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Kyocera TASKalfa 300i User Manual

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Page 161

5 Sending Functions
This chapter explains the functions available for sending originals.
• Original Size Selection ...... ........................................................ ..........5-2
• Sending Size Selection ....... ................................................................5-3
• Zoom ................. ...................................................................... ............5-5
• Centering ................. ..................................................................

Page 162

Sending Functions
Original Size Selection
Select the size of originals that will serve as the basis for scanning. Be su re to select the original size when using 
originals of nonstandard sizes.
Choose the original size from the following groups of original size.
Use the procedure below to select the original size when sending scanned images.
1Press the  Send key.
2Place the originals on the platen.
3Press [Original/Sending Data Format] and then 
[Original Size].
Item Detail Size
Sizes 1...

Page 163

Sending Functions
4Press [Standard Sizes 1], [Standard Sizes 2], 
[Others], or [Size Entry] to select original size.
When you have selected [Size Entry], press [+] or 
[-] to set the sizes of X (horizontal) and  Y (vertical). 
By pressing [# Keys], you can use the numeric 
5Press [OK].
6Specify the destination, and press the  Start key to 
start sending.
Sending Size Selection
Select the sending size (the  size of image to be sent).
The table below lists the sizes.
Sizes 2 Standard...

Page 164

Sending Functions
Relationship between Original Size, Sending Size, and Zoom
Original Size
 (page 5-2) , Sending Size , and Zoom (page 5-5)  are related to each othe r. Refer to the following 
NOTE: When you select Sending Size that is different from Original Size, and select the Zoom [100%], you 
can send the image as the actual size (No Zoom).
Use the procedure below to select the size  for transmission when sending scanned images.
1Press the Send Key.
2Place the originals on the platen....

Page 165

Sending Functions
Scans the original by automatically zooming it depending on the sending size.
The table below lists the available options.
NOTE: When zooming in or out, see  Sending Size Selection on page 5-3  when selecting the sending size.
Depending on the combination of original size and sending size, the image is placed at the edge of the paper. 
To center the image vertically and horizontally on the page, use the centering setting described in Centering on 
page 5-6.
Use the procedure...

Page 166

Sending Functions
When you have scanned the original after specifying the original size and sending size, depending on these 
sizes, a margin is created at the bottom, left, or right si de of paper. By using the centering, the image is placed 
with a margin equally created at each of the page Top/Bottom and Left/Right.
Use the procedure below to center then  image when sending a scanned image.
1Press the Send key.
2Place the originals on the platen.
3Press [Advanced Setup] and then...

Page 167

Sending Functions
Mixed Sized Originals
Using the optional document processor, the originals of different sizes can be placed in a batch and sent. In this 
operation, up to 30 originals of different sizes can be placed in the document processor at the same time.
Originals of the Same Width
When the original widths are the same, the combinatio ns of originals that can be placed are as follows.
• Ledger and Letter (A3 and A4)
• Legal and Letter-R (Folio and A4-R)
• B4 and B5
Ledger Ledger

Page 168

Sending Functions
When the original widths are different
The combinations of originals of different sizes that can be placed together are as follows.
NOTE: When mixing the original sizes as using the follo
wing combination: Folio, A4-R, and B5-R, make sure 
to set the  System Menu  key -> Common Settings  -> Original / Paper Settings  -> Original Auto Detect  to [On] 
for [Folio]. For more information, refer to  Automatic Detection of Originals (Available for metric models only) on 
page 8-9.
• A3,...

Page 169

Sending Functions
Use the procedure below to send mixed sized originals as a batch.
1Press the Send key.
2Place the original into the document processor.
IMPORTANT:  When you place originals of different 
width, place the top edge of  originals to align with the 
width guide at the backside. If the originals are placed 
unevenly, they may not be scanned correctly.
3Press [Original/Sending Data Format] and then 
[Mixed Sized Originals].
4Select the comb ination of originals from 
[Same Width] and...

Page 170

Sending Functions
1-sided/2-sided Selection
Select the type and binding of original depending on the original.
The table below lists the binding directions for each original type.
Use the procedure below to select the original type and binding direction when sending scanned originals.
1Press the Send key.
2Place the originals on the platen.
3Press [Original/Sending Data Format] and then [2-
sided/Book Original].
4Press [1-sided], [2-sided], or [Book].
5When selecting [2-sided], select the binding...
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