Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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Page 371
AIRCONDITIONING 1 ADJUSTMENT GENERAL PRECAUTIONS The refrigerant usedinthe airconditioning systemis HFC (Hydrofluorocarbon) R134a. WARNING:R134aisahazardous liquid and when handled incorrectly cancause serious injury.Suitable protective clothing must beworn when carrying outservicing operations onthe airconditioning system. WARNING:R134aisodourless and colourless. Donot handle ordischarge in an enclosed area,orinany area where the vapour orliquid cancome incontact withnaked flame orhot metal. R134a isnot...
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82AIR CONDITIONING 2 ADJUSTMENT SERVICING PRECAUTIONS Care mustbetaken whenhandling refrigeration system components. Unitsmustnotbelifted bytheir hoses, pipesorcapillary lines.Hoses andlines must not besubjected toany twist orstress. Ensure that hoses arepositioned intheir correct runbefore fully tightening thecouplings, andensure thatallclips and supports areused. Torque wrenches ofthe correct type must beused when tightening refrigerant connections tothe stated value.Anadditional spanner must beused...
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AIRCONDITIONING 3 ADJUSTMENT REFRIGERANT RECOVERY,RECYCLING, RECHARGING WARNING: Theairconditioning systemis charged withahigh pressure, potentially toxic refrigerant. Repairsorservicing must only becarried outbyanoperator familiarwith both thevehicle system andthecharging and testing equipment. All operations mustbecarried outina well-ventilated areaaway fromopen flame and heat sources. Always wearsafety goggles andgloves when opening refrigerant connections. WARNING: Weareyeand hand safety protection....
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82AIR CONDITIONING 4 ADJUSTMENT 5. Operate therefrigerant recharging system according tothe manufactures instructions. Refrigerant tocharge system is1.1 kg. 6. Ifthe fullcharge hasnotbeen accepted bythe system, starttheengine andrunitat 1500 rev/min foraminimum of2minutes. Switch onthe airconditioning system,openthe vehicle windows, setthe temperature controlto cold andswitch theblower tomaximum speed. 7. Consult Refrigerant StationManual forcorrect procedure tocomplete thecharge. 8. Carry...
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AIRCONDITIONING 5 ADJUSTMENT AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM-PERFORMANCE TEST WARNING: R134aishazardousSee Repair, General Precautions Carryoutthis test with bonnet anddoors orwindows open, airconditioning switchedon,temperature control settocold andblower atmaximum speed.Set the airsupply control tosupply freshair. 1. Close lowpressure valveonrefrigerant station. 2. Close highpressure valveonrefrigerant station. 3. Connect aRefrigerant Stationtothe high and low pressure servicing connections. 4. Insert drybulb...
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82AIR CONDITIONING 6 ADJUSTMENT SYSTEM TEST 1. Place thevehicle inaventilated, shadedarea free from excessive draught,withthedoors and windows open. 2. Check thatthesurface ofthe condenser isnot restricted withdirt,leaves, flies,etc.Donot neglect tocheck thesurface between the condenser andtheradiator. Cleanasnecessary. 3. Switch onthe ignition andtheairconditioner air flow control. Checkthattheblower isoperating efficiently atlow, medium andhigh speeds. Switch offthe blower andtheignition. 4. Check...
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AIRCONDITIONING 7 ADJUSTMENT 11. Allprecautions mustbetaken toprevent damage tofittings andconnections. Slight damage couldcause aleak withthehigh pressures usedinthe system. 12. Always usetwowrenches ofthe correct size, one oneach fitting when releasing and tightening refrigeration unions. 13. Joints andOrings should becoated with refrigeration oiltoaid correct seating. Fittings which arenotlubricated withrefrigerant oilare almost certain toleak. 14. Alllines must befree ofkinks. Theefficiency of the...
Page 378
AIRCONDITIONING 1 REPAIR COMPRESSOR Service repairno-82.10.20 Remove 1. Disconnect battery. 2. Recover refrigerant fromairconditioning system SeeAdjustment, Refrigerantrecovery, recycling, recharging. 3.Remove compressor drivebelt.See Compressor drivebelt 4.Disconnect highpressure pipefrom compressor. 5. Disconnect lowpressure pipefrom compressor. 6. Remove Oring from each flange. 7. Disconnect compressor clutchharness multi-plug. 8. Remove compressor frommounting bracket studs. Refit 9. Ifa new...
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82AIR CONDITIONING 2 REPAIR COMPRESSOR DRIVEBELT Service repairno-82.10.02 Remove 1. Disconnect battery. 2. Remove auxiliarydrivebelt SeeELECTRICAL, Repair, Auxiliary drivebelt. 3.Remove 3nuts securing drivebeltguard to compressor retainingstuds. 4.Slacken 3belt tensioner retainingbolts. 5. Remove compressor drivebelt.Mark direction on belt ifrefitting. Refit 6. Fitcompressor drivebelt. 7. Fitdrive beltguard. 8. Fittorque metertocentre oftensioner, applyand hold atorque of 35Nm (26lbf/ft). 9.Tighten...
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AIRCONDITIONING 3 REPAIR CONDENSER FANAND MOTORS Service repairno-82.15.08 Remove 1. Disconnect battery. 2. Remove 6screws andliftgrille panel from vehicle. 3. Disconnect fanmotor multi-plugs andrelease harness retaining clips. 4. Remove nutand washers andwithdraw fan blade frommotor driveshaft. 5. Remove 2retaining screws,releasemotorfan from shroud support brackets andfeed motor multi-plug leadthrough appropriate aperture. Refit 6. Feed motor leadthrough fanshroud. 7. Fitmotor tofan shroud support...