Canon printer imageCLASS MF247dw User Manual
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ScanningwithAirPrint 1469-05U You can use AirPrint to transfer the data scanned by the machine directly to a Mac. SystemRequirements To scan with AirPrint, you need a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later installed. NetworkEnvironment You need one of the following environments. The Mac and the machine are connected to the same LAN. The Mac and the machine are connected via USB. For scanning, it is required to set to . ChangingtheSettingofFunctions AvailablewithAirPrint(P.297) Before scanning, it is required to put the machine into online state. When the auto online function ( Auto OnlineforRemoteScan(P.533) ) is set to , 4rst put the machine into online state by tapping , then start the procedure for scanning. You cannot scan while settings for operations are being made, or while the machine is performing an operation whatsoever. Scanning from the Mac 1MakesurethatthemachineisturnedONandthatitisconnectedtotheMac. For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." ManualsIncludedwiththeMachine(P.660) 2AddthemachinetoyourMacfrom[SystemPreferences@[Printers&Scanners@. This operation is not necessary if the registration has already been performed for another operation. 3Selectthismachinefromthelistofprintersin[Printers&[email protected][[email protected] Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 303

5Click[OpenScanner@. The [Scanner] screen is displayed. 6Con4gure thescansettingsasnecessary.7Click[Scan@. Scanning starts, and scanned data is displayed. Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 304

FaxingwithAirPrint 1469-05W AirPrint enables you to send faxes from a Mac in almost the same way as when you print from a Mac. SystemRequirements To send faxes with AirPrint, you need a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later installed. NetworkEnvironment You need one of the following environments. The Mac and the machine are connected to the same LAN. The Mac and the machine are connected via USB. For faxing, it is required to set [Use IPP Printing] to [On]. ChangingtheSettingofFunctionsAvailable withAirPrint(P.297) Faxing from Mac 1MakesurethatthemachineisturnedONandthatitisconnectedtotheMac. For how to make sure of this, see "Getting Started." ManualsIncludedwiththeMachine(P.660) 2AddthemachinetoyourMacfrom[SystemPreferences@[Printers&Scanners@. This operation is not necessary if the registration has already been performed for another operation. 3Openadocumentinanapplicationanddisplaytheprintdialogbox. How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction manual for the application you are using. 4Selectthismachineintheprintdialogbox. The printers connected to the Mac are displayed. Select the fax driver of this machine in this step. 5Specifythedestination.Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 305

6Click[Fax@. Fax sending starts. Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 306

IfAirPrintCannotBeUsed 1469-05X If AirPrint cannot be used, try taking the following solutions. Make sure that the machine is turned ON. If the machine is turned ON, 4rst turn it OFF, then wait for at least 10 seconds and then turn it back ON to check if the problem is solved. Make sure that no error messages are displayed on the machine. Make sure that Apple devices and the machine are connected to the same LAN. If the machine is turned ON, it may take several minutes before the machine is ready for communication. Make sure that Bonjour on your Apple device is enabled. For printing, make sure that the paper is loaded in the machine and the machine has suwcient toner cartridge remaining. DisplayingtheScreenforAirPrint(P.298) For scanning, make sure that the machine's setting for Network Link Scan is . Changing the Setting of FunctionsAvailablewithAirPrint(P.297) Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 307

UsingGoogleCloudPrint 1469-05Y Google Cloud Print is a service that enables a user who has a Google account to print from applications compatible with Google Cloud Print via a smartphone, tablet, or computer connected to the Internet. Unlike conventional printing from a computer, Google Cloud Print enables you to print without using a printer driver. For example, if you want to print an e-mail or 4les that are attached to an e-mail, you can print just by using an application compatible with Google Cloud Print. You will 4nd your printouts when you go to the machine. CheckingtheMachineSettings(P.308) ChangingGoogleCloudPrintSettings(P.308) RegisteringtheMachinewithGoogleCloudPrint(P.309) When registering the machine or when using Google Cloud Print to print documents, you must be able to connect the machine to the Internet. You are also responsible for paying all Internet connection fees. You may not be able to use this function in some countries or regions. Google Cloud Print does not support printing from IPv6 addresses. To use Google Cloud Print, a Google account is required. If you do not have one, access Google website to create your account. Checking the Machine Settings Before setting up Google Cloud Print, check the following: Make sure that the machine is assigned an IPv4 address and connected to a computer over a network. ConnectingtoaWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.319) ConnectingtoaWiredLAN(P.318) Make sure that the date and time and the time zone settings are correct. Date/TimeSettings(P.490) Changing Google Cloud Print Settings Enable the Google Cloud Print function of the machine. You can also disable the Google Cloud Print function of the machine. 1Tapinthescreen.2Tap.Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 308

If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap . SettingtheSystemManagerPIN(P.397)3Select.4Tapor. Registering the Machine with Google Cloud Print Registering the machine with Google Cloud Print allows you to print from anywhere. 1StarttheRemoteUIandlogoninSystemManagerMode.StartingRemote UI(P.450)2Click[Settings/[email protected][NetworkSettings@[GoogleCloudPrint[email protected] Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 309

4Click[Register@in[RegistrationStatus@. If[Register@isunavailable You need to enable Google Cloud Print. Click [Edit], select the [Use Google Cloud Print] check box, and then click [OK]. Toreregisterthemachine To reregister the machine if the owner of the machine has changed or for other reasons, unregister the machine and register it again. 5ClickthelinkoftheURLdisplayedfor[URLfor[email protected]theon-screeninstructionstoregisterthemachine.Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 310

You can print from a Google Cloud Print compatible application such as Google Chrome=. Access the Google Cloud Print website for information about the latest applications that support Google Cloud Print. RegisteringfromamobiledeviceorGoogleChrome You can also register the machine from a mobile device or Google Chrome * . The machine's display shows the following con4rmation screen before completion of the registration. Tap to complete the registration. * For the registration procedure, see the instruction manual for your mobile device or the Google Cloud Print website. Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 311

ManagingtheMachineRemotely 1469-060 You can use the Remote UI from a Web browser installed on your mobile device. This allows you to check the machine's status and specify machine's settings from your mobile device. Note that the Remote UI screen may not bedisplayed properly for some devices and environments. Starting Remote UI with a Mobile Device Enter the IP address of the machine into the Web browser and start the Remote UI. Check the IP address set to the machine in advance ( ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) ). If you have any questions, ask your Network Administrator. 1StarttheWebbrowseronyourmobiledevice.2Enter"http:///"intheaddress 4eld. If you want to use an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address with brackets (example: http:// [fe80::2e9e:fcff:fe4e:dbce]/). Some items of the Remote UI are not displayed in its "Smartphone Version." If you want to check all items, see the "PC Version." LINKS UsingRemoteUI(P.449) Can Be Used Conveniently with a Mobile Device 312