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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    							.. . . ,..: ~. .,”, :;.c ..., :.... .* .*-‘ ,.. , 
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    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    . . ... ,....... ... .. . ... ..>:. \., .. ., ._ : ?Y!:. .:. 
    The mechanical  components  of the  Land  Rover  90 and 
    110  braking  system  consist 
    of single cylinder  Girling 
    drum  brakes  at 
    the rear and Lockheed,  four  piston 
    caliper  disc brakes  at  the  front.  The 
    cable controlled 
    handbrake  is a  mechanically  operated single drum 
    on the  output  shaft of the transfer  box and is 
    completely  independent 
    of the main  braking  system. 
    Adjustment  of  all drum brakes 
    is by a snail  cam turned 
    by  a square  peg 
    on the back-plates. 
    The  basic  hydraulic  system involves  two separate  and 
    independent  primary  and  secondary circuits which 
    permit  a degree  of braking  should  a  fault occur in one 
    of the  circuits.  The primary  circuit operates  the rear 
    brakes  and the secondary  circuit controls  the front 
    brake  calipers.  The tandem  master  cylinder, which is 
    assisted  by a  type 
    50 direct  acting  servo, is fed by a 
    divided  fluid reservoir.  The rear  section  contains  fluid 
    for  the  primary  cicuit and the front  portion  supplies 
    fluid  for the  secondary  circuit. 
    Land Rover 90 models have a brake  fluid loss switch 
    fitted  to 
    the master  cylinder  filler cap. The switch  is 
    wired  to a  warning  lamp  bulb 
    on the drivers  control 
    panel  and the bulb  will illuminated  momentarily  when 
    the  starter  motor is actuated,  indicating  that the brake 
    warning  circuit 
    is functioning  correctly.  A hydraulic 
    failure  in 
    the primary  or secondary  circuits will result  in 
    fluid  loss  and cause  the warning  bulb to illuminate,  in 
    such  an  event,  the driver  must stop  the  vehicle 
    immediately  and investigate  the cause. 
    In some 
    territories,  alternative  and additional  switches  and 
    controls  may be fitted (as described  in the  following for 
    110  models)  to meet  legal legislation. 
    Land  Rover 110 models have a Pressure  Differential 
    Warning  Actuator  Valve (P.D.W.A.  Valve) or in 
    cases  a  combined  P.D.W.A.  Valve and a Pressure 
    Conscious  Reducing  Valve  (P.C.R. Valve) situated 
    between  the  master  cylinder  and the front  and  rear 
    The  valves  are bolted  to the  bulkhead  within the engine 
    compartment.  The type  of  valve  fitted is dependent 
    upon  the  nature 
    of the vehicle  and the braking 
    classification  regulations  prevailing  in the  territory 
    where  the ehicle  is 
    to operate.  Both types of valve 
    incorporate  an electrical switch wired  to a 
    warning bulb 
    on  the  vehicle  control  panel.  The bulb  will illuminate 
    momentarily  when the starter  motor is actuated 
    indicating  that the brake  warning  circuit is functioning 
    correctly.  A  fault 
    in either  the  primary or secondary 
    circuits  is evident 
    if the  warning bulb  illuminates  upon 
    of the  foot  brake while the engine is 
    running.  Should  a pressure  failure  occur in the front 
    brake  circuit  (secondary)  the piston  in the  P.D.W.A. 
    valve  will 
    move in the  diretion of the failed  circuit 
    causing  the switch  to operate  and 
    the warning  bulb to 
    illuminate.  At the  same  time full  fluid prcssure in the 
    - . 
    primary  circuit to  the  rear  brakes  will continue.  The 
    P.D.W.A.  will function  in a  similar  manner should  a 
    failure  occur in the  primary,  rear  brake  circuit.  A 
    Girling  type 
    80 vacuum  servo  is fitted  when  a 
    combination  valve is used. 
    The P.C.R.  valve allows fluid  to the  rear brakes  until a 
    predetermined  pressure 
    is reached  when the valve 
    closes.  the valve,  from this point  on, will  only permit  a 
    of any  increase in  fluid pressure to  reach the 
    rear brakes  to prevent  premature  locking of the  rear 
    wheels.  Should a failure  occur in the  front  brake 
    secondary  circuit the design 
    of the valve  will ensure  that 
    the  fluid  to 
    the rear  brakes  will by-pass  the valve  and 
    allow  full circuit  pressure  to the rear wheel  cylinder. 
    To satisfy  the demand of other  regulations  certain 
    vehicles  are  equipped  with  a deceleration 
    -lock  valve  fitted  in the  rear  brake  (primary) line 
    of a  P.C.R.  valve. Then this valve is used  a 
    Girling  type 
    80 vacuum  servo is fitted.  The valve  is 
    situated  on the inner face of the  chassis  right
    -hand side 
    member at 
    an angle of 20 to  the  horizontal so that the 
    angle of inclination  is towards the front  of the  vehicle. 
    Under  normal  braking  conditions  the valve  remains 
    passive.  When fierce 
    or emergency braking  is necessary 
    the  valve  operates  at a pre
    -determined  deceleration 
    figure and  reduces  the rate 
    of increase in the hydraulic 
    pressure to the  wheel cylinders. 
    A. Primary circuit. 
    B. Secondary  circuit. 
    C. P.D.W.A. or combination  valve. 
    							170 I BRAKING SYSTEM 
    3. Removing friction pads - early type 
    Remove  the retaining  pins  and  anti
    -rattle springs 
    and  withdraw  the pads. 
    If the same pads  are to be 
    refitted,  identify them  for assembly  to their  original 
    iocations. 1 2 
    A B Removing  friction pads - latest type 
    Remove  the four  spring  clips and remove  the 
    retaining  pins and anti
    -rattle  springs  and withdraw 
    the  pads.  If the  same  pads  are to be  refitted, 
    identify  them for assembly  to  their original 
    4, Remove  the two  bolts  and withdraw  the caliper 
    from  the vehicle. 
    3 4 
    continued ST532M 
    A. Combination  valve. 
    B. P.D.W.A. valve. 
    C. G. valve. 
    1. Inlet from  master cylinder  to secondary circuit. 
    2. Inlet  from  master cylinder  to primary circuit. 
    3. Outlet  to front calipers  via T junction. 
    4. Outlet to rcar brakes  via T junction. 
    5. Inlet port. 
    6. Outlet port. 
    7. Angle of inclination (20°C). 
    Special  tool: 
    186672 -Piston clamp 
    NOTE:  The following  procedure 
    is applicable  to Land 
    90 and 110 models. A 110 caliper  is illustrated 
    and  varies  mainly  in size  and  external  pipe connections 
    from  the 
    90 version. 
    1. Slacken the front  wheel retaining nuts, jack-up the 
    vehicle  and lower  onto axle stands  and remove  the 
    2. Expose  the brake  flexible  hose  by moving  the nn;I~rl m,ntn,-t;.ra ,-nsraAnn qnA rlomn thn hnco LULb y1UkbbLnb bUbLII~ Ull -.unnmy %L.b .IUI. 
    Disconnect  the hose  from  the caliper. 
    NOTE:  The first  illustration  shows the early  type 
    friction  pad retaining  pins and anti-rattle  springs. 
    The  second  illustration  shows the latest  anti
    springs  and method 
    of retaining  the pads,  using 
    parallel  pins and retaining  clips, or split  pins. 
    /. -% E- L  
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 170 I 
    1. Bleed screw. 
    2. Caliper. 
    3. Anti-rattle springs. 
    4. Retaining  pins. 
    5. Friction pads. 
    6. Brake disc. 
    7. Piston. 
    8. Wiper seal retainer 
    9. Wiper seal. 
    ?. *, .? , * 
    10. Fluid seal. 
    ST1271M 1 
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    1. Bleed screw. 
    2. Caliper. 
    4. Retaining pins and clips. 
    5. Friction pads. 
    6. Brake disc. 
    7. Piston. 
    8. Wiper  seal retainer. 
    9. Wiper  seal. 
    3. Anti-rattle springs; 
    10. Fluid seal. 
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    Do not separate the caliper  halves. 
    r: . . .I sr. 
    5. Clean the outer  surfaces  of the  caliper  with 
    methylated  spirit. 
    6. Using special  tool 18G672, clamp the pistons  in the 
    mounting  half 
    of the  caliper  and gently,  keeping 
    fingers  clear, and with  CAUTION,  apply air 
    to the  fluid  inlet port  to expel  the rim  half 
    pistons.  Since  it  is unlikely  that  both  pistons will 
    expel  at the  same  time,  regulate the rate  with  a 
    suitable  piece 
    of timber  between  the appropriate 
    piston  and caliper. 
    7. Finally,  remove the pistons  keeping  them 
    identified  with their  respective  bores. 
    8. Remove the wiper seal retainer  by inserting a  blunt 
    screw  driver between  the retainer  and the seal and 
    prise  the  retainer  carefully from  the  mouth 
    of the 
    9. Taking care  not to damage  the seal  grooves, extract * the wiper seal  and fluid seal. 
    10. Clean  the  bores,  pistons  and  particularly the seal 
    grooves  with clean  brake  fluid or methylated  spirit 
    only.  If the  caliper 
    or pistons  are corroded  or if 
    their condition  is not perfect the parts  must be 
    Assemble  rim-half pistons 
    11. Coat a new  fluid  seal with  Lockheed  disc brake 
    lubricant.  Ease the seal  into the groove  in the  bore 
    using  only  the fingers  and ensure  that it 
    is properly 
    seated.  The fluid  seal  and  the groove  are not  the 
    in section so that  when  the seal  is seated  it 
    feels  proud  to the  touch at the edge  furthest away 
    the mouth  of the bore. 
    . I* 
    12. Smear  the  appropriate  piston with  disc  brake 
    lubricant  and  insert  it squarely  into  the  bore  by 
    hand  only. 
    Do not tilt the  piston  during insertion 
    and  leave  approximately 
    8 mm projecting  from the 
    13. Coat  a new  wiper  seal with  disc  brake lubricant  and 
    fit it to a new  seal retainer.  Slide the assembly,  seal 
    first,  over the protruding  piston and into  the bore 
    recess.  Remove  the piston  clamp 
    from the 
    mounting  half and use 
    the clamp to prcss home the 
    seal  retainer  and piston. 
    -half  pistons 
    14. Clamp  the rim-half  pistons  and carry  out the same 
    procedure  as for  removing  and fitting  the rim  half 
    pistons  and seals,  instructions 
    6 to 13. 
    Fit calipers and pads to vehicle 
    15. Fit the caliper  to the  axle  and secure  with the two 
    bolts  tightening  evenly 
    to the correct torque, sce 
    16. Connect the brake  flcxiblc  hose to the calipcr and 
    remove the  hose clamp. 
    17. Lightly  smear the  back and edges of the  pads with 
    disc  brake  lubricant  carefully  avoiding  the friction 
    18. Fit the  friction  pads and  secure  using ncw pins and 
    rctaining clips or split  pins  (latest  type)  and  anti- 
    rattle  springs.  Splay  the cnds of thc early typc 
    retaining pins. 
    19. When  the  foregoing  instructions  have been 
    completed on both  calipers,  depress  the  brake 
    pedal  firmly  several  times to locate  the  friction 
    20. Fit  the  road  wheels, rcmovc the  axle  stands  and 
    finally  tighten  the road  wheel nuts, see data. 
    21. Road  test the vehicle,  remembering  that if new 
    friction  pads have  been fitted  they are 
    not ‘bedded- 
    in’ and  may  take  several  hundred  miles before  the 
    brakes  are at maximum  efficiency. 
    							1701 BRAKING SYSTEM 
    OVERHAUL REAR BRAKES - 90 models 
    Do not use  an air  line  to blow dust  from the 
    brake  assemblies 
    - asbestos  dust from  brake  linings 
    be a serious  health risk  if inhaled. 
    1. Slacken  the  road wheel  nuts, jack-up the  vehicle, 
    lower  onto axle stands  and  remove  the road 
    2. Slacken the brake  shoe adjuster  on the rear  of the 
    -plate  to  assist removal  of brake  drum. 
    3. Remove  the single  retaining  screw and withdraw 
    the brake  drum. 
    4. Remove  the trailing  shoe anchor  plate. 
    5. Lever off the brake shoes  whilst noting  the position 
    of  the  pull
    -off springs. 
    6.  Disconnect  the  brake fluid  pipe  to the  wheel 
    cylinder and  cover the pipe 
    end to prevent  ingress 
    of  dirt. 
    ST745M 4 
    7. Remove  the  two  retaining  nuts  and withdraw  the 
    wheel  cylinder from  the back
    Dismantle and overhaul wheel cylinder 
    8. Remove  the two dust covers. 9. yqithdra.w tiie pistoiis arid discard 
    10. Remove  the spring. 
    11. Remove the bleed  screw. 
    12. Clean  components  with Girling  cleaning  fluid  and 
    allow  to dry. 
    13.  Examine  the  cylinder and pistons  for corrosion, 
    scores and wear.  Renew any component that  is not 
    satisfactory  or replace  complete  cylinder assembly. 
    14. Fit new seals  to the  pistons noting  that the seal lip is 
    15. Lubricate the  pistons with  new clean  Girling  brake 
    16.  Fit the  spring between  the two  pistons. 
    17. Fit the  dust  covers. 
    18. Fit a  rubber  band around the  cylinder to  retain  the 
    19. Fit the  bleed  screw  and tighten  to 0,5 to 0,8 kgf m 
    towards the 
    parts,  until the brake  shoes are 
    in position. 
    (4 to 6 Ibf  ft). 
    1. Fit  the  wheel  cylinder  to the back-plate and  secure 
    with  the two nuts and spring  washers. 
    2. Reconnect the pull-off spring  to the  brake  shoes 
    and  fit the  shoes at  the wheel  cylinder  end first. 
    3.  Reconnect  the leading shoe pull
    -off spring; replace 
    it  with  its  long  end  hooked  over  the post on the 
    shoe  web. 
    4. Refit  the trailing  shoe anchor  plate and secure  with 
    the  two  bolts  and tab plate. 
    5. Turn  the adjuster on the  back-plate to check 
    6  Connect  the brake  fluid pipe 
    to the wheel  cylinder. 
    7. Examine  the  brake  drum  for internal  scoring and 
    ovality.  If required,  the interior 
    of the drum  can be 
    machined  to a  maximum  diameter 
    of 255,52 mm 
    (10.060 in). 
    8. Fit the  brake  drum and  ensure  that it seats 
    correctly  on the  hub  register  and secure  with the 
    single  screw. 
    9. Turn the adjuster  on the back-plate until the brake 
    is locked  against  the drum.  Back off 
    approximateiy  two  serrations 
    so [hat the drum 
    revolves freely. 
    10. Repeat the procedure for  the opposite brake. 
    11.  Bleed  the brakes. 
    12. Fit the  road  wheels,  remove  the axle stands  and 
    finally  tighten  the road  wheel  nuts to the  correct 
    							BRAKING SYSTEM 
    i I .,.. yr.:::  --r ..I OVERHAUL REAR BRAKES - 110 models 
    WARNING: Do 
    not use  an air  line to  blow dust from the 
    brake  assemblies 
    - asbestos  dust  from  brake  linings 
    can  be a serious health risk  if inhaled. 
    :.:::f!,. , ... iy .,> ..., .. . . 
    1. Slacken  the road  wheel  nuts,  jack-up the  vehicle, 
    lower  onto axle stands  and  remove  the  road 
    2. Slacken  the two  brake shoe adjusters  on the  rear  of 
    the  back
    -plate to assist  removal  of brake  drum. 
    3. Disconnect  the  brake fluid pipe to the  wheel 
    cylinder  and cover  the pipe  end to  prevent  ingress 
    of  dirt. 
    4. Remove  the two  retaining  nuts  and withdraw  the 
    wheel cylinder  from the back
    Dismantle and overhaul wheel cylinder 
    7. Remove the  two dust  covers. 
    8.  Withdraw  the pistons  and discard  seals. 
    Removc the  spring. 
    10. Remove  the bleed  screw. 
    11. Clean  components  with Girling  cleaning  fluid and 
    allow  to dry. 
    12. Examine  the cylinder  and pistons  for  corrosion, 
    scores and  wear. Renew  any component that  is 
    satisfactory or replace  complete  cylinder assembly. 
    13. Fit new  seals to the pistons noting that  the seal  lip is 
    towards the  cylinder. 
    14. Lubricate the pistons  with new clean  Girling  brake 
    15. Fit the  spring between  the two  pistons. 
    16. Fit the  dust  covers. 
    17. Fit the  bleed  screw  and  tighten to 0,5 to 0,8  kgf m 
    (4 to 6 Ibf ft). 
    Assembling  rear brake 
    18. Fit the  wheel  cylinder to the back-plate  and secure 
    19. Assemble new brake shoe pull-off  springs to re- 
    with  the two  nuts and  spring washers. 
    lined  brake shoes as illustrated. 5. Remove  the single  retaining Screw and withdraw 
    6. Lever off the brake  shoes whilst  noting  the position 
    the brake drum. 
    the pull-off  springs.  continued 
    5 ST 1 
    STl165M 7  
    							1701 BRAKING SYSTEM 
    21.  Locate  the 
    shoes in the  wheel  cylinder  piston  slots 
    and  lever  the opposite  ends into the  pivot block. 
    Operatc the snail cams  to check  that the shoes 
    22. Connect the brake  fluid pipe to the  wheel  cylinder. 
    23. Fit the  brake  drum  and  secure with the single 
    24. Adjust  each brake  shoe independently  as follows: 
    turn  one adjuster  until the shoe  is locked  against 
    the  drum.  Back off approximately two  serrations 
    the snail  cam so that the drum  revolves freely. 
    25. Repeat instruction  24 on  the  second  shoe and carry 
    out  the same  procedure  for the  opposite  brake. 
    26. Bleed the brakes. 
    27. Fit  the  road  wheels,  remove  the  axle stands and 
    finally  tighten  the road  wheel  nuts  to the  correct 
    WARNING:  Do not  use an air  line to  remove  dust from 
    the  brake  assembly.  Asbestos dust  from  the brake 
    linings  can be a serious  health risk, 
    if inhaled. 
    2.  Disconnect the propeller  shaft  from  the  output 
    3. Remove  the  two  screws  and withdraw  the  brake 
    drum.  Skim 
    if excessively  scored or oval. 
    4. Remove the  split pin and clevis pin  connecting  the 
    drawlink  to the actuating  lever. 
    5. Remove the brake  shoes  complete  with pull-off 
    springs.  Note position 
    of springs  in relation  to the 
    6. Remove  the four  bolts  securing  back-plate to 
    transfer  box and withdraw  the back-plate  complete 
    oil catcher. 
    1. Brakedrum. 
    2. Brake  drum retaining screws. 
    3. Brake shoes. 
    4.  Brake  shoes pull
    -off springs. 
    5. Expander  assembly. 
    6. Adjuster assembly. 
    7. Drawlink. 
    8. Oil catcher. 
    9. Back plate and retaining bolts. 
    10. Dust cover. 
    11. Locking plate. 
    12. Packing plate. 
    13. Spring  plate. 
    ST1192M ‘2 
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