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    of 720
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    66. Using  new  spacers and springs,  assemble  the 
    rockers  and  brackets  to the  shaft  as  illustrated, 
    ensuring that 
    the rockers  move freely  on thc shaft. 
    th.jt double spacers  are fitted each  side of the 
    centre pedestal. 
    Fit the  tappet  adjustment  screws and lock  nuts to 
    the  rockers. 
    68.  Invert  the rocker  assembly  and  locate 
    it on the 
    rocker cover to prevent it falling apart. Place  the 
    reconditioncd cylinder  head  and  rocker assembly 
    to one side  ready  for fitting  to the engine. 
    Si1432M 66 
    REMOVE AND OVERHAUL THE FLYWHEEL 2. Wear or scores on the flywheel  clutch face can be 
    corrected  by machining 
    provided that  the overall 
    1. Remove  the  flywheel retaining bolts and  withdraw  width of the flywheel  is not  rcduccd bclow 
    3. Check  that  the flywhccl has  not  been  previously 
    flywheel  and reinforcing  plate. 
    36,96 mm (1.453 in). 
    . .. . .. . ... , 
    thc gcar can be renewed. 
    4. Examine the  ring gear  teeth  and if chipped or worn 
    Reface  the flywheel 
    5.  Remove  the clutch location dowels. 
    6. Machine thc flywheel over the complete  clutch face 
    removing  only thc minimum niaterial necessary  to 
    achieve  a  smooth  flat surface  parallel  with the 
    crankshaft  mating face  and 
    within the above width 
    dimensions  and 
    fit new dowels. 
    Renew the ring gear 
    7. Drill  a 8,O mm (& in) hole betwecn the root  of any 
    two  teeth  and 
    the inner diametcr of the starter  ring 
    decp enough  to weaken  the ring. Do not  allow  the 
    drill  to enter 
    the flywheel. 
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    8. Secure the flywheel in a soft  jawed  vice and cover it 
    with  a cloth to protect  one from  personal  injury. 
    Place  a cold  chisel  above the  drilled  hole  and strike 
    it sharply to  split the ring  gear. 
    ST701 M \‘ 
    9. Heat the new ring  gear  uniformally  to  between 
    225°C and 250°C but do not  exceed  the  higher 
    10. Place thc flywheel,  clutch face down, on a flat 
    surface  and  locate  the  heated flywheel 
    with the 
    square  cdge of teeth  downward  towards  the 
    flywheel  clutch  face  and chamfered  edge of the 
    teeth  uppermost. 
    1 I. Press the  starter ring firmly against  the flange until 
    the  ring  contracts  sufficiently  to grip  the flywheel. 
    Allow  the ring  gear 
    to cool  naturally. Do not 
    hasten  cooling 
    in anyway. 
    /=- -.-;-(I 
    U ” rc, 
    ST 928M 
    1. Remove the  sump. 
    2. Bend back the lock  washers  and  remove the two 
    bolts securing  the oil pump to the  crankcase. 
    thc oil  pump  complete with strainer  and 
    oil  pump  drive shaft. 
    Dismantle oil pump 
    3 Bend  back the lock wa\her and release  the nut 
    securing  the  strainer  to the oil pump  body and 
    remove  the strainer and sealing  ring. 
    4. Remove four bolts  and  washers and lift off the  oil 
    pump  cover and 
    lift out the driven  and idler  gears. 
    (a) driven  gear 
    idlcr gear 
    ST591 M 
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 12 
    . . -- -. 1.. . -.j 5. Remove the oil 
    sealing  washer.  Withdraw  the relief valve  spring, 
    plunger  and ball.  pressure 
    relief  valve  plug  and .*> Y.. . , 
    NOTE: Later pumps  have ten toothed  gears and no 
    relief valve ball. 
    Overhaul  the oil pump 
    6. Examine  the gears for wear, scores  and pits.  If the 
    gears  appear  serviceable  check  for end
    -float as 
    fo 1 I0 ws : 
    7. Clean the pump body  and  assemble the gears. 
    Place  a straight  edge across 
    [he pump  body face, as 
    illustrated, and  using 
    a feeler gauge,  measure  the 
    clearance  between the  body and gears.  The correct 
    are as follows: 
    8. Idler gear 0,07 to 0,015 mm (0.003 to 0.006 in). 
    9. Driven  gear 0,05 to 0,12 mm (0 002 to 0.005 in). 
    10. Gears must be  renewed in pairs. A worn,  but 
    serviceable  gear, must  not  be  matched 
    with a new 
    11. If  necessary  renew idler gear  spindle by drilling-out 
    the  peened  over  end of the  spindle 
    so that the 
    spindle  can  be withdrawn  from the pump  body. To 
    ensure squareness when fitting the new  spindle, 
    it into the pump  body  with  the two  gears. 
    Fit the  cover  and secure with the four  bolts. 
    Support  the pump  body and peen  over  the  end 
    the new spindle. Remove  the cover and  gears and 
    check  security 
    of the spindle. 
    12. If worn,  remove  the idler gear bush  and  press in a 
    Drill the  lubrication  hole 3.17 mm 
    (0.125 in) and  ream  the bush  to 12,7 mm (0.500 in) 
    .. . ,_.. I_ .:.,..:... \. .. 
    13. A scored  ball  valve  seat can be restored  by using  a 
    locally  made lapping  tool  by silver  soldering  a 
    ball (part  number 3748) onto a length  of suitable 
    14. Install  the  tube in a drill  and lap-in using coarse 
    grinding  paste. Finally  hand-lap the seat with fine 
    paste  using the same  diabalo  method 
    as for lapping 
    15. Thoroughly  wash the pump  body to rcmovc all 
    traces  of grinding  paste. 
    4 h, \ ST694M 
    Assemble the oil pump 
    i6. Fit the idler gear  to the spindie. 
    17. Fit the driven  gear with plain  part of the bore 
    uppermost.  See illustration  after instruction 
    18. Smear the joint  face of the  body with jointing 
    compound  and fit the cover  over  the  dowels and 
    the strainer  bracket and secure with the four  bolts 
    and  spring  washers. 
    19. Hold relief valve  bore vertically  and insert  the  ball 
    followed  by the  plunger  with the ball  seat  end  first. 
    Fit the spring,  sealing washer  and plug. 
    20. Fit the oil strainer  sealing  ring to the  pump  body 
    followed  by the  lock  washer  and  strainer. Tighten 
    the  strainer  retaining  nut 
    so that when  fitted  the 
    is positioned  parallel  to  the sump baffle 
    plate.  Secure 
    the nut with the lock  washer  tab. 
    21. Secure  the lower  end of the  bracket to the strainer 
    with  the single 
    bolt, spring and plain  washer. 61  
    							121 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    REMOVE AND OVERHAUL OIL PUMF - Later Type Dismantle oil pump 
    I. Remove the sump. 
    2. Bend back the lock  washers  and  remove  the  two 
    bolts  securing 
    the oil pump to the  crankcase. 
    Withdraw  the  oil pump  complete 
    with strainer and 
    oil  pump  drive 
    3. Bend  back the lock washer  and  release the nut 
    securing  the  strainer to the oil pump body and 
    remove the strainer  and scaling ring. 
    4. Remove four bolts and  washers  and lift off the  oil 
    pump  cover and 
    lift out the  driven and idler gears. 
    (a) driven gear 
    (b) idler gear 
    5. Remove  the oil pressure  relief  valve  plug and 
    sealing  washer.  Withdraw  the relief  valve spring 
    and  plunger. 
    Overhaul  the oil pump 
    6. Examine the gears for wear,  scores  and pits.  If the 
    gears  appear  serviceable  check 
    far end-float as 
    7. Clean  the  pump body and assemblc the gears. 
    Place  a straight  edge across the  pump body face, as 
    illustrated,  and  using a  feeler  gauge,  measure the 
    bctween the  body  and gears.  The correct 
    clearances  arc given 
    in the  Data  section 05 book 
    8. Gears  must be renewed in pairs. A worn,  but 
    serviceable  gear, must 
    not be matched with a new 
    9. If  necessary renew idler  gear spindle by drilling-out 
    the  peened  over  end 
    of the spindle so that  the 
    spindle can brt withdrawn from !he pump hody. To 
    ensure squareness  when  fitting  the new  spindle, 
    it into  the  pump body with the two gears. 
    Fit the cover  and seclire with four bolts.  Support 
    the pump  body and peen  over the  end of the new 
    spindle.  Remove 
    the cover  and  gears  and  check 
    security  of the  spindle. 
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 1121 
    Assemble the oil pump 
    10. Fit the  idler  gear to the spindle. 
    11. Fit thc driven  gear with  plain  part of the  bore 
    12. Smear  the .joint face of the body with jointing 
    compound  and 
    fit the  cover  over the  dowels  and 
    sccurc with the four bolts  and spring washers. 
    13. Hold relief  valve bore vertically  and  insert  the 
    with the  solid cnd first. Fit the spring, 
    sealing washer  and plug. 
    14. Fit the oil strainer  sealing ring to  the  pump body 
    followed  by 
    the lock washer  and  strainer. Tighten 
    the  strainer  retaining  nut 
    so that whcn fitted the 
    strainer  is positioned  parallel 
    to the sump  baffle 
    plate.  Secure  the nut  with  the 
    lock washer  tab. 
    Remove  front cover 
    1. Remove  the  four  bolts and remove  the front  cover 
    vent  and wading  plug bracket,  gauze and gasket. 
    2. Remove  nine timing  cover bolts, but do not 
    withdraw  centre 
    bolt from the cover since there is a 
    fibre  washer 
    on the bolt  behind  the  cover. Remove 
    the  cover  and  joint  washer  and retrieve  the fibre 
    was  her. 
    3. Prise  out the crankshaft seal. 
    Remove  timing belt and pulleys 
    4. Slacken  and  remove the camshaft  retaining  bolt, 
    special  washer and 
    ‘0’ rings. 
    5. Slacken  and  remove  the distributor  pump timing 
    pulley nut. 
    6. Slacken the belt tensioner  clamp nuts and remove 
    the  belt.  Remove  the  clamp 
    nut and withdraw  the 
    tensioner  assembly. 
    7. Use the centre  part of special  tool 18G145711 as 
    illustrated,  and  withdraw  the  distributor  pump 
    ST1456M 7 
    8. Use  special puller tool 18G1464/2/6, as illustrated 
    and withdraw  the camshaft  pulley. 
    							)121 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    9. Withdraw the crankshaft pulley  using  complete KEY TO TIMING GEAR  AND COVER ASSEMBLY 
    tool 18G1464/2 and button 18G1464/5. 1. Fan  blades 
    1 ST1457M 
    Remove  distributor  pump (D.P.S.  Pump) 
    10. Remove  the high and low pressure  pipes  from  the - D.P.S.  pump  and injectors. (If not already 
    removed)  and cover,  not plug, the ports. 
    11. Disconnect  the pump  operating link from the lever 
    on the bracket. (If not already removed). 
    12. Remove  the nut and bolt  securing  the rear of the 
    pump  to 
    thc support  bracket. 
    13. Remove  the  three  nuts  retaining the pump  to the 
    front  cover  and  withdraw  the  pump  and  joint 
    14. Remove  the retaining  bolts  and  remove the front 
    cover  and  gaskets 
    from the  cylinder  block.  Prise 
    out  the old 
    oil seals. 
    Fan  pulley 
    Special  bolt 
    - Later  engines,  starter  dog  early 
    Crankshaft  pulley 
    Wading  plug 
    Timing cover vent 
    Inspection cover 
    Front  cover plate 
    Front  cover plate  oil scal 
    Water  pump 
    Water  pump joint  washer 
    14. Timing  belt 
    15. D.P.S. pump pulley 
    16. Camshaft  pulley 
    17. Jockey pulley (tcnsioner) 
    16. Coolant  gallery joint washer 
    19. Front cover to cylinder  block joint washer 
    20. Front  cover plate joint washcr 
    21. Camshaft  front cover  oil seal 
    22. Crankshaft  cover oil seal 
    23. Triangular joint  washer 
    24. Fibre washer 
    1. Remove the eight tappet  guide locating  bolts from 
    the  right
    -hand side of the cylinder block. 
    CAUTION:  Do not  remove  the tappet  guides  before 
    the  rollers  otherwise  the 
    rollers may fall behind  the 
    2. Using  long nosed  pliers or a suitable bent  length of 
    lift out the tappet slides and  identify  them with 
    respectivc guides for possible refitting.  
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    3. Lift out the tappet  rollers and  mark the side facing 
    the front  of the engine  for possible  reassembly. 
    4. Lift out the guides and retain with their 
    respective  slides  and rollcrs.  If the  guides are 
    difficult to remove  use special tool 530101A. 
    5. Carcfully examine  all parts  and discard  any that  are 
    worn  or damaged. 
    4. Inspect  the  components  for wear  and damage  and 
    renew as  necessary. 
    5. To check thc rotor to body clearance, fit the  rotor 
    to the body  and with  feeler  gauges  measure  the 
    clearance  at  the  narrow  point  between the rotor 
    and  body.  The correct  clearance 
    is 0,05 mm 
    (0.002 in). 
    6. Check  the clearance  between  the  rotor  and end 
    plate by placing  a straight  across the  body and with 
    feeler  gauges  measure  the clearance  between  the 
    straight  edge  and  rotor. The correct  clearance 
    should  be 
    0,lO to 0,12 mm (0.004 to 0.005 in). 
    7. Fit the rotor blades  to the rotor with thc radius 
    outwards  and insert 
    thc rotor into the  body. 
    8. Place a new ‘0’ ring  seal in position in the body 
    groove  and 
    fit the end platc  and sccure with the 
    bo 1 t s tight  en i n g eve n I y . 
    9. When  fitting pump to engine  use a new  joint 
    washer  and ensure  that 
    the drive slot fits correctly 
    over the  coupling 
    drivc pin. 
    The  coupling can be overhauled  without  separating it 
    from the skew  gear. REMOVE  ANI) OVERHAUL  VACUUM PUMP 
    Dismantle  Remove skew gear assembly 
    1. Reniove the pump from the engine. 
    2. Remove  the four bolts securing  the end  plate  and 
    3. Tap the shaft-end of the rotor to remove it from  the 3. Using  long-nosed  pliers lift out thc skew gear 
    1. Remove  the oil filter  housing  complete with filter 
    2. Remove  the skew  gear bush  locating  screw. 
    joint washer. 
    withdraw  the end  plate  and ‘0’ ring seal. 
    e”” pump  body.  assembly. + ;; ::.; “4 
    8 ST868M 
    ST614M =// 1 \I  
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 1121 
    {: :;;
    							I 12 I 2.50 LITRE DIESEL  ENGINE 
    4 Dismantle  also the old  coupling  and use the sleeve 
    to manufacture  a  suitable press tool.  Use  a round 
    section file to increase  the depth  of the cross-pin 
    so that it will not  bear upon the cross-pin  when 
    used  to press 
    in the  new  coupling.  Weld a suitable 
    of steel  bar or tube to  the sleeve to complete 
    the tool. 
    5. Fill the  annular  groove round the splines of the 
    coupling  with silicone  rubber sealant. 
    6. Assemble the skew gear and coupling  with the 
    manufactured  press  tool 
    in position  inside the 
    and place  under  the press  and slowly  press 
    in the new  coupling.  Clean off surplus sealant  and 
    swarf  from  the internal  splines 
    of the skew  gear. 
    7. Reassemble  the new  coupling  as  described  under 
    ‘Coup1 i ng Overhaul ’ . 
    During the following  instructions  it is important that all 
    components  are kept 
    in related  sets and the pistons  are 
    identified  with their  respective  bores. 
    1. Turn the crankshaft  to  bring  the  connecting-rod 
    caps  to an  accessible  position and remove  each cap 
    and  lower  shell 
    in turn. Note that the  connecting- 
    rod caps  arc numbered  one to four. 
    2. Push  each  piston  assembly  up the bore and 
    withdraw  from  the  cylinder  block.  Assemble the 
    caps  and  shells 
    to the connecting-rods and place to 
    one  side  for inspection  with the cylindcr  block at a 
    later stage. 
    1. Remove  the  eight  bolts  securing  the  flywheel 
    to the  cylinder  block  and  remove  the 
    housing  and  rear main  bearing  oil seal,  and 
    ‘0’ ring has  been deleted on later engincs. 
    ST7 1 8M 
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