Comdial ExecuTech Model XE Key System Instructions Manual
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installation IMI 66-064 SECTION 2 OPTION INSTALLATION DETAILS DSWBLF CONSOLE CONNECTION The optional DSS/BLF console may be installed at any station port to work in conjunction with a companion station connected to the adjacent port (e.g.; port 10 for station and port 11 for console). Console port installation is illustrated in Figure 3-3a and 3-3b, shown on the previous pages. The model EB32X-xx, DB32-xx, DB32S-xx, DB40-xx, and DB70-xx DSS/BLF consoles are all compatible with the XE system. The station port to which they are connected must be programmed as a DSS/BLF console port. The console keys are fixed for DSS/BLF operation beginning with station 10 and ending with the maximum station number in the system. The remainder of the keys are blanked and are unuseable for any other purpose. For this reason it is recommended that the larger consoles (DB40 and DB70) not be used unless absolutely necessary since the XE system has a maximum station capacity of twenty-four stations thus leaving these consoles with a large quanity of blanked keys. l The installed distance limit between the common equipment and a console is the same as that specified for a regular station. Connect all four wires (voice pair and data pair) of the console cable to the station connector block. The voice pair connections of the console can be used simultaneously to enable a PA port function or to provide off-hook voice announce capability.. See information headed External Paging interface - Station PA Port. If an enable signal is required with the particular PA equipment being used, the console and PA equipment connections are limited to station ports 15 and 17. The DSS/BLF console port must be programmed as a DSS/BLF port before console operation can take place. The console port must be also programmed as a PA port if a PA amplifier has been connected to the voice pair as part of the system. OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE WITH HANDSFREE ANSWERBACK The DB32S-xx Adjunct Feature Module can be used to provide off-hook voice announcing (OHVA) to a station already busy on a call and allow subsequent handsfree answerback (HFAB) by the station user; however, the DB32S-xx Module can not be used as a DSS/BLF console at the same time. The station port to which the Adjunct Feature Module is connected must be programmed for whichever of these features that is required. Two data-paired station ports are required to provide the OHVAlHFAB feature. l Connect a keyset to the first data-paired port * Connect the DB32S-xx Adjunct Feature Module to the voice pair and the data pair of the second data-paired port. For the feature to be enabled, the port to which the Adjunct Feature Module is connected must be programmed as an Off-Hook Call Announce port. SECURE OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE STATION The XE system supports the Secure Off-Hook Voice Announce (SOHVA) feature provided by the following keyset models. . 6714X-xx . 68OOS-xx . 68148 . 6820X-xx . 682OS-xx NOTE: If normal off-hook voice announce capability is required, it is provided by fhe model DB32S-xx console as described in the previous paragraph. Two data-paired ports are required to provide SOHVA support. The SOHVA equipped telephones contain a 6-position, 3-pair line jack. Using 6-wire, twisted-pair cable, connect the two inside pairs of the line jack to the first data-paired port and connect the outside pair to the second data-paired port. Refer to Figure 3-4 for an illustration of this wiring. * Connect pins 3 and 4 to the voice pair and pins 2 and 5 to data pair of the first data-paired port. l Connect pins 1 and 6 to the voice pair of the second data-paired port. For the feature to be enabled, the first port must be programmed as a keyset port and the second port must be programmed as an Off-Hook Call Announce pod- 3-10

IM; 66-064 Installation TO SECURE OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE TELEPHONE VOICE PAIR (PAIRED STATION) DATA PAIR VOICE PAIR 11 1 -VOICE (PAIRED STATION) 2 -DATA 3 -VOICE 4 -VOICE 5 -DATA 6 -VOICE (PAIRED STATION) TYPE 625A2-6 CONNECTOR (TYPICAL) ( - -,- - * - -,- - 3 - -,- - 4--,-- s----I--- c--,-- _ ,--,-- 1 s;;--& .,5 - -,- - .,6 - -, - - I,- -I- - ;;I 1;: 1 20- -,- - 7.1 - -,- - 22- -I- - 23 - -,- - 24--n- - g-1;: I :; z 1;: 1 es - -I- - AMPWENOL 30 - -,- - CONNECTOR 31- -I- - 32- -I- - .?6- -I- - 49- -I- - JO- -,- - CLIP TERMINALS I 1 - - TYPICAL STATION CONNECTOR BLOCK Figure 3-4 Off-Hook Voice Announce Connections POWER FAILURE STATION The system provides one tip and ring pair connected to line one as an emergency, power failure circuit. This power failure pair is located on Mod jack 1 for all common equipment models. This jack is the rightmost jack when facing the right side of the cabinet as shown in Figure 3-5. The power failure pair is only active during an AC power failure. An industry standard single-line telephone, such as a Comdial2500-xx can be connected to the power failure pair and used to provide communications capability should the AC power to the system be interrupted. TYPICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD NON-ELECTRIC TELEPHONE (POWER FAILURE INTERFACE1 Figure 3-5. Power Failure Station Connection. 3-I 1

Installation IMI 66-064 COMMON AUDIBLE AND AUXILIARY STATION INTERFACE (STATION 17 AUDIBLE) Two sets of relay closure dry-contact points are available. These are located at the J-l and J-2 connector blocks for models NO61 6, N0820, and N1024 and at the barrier-type terminal strip on the model NO308 common equipment cabinet. These closures track the ringing pattern. They are closed during the ringing period and open during the silent period. Figure 3-6 shows connection details for this feature. l Station 17 Audible: (J-l connections 49 and 50) provides a dry-contact closure whenever system station 17 rings. l Common Audible: (J-2 connections 49 and 50) provides a dry-contact closure whenever any of the TELCO/PBX lines, connected to the common equipment, ring. pmq Do not exceed a 1 amp at 24 volts (-5 amp at 48 volts) load on these control terminals. If the load requirements exceed this limit, connect the load through an external slave relay. DO NOT CONNECT THESE CONTROL TERMINALS DIRECTLY TO THE 117VAC LINE. CONNECT TO EITHER STATION 17 AUDIBLE r”“-““-~ . OR COMMON AUDIBLE TERMINALS A ! COMMON \C> 1 EQUIPMENT ; 1 INTERNAL 24v TokA MAX OUTPUT AS ’ i SWITCHING \> I , L---.---m--- + b .“i”AX R~i!!‘!~E:Ok~ A . LOW r “pOKRFE SUPPLY 3 AC r-t VOLTAGE CLAMPING DIODE RECOMMENDED AC OR DC S I ;;$i;N G AS REQU 0 POWER SOURCE 0 INPUT IRED BLOCK 47--l-- 48 -4-- - 49-4-- COUYON AUDIBLE - 50 --I-- ON J2 CONNECTOFI CLIP TERMINALS BLOCK CONNECTOR BLOCK (MODELS N0616,N0820, AND N 10241. / / COMMON AUDIBLE BARRIER SIR IP (MODEL NO3081 Figure 3-6. Common Audible and Auxiliary Station Interface ec 3-l 2

a lM1266-064 Installation , EXTERNAL PAGING INTERFACE - STATION PA PORT Terminate the audio input of the paging amplifier with a 600 ohm (nominal value) resistor. Any station port can be programmed as a PA port and used to couple a station voice path to an external paging amplifier. Refer to Chapter for programming details. Figure 3-7 shows connection details for this feature. l The audio input of an external paging amplifier can be connected to the audio pair of the station port at the J-l or J-2 connector blocks for models NO61 6, N0820, and Ni 024 or at the barrier-type terminal strip on the model NO308 common equipment cabinet. l The audio input connection must be isolated with a 600 ohm to 600 ohm audio matching transformer. l If station port 15 is programmed as a PA port, the Common Audible contact points on J-2 are automatically reconfigured as PA enable terminals. The contact closure now occurs when PA station 15 is dialed. The normal common audible function is disabled as long as station 15 is a PA station. l If station port 17 is programmed as a PA pot?, the Auxiliary Station Interface (station 17 audible) contact points are automatically reconfigured as PA enable terminals. The contact closure now occurs when PA station 17 is dialed. The normal auxiliary station interface function is disabled as long as station 17 is a PA station. TO STATION PORT 17 IF ENABLE IS REQUIRED OR TO ANY UNUSED STATION PORT IF ENABLE IS NOT REQU [RED. 600 n TO 600 n II :I) STA.PORT 17 AUDIO TRANSFORMER PA SYSTEM VOICE PAIR ENABLE INPUT 600 n 42-d--- TO STATION 17 AUDIBLE 45 ----I-- TERMINALS IF ENABLE IS g,:,r 48 --I-- igz$z CLIP TERMINALS STATIObiLCo;NKNECTOR 39-4-- 43-+- JI CONNECTOR BLOCK MODELS N0616, N0820, AND Nl024) Figure 3-7. External Paging Interface - Station PA Port 3-l 3

Installation IMI 66-064 ’ EXTERNAL PAGING INTERFACE - LINE PORT A line port can be programmed to be an AUXILIARY port and connected to an external paging amplifier. Refer to Chapter 4 for programming details. Station access to this area paging is via the line key for the AUXILIARY line. Figure 3-8 shows connection details for this feature. l Connect the audio input of an external paging amplifier to the tip and ring leads of the AUXILIARY (line) port. A DTMF tone select, zone-paging amplifier can be employed if desired. If used, the zone-select code can be dialied after the AUXILIARY line select key is pressed. PA SYSTEM i+= -Q] TYPICAL COMMON EQUIPMENT CABINET 11024 SHOWN1 i. lNOIVlWU 6-POSITION I MODULAR JACKS L------------ Figure 3-8. External Paging Interface - Line Port I 3-l 4

IMI 66-064 Installation AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT INTERFACE the key system telephones to indicate that the line is --. A non-key system telephone device or a data device busy. can be connected ahead of the common equipment. Refer to Table 3-1 on page 3-4 and Figure 3-9 below for connection details for this feature. l The system can detect an off-hook condition in the l connected device, and turn on the line status light at Connection is across tip and ring of lines 2 and 4 using the auxiliary interface connections. Auxiliary interface connections are provided at terminals 1 and 6 of common equipment Mod Jacks 1 and 2. Figure 3-9. Auxiliary Station Interface Connections MUSIC INTERFACE If music is to be part of the system, connect a KX registered music source to the common equipment music interface jack (RCA-type phono jack) provided for this purpose. Refer to Figure 3-10 for jack location details. The impedance of this input is approximately 500 ohms. Level adjustment of the music source may be necessary. This may be done during system checkout. TYPICAL COMMON EQUIPMENT CABINET (MODEL N 1024 SHOWN1 MUSIC SOURCE (FOR MUSIC ON HOLD AND BACKGROUND MUSIC) Figure 3-10. Music Interface 3-l 5

Installation IMI 66-0611 SECTION 3 CHECKOUT AND FAILURE ISOLATION INSTALLATION CHECKOUT RESISTANCE CHECK 1 MEASURED PAIR MEASURED COMMON ,’ hQlJ;P$‘lNT RESISTANCE Make the following resistance measurements at the station connector blocks under the following conditions. l AC power cord disconnected from electrical outlet. VOICE PAIR DATA PAIR VOLTAGE CHECK l Common equipment connected to station connector blocks. Refer to Table 3-3 and make the following voltage measurements at the station connector blocks under the following conditions: l Stations wired, and wiring punched down on blocks. l Bridging clips installed l Bridging clips removed from blocks to isolate stations from common equipment. 1. Measure the resistance of each installed station and wiring from the station side of the connector blocks. Resistance values will vary with cable length and station type but should be within the following limits. MEASURED PAIR MEASURED STATION RESISTANCE IN OHMS 0 AC power connected to the common equipment Measure the voltage across one voice line and one data line and then across the other voice line and the other data line for each even and odd station. The measured voltage must be as follows: GENERAL CHECK 1. Check the red light emitting diode (LED) system status indicator. Be sure that it is on steady. If it is off or flashing, disconnect and reconnect the AC power plug. VOICE PAIR 40 - 150 DATA PAIR 0.3-100 2. Measure the resistance of the common equipment and cables from the common equipment side of the station connector blocks. Resistance values should be within the following limits. 40-50 0.3 - 0.5 2. Refer to the station User’s Guide for operating information. Perform a general operational test of the system by exercising the system features from station port 10. Table 3-3. Voltage Measurements ’ UNIT UNDER 66M-xx BLOCK METER LEAD MEASURED TEST CONNECTION POLARITY VOLTAGE TYPICAL EVEN Voice 1 I+) STATION 1 Data 3 (Repeat for Voice 2 each even sta.) Data 4 TYPICAL ODD Voice 5 STATION Data 7 (Repeat for Voice 6 each odd sta.) Data 8 , I 0 +34 +/- 8 VDC (+, t-1 +34 +/- 8 VDC (+I (9 -34 +/- 8 VDC t f 1 -34 +/- 8 VDC Variant readings can indicate a possible wiring, station, or common eauinment oroblem. 3-l 6

> IMI 66-064 Installation FAILURE ISOLATION SYSTEM STATUS INDICATOR The red LED located near the fuse holder is the system status indicator. This indicator should turn on steady when AC power or the optional external battery power is applied to the common equipment. If the indicator flashes after power up, it could be indicating a processor failure. Unplug and reconnect the AC power, and observe the LED indication. If it still shows a flashing indication, equipment replacement may be necessary. A flashing indicator when battery power is being employed is an indication of battery discharge. STATION SELF TEST 1. Disconnect the line cord at the station base. NOTE: The adjacent odd or even station will be disabled during the time that the station line cord is being disconnected and reconnected.. 2. Press and hold the MUTE key, and reconnect the line cord to the station connector. The station will automatically perform a self test routine. Release the MUTE key as soon as the test begins. The sequence of the test is as follows: l The indicators will light in sequence. l Indicators will then turn off in an orderly sequence. l The ringer will sound - Be sure that the ringer volume control is set to the medium or high volume setting. One some telephone models, the ringer may sound before the indicators are turned off. 3. Replace any station that does not pass the self test. DSS/BLF CONSOLE SELF TEST 1. Disconnect the console line cord plug from the line. 2. Press and hold the station 10 select key while reconnecting the line cord plug to the line. NOTE: The companion station will be disabled during 3. the time that the console is being disconnected and reconnected. Release the station 10 select key, and note that the BLF indicators will each turn on in sequence beginning with the station 10 indicator. The indicators will then turn off and the console will become operational. FAILURE INDICATIONS If erratic light indications or ring signals occur at a paired station, an open data pair at either station may be the fault. l A station with an open data line may work properly on a short loop but fail on a long loop. Stations are paired for overload current protection. If a fault occurs which causes more than 300 ma. of current to be drawn, the paired stations are disabled by circuit action. Disconnect the disabled stations and reconnect them one at a time to isolate the faulty one. 3-l 7