Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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Page 551
lNTER-TELPRAc~cEsIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE TROUBLE!SHOOTING Issue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-2.SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D) SYMPTOM DISA inoperativePROBABLE CAUSEUser errorCORRECTIVE ACTIONRefer to l%KWREB, page 4-39, for correct pro- cedures. Telephone not compatibleUser must dial in from a DTMP telephone. Programming errorEnsure that the trunk group is identified correctly as a day or night DISA trunk group. Refer to PRO-_ GRAMMING, page 5-111. Defective trunk cardReplace the...
Page 552
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-2.SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D) , SYMPTOM No music-on-hold/back- ground music (external mu- sic source connected) SYMPTOM XFI/EMI present over con- rersations PROBABLE CAUSE External music source turned off or inoperative CORRECTWE ACTION Check the external music source for proper opera-tion. Optimal input level is .775VRMS (OdB). Re- fer to INSTALLAI’ION, page 3-99. RCPU Card MOH jumperMove...
Page 553
INTER-TELPRACTICESIMWGMX 256 INSTALLATION % MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-2.SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D) SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSECORRECTWE ACTION Faulty DID numbers dis- User error (after dialing theOnly valid DID “start” digits can be properly pro- played at attendant stationscorrect 3- or 4digit “base”cased by the system. number, the user entered in- correct or incomplete “start” digits) Rogmnming errorEnsure that all valid DID numbers have been pro- -gmnmed to ring...
Page 554
~O~LESEOOTINGSue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-3.CO TRW TROUBLESHOOTING CHART.-:._;;SYMPTOM 20 trunk inoperative hroughout the systemPROBABLE CAUSECORRECTIVE ACTIONDefective CO trunk fromAl the associated CO block, remove the bridging central officeclips for the trunk. On the telco side of the block, use a test set to verify the CO trunk connection. Also, move the CO trunk to a known good CO circuit. If the problem follows the trunk, contact the...
Page 555
yl&sT&&MmCTICEs!STALIATION & MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-3.CO TRUNK TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D)SYMPTOM fiw volume on all CO runks, cannot break CO dial onePROBABLE CAUSE Defective trunk card Defective CO trunk from central office Open or loose connection in the cable between the power supply and cardfile Defective power supply module(s) Hybrid balance mismatch NOTE: See also keyset problems on page 6-32.SYMPTOM Zamtot break CO dial tonePROBABLE CAUSECO circuit is...
Page 556
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994lNTzR-TELPRAcTrcEsIMX/GMX 256INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-3.CO TRUNK TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D) SYMPTOMPROBABLE CAUSECORRECTIVE ACTION hnot place an outgoingPrognmming errorCheck station class of service (SCOS). See PRO- gll; CO dial tone is present;GRAMMING, page 5-42. Check that equal access ntercom worksand absorbed digit programmirq~ for the trunk group are correct. See PROGRAMMING, page 5-113. If using LCR, check LCR programming on page 5-98 in...
Page 557
mTER-TELPRAcTIcEsWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCETROUT3LJBHOOTlNGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-3.CO TRUNK TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D)SYMPTOM Outside calls dropped during conversation or upon an- swering CO trunkSYMPTOM CO trunk cannot be reseized 1PROBABLE CAUSECORRECTIVE ACTION User error (trunk key beingInstruct users not to press the trunk key while on a pressed after initial connec- tion is made)call. Or, if necessary, set the CO Reseize timer to a higher value. Default value is 3 seconds....
Page 558
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994INTEX-TELPRACTICESIMWGMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-3.CO TRUNK TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D)SYMPTOM Noise on CO tank at all sta- tiOllSSYMPTOM 20 trunk remains seized af- ier a call has been ended IPROBABLE CAUSE Defective CO trunk Defective trunk card Defective power supply module(s) Defective RCPU CardCORRECTIVE ACTtON At the CO block, remove the bridging clips for the trunk. On the telco side of the block, use a test set to verify the CO trunk...
Page 559
INTER-TELPRACTICESIMx/GMx 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-3.CO TRUNK TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (CONT’D) SYUPTOM Ground start trunks not hmctioning properly PROBABLE CAUSE System not properly grounded CORRECTIVE ACTION Verify that the system AC circuit is isolated and dedicated (see page 3-3 in INSTZLATION) and check for proper grounding (see page 3-41 in IN- STALLATION). LGC jumper straps not set correctly Tip and riug are reversed Programmiug error 6OHz AC power...
Page 560
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTIcEslMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-4.FEATURE TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSYMPTOM ?eature does not work prop :rlySYMPTOM Zannot transfer CO or inter- zom calls to other stationsPROBABLE CAUSECORRECTIVE ACTION User errorRefer to PRMURES for procedures. Also, ensure that the feature is available on the software pack- age installed. Programming errorCheck feature code programming. Refer to PRO- G-G, page 5-58. Also, check user-pro- grammable...