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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 1 12 1 
    2. To check the camshaft end-float, fit the woodruff 
    key  and  temporarily 
    fit the cam-shaft  pulley  and 
    a dial  test indicator, as illustrated, so that 
    the  stylus  rests 
    in a loaded  condition  upon the 
    machined  face  of the  cylinder block. Zero the dial 
    and  move 
    the camshaft  back and forward  and note 
    the reading.  The end-float  should be within 0,06 to 
    0,13 mm (0.0025 to 0.0055 in). If the  end-float  is 
    outsidc these  limits, fit different  thrust  plates  until 
    the correct tolerance  is achieved. 
    3. Remove  the test  indicator  and pulley,  and  secure 
    the  thrust plate  with 
    the two bolts. 
    1. If the same parts are being  refitted  ensure that they 
    are returned  to their original positions.  Ensure that 
    the tappet slides move  freely in the guides. 
    2. Insert  the tappet  guides  into the cylinder  block and 
    the locating  screw holes. 
    3. Fit the tappet  rollcrs ensuring  that they  are fitted in 
    accordance  with the  marks  made  during  removal. 
    New rollers, however, may be  fitted  either way 
    4. Before fitting  the  tappet slidcs make sure the 
    oilways are clear to the  tappet  bearing  surface, the 
    cross drilling  and the oil feed 
    to the  push  rod. 
    5. Insert  the  tappet slidcs with the word  FRONT 
    towards  the front  of the  engine. 
    6. Secure  the  tappet  guides with NEW Micro 
    torque  figure.  Micro encapsulated  screws  should 
    also be used  on engines where the screws werc 
    originally  wired for security. 
    encapsulated scie*s and tighten io ccjr,-eci 
    1. Lubricate  and  insert the skew  gear and coupling 
    assembly  into mesh  with 
    the camshaft  gear. Align 
    the location  hole in the bush  and fit a new  location 
    screw  into 
    ihc cylinder block. 
    STl674M/ I I 
    1 Examine the flywheel and crankshaft  mating faces 
    and  remove  any 
    burrs or imperfections  that  could 
    the flywheel  locating correctly.  Check that 
    the dowel is in position. 
    							1121 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    2. Offer up the flywheel  to the  crankshaft  and secure 
    with  the reinforcing  plate and  retaining 
    Evenly  tighten the bolts to the  correct  torque 
    3. To check  the flywheel  run-out, mount  a dial  test 
    so that  the stylus  rests, in a loaded 
    condition,  on 
    the clutch pressurc  face  at a radius of 
    114 mm (4.5 in). 
    4. Turn the flywheel,  and check  that the run-out does 
    not  exceed 
    0.05 to  0.07 mm (0.002 to 0.003 in). 
    Should  the run
    -out  be  excessive,  remove  the 
    flywheel.  and  check again for irregularities 
    flywheel  and  crankshaft mating faces and dowel. 
    1. Fit new  cover  joint, triangular  gasket,  and  water 
    gallery  gasket, 
    to the cylinder block. 
    Fit and  secure  the rear  cover  with the eight  bolts 
    refering  to  the chart  for  location 
    of the  various 
    length  bolts (in  mm). 
    Rear cover - crankshaft  seal 
    3. With the lip side leading drive in the  new  seal using 
    special  tool 
    18G 1456, until the seal is 
    approximately  0,5 
    mm below the  inner  face of the 
    ST1523M /’ 
    Front cover - camshaft  seal 
    4. Drive in a new  seal,  lip side  leading  until flush or 
    approximately 1 .0 mm below  the inner  surface 
    using special  tool 
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 112 1 
    :it Fit distributor pump (D.P.S.) 
    8 5. Fit the  camshaft  front inspection  cover complete 
    thc D.P.S. pump  rear rear support  bracket. 
    Using  a new  joint  washer  evenly tighten  the 
    6. Fit pump joint washer  and loosely secure pump to 
    cover with the three  nuts and to the  rear  support 
    bracket  with the single  nut and  bolt.  Position  the 
    so that  the retaining  studs are midway  in the 
    bolts. - 
    ST1521 M 
    7. Fit D.P.S.  pump pulley,  and loosely  secure with 
    thc nut. 
    Fit camshaft pulley 
    8. Fit pulley, boss towards  engine, and loosely  secure 
    with  special  washer, 
    0 rings, plain washer  and 
    new  bolt. 
    DO NOT drive  pulley  onto camshaft. 
    Draw  pulley 
    on with a slave 10 mm diameter 
    metric bolt, plain washer  and nut. 
    Fit crankshaft  timing pulley 
    9. Apply Loctite 518 to the pulley  face as illustrated; 
    not allow  sealant to contact chamfercd face. 
    oil the  crankshaft  and pulley borc and fit 
    the pulley,  with timing  dot outwards,  and drive  into 
    position  using a suitable  tube as a drift. 
    							I 12 1 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    TIME D.P.S.  PUMP AND VALVES - Early  Engines 
    The D.P.S.  pump and valves  are timed  using the 
    exhaust  valve peak 
    of number  one cylinder. On early 
    engines  the exhaust  peak position 
    is determined  by the 
    of a  line,  marked E.P. on the flywheel 
    perifery  and a timing  pointer  on  the flywheel  housing. 
    The  pointer  is available  under Part Number 
    ERC 2250. 
    1. Turn the crankshaft in a clockwise  direction until 
    the E.P. mark on the flywheel lines-up exactly with 
    the  pointer. If the crankshaft is inadvertently 
    turned  beyond  the E.P.  mark  do not  turn 
    it back 
    but  continue 
    on round  in a clockwise  direction until 
    the  mark and  pointer coincide  exactly. 
    7. Set a dial  type  torque  wrench  to 29,O to 23,5 Nm 
    (21 to 17 Ibs ft) and whilst  holding it vertically, 
    insert the drive  peg into thc square  hole in the 
    tensioner  base plate.  Tension  the 
    bclt and  tighten 
    the  clamp nuts 
    to the correct  torque. 
    Check  that the  dot 
    on the crankshaft  pulley and the 
    cast-on arrow on the  rear  cover line-up. 
    Fit  the  timing  belt tensioner  assembly and loosely 
    secure  with the two  nuts  (strap  deleted 
    on later 
    Turn  the 
    D.P.S. pump  pulley  clockwise until the 
    dot  lines 
    up exactly  with arrows in the rear cover. 
    Similarly,  turn  the camshaft  pulley  clockwise 
    that the dot coincides  exactly with the cast-on 
    arrow.  Fit  the  timing  belt over  the crankshaft  pulley and 
    whilst  keeping  the belt  under  tension,  by hand,  run 
    the beii over the carnsiiafi puiiey. if iiie beit does 
    not quite mate with the grooves,  turn the pulley 
    clockwise  the necessary  amount. Feed the belt  over 
    the  pump  pulley  and 
    if necessary turn the pulley 
    clockwise  to locate  in the  grooves.  Keeping a  firm 
    on the  belt pass it over the  tensioner wheel. 
    8. Rotate the  engine TWO complete revolutions. 
    9. Slacken the tensioncr  clamp nuts. 
    10. Tension the belt  again  as described  in instruction 7 
    and tighten  the clamp nuts to the correct  torque. 
    CAUTION:  The double  tensioning  procedure is 
    imperative,  otherwise the belt could fail  resulting  in 
    serious  engine damage.  See CAUTION  Page 
    84 and 
    “Care of beits”. 
    11. Rotate the crankshaft until,  the E.P.  mark on the 
    flywheel  and the pointer line
    12. Check that the dots on the  pump  and camshaft 
    pulleys  coincide  exactly  with their  respective 
    If there  is any  misalignment thc procedure 
    must  be repeated.  
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 112 
    . -. , :, 1.. _.., ...,. , .- , ., 13. Remove the plug from  the side  of the D.P.S. pump ,._.... .. . .. and  insert  gauge tool 18G 1458 and if necessary 
    the pump  body  until the gauge can be fully 
    inserted  and screwed  home indicating  that the 
    inner  disc is centrally positioned 
    with the  hole. 
    14. Evenly tighten  the three  nuts securing the  pump to 
    the  cover  and the single 
    nut and  bolt  to the support 
    t . 
    15. Align  timing  pointer on  rear  of cover,  with the 
    line on  the pump  flange and tighten the two 
    If a new pump is being  fitted and there  is no 
    scribed  line,  scribe  a line in the centre  of the 
    machined  area on 
    the pump  flange.  Align the 
    timing  pointer  and  tighten  the screws. On later 
    engines  the  timing pointer  has been  deleted  and 
    15 can  be ignored. 
    16. Tightcn the D.P.S.  pump timing pulley nut and thc 
    camshaft  pullcy  retaining bolt to  the  correct 
    17. Remove  the  timing pointer  from the flywhecl 
    housing,  close the cover and secure  with the two 
    nuts.  1. 
    Remove the  plug from  the 
    flywheel housing  and fit 
    the body of special tool LST 107 without the  pin. 
    2. Turn  the crankshaft in a clockwise  direction until 
    the E.P. slot in the  flywheel  is in-line  with  the hole 
    in  the  flywheel  housing. 
    If the  crankshaft  is 
    inadvertently turned  beyond  the E.P. slot, do not 
    turn  the crankshaft  back but continue  on round 
    in a 
    clockwise  direction until the pin of the  special  tool 
    can  be fully  located 
    in the flywheel  slot. 
    3. Fit the timing  belt tensioner  assembly and loosely 
    securc with  the two nuts. 
    4. Turn the D.P.S.  pump pulley  clockwise until the 
    dot  on the  pulley  lines
    -up exactly  with the cast-on 
    arrow  inside the 
    front cover. 
    5. Similarly, turn the camshaft  pulley  clockwise until 
    thc dot lines-up with  the cast-on arrow in the  front 
    6. Fit  a new timing  belt over the  crankshaft  pulley  and 
    whilst  keeping 
    the belt under  tension,  by hand, run 
    the  belt  over  the camshaft  pullcy.  Should thc belt 
    not  quite  mate with 
    the grooves,  turn the pullcy 
    clockwise  the necessary  amount. 
    Fced the belt  over 
    the D.P.S. pump  pulley  and if necessary turn the 
    pulley  clockwise  to locate 
    in the  grooves.  Keeping 
    a firm grip on the belt,  pass it over the tensioner 
    jockey pulley. 
    7. Withdraw  the  special tool timing pin from the 
    Time D.P.S. PUMP AND VALVES - Later  Engines 
    with  slot 
    in flywheel  for determining the E.P. 
    The  D.P.S.  pump  and valves  are timed  using the 
    exhaust  valve peak 
    of number  one cylinder.  This  is 
    on later engines  by the relationship  of a slot 
    in the flywheel  periphery  and a plugged hole in the 
    flywheel  housing through  which 
    a flywheel  timing  pin, 
    special  tool number 
    LST 107, is inserted. 
    flywheel  slot. 
    8. Set a dial type  torque  wrench  to 20.0 to 23.5 Nm 
    (21 to 17 Ibs ft) and whilst  holding it vertically, 
    insert  the drive  peg 
    into the square  hole in the 
    tensioner  base plate.  Tension 
    the belt  and  tighten 
    ciamp nuts to the  correct torquc. 
    9. Rotate the crankshaft TWO complete revolutions. 
    10. Slacken  the tensioner clamp  nuts. 
    I 1. Tension  the belt again as described in instruction 8 
    and tighten the clamp  nuts to the correct  torque. 
    CAUTION: The double  tensioning  procedure is 
    imperative  otherwise  the belt  could  fail resulting  in 
    serious  engine damage. 
    Also, if a new  belt is not 
    attainable  and 
    it is necessary to refit  the old  belt  it 
    should  be 
    only torqued to 19-24 Nm (14-18 Ibs ft). 
    12. Rotate the crankshaft  until the pin  of the  special 
    timing  tool can,  once  again,  bc inserted  into the 
    E.P. slot. 
    13.  Check  that 
    the dots on the  camshaft  and D.P.S. 
    pump  pulleys 
    coincidc exactly  with their  respective 
    -on  arrows  on thc rcar covcr.  Should  there be 
    any  misalignment  the foregoing  procedure  must be 
    14. Remove  the plug  from  the side  of the D.P.S. pump 
    and  insert  special 
    tool 18G 1458 and if necessary 
    rotate  the pump  body until the tool  can be fully 
    inserted  and 
    screwrd home indicating  that the 
    inner  disc is centrally  positioned  with the hole. 
    15. Evenly  tighten the three  nuts securing  the pump 
    flange  to the  rear  cover  and the single  nut and  bolt 
    to  the  rear  support  bracket. 
    16. Align the timing  pointer on thc rcar of the cover 
    with  the scribed  line on the  pump  flange  and 
    tighten  the two  screws.  If a new  pump  is being 
    fitted  and there  is no  scribed  line, scribe  one 
    in the 
    centre  of the  machined  area 
    on thc flange. Align 
    the  pointer  and tighten  the screws.  Remove  the 
    special  tool 
    18G 1458 and refit  plug.  The timing 
    pointer  has been  deleted  on later  engines. 
    17. Remove  the special  tool LST  107 and  refit  the plug 
    to  the  flywheel  housing. 
    18. Tighten  the D.P.S. pump pulley  nut and  the 
    camshaft  pulley retaining  bolt to the  correct 
    Care of belts 
    1. Drive  belts must  be stored on cdge on a clean  flat 
    surfacc  and 
    in such a manner  that bends  are not 
    less  than 
    2 in (50 mm) radius. 
    2. When  a belt  is handled, it must  not be bent  at an 
    acute  angle 
    or an arc  of less  than 1 in (25 mm) in 
    diameter,  as damage rriay be caused to the  glass 
    fibrc reinforcement  and premature  failure then 
    3. During  use, a belt  develops  a wear pattcrn, 
    thereforc, if it is to  be  re-used,  before  removal, 
    mark  the direction 
    of rotation,  using soft chalk or a 
    similar  marker,  and refit  the belt 
    so that it runs in 
    the original dircction. 
    4. Belts  must be dry  and FREE FROM  ANY OIL 
    5. Do not  turn  the crankshaft  by applying  leverage to 
    the camshaft  pulley or its  retaining  bolt. 
    6. To remove a belt  always  use clean  hands,  or a 
    recommended  tool 
    - NEVER use a lever. 
    g?!, *
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    1. Place a new  joint  washer in position  and insert  the 
    65 mm long  bolt into the cover  with the fibre 
    washer on 
    thc inside. 
    2. Fit the  cover  over the dowels  and secure  with the 
    remaining  various length bolts 
    in accordance with 
    the chart.  See “Fit timing  rear cover,  seals and 
    pulleys”.  Tighten evenly 
    to the correct torque. 
    3. Fit the vent  cover  gauze  and gasket  and secure  with 
    the  four  bolts. 
    Fit a  new  crankshaft  seal. Using  special  seal 
    tool 18G 1456  and with  the lip side 
    leading,  drive 
    in the seal  up to the  shoulder. 
    ST1517M / 
    Fit water pump and crankshaft pulley 
    5. Place  a new  joint  washer in position  and offer  up 
    the  water  pump.  Fit the  different  length bolts 
    accordance  with the diagram  and evenly  tighten  to 
    the correct torque. 
    Fit the  crankshaft  pulley and secure  with the 
    special  washer  and bolt.  Tighten  to the  correct 
    torque  figure. 
    1. Fit the longer  splined  end of the drive  shaft into the 
    oil pump. 
    2. Fit the oil pump  and drive  shaft to the crankcase, 
    whilst  revolving  the shaft 
    as necessary to engage 
    the  splines 
    of the skew  gear. 
    3. Using new lock washers,  secure the pump  to the 
    crankcase  tightening  the bolts  to the  correct  torque 
    and  bend  over the lock  tabs. 
    4. If necessary  adjust the position of the strainer so 
    that  it is parallel  to the  sump  baffle  plate. 
    5. Clean  the sump  and crankcase  mating faces and fit 
    a  new  joint  washer.  Later engines  without  a joint 
    washer,  apply a bead 
    of RTV HYLOSILL 102 
    black 7 mm wide  to the  sump  or cylinder  block. 
    Secure  the sump  with the twenty
    -one  bolts  and 
    spring  washers  and one  nut.  Evenly  tighten  to the 
    correct  torque. 
    1. Clean the cylinder head and cylinder  block mating 
    faces.  Position  a new  cylinder  head gasket 
    on the 
    cylinder  block with the word  ‘Diesel’  uppermost. 
    2. Lower the cylinder  head onto the cylinder  block 
    using  two long  bolts  to facilitate  accurate 
    of the head. 
    3. Fit  the  cylinder  head retaining  bolts except  those 
    also  used  to secure  the rocker  shaft and leave 
    4.  Insert  the push  rods ensuring  that 
    the ball end 
    locates properly  in the  spherical  seat in the tappet. 
    5. Whilst  holding  the rocker  shaft assembly  together, 
    it into position  making sure that the hollow 
    dowels  locate properly  in the  cylinder  head. 
    ensure that the rocker  adjusting  screw ball end 
    locate  in the  push  rods. 
    6. Fit the  rocker  shaft large  retaining  bolts and leave 
    .. “  
    							I 12 I 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    7. Tighten the cylinder head retaining  bolts,  evenly, 
    to the correct  torque figure in the sequence 
    illustrated below. 
    8. Fit and  tighten  the rocker  shaft,  small bolts to the 
    specified  torque. 
    5. Continue to check and adjust the remaining 
    in the  following  sequence: 
    No. 3 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. 
    No. 5 tappct with No. 4 valve fully open. 
    No. 2 tappct with No. 7 valve fully open. 
    No. 8 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. 
    Set No. 6 tappet with No. 3 valve fully  open. 
    No. 4 tappet with No. 5 valve fully  open. 
    No. 7 tappet  with No. 2 valve fully open. 
    Fit the rocker cover 
    6. Using a new  gasket, fit the rocker  cover and secure 
    with  the dome  nuts and  washers. Tighten  evenly to 
    the  correct  torque. 
    Do not overtightcn. 
    ST 880M 
    FIT THE CLUTCH -Fit.- 5”, %-: 1. Clean  the flywheel  face and  place the centrc  plate 
    with  the side  marked  ‘Flywheel  side’  towards  the 
    1. Tf the  crankshaft  is rotated  with exccssive valve 2. Fit the clutch  assembly  locating it over the  three 
    it is  possible  that  the push  rods may  dowels and loosely securc with thc six bolts. 
    become dislodged from tappet seating and 3. Centralise  the  centre  plate using  special  tool RO 
    fracture  the tappct  slide. To prevent  damage, 605022 or a spare primary  shaft  and  tighten thc six 
    eliminate  all clearance  from any loose  rockers  bolts evenly 
    to the correct torque figure.  Smear thc 
    before  turning  the crankshaft  to  adjust thc splines  of thc centrc  plate  with Molybdenum 
    disulphidc grease,  such as Rocol MTS 1000. 
    2. Turn  the engine  over until  number  eight valve 
    (counting  from front 
    of engine)  is fully open. 
    3. Using a 0,25 mm (0.010 in) feeler  gauge  check  the 
    clearance  between the valve  tip  and  rocker  pad of 
    number  one valve. 
    4. Adjust  the clearance  by slackening  the lock nut and 
    the tappet  adjusting  screw clockwise  to 
    reduce  clearance  and anti
    -clockwise  to increase 
    clearance.  Rechcck the clearance  after  tightening 
    the  lock 
    							2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 112) 
    FIT CYLINDER HEAD.OIL FEED FIT HEATER  PLUGS .. 1 .. . .. 1 ... , c ._.,._. -2 .,_. . ... . . .,. . . .> 
    1. Connect  the oil feed  pipe,  for lubrication of the 
    2. Secure  with the two  banjo  bolts and four join! 
    1. Clean  and test the heater  plugs as described in the 
    maintenance  Section. Fit the  heater 
    plugs and 
    tighten  to the  correct  torque. 
    Do not over  tighten. 
    2. Fit the  leads,  washers  and nuts as illustrated, 
    ensuring  that 
    cach cable eyelet  is fitted  vertically 
    downwards  to prevent  heat from  cylinder  head 
    damaging  the cable  insulation. 
    shaft assembly, 
    to thc cylinder  head 
    1. If the fuel lift was  separated from the side  cover,  fit 
    the  pump  to 
    the cover first using  a new  joint  washer 
    between  the pump  flange  and rear  cover,  evenly 
    tighten  the retaining  nuts. 
    2. Place a new  cover  plate joint washer in position 
    fit the  cover  and pump  assembly to the cylinder 
    3. Ensure  that the pump  actuating  lever rides on top 
    the camshaft. 
    4. Secure the cover,  evenly  tightening  the retaining 
    1. Using  a new  joint  washer fit thc oil filter  adaptor. 
    Ensure  that the retaining  bolts pass through  the 
    two  small  round  holes 
    in the joint  washer. 
    2. Tightcn  the two  retaining  bolts evenly  to the 
    correct  torque. 
    3. Smear a little clean enginc oil on the  rubber  washer 
    thc new  filter,  then screw  the filter  on clockwise 
    the rubber  sealing  ring touches  the machined 
    Do not  overtighten.  See Maintenance  Operations, 
    $nap +h-.. +:,.I.+-.. f....thfi.. helf t..-.. h., hn-A n-1.r LULL, LIILLL LI~IILLII 2 LUI LILLI iiaii LUIII uy iiuiiu vrriy. 
    ST762M continued 
    							la 2.50 LITRE DIESEL ENGINE 
    Used when  an  oil cooler  is fitted. 
    1. Remove  the  two bolts and carefully  withdraw  the 
    2. Remove the ‘0’ ring. 
    3. Withdraw  the thermostat. 
    4.  Remove  the washer. 
    5. Remove  the spring. 
    6. Clean  the adaptor  housing with lint-free cloth. 
    7. Fit the spring  and washer. 
    8. Fit a new  thermostat  with the pin  uppermost. 
    9. Fit  the  extension  housing  using a new ‘0’ ring. 
    that the pin  protruding from thc thermostat 
    in the hole in the extension  housing. 
    extension  housing. 
    10. Secure the housing with the two  bolts  and washers. 
    1. Place a new  joint  washer  on  the cylinder  block 
    2. Fit the D.P.S. pump control bracket. 
    3. Insert  the vacuum  pump drive shaft into the skew 
    gear  coupling  ensuring that the shaft  engages 
    properly  over the cross pins 
    in the  coupling.  The 
    hose connection  should  be towards  the front 
    of the 
    4. Secure  the  pump  and  control  bracket to the 
    cylinder  block  with  the three  socket headed  screws. 
    5. Connect 
    the D.P.S. pump control  rod to the 
    control  bracket lever. 
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