Canon printer imageCLASS MF247dw User Manual
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Con4gurLngE-MailCommunicationSettings 1469-06X Use the Remote UI to con4gure the detailed send and receive settings, such as the settings for POP authentication and encryption of communication before you send e-mail. Contact your provider or network administrator for the required settings. 1StarttheRemoteUIandlogoninSystemManagerMode.StartingRemote UI(P.450)2Click[Settings/[email protected][NetworkSettings@[E-Mail[email protected][[email protected] 363

5Specifytherequiredsettings. [SMTPServer@ Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters as the SMTP server name (or IP address) for sending e-mail. [E-MailAddress@Enter up to 120 characters for the e-mail address that you want to use for the machine. [POPServer@ Enter up to 48 alphanumeric characters as the SMTP server name or IP address for sending e-mail. [UserName@ Enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters as the user name for the speci4ed e-mail account when a POP3 server is used. [Set/ChangePassword@ To set or change the password when a POP3 server is used, select this check box and enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters in [Password]. Con4gurLng PopAuthenticationbeforeSending POP before SMTP authentication prevents unauthorized users from using e-mail by performing user authentication on the POP3 server. [UsePOPAuthenticationBeforeSending@ To use the POP3 server for authentication before you send e-mail, select the check box. [UseAPOPAuthentication@ Select the check box to use APOP to encrypt the password during the authentication process. Network 364

Con4gurLngSMTPauthentication If you con4gure SMTP authentication (SMTP AUTH), user identi4cation by user name and password is performed at the time of sending e-mail. [UseSMTPAuthentication(SMTPAUTH)@ To enable authentication on the SMTP server, select the check box and enter up to 64 characters in the [User Name] text box. [Set/ChangePassword@ To specify or change the password, enter up to 32 characters in the [Password] text box. Con4gurLng encryptedcommunication You can con4gure encryption of communication with an SMTP or POP3 server. [UseTLSforSMTP@ Select the check box to use TLS for encrypting communication with the SMTP server. Select the check box for [Verify Certi4cate@ or [Add CN to Veri4cation Items] depending on your needs. [UseTLSforPOP@ Select the check box to encrypt communication with the POP3 server using TLS. Select the [Verify Certi4cate@ and [Add CN to Veri4cation Items] check boxes as required. 6Click[[email protected] 365

Depending on the network you are using, you may need to change the SMTP or POP3 port setting ( ChangingPortNumbers(P.409) ). For more information, contact your Internet service provider or Network Administrator. LINKS Con4gurLng ScanSettings(SendingE-Mail)(P.358) Con4gurLngBasicE-MailSettings(P.359) SendingDocumentsasE-MailsDirectlyfromtheMachine(P.246) Network 366

Con4gurLngtheMachineforScanningtoShared Folders 1469-06Y Before con4guring the machine for scanning to shared folders, check the setup 5ow shown below. Makesurethatthemachineandthecomputerarecorrectlyconnected. ConnectingtoaWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.319) ConnectingtoaWiredLAN(P.318) Makesurethatyouhavethefollowinginformation: The IP address of the machine. ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) The name of the computer where the shared folder is located. Checkingthe ComputerName(P.673) Path to and the name of the shared folder (If access restrictions are set to the folder, the user name and password information is also needed). For instructions on how to create a new shared folder, see "Send Setting Guide." Makesurethatthecomputermeetsthefollowingsystemrequirementsforthe SendFunctionSettingTool: Operatingsystem Windows Vista/7/8/10/Server 2008/Server 2012 Webbrowser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later Display SVGA monitor (with at least 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution) that supports at least 256 colors Also make sure that and are set to . DisablingHTTPCommunication(P.423) DisablingRemoteUI(P.424) Setthemachine con4guratLon.SettingaSharedFolderasaSave Location(P.368) Network 367

SettingaSharedFolderasaSaveLocation 1469-070 The feature of scanning to shared folders is also called "Scan to SMB" because the feature uses Server Message Block (SMB), a Windows-speci4c technology. SMB is a protocol for sharing resources, such as 4les and printers, with more than one device in a network ( Con4gurLng SMB(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.382) ). To con4gure the machine for saving your scanned documents into a shared folder in the network via SMB, specify the location of the shared folder from a computer in advance. This section describes how to specify the save location by using the Send Function Setting Tool. You can also use the Remote UI to specify the location of the shared folder as save destination by registering the folder to the Address Book. RegisteringAddressBookfromRemoteUI(P.467)1StarttheSendFunctionSettingTool. UsingaWebbrowser Enter "http:///sendsupport_login.html" in the address 4eld of a Web browser, and press the [ENTER] key. UsingtheprovidedDVD-ROM 1Insert the provided DVD-ROM into the drive on the computer. Select a language and click [OK] if you are prompted to do so.2Click [Start Software Programs]. Network 368

If the above screen is not displayed, see Displayingthe[SoftwarePrograms/ManualsSetup@ Screen(P.670) . If [AutoPlay] is displayed, click [Run MInst.exe].3Click [Start] for [Send Function Setting Tool].4Click [Next]. If you want to view "Send Setting Guide," click [How to Set]. Ifthescreenbelowappears Click [Yes]. 5Select the machine from [Device List] and click [Next]. Ifthemachineisnotdisplayedin[DeviceList@ Click [Search Again]. If the problem persists, click [Search by IP Address], enter the IP address of the machine, and then click [OK]. 6Con4rm the settings and click [OK]. 2Click[[email protected] 369

If the logon screen is displayed, enter the appropriate PIN, and click [Logon]. 3Click[StoretoSharedFolderSettings@. If the screen prompting you to enter the Address Book PIN is displayed, enter the PIN for the Address Book, and click [OK]. SettingaPINforAddressBook(P.415) 4Specifytherequiredsettings. [Registration@ [One-touchSpeedDialNumber@With the Send Function Setting Tool, you can register a shared folder for saving scanned documents into in the Address Book. Select a number from the drop-down list. Network 370

[NameforOne-touchSpeedDialNumber@ Enter the name for identifying the destination to be registered. Set a name that will be easy for you to 4nd later in the Address Book. [StoreDestinationSettings@ [Protocol@ The protocol that is used for sending scanned documents to a shared folder is displayed. [ComputerNameofStoreDestination@ Enter the name or the IP address of the computer where the shared folder is located. [SharedFolderNameonStoreDestinationComputer@ Enter the name of (or path to) the shared folder. For example, if the shared folder is a subfolder named "share" and is contained in the [Public] folder in drive C (path: C:\users\public\share), enter "users\public\share." [StatusofSettingsforSharedFolder@ [AccessRestrictiontoSharedFolder@Click the [Not Set] or [Set] radio button to match the access restrictions set to the shared folder. When[Set] is selected, enter the user name in the [Registered User Name] text box and password in the [Password to Access] text box. 5Click[[email protected]4rm thesettingsandclick[[email protected]themachine. Turn OFF the machine, wait for at least 10 seconds, and turn it back ON. LINKS Con4gurLng theMachineforScanningtoSharedFolders(P.367) SavingDocumentsDirectlyinSharedFolder(P.253) Network 371

Con4gurLngtheMachineforYourNetwork Environment 1469-071 The con4guration of a network varies depending on the purpose of the network. Specify the settings necessary to suit your network environment. Network 372