Call Forward ing ,4-17p rotecting Remote Line Ac c ess,4-16Remote Line Ac c ess,4-16 sec urity c hec klists,H-41sec urity g oals and tools,2-13Messag e Delivery,5-19, 5-24, 6-14

BCS Products Security Handbook 555-025-600 Issue 6 December 1997 Index Page IN-12 Miscellaneous Trunk Restric tions,5-6, 5-7, 6-3mod em flashing switc h-hook ,2-3p rotecting p orts,2-3monitor c ommand,3-41 Monitor I,3-50, 5-13, 6-9, 6-10, 6-12monitor sec urity-violations c ommand,3-54, 3-58Multimed ia Communications Exc hang e Server sec urity c hec klists ,H-42Multip oint Conferencing Unit p rotecting the system,7-4 sec urity c hec klists,H-43 N National Servic e Assistanc e Center,xxiNETCON, see Network Control d ata channel Network 3,3-34, 5-10, 6-7 network ac cess unauthorized,1-1Network Control d ata channel,2-3, 2-6, 2-7 Network Corp orate Sec urity,5-3Network I Toll Acc ess Cod e,3-15, 6-4night servic e ,3-8shut-down p roced ure,3-18North Americ an Dialing Plan,3-32, B-1 NSAC, see National Servic e Assistance Center Numb ering Plan area ,3-28, B-8 d efining,3-45 O Observe Remotely feature,3-63 Orig inating Line Screening,4-19Orig ination Restriction,6-4OTTOTT, see Outg oing Trunk to Outg oing Trunk Transfer outc alling ,5-24, 5-38, 5-50, 5-52, 5-54limiting,5-27, 5-42Outg oing Trunk to Outgoing Trunk Transfer disabling ,3-40Outward Restriction,3-13, 3-14, 5-7, 6-4overlap p ed send ing,3-45