Epson Xp 214 Manual
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2. Select theDocument Typesetting thatmatches youroriginal, suchasReflective fordocuments or photos. 3. Select theDocument Sourcesettingindicating whereyouplaced youroriginal. 4. Select thespecific typeoforiginal youarescanning asthe Auto Exposure Typesetting: Document or Photo . 5. Select thedetails ofyour original andhow youwant itscanned asthe Image Typesetting. 6. Select theResolution settingyouwant touse foryour scan. 7. Click thePreview button. Epson Scanpreviews youroriginal anddisplays theresult inaseparate Previewwindow. 8. Ifdesired, selectthearea inyour preview imagethatyouwant toscan (scan area). 9. Select anyofthe image adjustment settingsyouwant touse. Before making adjustments, clickthe image orscan areainthe Preview window. 10. Ifyou want toreduce orenlarge yourimage asyou scan, select theTarget Sizesetting youwant to use. 11. Click Scan. You seetheFile Save Settings window. 12. Change anyofthe necessary filesave settings andclick OK. Epson Scanscans youroriginal, andsaves thefileinthe selected folderoropens itin your scanning program. Ifthe filewas saved directly toyour computer, youseethefileinthe Windows ExplorerorMac OS XFinder, whereyoucanview andprint theimage, ifdesired. Available ImageTypes-Professional Mode Selecting aScan Area-Professional Mode Available ImageAdjustments -Professional Mode Selecting aScan Size-Professional Mode Parent topic:Selecting EpsonScanSettings Related concepts Scan Resolution Guidelines Image Preview Guidelines Related tasks Selecting ScanFileSettings 91

Available ImageTypes-Professional Mode You canselect theseImage Typeoptions inEpson ScanProfessional Mode. 24-bit Color Select thissetting forcolor photos. Color Smoothing Select thissetting forcolor graphic images, suchascharts orgraphs. 8-bit Grayscale Select thissetting forblack-and-white photos. Black &White Select thissetting forblack textdocuments orline art. Parent topic:Scanning inProfessional Mode Selecting aScan Area-Professional Mode You canselect aspecific areainyour preview imagetoinclude inyour scanned image.Youcanselect the entire image areaoraportion ofit.You caneven select multiple scanareas tocreate multiple scanned imagesofdifferent areas(Normal Previewmodeonly). You canalso usethescan areatoselect specific ImageAdjustments settingsforascanned image.Just be sure toclick inside thescan areabefore selecting thesettings. Note: InProfessional Mode,thedefault Preview modeisNormal mode.Touse Thumbnail Preview mode instead, selecttheThumbnail checkboxbeneaththePreview button(ifavailable), thenclickthe Preview buttontopreview yourimage again. 1. Doone ofthe following toselect yourscan areainthe Preview image: • Normal preview :Click the AutoLocate icontocreate amarquee (dottedline)onthe preview image. 92

• Thumbnail preview:Your scan areaisselected automatically, butyou canchange it.Place your cursor inone corner ofthe desired scanarea, thenclickanddrag thecursor tothe opposite corner to create amarquee (dottedline)onthe preview image. 93

2. Dothe following, asnecessary, towork withtheselected scanarea: • Ifthe marquee iscorrect, continue withthenext step. • To move themarquee, clickinside thescan areaanddrag themarquee whereyouwant it. • To resize thescan area, place yourcursor overtheedge orcorner ofthe marquee, thenclickand drag theedges whereyouwant them. (Holddown theShift keyasyou resize themarquee to retain thesame width/height proportions.) 94

• Normal preview :To create additional marquees (upto50, ifavailable), clickthe Copy Marquee icontocopy theexisting marquee andpaste iton the preview image. • To delete amarquee, clickthemarquee, thenclickthe DeleteMarquee icon. Note: Ifyou draw multiple marquees, makesureyouselect theAllbutton inthe Preview window before youscan. Otherwise, onlythearea inside thecurrently selectedmarquee willbescanned. 3. Click inside thescan areaandmake anynecessary settingsinthe Epson Scanwindow. Parent topic:Scanning inProfessional Mode Available ImageAdjustments -Professional Mode You canselect theseAdjustments optionsinEpson ScanProfessional Mode. Note: Notalladjustment settingsmaybeavailable, depending onthe Image Typesetting. Click the imageadjustment icontoaccess additional settings. Click the+(Windows) or(Mac OSX)icon next toasetting tochange thelevel ofadjustment. Unsharp Mask Makes theedges ofcertain imageareasclearer. Turnoffthis option toleave softer edges. 95

Descreening Removes theripple pattern thatmight appear insubtly shaded imageareas, suchasskin tones. This option improves resultswhenscanning magazines ornewspapers. (Theresults ofdescreening donot appear inthe preview image,onlyinyour scanned image.) Color Restoration Restores thecolors infaded photos automatically. Backlight Correction Removes shadowsfromphotos thathave toomuch background light. Dust Removal Removes dustmarks fromyouroriginals automatically. Auto Exposure Automatically adjuststheimage exposure settingswhenyouclick the AutoExposure icon.To automatically adjustimage exposure settingscontinuously, clicktheConfiguration button,clickthe Color tab,and select Continuous autoexposure .You canadjust thelevel ofauto exposure usinga slider. Histogram Adjustment Provides agraphical interfaceforadjusting highlight,shadow,andgamma levelsindividually. (For advanced usersonly.)Clickthe histogram icontoaccess thesettings. Tone Correction Provides agraphical interfaceforadjusting tonelevels individually. (Foradvanced usersonly.)Click the tonecorrection icontoaccess thesettings. Brightness Adjusts theoverall lightness anddarkness ofthe scanned image. Contrast Adjusts thedifference betweenthelight anddark areas ofthe overall scanned image. Saturation Adjusts thedensity ofcolors inthe overall image. Color Balance Adjusts thebalance ofcolors inthe overall image. Color Palette Provides agraphical interfaceforadjusting mid-tonelevels,suchasskin tones, without affecting the highlight andshadow areasofthe image. (Foradvanced usersonly.)Clickthe ColorPalette icon to access thesettings. 96

Threshold Adjusts thelevel atwhich blackareas intext and lineartare delineated, improvingtextrecognition in OCR (Optical Character Recognition) programs. Parent topic:Scanning inProfessional Mode Selecting aScan Size-Professional Mode You canreduce orenlarge thesize ofyour image asyou scan. Youcanalso select aspecific scansize, such asacommon photosizelike4× 6inches (102×152 mm). Thisplaces ascan areaofthat size on the preview imagesoyou canuseitto help crop theimage inthe correct proportions. 1. Click thePreview buttontopreview yourimage. 2. Inthe Epson Scanwindow, selectthesize youwant yourscanned imagetobe from theTarget Size list. Note: Ifyou need torotate theorientation ofthe target sizeforyour image, clickthe orientation icon. A marquee (dottedline)appears onyour preview imageproportioned forthe size youselected. 97

3. Dothe following, asnecessary, towork withtheselected scanarea: • To move themarquee, clickinside thescan areaanddrag themarquee whereyouwant it. • To resize thescan area, place yourcursor overtheedge orcorner ofthe marquee, thenclickand drag theedge where youwant it. Note: Manually adjustingthemarquee willnot change thetarget sizeofthe scanned file.The marquee onlyindicates thearea ofthe image thatwillbescanned. 98

4. Tocreate ascanned imagesizethatisnot available inthe Target Sizelist,click theCustomize option. 5. Name thecustom size,enter thesize, clickSave ,and click OK.Then create ascan areaonthe preview image. The marquee isautomatically proportionedforyour custom scansize. 6. Touse additional sizingtools,clickthe+(Windows) or(Mac OSX)icon next tothe Target Size setting andselect options asdesired. • Scale :Reduces orenlarges yourimage bythe percentage youenter. 99

• Trimming :Turns automatic imagecropping onoroff. • Unlock icon:Unlocks thewidth/height proportionsofthe scanned imagesizesoyou canadjust it without constraint. Parent topic:Scanning inProfessional Mode Image Preview Guidelines You canpreview yourscanned imagesoyou canadjust thescan settings usingthepreview asaguide. There aretwo types ofpreview available, depending onthe scan mode andselected settings: Thumbnail preview A thumbnail previewdisplays yourpreviewed imagesasthumbnails withthescanned imageareaand exposure automatically selected.Ifthe Thumbnail checkboxisselected, clickingthePreview button opens athumbnail preview. Normal preview A normal preview displays yourpreviewed imagesintheir entirety soyou canselect thescanned image areaandother settings manually. Ifthe Thumbnail checkboxisdeselected, clickingthe Preview buttonopensanormal preview. Parent topic:Selecting EpsonScanSettings Scan Resolution Guidelines If you plan toenlarge ascanned imagesoyou canprint itat alarger size,youmay need toincrease the resolution fromthedefault resolution setbyEpson Scan.Follow theseguidelines todetermine the resolution settingyouneed: • You willenlarge theimage asyou scan it. If you willenlarge theimage usingEpson Scans TargetSizesetting (Home andProfessional modes only), youdonot need toincrease theResolution setting. • You willscan theimage atits original size,butenlarge itlater inan image-editing program. Increase EpsonScans Resolution settinginyour scan. Increase theresolution bythe same amount you willincrease theimage sizetoretain ahigh image quality. Forexample, ifthe resolution is300 dpi (dots perinch) andyouwilldouble theimage sizelater, change theResolution settingto600 dpi. • You willscan theimage at100% orsmaller size. Select Epson Scans Resolution settingbasedonhow youwilluse thescanned image: • E-mail/view onacomputer screen/post onthe web: 96to150 dpi • Print/convert toeditable text(OCR): 300dpi 100