Epson Xp 214 Manual
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• Fax: 200dpi Parent topic:Selecting EpsonScanSettings Selecting ScanFileSettings You canselect thelocation, name,andformat ofyour scan fileonthe File Save Settings window. You can also select various optional settingsthatcontrol howEpson Scanbehaves whenyouscan andsave files. The FileSave Settings windowmayappear afteryouclick Scan onthe Epson Scanwindow. Youmay also beable toaccess thewindow byclicking theicononthe Epson Scanwindow. 101
1. Doone ofthe following toselect thefolder inwhich youwant tosave yourscanned image: • Click thebutton forone ofthe displayed folders. • Click theOther button, clicktheBrowse orChoose button,andselect afolder. 2. Type inastem filename inthe Prefix field.Thisname isused along withnumbers toautomatically name yourscanned files. 3. Select adifferent numberasthe Start Number setting,ifyou like. 4. Select thefileformat youwant touse inthe Image Format Typemenu. 5. Ifyour fileformat provides optionalsettings, clicktheOptions buttontoselect them. 6. Choose anyofthe optional settingsyouwant touse byselecting theircheckboxes. 7. Click OK. Available ScannedFileTypes andOptional Settings Parent topic:Selecting EpsonScanSettings Available ScannedFileTypes andOptional Settings You canselect fromavariety scanned filetypes andoptional settingsonthe File Save Settings window in Epson Scan. File Formats Bitmap (*.bmp) A standard imagefileformat formost Windows programs. JPEG (*.jpg) An image format thatletsyou highly compress imagedata.However, thehigher thecompression, the lower theimage quality. (TheTiffformat isrecommended whenyouneed tomodify orretouch your scanned image.) Multi-TIFF (*.tif) A Tiff fileformat whenmultiple pagesaresaved tothe same file,allowing youtoedit theimages using a compatible program. PDF (*.pdf) A document formatthatisreadable byWindows andMac OSXsystems usingAdobe Reader, Acrobat, orother programs. Youcansave multi-page documents inone PDF file. PICT (*.pct) A standard imagefileformat formost MacOSXprograms. 102
PRINT ImageMatching II(*.jpg or*.tif) File formats thatinclude EpsonPRINT ImageMatching IIdata forenhanced qualityandawider color range (doesnotaffect theway theimage displays onthe screen). TIFF (*.tif) A file format created forexchanging databetween manyprograms, suchasgraphic andDTP software. Optional Settings Overwrite anyfiles withthesame name Select tooverwrite previousfileswiththesame names. Show thisdialog boxbefore nextscan Select tohave theFile Save Settings windowappearautomatically beforeyouscan. Open image folderafterscanning Select tohave Windows ExplorerorMac OSXFinder automatically opentothe folder where your scanned imageissaved afterscanning. Show AddPage dialog afterscanning If you arescanning amulti-page documentusingthePDF orMulti-Tiff format,selecttodisplay a prompt forscanning additional pagesafterthefirst page isscanned. Parent topic:Selecting ScanFileSettings Scanning withMacOSX10.6/10.7/10.8 UsingImage Capture With MacOSX10.6/10.7/10.8, youcanscan withyour product usinganimage-editing applicationsuch as Image Capture. 1. Open animage editing application, suchasImage Capture. 2. Select yourEpson product fromtheDEVICES orSHARED list,ifnecessary. 3. Ifyou seetheShow Details button,clickit. If you arescanning anitem onthe scanner glass,yourproduct beginsapreview scan. 103
4. Select theScan Mode setting indicating whereyouplaced youroriginal (ifavailable). Selectany other scansettings asnecessary. 104
5. Select thefolder inwhich youwant tosave yourscanned fileinthe Scan Topop-up menu. 6. Click Scan. Your scanned fileissaved inthe folder youselected. Available ScanSettings -Mac OSXImage Capture Parent topic:Scanning Related tasks Placing Originals onthe Scanner Glass Available ScanSettings -Mac OSXImage Capture You canselect thesescansettings inyour imaging editingapplication forMac OSX. Unsharp Mask Makes theedges ofcertain imageareasclearer. Turnoffthis option toleave softer edges. Descreening Removes theripple pattern thatmight appear insubtly shaded imageareas, suchasskin tones. This option improves resultswhenscanning magazines ornewspapers. (Theresults ofdescreening donot appear inthe preview image,onlyinyour scanned image.) Backlight Correction Removes shadowsfromphotos thathave toomuch background light. Dust Removal Removes dustmarks fromyouroriginals automatically. Color Restoration Restores thecolors infaded photos automatically. Parent topic:Scanning withMac OSX10.6/10.7/10.8 UsingImage Capture Scanning SpecialProjects Your products scanningsoftwareoffersvarious optionstohelp youquickly complete specialscan projects. Scanning toaPDF File Restoring PhotoColors asYou Scan Parent topic:Scanning 105
Scanning toaPDF File Using Epson Scan,youcanscan amulti-page documentandsave itin one PDF (Portable Document Format) fileonyour computer. 1. Place youroriginal onyour product forscanning. 2. Start Epson Scan. 3. Select thescan mode youwant touse. 4. Select thescan settings foryour scan. 5. Preview yourimage. 6. When youfinish selecting allyour settings, clickScan . You seetheFile Save Settings window. 106
7. Select PDFasthe Type setting. 8. Select anyother settings youwant touse onthe File Save Settings window. ClicktheOptions button toaccess additional settings. 9. Click OK. Epson Scanscans yourdocument andyouseethiswindow: 107
10. Choose oneofthe following optionsonthe screen: • Ifyou arescanning onlyonepage, clickSave File. • Ifyou need toscan additional pagesinadocument, clickAddpage .Place additional pageson the product forscanning, clickScan ,and repeat untilyouhave scanned allthe pages. Whenyou are finished, clickSave File. • Ifyou need todelete orreorder thescanned pages,clickEditpage .Delete orreorder thepages using theicons thatappear onthe bottom ofthe editing window. Whenyouarefinished, clickOK. Note: Ifyou installed anOCR (Optical Character Recognition) program,youmay seeascreen indicating theprogram isconverting yourpage totext. Wait untiltheprogram re-scans thepage and close theprogram, ifnecessary. 11. Click Close toexit theEpson Scanwindow, ifnecessary. Epson Scanscans youroriginal, andsaves thePDF fileinthe selected folderoropens itin your scanning program.Ifthe filewas saved directly toyour computer, youseethefileinthe Windows Explorer orMac OSXFinder, whereyoucanview andprint thedocument, ifdesired. Parent topic:Scanning SpecialProjects Related tasks Selecting theScan Mode Selecting ScanFileSettings 108
Related topics Starting aScan Selecting EpsonScanSettings Restoring PhotoColors asYou Scan You canrestore thecolors infaded photos asyou scan them using Epson Scans ColorRestoration setting. Youcanselect thissetting inany ofthe available scanmodes. Note: Colorrestoration isnot available inOffice Mode, ifEpson Scanoffers thatmode. 1. Place youroriginal onyour product forscanning. 2. Start Epson Scan. 3. Select thescan mode youwant touse. 4. Select thescan settings foryour scan. 5. Preview yourimage. 6. Locate oraccess theimage adjustment settings. 7. Select theColor Restoration checkbox. 8. When youfinish selecting allyour settings, clickScan . 9. Click Close toexit theEpson Scanwindow, ifnecessary. Epson Scanscans youroriginal, andsaves thecolor-restored fileinthe selected folderoropens itin your scanning program.Ifthe filewas saved directly toyour computer, youseethefileinthe Windows Explorer orMac OSXFinder, whereyoucanview andprint theimage, ifdesired. Parent topic:Scanning SpecialProjects Related tasks Selecting theScan Mode Related topics Starting aScan Selecting EpsonScanSettings 109
Replacing InkCartridges When anink cartridge isexpended, youneed toreplace it. You may alsoneed toreplace acartridge thatismore thansixmonths old,ifyour printouts donot look their best, even aftercleaning andaligning theprint head. Check Cartridge Status Purchase EpsonInkCartridges Removing andInstalling InkCartridges Replacing InkCartridges UsingaComputer Utility Printing WithBlack Inkand Expended ColorCartridges Conserving LowBlack Inkwith Windows Check Cartridge Status Your product anditsprinting software willletyou know when anink cartridge islow orexpended. Checking CartridgeStatusLights Checking CartridgeStatuswithWindows Checking CartridgeStatuswithMac OSX Parent topic:Replacing InkCartridges Checking CartridgeStatusLights You cancheck thestatus ofyour inkcartridges bychecking thelights onyour product. • Ifthe inklight isflashing, acartridge islow. You cancontinue printinguntilthecartridge needs replacement. • Ifthe inklight ison, acartridge isexpended. Youmust replace thecartridge beforeyoucanprint. Note: Depending onthe color ofthe expended cartridgeandhow youareprinting, youmay beable to continue printingtemporarily. Parent topic:Check Cartridge Status Checking CartridgeStatuswithWindows A low inkreminder appearsifyou trytoprint when inkislow, andyoucancheck yourcartridge statusat any time using autility onyour Windows computer. 110