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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							LT230T TRANSFER BOX 
    .-- ,,,:~,:~~. . .... 42. Locate the rear  differential  bearing on to the  hub 48. Fit the new  selector  fork with  its boss  towards the 
    three detent  grooves. Align the tapped  hole 
    in the 
    fork  boss  with  the indent 
    in the shaft nearest to  the 
    detent  grooves. 
    49. Apply  Loctite 290 to the set screw  threads  and fit 
    the set screw  and tighten  to the specified  torque. 
    it into position  using the smaller  end  of 
    43. Fit the  stake nut and  tighten  to the  specified  torque 
    tool 18G1423. 
    44. Check  the cnd float of the high  and low rangc gears 
    0,05 to 0,15 nim (0.002 to 0.005 in). 
    NOTE: If the clearances vary from  those  specified 
    in  the  data,  the assembly  must 
    be rebuilt using the 
    relevant  new parts. 
    !.,E .:. ...i .~ .. > . . .I 
    1.. .. , 
    45. Peen the stakc nut collar  by carefully  forming  the 
    of the nut into thc slot as illustrated. 
    CAUTION: A round  nose tool must  be used  for this 
    operation  to avoid  splitting  the collar 
    of the  nut. 
    46. Clean  and check high/low selector  fork  assembly 
    47. To renew the selector fork remove  the  square set 
    for wear 
    and renew 
    if necessary. 
    screw  and slide 
    thc fork  from the  shaft. 
    .I .. ... . . ,. . .. 
    Centre differential  rear bearing  track 
    50. Fit the differential  rear bearing track 1,OO mm 
    (0.039 in)  below the outer facc of casing  using a 
    suitablc  tool as shown.  ~ ~  ~~ 
    1 .OO mm (0.039 in) 
    ST1606M 1 
    output  housing - refit 
    I. Grease  output housing gasket and position on to 
    the rear  facc of thc transfer box casing.  
    2. Fit output housing  and ensure  clearance of 
    1.00 mm (0.039  in) between  housing face and 
    3.  Fit  the  six output  housing  bolts with Loctite  290 on 
    the threads, with washcrs  and tighten  evenly  to the 
    correct  torque,  which will pull  the rcar  bcaring  into 
    - ST1594M 
    Centre  differential  unit refit 
    1. Fit  the  sclcctor forkhhaft assembly  to the high/low 
    selector  slecvc on the  differential  assembly,  with 
    detent  groove  to the  rear  of the  differential 
    asscm bly . 
    2. Locatc the differential  assembly complelc with 
    fork into the transfer  box casing. It may  be 
    to rotate  the output  shaft to ease fitment, 
    and  engage selector  shaft into its hole. 
    ST1607M M 
    3. Fit selector  shaft  ball  and spring through  the side  of 
    the transfer  box casing. 
    4. Apply  Loctite  290 to decent plug; fit and  locate,  by 
    screwing  gently fully home  and 
    then unscrewing 
    two  turns. 
    Front  output  housing overhaul - dismantling 
    1. Unscrew  seven retaining  bolts  and  washcrs  and 
    remove  the differential  lock sclector side cover and 
    2. Unscrew thrce retaining  bolts  and  washers  and lift 
    the differential lock finger  housing and actuator 
    assembly from  the front output housing. 
    3. Slackcn the locknut  and unscrew  the differential 
    lock  warning  light switch. 
    4. Rcmovc selector  shaft dctent  plug,  spring and  ball 
    using  a suitable 
    :z->: E gasket. -- 
    5. Compress  the  selector  fork spring and remove  the 
    two spring retaining  caps.  
    							LT230T TRANSFER BOX 137 I 
    6. Withdraw the selector  shaft from the  rear  of the 
    7. Remove  the selector  fork and spring  through  the 
    side  cover  aperture. 
    8 Remove  lock-up sleeve  from the rear of the output 
    4.: c\j dL output  housing. 
    15. Invert housing  and drift  out bearing  from  inside  the 
    case  as shown. 
    9. Using  flange wrench 18G1205 and  socket  wrench, 
    remove  the 
    flange nut, steel and felt washers. 
    Ensure  that flange  bolts are fully  engaged  in 
    the  wrench 
    10. Remove  the output  flange with oil seal shield. 
    NOTE: These  parts need not be separated  unless the 
    flange  bolts are to be  renewed. 
    11. Drift  output  shaft rearwards  from housing  using a 
    soft headed mallet. 
    12. Slide  off the  collar  from the output  shaft ,..;; I ., A” 
    4 .. .:.::.  ~ .. . . .,:.,; .. 13. Prise out and  discard 
    oil  seal from output housing 
    14. Remove  circlip with circlip pliers 186257. 
    using service  tool 1861271. 
    16. Drift  out  centre  differential  front  taper roller 
    17. Drift out selector  shaft cup plug from housing. 
    18. Clean  all components  ensuring all traces of 
    “Loctite”  are removcd  from faccs and threads. 
    19. Examine  components  for  wear or damage and 
    if necessary. 
    NOTE: Renew  oil seal  and  felt seal  and flange  nut. 
    bcaring  track and shim. 
    							LT230T TRANSFER BOX 
    Keassem bling 
    20. Press the bearing  into the housing;  do not  use 
    excessive  force. 
    To facilitate fitting the  bearing, 
    hcat the front  output  housing.  (This  is not  to 
    1 OOOC). 
    21. Using  circlip  pliers 186257, fit the bearing 
    retaining  clips. 
    Fit a  new oil  seal (open  side inwards)  using replacer 
    18G1422, until  the seal  just makes  contact with 
    the  circlip. 
    23.  Carefully  charge the lips  of the  seal  with  clean 
    24. Slide  collar  on to the  output  shaft,  with  its 
    chamfered  edge towards  the dog  teeth. 
    Fit the  output  shaft through  the  bearing  and drift 
    Adjusting  front differential  bearing pre-load 
    26. Measure  original differential  front  bearing  track 
    Refit original  shim into input  housing. 
    28. Drift  differential front bearing  track  into thc 
    housing.  29. 
    Grease  and 
    fit new gasket  and  locate  the front 
    output  housing  on 
    the transfer box casing. 
    30. Secure  housing  with the eight  retaining  bolts and 
    washers,  the  upper  middle  bolt  being  longer  than 
    the  rest. 
    Do not tighten  the bolts  at this  stage. 
    31.  Engage  high 
    or low gear. 
    32.  Check 
    the rolling  resistance of the differential 
    using  a spring  balance  and  a length  of string  wound 
    around  the exposed splines 
    of the high/low hub. 
    33. With  the correct  shim fitted  the load  to turn  should 
    1.36 kg to 4.53 kg (3 Ibs to 10 Ibs). This applies 
    to  new 
    or used  bearings.  (New bearings  will 
    register  at the  top  end  and  used bearings 
    register  at the low end. 
    34.  If the  reading  is  in excess  of the  above 
    measurements,  remove  the  front  output  housing 
    assembly  from the transfcr  box casing. 
    35. Using  a  suitable cxtractor, withdraw  the  centre 
    differential  bearing  track and change 
    the shim  for 
    one  of a  suitable  thickness. 
    (A thinner shim will 
    36. Fit the new  shim  and drift thc differential  bcaring 
    track  back into its housing until 
    fully home. 
    37.  Having  obtained  the  load to turn,  prop
    -up the 
    transfcr  box casing on  the bench 
    with the front face 
    ~53 I .. L .. reduce the  rolling resistance). C- 
    38. Apply  Loctite  290 to the  threads  of the  housing 
    rctaining  bolts and 
    fit the eight  bolts  and  washers 
    into the front  output  housing  and secure  to transfer 
    box  casing. 
    39. Fit front  output  flangc,  felt washers,  steel  washers 
    40. Using  flange  wrench  1861205 and torque  wrench 
    the output  shaft up to the correct  position. 
    Check  that the 
    oil seal shield  does not foul the 
    and flange nu!. 
    i-.. housing. &:; ...i et::;/ NOTE: Ensure that the flange  bolts are fully 
    engaged  in the wrench. 
    							LT230T TRANSFER BOX 51 
    41. Repeat  the above operation  for the  rear  output 
    42.  Compress  the selector  shaft spring  and 
    fit to the 
    selector fork. 
    :i, ;:. 43.  Locate  selector  fork  through  front  output housing 
    side  cover  aperture,  ensuring that 
    the fork engages 
    in the groove of the lock-up sleevc. 
    44. Fit selector  shaft through  the  aperture in the front 
    of  the  output  housing  and pass 
    it through the 
    sclector  fork  lugs and spring  into  the  rear  part c.f 
    the housing. 
    45. Rotate  the selector shaft until the two  flats for the 
    spring retaining  caps are at right  angles  to the 
    cover plate  face. 
    , .I 
    46. Compress the spring between the fork lugs and 
    slide  the retaining caps 
    on to the shaft ensuring the 
    spring  is captured  with 
    the “cupped”  side of the 
    47. Drift  selector shaft sea! cup into position. 
    48. Fit selector  shaft dctcnt ball and spring in the 
    tapped  hole on top 
    of the output  housing. 
    40. Apply  Loctite  290 to  detent  plug threads.  Screw 
    detent  plug gently  homc and then  unscrew 
    STI 645M 
    Differential lock finger  housing  overhaul - dismantling 
    1. Unscrew  and  discard the “nyloc”  nut and  remove 
    2. Remove the pivot shaft from  lock finger  housing. 
    3. Remove  the ‘0’ rings from the pivot  shaft  and 
    4. Clean all components; examine  for wear or damage 
    the operating 
    lever and washer. 
    housing  and discard. 
    and renew 
    if necessary. 
    5. Fit new ‘0’ rings  on to pivot shalt  and lock  finger 
    6. Locate  the pivot  shaft in the housing. 
    housing and lubricate 
    with oil. 
    							37 I LT230T TRANSFER BOX 
    7. Fit the differential  lock lever  over the pivot  shaft so 
    that the lever  will face  forward with the bcnd 
    upwards.  This lever  is then in the correct  operating 
    S. Retain the lever  with a plain  washer  and new  nyloc 
    High/low cross-shaft  housing  overhaul 
    1. Remove the selector  finger grub screw  and 
    withdraw  the cross
    -shaft  from  the cross-shaft 
    housing  and remove the 
    selcctor finger, 
    2. Remove  the ‘0’ ring from  the cross-shaft. 
    3. Drift  out selector  housing cup plug if necessary. 
    4.  Clean  all the  components  and chcck  for damage 
    wear,  replace if necessary. 
    5. Apply sealant to a new  cup plug  and fit so that the 
    cup  is just  below  the 
    chamfcr for  the  cross-shaft 
    6. Fit new ‘0’ ring  to cross-shaft. 
    7. Lubricate  the shaft  and insert  into  the  cross-shaft 
    8. Fit selector  finger ensuring  that it aligns with the 
    in the  cross-shaft. 
    9. Apply  Loctite 290 to the  grub  screw and secure the 
    selector  finger 
    to the cross-shaft  and fully tighten  to 
    thc specified  torque. 
    9. Fit the differential  lock finger  housing  into its 
    seating On the front output housing, ensuring (hat 
    the  selector  finger is located in the flat of the 
    selector shaft. 
    10. Apply  Loctitc 290 to thc bolt threads and retain thc 
    lock  finger  housing with the  three bolts and 
    washers  to the specified  torque. 
    10. Grease and fit the high/low selector  housing gasket 
    on the front output  housing. 
    11. Fit high/low cross-shaft housing,  ensuring  that the 
    selector  finger  locates in the slot of the  selector 
    shaft,  and 
    secure with six bolts  and washers  to the 
    specified  torque. 
    r; -es! 
    1 04 
    Input gear overhaul -dismantling 
    1. Clean  the  input gear assembly  and  examine for 
    wear or damage.  Remove the  bearings  only if they 
    to be  renewed.  
    							El LT230T TRANSFER BOX 
    Checking input gear bearing  pre-load 
    12. Secure bearing  support  plate in the vice.  Drift  out 
    input  gear bcaring  track, and remove  shim. 
    13. Clean hearing  support  plate and  shim.  Measure 
    original  shim and note  its thickness. 
    Fit the  original  shim to the  support plate. 
    15.  Locate  the bearing  track 
    in the support  platc  and 
    press  fully home. 
    16.  Apply grease  to the  gasket  and 
    fit on to the transfer 
    box  casing. 
    Fit the  bearing  support  platc on to the transfer  box 
    casing  and secure  with the 
    six bolts,  but do not 
    18. Fit the servicc tool LST105 to input  gear and 
    engage  the spline. 
    19. Tie a  length  of string  to the  split  pin and fit it to the 
    service  tool as shown. 
    20.  Attach  a spring  balance 
    to the string  and  carefully 
    tension  the spring  until a load 
    to turn the input  gear 
    is obtained.  A  pull of 2.26 kg to 6.80 kg (5 Ib to 
    15 Ibs)  is required. 
    If the reading  obtained  is outside the above  limits, 
    the  original  shim must  be changed.  22. 
    Remove the  spring balance,  string and  service 
    23. Remove  the six bolts  and the bearing  support 
    24.  Drift 
    out the  input  gear bearing  track from the 
    25.  Select 
    the correct  size shim  to obtain a load  to turn 
    Fit shim  to support  plate, locate  bearing  track and 
    Fit bearing  support platc  and secure  to transfer  box 
    28.  Repeat  the rolling  resistance  check as previously 
    support plate and  discard original  shim. 
    of 2.26 
    kg to 6.80 kg (5 Ib to 15 Ibs). 
    press  home. 
    casing  with the six bolts  (do not tighten). 
    described, and note  the value  obtained. 
    Intermediate gear assembly  overhaul 
    1. Drift out intermediate gear  bearing tracks 
    2. Remove circlips. 
    3. Clean all intermcdiate  gcar components  and lock 
    plate.  Check  for damage 
    or wear  and replace  as 
    4. Fit new  circlips  into the intermediatc gcar  cluster. 
    5.  Using  tools 
    LST5.50-4 and MS550 fit bcaring  tracks 
    							L~230T TRANSFER BOX 137 I 
    ./ ..... . ,L;!-: 6. Fit the 0 rings to the intermediate  shaft and into 
    the  intermediate  shaft  bore  at the front  of the 
    transfcr  box casing.  13. 
    Turn  the  intermediate  shaft  to allow  fitting  of 
    14.  Fit  retaining  plate  and  secure with retaining  bolt 
    15. Fit thc intcrmediate gear shaft retaining  stake nut. 
    and  washer. 
    - .,.. .. .... ,. .. ..- , . .. I .. , . . . . . . z.. :, 
    Intermediate  gear reassembly 
    7. Check for damage  to the  intermcdiate shaft thread 
    if neccssary clean  up with  a fine  file or stone. 
    8. Lubricate  the taper  roller  bearings  and 
    I intermcdiate  gear shaft. 
    9. Insert  new bearing  spacer  to gear  assembly, 
    by the taper  roller  bearings. Adjusting  intermediate  gear torque-to-turn 
    16. Select  neutral. 
    17. Fit service  tool LSTlO5 to  input  gear and cngagc 
    18.  Tic  a  length of string 
    to a split  pin and fit to the 
    service  tool  as shown. Attach 
    thc spring balance  to 
    the  string. 
    19. To obtain  the correct  figures and  to collapsc thc 
    spacer within the intermediate gear cluster,  tighten 
    the intermediate  shaft nut until  the load
    -to-turn  has 
    increased  by 3.7 
    kg (7 Ibs) 5 1.63 kg (F 3 Ibs) on 
    that  noted  when  checking  input  shaft load
    The torque  to  tighten the retaining  nut will be 
    10. Fit dummy shaft LST104 into the intermediate gear 
    11.  Locate  the  gear  assembly  into the transfer  box 
    casing  from the bottom  cover aperture. 
    12. Insert  intermediate  shaft from the front of the 
    transfer  box casing,  pushing the  dummy shaft right 
    as shown  and  remove. (Making  sure that 
    the  intermediate  gear cluster 
    meshcs with the input  approximately 
    Nm (150 Ib ft). 
    20. Peen the stake nut by carefully  forming  the  collar 
    of  the  nut into  the  intermediate  shaft recess, 
    illustrated. ,,.. .,. :... 1 . ..;.:I . ., 
    CAUTION: A round  nose tool must  be used  for this 
    operation to avoid 
    .,, . 
    the collar of the nut. 
    							LT230T TRANSFER BOX 
    Power take-off cover - reassemble 
    21.  Clean  power  take-off cover  and gasket facc. 
    Fit the two  countersunk  screws and tighten. 
    23.  Remove 
    ihe six bolis from  the  bearing  support 
    24.  Apply sealant  to the  cover  plate  gasket  and 
    fit it to 
    the  bearing  support  plate. 
    25.  Apply  Loctitc  290 to bolt  threads  and secure  the 
    power  take
    -off cover  with the six bolts  and 
    Bottom  cover - reassemble 
    26. Clean bottom  cover and gasket face. 
    27.  Apply  sealant  to  cover  gasket  and  fit to transfer 
    28.  Apply  Loctite  290 
    to bolt threads  and  secure  the 
    box casing. 
    cover with six bolts and washers. 
    Differential  lock switch  adjustment 
    Select  differential  locked position  by moving  the 
    lock  taper  towards  the right  side 
    of the transfer  box 
    Apply  sealant to 
    the diffcrential lock  warning light 
    switch  and fit to the  top  of the  front  output 
    Connect a  test lamp  circuit  to the  differential  lock 
    in the  lock  switch  until the bulb  is 
    in the switch  another  half a turn  and  tighten 
    with  the locknut  against 
    the housing. 
    - STl634M 
    6. Disconnect  the  battery and movc the dirfercntial 
    7. Clean thc front output  housing  side cover. 
    8. Grcase and fit side cover gaskct. 
    9. Apply  Loctite  290 to bolt  threads, fit side cover  and 
    lever  to 
    the left to disengage differential  lock. 
    secure  with 
    sevcn bolts and washers. 
    Transmission  brake - reassemble 
    NOTE: Under certain  circumstances  it is better to fit the 
    transmission  brake assembly  after being  installed  in the 
    Clcan brake  backplate  and oil catcher and  apply 
    sealant  to the catcher 
    joint face. 
    Locate  brake  backplate  on the rcar output  housing 
    with  the brake  operating 
    lcver on thc right side of 
    the transfer  box casing. 
    Secure  the backplatc  (including  the oil catcher) 
    with  the four  special  bolts  and  tighten using 
    hexagonal socket to  the specified  torque. 
    Clean  and 
    fit brake drum and  secure  with two 
    countersunk  screws.  
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