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Land Rover 90 110 Workshop Rover Manual

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    of 720
    							STEERING I57 I 
    r I . , ... REMOVE AND OVERHAUL  STEERING 8. Remove  the four screws  securing  the instrument 
    panel  and pull  panel  away  from facia to enable  the 
    COLUMN : I .,I, -_. .L * 
    Remove the collapsible shaft speedometer  cable to be  disconnected. 
    9. Also disconnect  two block conncctors. one 
    1. Remove  the bonnet. 
    2. Set  the  road  wheels  and  steering  wheel in the 
    3. Mark  the relationship  of the  steering  column inner  multiplug 
    connector  and one white  wire and 
    withdraw  the panel  complete  with instruments. 
    straight  ahead position. 
    to the top  universal  joint. 
    NOTE: The Collapsible  shaft can be disconnected 
    from  the steering  column only, if required,  by 
    removing  the bolts  from  the top universal  joint and 
    slackening  the top  bolt  of the  lower  universal  joint. 
    Remove the  two bolts  from the  top universal  joint 
    the lower  bolt of the  bottom  universal  joint. 
    Slacken  the top  bolt 
    of the lower  universal  joint 
    and  withdraw 
    the shaft. 
    Remove  the steering  wheel 
    5. Remove  the  single  screw  retaining  steering wheel 
    finisher and  remove the finisher. 
    6. Remove the steering  wheel retaining nut and if 
    necessary,  use a  suitable  puller to remove  the 
    Remove  the instrument  panel 
    7. Disconnect the battery. 
    Remove the steering  column switches 
    10. Remove  five screws  and two self-tapping  screws to 
    remove the top half of the nacelle. 
    11. Ease the bottom  half of the nacellc from the four 
    switch  grommets  and disconnect  the mixture 
    control cable  (Petrol vehicle)  and remove the 
    12. Disconnect  the four  multi-plugs,  one for each 
    13. Remove  one clamp  screw on top of the  switch 
    making  note 
    of their positions. 
    cluster  and withdraw 
    the switches. 
    Remove the steering  column lock-switch 
    14. Note the position of the  wires  on the  back of the 
    lock  switch  and disconnect  the lucars. 
    15. Using  a  punch  or stud  extractor  remove the two 
    shear  bolts securing  the switch  to the  column. 
    Remove  the  switch and collect  the two  plain 
    washers  between  the switch  and clamp. 
    Remove  the steering  column 
    21. Remove  the bolt  securing  the tie-bar  to the  stecring 
    column,  behind the instrument panel. 
    Remove  the brake pedal box 
    16. Remove  the  vent  cover  and the strip  retaining  the 
    mill board trim covering  the brake  pedal 
    mechanism  and remove  the  trim,  to  expose the 
    pedal  box bolts. 
    17. Remove the two  nuts  securing  the  brake  master 
    to the servo and disconnect the vacuum 
    hose  from  the servo. 
    18. Remove  the six bolts  retaining  the pedal  box to the 
    19. Disconnect  the wires  from the stop  lamp switch. 
    20. Taking  care not to damage  the  brake  fluid pipes 
    remove the pedal  box from the bulkhead  complete 
    with  the brake  pedal assembly. 
    22. Remove  the two  bolts  securing  the lower  end of the 
    							STEERING ~ 
    ,: .I,_( . 23. 
    Remove  the  two  bolts securing the two  halves  of 
    the  top clamp  and the  two bolts  that secure the  top 
    half  of the  clamp  to the  bulkhead  and  remove  the 
    clamp  and rubber  packing. 
    24. Remove  the  two bolts  securing  the column  inaia 
    support  bracket 
    to the bulkhead. 
    25.  Remove 
    the steering  column and main  support 
    bracket from  the vehicle.  29. 
    Drive  the needle  bearing  from the outer  column. 
    C.  . *. I- 
    ST576M t I 
    Overhaul the steering  column 
    26. Remove  the circlip  from the lower  end of the 
    steering column. 
    27. Drift out the inner  shaft  complete  with bearing 
    from  the top  end 
    of the column. 
    28.  Remove  the  roll pin from  the  bearing  retaining 
    collar  and  drive the collar  and bearing  from 
    inner shaft. 
    31.  Fit  the  retaining  collar, ensuring  that 
    it butts 
    against  the bearing  and  that  the 
    roll pin holes linc 
    up. Secure  with the roll pin. 
    32.  Fit a  new roller  bearing  to the  top end 
    of the outer 
    to a  depth of 10 mm. 
    33.  Fit  the inner  shaft and bearing  assembly  to the 
    outer column and  secure with the circlip. 
    							Ei STEERING 
    Fitting steering column 
    34.  Fit the main  support  bracket  and  padding  to the 
    steering  column and manoeuvre  the column  into 
    in the  vehicie. 
    35.  Loosely  secure  the main  support  bracket and 
    harness bracket to the  bulkhead  with two bolts. 
    36.  Loosely 
    fit the clamp and  rubber  packing strip to 
    the column  and retain with two bolts. 
    37.  Loosely  secure  the lower  end of the  column 
    to the 
    lower  support bracket  with two nuts and  bolts. 
    38.  Loosely  secure the  clamp  bracket to the  main 
    support  bracket with two bolts. 
    41.  Fit the  pedal  box and secure  with the six bolts. Fit 
    the  pedal  assembly  mill board  trim and secure  with 
    retaining  strip, vent  cover and screws. 
    Fit the  master  cylinder  to the servo and connect  the 
    servo  vacuum  hose. 
    43.  Connect the  stop lamp  switch 
    Fit steering  column lock switch 
    44. Place  lock switch  in position  and rotate  the steering 
    column  inner  shaft  to  line up the  slot  with the 
    switch  plunger. 
    Wn-bing inside  the vehicle  cab, fit the tie-bar to the 
    40. Fir.. .ly tighten  the main  support  bracket  bolts, 
    clamp  bracket  bolts,  upper clamp  bolts  and  the 
    lower  support  bracket  nuts and bolts. 
    n bracket and secure  with the single  bolt. 
    							* .. . , .. .. . .. . 
    I. . 
    ... ? . . .. . ... .. 
    45. Secure  the lock  to the  column  with the clamp  and 
    shear  bolts,  whilst  inserting  two plain  washers 
    between  the switch  and clamp.  Tighten  the bolts 
    but  not enough 
    to shear  them.  Temporarily  fit the 
    steering  wheel 
    and operate the switch  and lock 
    mechanism  several times to ensure  it functions 
    properly  before finally tightening  the bolts  until the 
    heads shear.  Connect  the electrical leads to the 
    of the  switch. 
    Fit steering column switch assembly 
    46.  Fit the  steering  column switch assembly  and secure 
    with  the single  screw.  Connect  the four  multi
    to  the  main  harness. 
    Fit instrument panel  and nacelle 
    47. Offer  up the  instrument  panel and connect  the 
    speedometer  cable, two block  connectors  one 
    -plug  and single  white wire. Secure  the panel 
    with  the four  screws. 
    48. Locate  the top  half of the  nacelle  in position  and fit 
    the  mixture  control cable (Petrol  only) to the  lower 
    half.  Locate  the switch  grommets  and 
    securc the 
    two  halves  together  with the four  long  screws 
    short  and two self-tapping  screws. 
    Fit the steering wheel 
    49. Turn the cancelling  ring so that the slots  are 
    vertical  and the lug with  the arrow  points  to the 
    left,  in the  direction 
    of the  indicator  switch. Engage 
    the  steering  lock. 
    50.  Fit the  steering  wheel with the finisher  attachment 
    lug  at the  bottom.  Ensure that the indicator 
    cancelling  forks locate  in the  cancelling  ring slots. 
    Secure  the wheel  with the shake
    -proof  washer  and 
    nut  and  tighten 
    to the correct  torque.  Fit the 
    finisher and secure  with the single  screw. 
    ST587 M 
    Fit collapsible  steering shaft  POWER 
    BOX OVERHAUL - Adwest e 
    early vehicles 
    Service  tools: 
    C Spanner - 606600 
    Peg Spanner - 606601 
    Ring  expander 
    - 606602 
    Ring  compressor 
    - 606603 
    Seal  saver,  sector shaft 
    - 606604 
    Seal  saver,  valve and worm 
    - R01015 
    Torque  setting tool - R01016 
    1. Remove  the  steering box from  the  vehicle,  and 
    If necessary,  fit new universal  joints to the support. 
    Note that the 
    long joint is fitted  to the short  length 
    of shaft and short joint to the long  end.  The joints 
    can  only  be fitted  one way  to the  shaft. 
    With  the steering 
    lock engagcd and the road  wheels 
    in the straight  ahead position  line-up the  marks  withdraw 
    the drop  arm. 
    in instruction 2 and fit the  collapsible  shaft  
    assembly with the long  leg  of the  shaft  to  the 
    steering  box. Fit 
    the pinch  bolts  and tighten  to the 
    correct  torque figure. 
    ST 104 3 M 
    2. Rotate  the  retainer  ring, as necessary, until one 
    end  is approximately  12 
    mm (0.500 in) from  the 
    extractor  hole. 
    3. Lift the cover retaining ring from  the groove  in the 
    cylinder  bore, using a suitable  pointed drift applied 
    through the hole provided  in the  cylinder  wall. 
    4. Complete the  removal of the retainer  ring, using a 
    5. Turn on left lock (L.H. steering)  until the piston 
    pushes  out the end  cover  (for 
    R.H. steering 
    models,  turn 
    on right lock). 
    15. Tap the splined end of the spindle shaft  to free  the 
    16.  Withdraw  the bearing  cup and caged  ball bearing 
    17.  Withdraw  the valve  and worm assembly. 
    Do not  disturb  the  trim  screw,  otherwise the 
    calibration  will be adversely  affected. 
    19. Withdraw  the inner  bearing  ball race  and shims. 
    Retain  the shims. 
    Slacken  the  grub screw  retaining  the rack  pad 
    7. Remove  the rack  pad adjuster. 
    8. Remove  the sector shaft  adjuster locknut. 9. Remove the sector shaft  cover fixings.  assembly. 
    10. Screw  in the  sector shaft adjuster  until the cover  is 
    11.  Slide  out the sector shaft. 
    ST 10 4 5 M 
    l6 R 17 
    Steering box seals 
    20. Remove  the circlip  and seals from  the scctor shaft 
    housing  bore. 
    NOTE:  Do not remove  the  sector  bush  unless 
    is required.  Refer to instruction 23. 
    21. Remove  the circlip  and seals  from the input  shaft 
    housing  bore. 
    NOTE: Do not remove  the  input  shaft  needle 
    bearing unless replacement 
    is required. 
    12. Withdraw  the  piston, using a  suitable UNC bolt 
    13. Remove  the  worm  adjusting  screw locknut  using 
    14. Remove  the worm  adjusting  screw  using  peg 
    the tapped hole in the  piston. 
    ‘C’ spanner 606600. 
    spanner 606601. continued 
    .! .’ 
    Sector shaft assembly 
    27. Check that  there is no side play on the rollers. 
    28.  If excessive  side play 
    on the roller  does exist renew 
    29. Check the  condition of the adjuster  screw threads. 
    30.  Examine  the  bearing areas on the  shaft  for 
    Examinc the  gear  teeth  for uneven or  excessive 
    sector shaft. 
    excessive  wear. 
    22. Discard all rubber seals  and provide  replacements. 
    NOTE: A rubber seal is fitted behind  the plastic 
    on the  rack  piston.  Discard  the seal  also  the 
    plastic  ring and provide  replacements. 
    STlOSl M  32 
    Sector shaft cover  assembly 
    32. The  cover,  bush and seat  are supplied  as a 
    Steering  box casing 
    23. If necessary,  replace  the  sector  shaft bush,  using c=mp!ete assemb!j! fe: :ep!ace!??en? pllrpnses. suitable  tubing as  a drift. 
    wear.  replacement  is necessary  this can  be undertaken  by 
    using  a suitable  tap. 
    Examine  the piston  bore for traces  of scoring  and 
    25. Examine  the inlet  tube  seat  for damage. If 33. The  locknut  functions also  as a fluid seal  and must 
    sector shaft adjuster locknut 
    e-.. be replaced  at overhaul. %:.:/ 
    26. Examine  the feed  tube for signs  of cracking. 
    ::: ., ., 
    .. . ,, .-. . .. .. . ... .- . __ . ... 
    Valve and worm  assembly 
    34. Examine  the valve  rings  which  must be free  from 
    cuts, scratches  and grooves.  The valve rings  should 
    be  a loose 
    fit in the  valve  grooves. 
    35. Remove  the  damaged  rings ensuring  that no 
    is done  to the  seal grooves. 
    36.  If required, 
    fit replacement  rings, using the ring 
    expander  606602. Both rings and  tool  may be 
    if found  necessary.  Use  hot  water  for this 
    purpose.  Then insert  into  the  ring compressor 
    606603  to cool. 
    NOTE: Any  sign of wear  at locations 39,40 and 41 
    make  it essential  that the complete  valve and worm 
    assembly  are renewed. 
    Ball  bearing  and cage 
    assem blies 
    42. Examine  the  ball races  and  cups  for wear  and 
    43.  If the  ball  cage  has worn  against the bearing cup, 
    44. Bearing  balls must  be retained  by the  cage. 
    45.  Bearings  and cage  repair  are carried  out by the 
    complete.  replacement  of the  bearings  and cage 
    assembly.  The bearing  cup  may be replaced 
    46. To remove the inner  bearing  cup and shim 
    washers,  jar the steering  box on the work  bench. 
    general condition. 
    NOTE: The 
    expander  will not pass  over  rings 
    already  fitted. These rings must be discarded 
    allow  access  then renewed. 
    NOTE: Should  difficulty  be experienced  at this 
    stage,  warm the casing  and the bearing  assembly. 
    Cool the bearing  cup using  a suitable  mandrel  and 
    jar  the steering  box on the  bench. 
    37.  Examine the bearing  areas for  wear.  The areas 
    must  be smooth and 
    not indented. 
    38.  Examine  the  worm track 
    which  must be  smooth 
    and  not indented. 
    39. Check  for  excessive end-float between  the worm 
    and  valve  sleeve.  End
    -float must  not exceed 
    0,12 mm (0.005 in). 
    40.  Rotary  movement  between  the components at the 
    trim  pin 
    is permissible. 
    41. Check  for  wear  on the  torsion  bar assembly  pins; 
    no free  movement  should  exist between  the input 
    shaft  and the worm. 
    JI ST10 5 3 M 
    Rack  thrust  pad and  adjuster 
    47. Examine the  thrust pad for scores. 
    48.  Examine  the adjuster  for wear 
    in the  pad  seat. 
    49.  Examine  the nylon  pad and  adjuster  grub screw 
    assembly for  wear. 
    49 I 
    							1571 STEERING 
    Rack and piston 
    50. Examine for  excessive wear on the rack  teeth. 
    51. Ensure  the thrust  pad bearing  surface is free  of 
    scores and  wear. 
    52. Ensure that the piston outer diameters  are free 
    from  burrs  and damage. 
    53. Examine  the  seal and ring  groove  for scores  and 
    54. Fit a new  rubber  ring to the  piston. Warm  the white 
    nylon seal  and fit this to  the piston.  Slide  the piston 
    assembly  into the cylinder  with the rack  tube 
    outwards.  Allow to cool. 
    NOTE: When  fitting  replacement  oil seals,  these  must 
    be lubricated with  recommended fluid.  Also ensure  that 
    absolute  cleanliness 
    is observed during  assembly. 
    Input shaft  oil seal 
    56. Fit  the  seal,  lipped  side  first,  into the housing. 
    When  correctly  seated, the  seal backing  will 
    lie flat 
    on  the  bore shoulder. 
    57. Fit the extrusion washer  and secure  with the circlip. 
    ST 10 58 M /I 
    Input  shaft needle bearing 
    55. If necessary, replace  the bearing.  The replacement 
    must  be fitted squarely 
    in the  bore (numbered  face 
    of the bearing  uppermost).  Then, carefully  push 
    the  bearing  in until  it  is flush  with the  top 
    of the 
    housing  bore, Ideally,  the bearing  will be just  clear 
    of the bottom  of the  housing  bore. 
    Sector shaft seal 
    58. Fit the  oil seal, lipped  side first. 
    59. Fit the  extrusion washer. 
    60. Fit the dirt  seal, lipped  side last. 
    61. Fit the  circlip. 
    55 / 
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