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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 701

Rear Suspension 
Rear strut assembly,  removing and 
Replace struts and coil  springs in pairs only. 
- Raise car and remove rear  wheels. 
Male sure the car  is firmly  supported  on jack  stands  de- 
signed  for the  purpose.  Place  jack stands underneath struc- 
tural chassis points.  Do not place jack  stands under 
suspension  parts. 
- Remove rear parcel  shelf: 
Remove  rear seat headrests  by pulling straight  up. 

Page 702

Rear Suspension 
4 Remove rear strut top  cover. Remove upper strut mounting 
nuts  (arrows). 
Remove strut assembly  lower mounting bolt  (arrow). 
Disassemble strut  and spring  assembly  as described below 
in Rear  strut assembly,  disassembling and  reassem- 
Installation  of assembly  to car is reverse  of removal, noting 
the  following: 
Make sure all threaded  bolts, nuts and mating  surfaces are 
Install strut assembly top  mount using new self-loclting 

Page 703

Rear ~us~ensionl 
Rear strut  assembly,  disassembling  and 
Replace struts  and coil springs in pairs only 
Replacing  the upper strut  mount, spring or strut requires that 
the  strut assembly first  be removed from  the car,  as described 
earlier.  Strut disassembly  requires  a spring compressor. 
Do  not attempt  to disassemble the strut without  a spring  com- 
pressor designed specifically  for  the job. 
- Remove strut assembly  from car as described  in Rear  strut...

Page 704

Rear Suspension 
4 Compress spring and install it and related components to 
shock  absorber.  Use new  self-locking upper strut mounting 
1. Upper strut mount self-locking  nut 
2. Washer 
3. Poor road surface  adapter 
4.  Upper spring seat 
5. Upper strut mount 
6. Upper rubber bumper  seat 
7. Rubber bumper 
8. Coil spring 
9. Dust boot 
10. Lower spring seat 
I I. Strut 
Male sure the upperself-locking nut  is fully tightened  before 
releasing  the spring  compressor....

Page 705

C. -- -- - -- Rear ~us~ensionl 
Depending on year  and  model  applications,  the Sport  Wagon 
rear  suspension  may be equipped  with: 
Conventional  shock  absorbers  and coil springs 
Electronic height control  (EHC) system  which incorporates 
air  springs 
. Suspension  and EHC  troubleshooting  is covered in 300 
Suspension,  Steering and Brakes-General. 
EHC system  repairs, other than air spring  replacement, 
are  covered in  Electronic  height control 
(EHC) compo- 

Page 706

330-1 0 
/Rear Suspension 
- Remove rubber  protective cap from  shock  absorber upper 
- Remove  shock absorber upper mounting  nuts. 
- Remove shock absorber lower mounting bolt. Lower  shock 
absorber  out of wheel housing. 
< Transfer shock  top mounting plate, dust  cover (if applicable) 
and  related components  to  new shoclc absorber. 
1. Self-locking nut 
2. Washer 
3. Upper siioclc absorber  mount 
4. Rubber bumper seat 
5. Rubber bumper 
6. Dust boot 
7. Shock absorber 
8. Long  lower...

Page 707

330-1 1 
Rear Suspension 
Coil  spring, removing  and installing 
Raise car and remove rear  wheels. 
Make sure the car  is firmly supported  on jack stands de- 
signed  for the purpose. Place jack  stands underneath struc- 
tural  chassis  points. Do not place jack  stands under 
suspension  parts. 
- Remove brake caliper and  brake disc. Hang brake  caliper 
aside with  stiff wire. Do  not disconnect 
bralte fluid hose.  See 
340 Brakes. 
- Remove  exhaust system.  See 180 Exhaust System. 

Page 708

Rear Suspension 
Air spring,  removing  and installing 
If vehicle  is driven with  airspring depressurized, the  airspring 
will be permanently damaged and must be  replaced. 
An  air spring  is made from a flexible rubber  material which 
forms  an airtight  cavity. It  is pressurized  by an air  supply 
pump  activated  by an  electronic control unit to provide a 
vari- . . able  spring rate  depending on vehicle  load 
Disable  air supply  pump by  disconnecting  electrical  plug...

Page 709

330-1 3 
Rear Suspension 
1 1 4 Check roll fold  of air  spring  (arrows).  Reinstall only  if roll fold 
is  undamaged  and formed correctly. 
- To install  air spring: 
Check  sealing  O-rings  at air spring  inlet. Replace 
if dam- 
aged.  Do not  grease  O-rings.  Reinstall  protective  plug. 
* Install spring  above suspension  subframe.  Make  sure ec- 
centric  lug at bottom  of air spring  fits in recess  of 
spring seat. 
Reattach top  spring mounting  clips. 
- Reattach air line...

Page 710

[Rear Suspension Swing arm, removing and installing 
(sedan models) 
If working on  a vehicle  with compressed airshock absorbers, 
disable  air supply pump by disconnecting electrical plug be- 
fore  performing any  repairs. 
- Raise rear  end  of car  and  remove wheel 
Make sure  the car is firmly  supported on  jack stands de- 
signed  for the purpose. Place  jack stands underneath struc- 
tural  chassis points. Do not place  jack stands  under 
sus~ension Darts. 
- Disconnect...
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