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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 691

Steerina and Wheel ~lianmentl 
Proper handling,  stability and driving ease depend upon  the 
correct alignment  of all  four wheels.  The front  axle is aligned 
in  relation to  the rear axle, then  the front wheels are aligned  in 
relation  to one another.  This is known  as a four-wheel  or 
thrust-axis alignment. 
Front  and rear alignment specification  are given  in tables  at 
the  end  of this repair  group. 
BMW E39 cars use a sophisticated multi-link suspension  at 
the  front  and rear  of...

Page 692

I Steerins and Wheel  Alignment 
Front toe and  toe difference  angle 
Toe is the difference  in the distance between the front  of the 
front  wheels  and the rear  of the front wheels.  It is adjusted  by 
altering the length  of the tie  rods. 
Toe difference angle determines  the progressively different 
paths taken  by the  front wheels  as the car is turning. In 
models, it  is set  by the pitman arm adjustment, but depends 
on accurate setting  of the  toe. 
Toe adjustments should...

Page 693

Steering and Wheel  Alignment 
- Tighten nut while counterholding adjusting  bolt, 
- Tighten nut only  after car  has been lowered  to ground and 
suspension  has settled. 
Preparing  for alignment 
- The  following  conditions are necessary prior  to wheel align- 
Correct  wheels and tires  are installed,  in good condition, 
and  are at the correct inflation  pressures. 
All steering and suspension  parts and bushings are un- 
damaged and  show no signs  of abnormal  wear. Wheel 
bearings are...

Page 694

Isteering and Wheel Alignment 
6-cylinder  sedan (5251,5281,530i) 
Front axle 
. .. I I I 
Outside wheel (approx. ) / 33.5 133 133 
M Sport 
i 20 wheel loclc 
Front wheel displacement 
Inside wheel 
(approx. ) 
Sport suspension 
O0 5 i 10 
- 36 i 30 
6  41 i 30 
Total  toe 
Camber  (difference between  lefffright maximum 
Track (differential  angle with 20 lock on inside wheel) 
Caster (difference  between lefffright maximum 

Page 695

Steering and Wheel Alignment 
V-8 Sedan (540i) 
I Front axle I 
Parameter  Standard 
Total  toe 
Track  (differential  angle with 20 ioclc on inside wheel) 
Caster (difference  between 
leftiright maximum 30) 
With i 10° wheel loclc 
With i 20 wheel lock 
wheel displacement 
wheel (approx. ) 
Outside wheel  (approx. ) 
M Sport suspension 
Camber (difference  between 
leitiright maximum 40) 1- 13i30 1- 30 i 30 1- 37 i 30 
0 10i 10 0 14ilO 
Sport suspension 
0 14i 10 

Page 696


Page 697

330 Rear Suspension 
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-2 
Special tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-2 
Rear suspension variations . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-4 
Rear Struts and  Springs 
(sedan models) 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-5 
Rear strut assembly,  removing 
and installing 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,330-5 
Rear  strut assembly,  disassembling 
and assembling 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Page 698

I Rear Suspension 
This repair  group covers  removal and replacement  of E39 
rear suspension components.  A general  description of sus- 
pension  systems  and ride height  specifications can  be found 
in 300 Suspension,  Steering and Brakes - General. 
Some E39 models are  equipped  with aluminum suspen- 
sion components.  The following  cautions apply: 
Due to  the chemical  and corrosion characteristics  of 
aluminum, do not bring into contact with battery acid. 
- Do  not clean...

Page 699

Rear suspension/ 
31 3 333 I Rubber bushing  removal tool set 
(Tool  No. BMW 
33 3 331,33 3 332,33 3 333,33 3 334) 
4 Subframe mount  removal set 
(ToolNo.BMW334 140,334148,334149,334151,334 
155.33  4 156) 
4 Subirame mount  tool set 
4 Rear wheel bearing carrier mount tool set 
4 Subframe mount  installation set 
(Tool  No. BMW 
33 4 153,33 4 155,33 4 156,33 4 157) 
Slide hammer  set 
(Tool  No. BMW 

Page 700

Rear Suspension Rear suspension variations 
1. Coil spring 
2. Strut 
3. Final drive (differential) 
4. Rear subframe 
5. Upper rear control  arm 
6. Subframe mounting bushing 
7. Drive axle 
8. Upper  front control arm 
(traction strut) 
9. Swing arm (lower control arm) 
10. Integral link 
12. Air  spring 
11. Shockabsorber 
a m3 withair s~riias   
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