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    							The manual eject The override blocker Ensure that the
    override bracket cannot move freely. override blocker can
    cannot be accessed. move freely in the
    (Bracket is not bottom cover. If it
    visible through its cannot move freely,
    slot.) ****** replace the bottom
    The manual eject override 1. Straighten the
    bracket is bent. manual eject
    override bracket.
    2. Replace the
    docking mechanism.
    The manual eject The manual eject override 1. Ensure that the
    override bracket bracket spring is not small spring on
    does not spring back attached. the back of the
    after the computer is mechanism is
    removed. ****** hooked on both the
    bracket and the
    carriage. Reattach
    the spring if
    2. If the spring
    doesnt stay in
    place, replace the
    3. If the spring
    still doesnt stay
    in place, replace
    the docking
    The manual eject override 1. Straighten the
    bracket is bent. manual eject
    override bracket
    to allow it to
    properly spring
    2. Replace the
    docking mechanism.
    ****** The manual eject override bracket is integrated into the docking
    Table 7-3. Enclosure Alignment Problems
    Problem Probable Cause Recommended Action(s)
    Bottom cover does not Metal liners are in the 1. Ensure that the
    latch firmly. way. metal liners are
    straight all
    around the
    expansion base. If
    not, attempt to
    straighten them.
    2. If the liners
    cannot be
    							replace the bottom
    or top cover
    Plastic latches are worn Ensure that the
    off of the bottom cover. plastic latches are
    not worn off. If they
    are, replace the
    bottom cover.
    Table 7-4. Hardware Installation Problems
    Problem Probable Cause Recommended Action(s)
    The drive or optional The drive or optional Use only supported
    device does not fit in device is not supported. drives or optional
    the drive bay. devices (Table 8-10)
    that meet the maximum
    drive bay length
    requirement listed in
    Section 10.1.
    Drive cage is bent. 1. Determine if there
    are irregularities
    in the drive cage
    or if there are
    Straighten the
    drive cage if
    2. Replace the drive
    A new device is not The power switch of the Turn off the system,
    recognized as part of new external device was then turn on the
    the computer system. not turned on before the external device, then
    system was turned on. turn on the system to
    integrate the new
    Computer Setup has to be Run Computer Setup.
    run to configure the new
    The signal cable or power Ensure that all
    cable of the new device is cables are properly
    loose or disconnected. and securely
    The switch settings on the Correct the switch
    vertical circuit board are settings on the
    incorrect. vertical circuit
    More than one optional Correct the IRQ
    device has the same settings for the
    interrupt request (IRQ) optional devices that
    setting. are conflicting. 
    The signal and/or power Determine if the
    cable of the new device is signal and/or power
    defective. cable is defective
    by connecting another
    The system locks up Switch 3 on the vertical Change Switch 3 to
    when a backup to tape circuit board is the tape/diskette
    is attempted. incorrectly set. drive installed
    position (the
    on/closed position).
    The signal or power cable Ensure that the
    is not securely connected cables are properly
    to the tape drive. and securely
    connected to the tape
    The power and/or signal Determine if the
    cable connected to the power and/or signal
    drive is defective. cable is defective
    by connecting another
    The tape drive is not Call the manufacturer
    supported by the Compaq of the tape drive to
    internal controller. verify that it is
    supported by the
    Compaq controller.
    Table 7-5. LED Problems
    Problem Probable Cause Recommended Action(s)
    An LED doesnt come on The light pipe for the LED Ensure that the light
    or is dim. is not installed properly. pipe is even with the
    outside surface of
    the expansion base
    and reinstall or
    replace it if
    The LED is defective. Determine if the LED
    is defective by
    completing the
    following steps:
    1. Remove the
    appropriate switch
    (power switch or
    eject switch *)
    from the top cover
    of the expansion
    base, but do not
    disconnect the
    cable harness.
    2. Remove the switch
    board from the
    rest of the 
    							plastic switch
    (Section 9.18).
    3. Reassemble the
    expansion base,
    allowing the
    switch board to
    hang out from the
    side of the unit
    for test purposes.
    4. Ensure that the
    condition of the
    expansion base is
    such that the LED
    should turn on.
    5. If the LED does
    not turn on,
    replace the cable
    The cable harness (power 1. Reseat the cable
    switch cable harness or harness.
    eject switch cable 2. Replace the cable
    harness) * is defective or harness.
    is not making a complete 3. Replace the
    connection. harness extension
    4. Replace the
    expansion base
    system board.
    * The power and hard drive LEDs are integrated into the power switch board,
    which is part of the power switch cable harness. The battery charger LED
    is integrated into the eject switch board, which is part of the eject
    switch cable harness.
    Table 7-6. Power Problems
    Problem Probable Cause Recommended Action(s)
    When a computer is The power button is not Ensure that the power
    docked and the being pressed completely button is being fully
    expansion base power or is defective. pressed on the power
    button is pressed, the switch board by
    expansion base and completing the
    computer do not power following steps:
    on, no beep is 1. Remove the power
    emitted, and there is switch from the
    no LED activity on top cover of the
    either the expansion expansion base,
    base or the computer. but do not
    disconnect the
    power switch
    cable harness.
    2. Remove the power
    switch board from
    the rest of the
    plastic power 
    							switch components
    (Section 9.18).
    3. Reassemble the
    expansion base,
    allowing the power
    switch board to
    hang out from the
    side of the unit
    for test purposes.
    4. Ensure that the
    condition of the
    expansion base is
    such that the
    power switch is
    5. Press the power
    button that is
    mounted directly
    on the power
    switch board.
    6. If the expansion
    base and computer
    power up, replace
    the plastic power
    switch components.
    7. If the expansion
    base and computer
    do not power up,
    replace the
    power switch cable
    The power switch cable 1. Reseat the cable
    harness or harness harness.
    extension cable is not 2. Replace the cable
    making a complete harness.
    connection or is 3. Reseat the harness
    defective. extension cable.
    4. Replace the
    harness extension
    The expansion base system Replace the
    board is defective. expansion base system
    When a Compaq LTE The power button on the 1. Remove the
    Elite is docked and computer is not being computer from the
    the power switch on activated. expansion base and
    the computer is attempt to power
    pressed, the expansion on the computer by
    base and the computer itself.
    do not power on, no 2. If the computer
    beep is emitted, and does not power on
    there is no LED by itself, the
    activity on either the problem is with
    expansion base or the the the computer
    computer. (Table 2-26).
    							The expansion base and The computer is not Ensure that there is
    computer do not power completely docked in no gap between the
    on when either power the expansion base. expansion base and
    switch is pressed, but the rear of the
    a beep is emitted from computer. (Refer to
    the expansion base and Table 7-2 for more
    there is some LED information on
    activity. solving docking
    The computer is not 1. Remove the
    powering on properly. computer from the
    expansion base and
    attempt to power
    it on by itself.
    If the computer
    does not power on
    by itself, the
    problem is with
    the computer
    (Table 2-26).
    2. Try another
    computer (if one
    is available) in
    the expansion base
    to ensure that the
    expansion base
    powers up
    The expansion base power Replace the
    supply is defective. expansion base power
    The expansion base The internal devices have Ensure that internal
    does not turn on after exceeded the maximum devices do not exceed
    an ISA expansion board allocated power. 7A (35W) for the +5V
    or an internal drive output and 3A (36W)
    is installed in the for the +12V output.
    expansion base.
    SCSI Problems
    This section lists some common SCSI problems to check if the system cannot
    communicate with a SCSI device. When solving a SCSI problem, verify that:
    o All SCSI devices are turned on before turning on the system.
    o SCSI drivers are properly installed (Section F.6), the correct path is in
    AUTOEXEC.BAT, and the drivers are loaded in CONFIG.SYS.
    o The first device and the last device in the SCSI chain are properly
    terminated (Sections F.1 and F.2).
    o All SCSI devices have different SCSI IDs.
    o The cables connecting the SCSI devices are properly seated. 
    							o The internal cable connector is not reversed.
    o All SCSI devices are SCSI-2 compliant.
    For more troubleshooting information, refer to the system messages and
    troubleshooting sections of the Compaq EZ-SCSI Software Reference.
    For information on using SCSI-2 devices, installing SCSI-2 device drivers,
    and installing an internal SCSI-2 drive in the Compaq SmartStation, refer
    to Appendix F.
    7.2 EXTDISK.SYS Error Messages 
    The EXTDISK.SYS external drive device driver is required for the Compaq LTE
    Lite to configure an IDE hard drive in the Compaq SmartStation. This
    section lists EXTDISK.SYS error messages that may be displayed and
    describes their possible causes and recommended actions.
    Install the EXTDISK.SYS external drive device driver from the Supplemental
    Programs diskette included with the SmartStation Adapter (Section C.4).
    Table 7-7. EXTDISK.SYS Messages
    Message Probable Cause Recommended Action(s)
    Bad or Missing EXTDISK.SYS is not on the Ensure that
    EXTDISK.SYS hard drive or the path in EXTDISK.SYS is on the
    CONFIG.SYS file is hard drive and that
    incorrect. the path in the
    CONFIG.SYS file is
    EXTDISK not installed The system is not properly Run Computer Setup.
    The setting for switch 1 Correct the switch
    on the vertical circuit setting or install an
    board is incorrect. IDE hard drive.
    The power or signal cable Ensure that the power
    is not properly connected and signal cables are
    to the drive. properly and
    securely connected.
    The power cable or signal Determine if the
    cable connected to the power and/or signal
    drive is defective. cable is defective by
    connecting another
    The jumpers on the drive If only one IDE hard
    are improperly set. drive is in the
    expansion base, set
    the jumper switches
    on the drive to
    single. If there is 
    							no setting for
    single, set the
    jumper switches to
    Time-Out on Disk 1 The power or signal cable Ensure that the power
    Secondary controller is not properly connected and signal cables are
    EXTDISK not installed to the drive. properly and securely
    Incorrect version of Install the version
    included with the
    SmartStation Adapter.
    There is an interrupt Eliminate the IRQ
    request (IRQ) conflict. conflict by
    completing the
    following steps as
    1. Change the switch
    2 setting on the
    vertical circuit
    2. Change the
    interrupt setting
    used by the
    optional device
    so that it does
    not conflict with
    the setting used
    by the IDE hard
    The jumpers on the drive If only one IDE hard
    are improperly set. drive is in the
    expansion base, set
    the jumper switches
    on the drive to
    single. If there is
    no setting for
    single, set the
    jumper switches to
    The power cable or signal Determine if the
    cable connected to the power and/or signal
    drive is defective. cable is defective by
    connecting another
    							Chapter 8 - Compaq SmartStation Illustrated Parts Catalog 
    This chapter provides illustrated parts breakdowns and identifies the spare
    parts for the Compaq SmartStation expansion base.
    Refer to Chapter 3 for spare part information for the Compaq LTE Elite.
    8.1 Enclosures 
    Table 8-1. Enclosures
    Description Spare Part Number
    1. Bottom cover 199003-001
    Rubber feet
    Blocker spring
    2. Expansion Board Cage 199005-001 
    3. Drive Cage
    Includes configuration label ** 198992-001
    4. Top Cover 199002-001
    5. Monitor Support Cover 137948-001 *
    * Not shown
    ** Drive cage is interchangeable for drive position 1 or 2.
    8.2 Power Supply 
    Table 8-2. Power Supply
    Description Spare Part Number
    1. Power Supply 198997-001
    2. Power Supply Bezel 198998-001
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