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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 1121 
    -- Reclaiming cylinder head threads 
    Damaged or stripped threads in the cylinder  head can 
    be  salvaged  by fitting  Helicoils 
    as follows: 
    I~Ioles A -These threc holes may be drilled  0.3906 in. 
    dia. x 0.937 + 0.040 in. deep. Tapped with Helicoil  Tap 
    No. 6 CPB or 6CS x 0.875 in. (min.)  deep (g UNC 1%D 
    Holes B - These eight holes  may be drilled  0.3906 in. 
    dia. x 0.812 + 0.040 in. deep.  Tapped  with Helicoil  Tap 
    No. 6 CBB  0.749  in. (min.)  deep (a UNC 1MD insert). 
    Holes  C 
    - These four holes may be drilled  0.3906 in. 
    dia. x 0.937 + 0.040 in. deep.  Tapped  with Helicoil  Tap 
    6 CPB or 6CS x 0.875 in. (min.)  deep ($ UNC 1 %D 
    Holes D - These  four holes  may be drilled  0.261 in. 
    dia. x 0.675 + 0.040 in. deep. Tapped with Helicoil  Tap 
    No. 4CPB or 4CS x 0.625 in. (min.) deep (% UNC 
    1 KD insert). 
    E - These six holes may be drilled  0.3906 in. 
    dia. x 0.937 + 0.040 in. deep. Tapped  with Hclicoil  Tap 
    No. 6 CPR or 6CS x 0.875 in. (min.)  deep (i UNC lW3 
    NOTE: Right-hand cylinder head illustrated. 
    American projection. 
    F Exhaust  manifold  face 
    G Inlet manifold  face 
    H Front face 
    I Rear face 
    J Front of engine 
    I I 
    ST 799M G 
    							El V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    REMOVE AND OVERHAUL FLYWHEEL 6. Place a chisel  immediately  above the drilled 
    hole  and strike 
    it sharply  to split  the starter  ring 
    gear. 1. Remove  the retaining  bolts and withdraw  the 
    flywheel  from the crankshaft. 
    2. Examine  the flywheel  clutch face for cracks,  scores 
    and  overheating. 
    If the overall  thickness of the 
    is in excess of the  minimum  thickness i.e. 
    39,93 mm (1.572 in) it can be refaced  provided  that 
    after  machining 
    it will not be below  the minimum 
    thickness.  Remove the three  dowels  before 
    3.  Examine  the ring  gear  and 
    if worn or the teeth  are 
    chipped  and broken  it can  be renewed 
    as follows: 
    7. Heat  the new  ring gear  uniformly  to between  170 
    degrees  and 
    175 degrees C (338 degrees to 347 
    F) but  do not  exceed  the higher 
    8. Place  the flywheel,  clutch side down, on a flat 
    9. Locate  the heated  starter ring gear  in position on 
    the  flywheel,  with the chamfered  inner diameter 
    towards  the flywheel  flange. 
    If the starter  ring gear 
    is chamfered  both sides,  it can be  fitted either  way 
    10. Press  the starter  ring gear  firmly  against  the flange 
    until  the ring  contracts  sufficiently 
    to grip the 
    11. Allow  the flywheel  to cool  gradually. Do NOT 
    hasten  cooling  in any  way or distorting  may occur. 
    12. Fit new  clutch  assembly  location dowels to the 
    I ST803M 2 
    4. Drill  a 10 mm (.375 in) diameter  hole axially 
    between  the 
    of the  starter  ring sufficiently  deep to 
    weaken the ring.  Do NOT allow  the drill to enter 
    the  flywheel. 
    piace a  cioth  over the fiywheei to protect rhe 
    operator  from flying  fragments. 
    of any 
    tooth  and the inner 7 
    5. Secure  the flywheel in a vice fittcd with soft jaws 9 
    WARNING:  Take adequate  precautions  against 
    flying fragments when splitting the  ring gear. I 
    f-3 :.v 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    1. Place an oil  drip-tray  beneath  the timing  cover and 
    2. Remove  the crankshaft  pulley bolt and special 
    3. Remove  the two bolts securing  the sump  to the 
    the oil filter 
    washer and  withdraw the pulley. 
    of the  timing  cover. 
    ST805M 1 
    Renewing timing  cover oil seal 
    S. Remove the seven  drive screws  and withdraw  the 
    mud  shield  and the oil seal. 
    6. Position the gear  cover  with the front  face 
    uppermost  and the underside  supported  across 
    oil seal  housing  bore on a suitable  wooden  block. 
    7. Enter the oil seal,  lip side  leading,  into the housing 
    8. Press in the  oil seal  until  the plain  face is 1,s mm 
    (0.062 in) approximately  below thc gear cover 
    9. Fit  the  mud  shield  and secure  with the screws. 
    4.  Remove  the remaining  timing cover retaining  bolts 
    and  withdraw  the cover  complete  with 
    oil pump. 
    1. Remove  the bolts  from the oil pump  cover. 
    2. Withdraw the oil pump  cover. 
    3. Lift off the cover  gasket. 
    4.  Withdraw  the oil pump  gears. 
    Dismantle pump  Assemble pump 0 ,,-,-.. ..__ . ...
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 112 
    /, ,d.%:h. 2. Withdraw the chaln wheels complete  with timing 
    6.  Measure the camshaft journals for overall  wear, 
    ovality  and  taper. The diameters  of the  five 
    journals  are as follows  commencing 
    from the front 
    of  the  shaft. 
    c. 3 chain. 
    3. Withdraw thc camshaft  whilst taking particular 
    carc not to daniagc thc bearings in the cylinder 
    _. ... , .... ., . : “I. . 
    Examine components 
    4. Visually  examine  all parts for wear.  Check the 
    camshaft  bearing  journals and cams for wcar,  pits, 
    scores  and  overheating.  Should any of these 
    be present  the shaft should  be renewed. 
    5.  Examine  the 
    links and  pins  of the  timing  chain for 
    wcar  and compare  its condition  with that of a I.ew 
    chain.  Similarly  the teeth of the chain wheels 
    should  be  inspected 
    and if necessary the wheels 
    should  be renewed.  Number 
    1 journal 
    1.786 to  1.785  ins 
    2 journal 1.750 to  1.755 ins 
    3 journal  1.726 to 1.725 ins 
    4 journal  1.696 to 1.695 ins 
    5 journal  1.666 to 1.665 ins 
    To check  the camshaft for bow,  rest the two end 
    journals  i.e. 
    numbers 1 and 5 on ‘V’ blocks  and 
    mount  a dial  gauge 
    on the centre  journal.  Rotate 
    the shaft and note  the  reading. If the run out is 
    more  than 
    0,05 mm (0.002 in) it should  be 
    1. Withdraw  the remaining  bolts  and remove [he 
    2. Remove  the sump  oil strainer. 
    3. Removc the  connccting-rod  caps and retain  them 
    in sequence for reassembly. 
    4. Screw  the guide  bolts 605351 onto the connecting- 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    5. Push the connecting-rod  and  piston  assembly  up 
    the  cylinder  bore and withdraw 
    it from  the top. 
    Retain  the connecting
    -rod  and  piston  assemblies in 
    sequence  with their  respective  caps. 
    6. Remove  the guide  bolts 605351 from the 
    NOTE: The  connecting-rods,  caps and bearing  shells 
    must  be retained  in sets,  and in the  correct  sequence. 
    Remove  the piston  rings over the crown 
    of the piston. If 
    the  same  piston is to be refitted,  mark it relative  to its 
    -rod  to ensure  that the original  assembly  is 
    7. Withdraw  the gudgeon  pin, using  tool 18G 1150 as 
    a. Clamp  the hexagon  body 
    of 18G 1150 in a vice. 
    b. Position the large  nut flush  with the cnd of the 
    c.  Push 
    the screw  forward  until the nut contacts  the 
    thrust  race. 
    d. Locate  the piston  adaptor 18G 1150 E with its e 
    long spigot  inside the bore  of the  hexagon  body. 
    e. Fit the remover/replacer bush of 18G 1150 on 
    the centre  screw with the flanged  end away from 
    the gudgeon  pin. 
    f.  Screw  the stop
    -nut  about  half-way onto  the 
    smaller  threaded  end of the  centre  screw, 
    a gap ‘A’ of 3 mm (B in)  between  this nut 
    and  the 
    remover/replacer bush. 
    g. Lock  the stop-nut  securely  with the lock  screw. 
    h.  Check  that the remover
    -replacer  bush is 
    correctly  positioned 
    in the bore of the piston. 
    i. Push  the connecting-rod to the right  to expose 
    the  end 
    of the gudgeon  pin, which  must be 
    in the  end of the  adaptor ‘d’. 
    j. Screw  the large  nut up to the  thrust  race. 
    k. Hold the lock  screw  and turn  the large  nut until 
    the  gudgeon  pin has  been  withdrawn  from the 
    piston.  Dismantle 
    the tool. 
    d a c b!  
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    . 8. As an alternative  to tool 18G 1150, press the 
    gudgeon  pin from  the piston  using an hydraulic 
    press  and the components  which comprise  tool 
    605350 as follows: 
    a.  Place  the base 
    of tool 605350 on the bed of an 
    hydraulic  press which  has 
    a capacity of 8 tons (8 
    b. Fit the guide  tube into the bore of the  base  with 
    its  countersunk  face uppermost. 
    c.  Push  the piston  to one  side 
    so as to expose one 
    end  of the  gudgeon  pin and  locate  this end in the 
    guide  tube. 
    d. Fit the spigot  end of the  small  diameter  mandrel 
    into  the gudgeon  pin. 
    e. Press out the gudgeon  pin, using the hydraulic 
    _.. .  ... . .:  ...._-.. >.W .: .... _.., .. 
    New pistons 
    Pistons  are available in service  standard sizc and in 
    oversizes  of 0,25 mm (0.010 in) and 0,50 mm 
    (0.020 in).  Service  standard  size pistons  are 
    0,0254 mm (0.001 in)  oversize.  When 
    ..fitting  new service  standard  size pistons  to 
    cylinder  block, check for correct  piston to bore 
    clearance,  honing the bore 
    if necessary.  Bottom of 
    piston skirt-bore clearance  should be 0,018 to 
    0,033 mm (0.0007 to 0.0013 in). 
    NOTE: The temperature of the piston  and cylinder 
    block  must be the  same  to ensure  accurate 
    measurement.  When reboring  the cylinder  block, 
    the  crankshaft  main bearing  caps 
    must be fitted  and 
    tightened  to the  correct  torque. 
    9. Check the cylinder  bore dimension  at right  angles 
    to the gudgeon  pin, 40 to 50 mm (1/2 to 2 in) from 
    the  top. 
    10. Check  the piston  dimension  at right  angles  to the 
    gudgeon  pin, at 
    the bottom  of the  skirt. 
    11. The  piston  dimension  must be 0,018 to 0,033 mm 
    (0.0007 to 0.0013 in) smaller  than the cylinder. 
    12. If new  piston  rings arc to be  fitted  without 
    reboring,  deglaze the cylinder  walls 
    with a hone, 
    incrcasing the  bore  diameter  to provide  a 
    -hatch  finish. 
    Original  pistons 
    Remove  the carbon  deposits,  particularly  from the 
    ring  grooves. 
    the pistons for signs of damage or 
    excessive  wear; refer to new  pistons for the 
    if necessary. 
    -0thnA n$ he,- r; tha w..,r-;on ,- -.-Y~-,-- E:+ -a. IIILLLIVU I CIILAllt; LIIL 1 IIIIIIE) LILJLPIILL. I ,I IlLvv 
    							lz[ V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    13. Check  the  compression ring gaps in the  applicable 
    held square to thc bore  with the piston. 
    Gap  limits: 
    0,44 to 0,56 mm (0.017  to  0.022  in). 
    Use a fine-cut  flat  file to increase  the gap if 
    required.  Select a new  piston  ring if the gap 
    exceeds the  limit. 
    NOTE: Gapping does not apply to oil control  rings.  Fit 
    piston  rings 
    17. Fit the expander  ring into  the bottom  groove 
    making  sure that 
    the ends  butt and do not  overlap. 
    18. Fit two  ring  rails to the bottom  groove, one  above 
    and  one 
    below the expander  ring. 
    19. Fit the second  compression  ring with the  marking 
    ‘TOP’ uppermost and the chrome compression ring 
    in the top groove, either  way round. 
    ST819M / 
    14. Temporarily fit the compression  rings to the piston. 
    15. The  ring marked ‘TOP’ must  be fitted with  the 
    marking  uppermost  and  into 
    the second groove. 
    The chrome  ring is for the top  groove  and  can  be 
    fitted  either  way round. 
    16. Check the compression ring clearance in the piston 
    Clearance limits: 0,Oj to O,~O mm (0.002 to 
    0.004  in). 
    20. Check  the alignment of the connecting-rod. 
    21. Check  the connecting-rod  small  end, the  gudgeon 
    pin  must  be 
    a press fit. 
    cont inucd  
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 112 
    Check crankshaft  bearings 
    22. Locate the bearing upper shell into the connecting- 
    23.  Locate 
    the connecting-rod  and  bearing on to the 
    applicable  crankshaft  journal,  noting  that 
    domed shape boss on the connecting-rod must  face 
    towards  the front  of the  engine  on  the  right
    bank  of cylinders  and towards  the  rear  on the 
    -hand  bank. 
    24. When  both  connecting-rods are fitted,  the  bosses 
    will face inwards towards  each other. 
    25.  Place 
    a piece of Plastigauge across  the centre  of the 
    lower  half 
    of the crankshaft journal. 
    26.  Locate the bearing lower  shell into the connecting
    rod cap. 
    27. Locate  the cap and  shell on to  the connecting-rod. 
    Note that  the 
    rib on the edge  of the cap  must be the 
    same side as the shape boss On the IR/IIORTANT: The connecting-rods, caps and bearing - - connecting-rod. 
    28.  Secure  the  connecting
    -rod cap,  and  tighten  to the shells must be retained  in sets, and in the  correct 
    sequence, , 
    correct  torque. 
    29. Do not rotate  the crankshaft  or connecting-rod 
    30. Remove  the connecting-rod cap and shell. 
    31.  Using  the 
    scalc printed  on the  Plastigauge  packet, 
    the flattened  Plastigauge  at its  widest 
    32.  The  graduation  that most  closely  corresponds to 
    the  width 
    of the  Plastigauge  indicates  the bearing 
    33.  The  correct  bearing  clearance 
    with new or 
    overhauled  components  is 0,013  to 0,06 mm 
    34. If a bearing  has been in service, it is advisable  to fit 
    a new  bearing if the clearance  exceeds 0,08 mm 
    (0.003 in). 
    35. If a new  bearing  is  being  fitted,  use  selective 
    assembly  to obtain the  correct clearance. 
    36. Wipe off the Plastigauge with an  oily rag. DO NOT 
    scrape it off. 
    the Plastigauge 
    is in USC. 
    (0.0006 !e 0.0022. in>. 
    Assembling  pistons to connecting-rods 
    37. If an hydraulic  press  and tool  605350  was used for 
    dismantling,  refit cach piston  to its connccting-rod 
    as follows: 
    a.  Check  that the  base of tool  605350  and the  guide 
    tube  are fitted  as follows:
    Place  the base  of tool 605350  on the bed of an 
    hydraulic press  which has a capacity of 8 tons (8 
    Fit the  guide  tube into the  bore of the  base with 
    its countersunk  face uppermost. 
    b. Fit the long  mandrel  inside the guide  tube. 
    Fit the  connccting-rod  into  the piston  with the 
    markings  together 
    if the original  pair arc being 
    then place  the piston  and  connecting-rod 
    assembly  over the long  mandrel  until the 
    gudgeon  pin 
    boss rests on thc guidc tube. 
    d. Fit the gudgeon  pin into  the piston  up  to the 
    connecting-rod,  and  the  spigot  end of the small 
    diameter  mandrel into the gudgeon  pin. 
    e. Press in the gudgeon  pin  until it abuts the 
    of the  long  mandrel. 
    							V8 CYLINDER ENGINE 
    38. If tool 18G 1150 was  used for dismantling,  refit 
    each  piston 
    to its connecting-rod  as follows: 
    a. Clamp  the hexagon  body  of 18G 1150 in a vice, 
    with  the adaptor  18G 1150 E positioned as in 4d. 
    b. Remove the  large nut of 18G 1150 and push  the 
    centre  screw approximately 
    50 mm (2 in) into 
    the  body  until the shoulder 
    is exposed. 
    c.  Slide 
    the parallel  guide sleeve, grooved  end last, 
    onto the centre  screw and up  to the shoulder. 
    I 1 
    d. Lubricate the gudgeon  pin and  bores  of the 
    -rod  and  piston  with graphited  oil 
    (Acheson’s  Colloids  ‘Oildag’).  Also  lubricate 
    the  ball  race  and centre  screw 
    of 18G 1150. 
    e. Fit the connecting-rod  and  the  piston together 
    onto  the tool  with  the markings  together 
    if the 
    original  pair are being  used  and  with the 
    -rod  around the sleeve  up  to the 
    f. Fit the  gudgeon  pin into the piston  bore up to 
    the  connecting
    Fit the removerheplacer bush  18G 115013 with 
    its flanged  end towards  the gudgeon  pin. 
    h. Screw the  stop-nut onto the centre  screw  and 
    adjust  this nut to obtain 
    a 1 mm (& in) end-float 
    ‘A’ on  the  whole  assembly,  and  lock the nut 
    securely  with the screw. 
    i.  Slide 
    the assembly  back  into the hexagon  body 
    and  screw on  the large 
    nut up to the  thrust race. 
    the minimum  load for an  acceptable 
    fit of the  gudgeon  pin in the 
    con  necti  ng
    k. Using  the torque  wrench and socket 18G 587 on 
    the large  nut, and  holding  the lock  screw,  pull 
    the gudgeon  pin in until  the flange of the 
    remover-rcplacer bush is 4 mm (0.160 in) ‘B’ 
    from  the face  of the  piston.  Under no 
    circumstances  must this  flange  be allowed to 
    contact the piston. 
    j. Set  the torque  wrench 18G 537 to 12 Ibf ft. This F~::, ,e:>; 
    CAUTION: If the torque  wrench  has not broken 
    throughout the pull,  the fit 
    of the gudgeon pin to 
    the  connecting
    -rod is not  acceptable  and 
    necessitates  the  renewal 
    of components.  The 
    large  nut  and  centre  screw 
    of the tool  must  be 
    kept well
    e, e. :-. “-” Remove  the tool  and check that the piston  moves 
    on the  gudgeon  pin and  that no damage has 
    occurred during  pressing. 
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