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Canon Pixma Pro 1 Quick Start Guide

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    /Next[ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאלו הפש רחב , ]הפש רחב/Select Language[ ךסמה עיפומ םא
    .]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאלו ךירוגמ םוקמ תא רחב.]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאלו רוזא וא הנידמ רחב
    	 Ako se prikaže zaslon  ]Select Language/Odaberite jezik] , odaberite jezik i 
    pritisnite ]Next/Sljedeće].
    Odaberite mjesto stanovanja, a zatim pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće] .Odaberite državu ili regiju i pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće] .
    	 If the  Select Language screen appears, select a language, then click  Next.
    Select your place of residence, then click Next.Select a country or region, then click  Next.
    .הנקתהב ךישמהל ידכ ךסמה לעש תוארוהה רחא אלמ
     Use the printer with wired LAN[ רחב
     LAN  רוביח םע תספדמב שמתשה/connection
    .]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאל , ]יטוח.]הנקתה/Install [ לע ץחל.]הלק הנקתה/Easy Install [ לע ץחל
     Custom[ לע ץחל ,הנקתהל םימיוסמ םיטירפ רוחבל ךנוצרב םא
    .]תישיא תמאתומ הנקתה/Install
    Slijedite upute na zaslonu za nastavak instalacije 
    Odaberite ]Use the printer with wired LAN 
    connection/Koristi pisač sa žičnom LAN 
    vezom] , a zatim pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće] .Pritisnite ]Install/Instaliraj] .Pritisnite ]Easy Install/Jednostavna instalacija] .
    	 Ako želite odabrati određene stavke za instalaciju, 
    pritisnite ]Custom Install/Prilagođena instalacija] .
    Click Easy Install .
    	 If you want to select particular items to install, click 
    Custom Install.
    Click  Install .
    Follow any on-screen instructions to proceed with the 
    software installation.
    Select  Use the printer with wired LAN 
    connection , then click Next.
    .]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ,]תספדמ יוהיז/Printer Detection [ ךסמה עיפומ רשאכ
    . -ב הנוכנ הרוצב הרחבנ אל רוביחה תטיש ,הז ךסמ םוקמב  ]תספדמ רוביח/Printer Connection[ ךסמ עיפומ םא
    Windows  רובע 
    . -ב ]יטוח LAN רוביח םע תספדמב שמתשה/ Use the printer with wired LAN connection [ תורשפאב רחב ןכמ רחאל , -מ שדחמ לחתהו ]לוטיב/Cancel[ לע ץחל
    Macintosh רובע  
    /Use the printer with wired LAN connection [ תורשפאב רוחבל דפקהו 
     -מ בוש לחתה ןכמ רחאל ,]המלשוה הנקתהה/Installation Complete] ךסמב ]האיצי/Exit[ לע ץחל .הנקתהב ךשמהו ךסמה לעש תוארוהה יפ לע לעפ
    . -ב ]יטוח LAN רוביח םע תספדמב שמתשה
    Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]Printer Detection/Detekcija pisača] , pritisnite ]Next/Sljedeće] .
    	 Ako se umjesto tog zaslona prikaže zaslon  ]Printer Connection/Povezivanje pisača], način povezivanja nije dobro odabran pod .
    − Za Windows
    Pritisnite ]Cancel/Odustani] i ponovo krenite od koraka , a zatim svakako odaberite  ]Use the printer with wired LAN connection/Koristi pisač sa žičnom LAN vezom]  pod .
    − Za Macintosh
    Slijedite upute na zaslonu i nastavite s instalacijom. Pritisnite  ]Exit/Izlaz] na zaslonu za dovršetak instalacije, a zatim krenite ponovo od koraka 
     i svakako odaberite ]Use the printer with wired LAN 
    connection/Koristi pisač sa žičnom LAN vezom]  pod .
    When the Printer Detection  screen appears, click  Next.
    	 If the  Printer Connection  screen appears instead of this screen, the connection method is not correctly selected in .
    − For Windows
    Click Cancel and start again from , then be sure to select Use the printer with wired LAN connection  in .
    − For Macintosh
    Follow on-screen instructions and proceed with the installation. Click  Exit on the installation complete screen, then start again from 
     and be sure to select Use the printer with wired LAN connection 
    in .
    : ]תספדמ קודב/Check Printer [ ךסמה וא ]יטוח LAN  רוביח קודב/Check Wired LAN Connection [ חיש-ודה תבית םיעיפומ רשאכ
    .תלעפומ תספדמהש אדו  .1
    .)B ( Ethernet  לבכ םע )המודכו בתנ( תשר ןקתה רבח ןכמ רחאל ,)A ( יוסיכה תא רסה . 2
    .ךסמה לעש  ]רושיא/OK[ ץחל . 3
    .Ethernet  לבכל הדעונ הנותחתה האיציה .תספדמה לש ירוחאה הקלחב ,ןימי דצב אצמנ יטוח  LAN רוביח
    Kada se prikaže dijaloški okvir  ]Check Wired LAN Connection/Provjera žične LAN veze]  ili zaslon ]Check Printer/Provjera pisača] :
    1.  Provjerite je li pisač uključen.
    2.  Skinite poklopac  )A (, a zatim priključite mrežni uređaj  )usmjerivač itd. ( pomoću Ethernet kabela  )B (.
    3.  Pritisnite  ]OK/U redu]  na zaslonu.
    Priključnica za žični LAN nalazi se na desnom dijelu sa stražnje strane pisača. Donja priključnica je za Ethernet kabel.
    When the Check Wired LAN Connection  dialog box or the Check Printer screen appears:
    1.  Make sure the printer is turned on.
    2.  Remove the Cap  )A (, then connect a network device  )router, etc. ( with an Ethernet cable  )B (.
    3.  Click  OK on the screen.
    The Wired LAN Connector is located on the right side at the back of the printer. The lower port is for an Ethernet cable.
     Canon PRO-1[ רחב ]ורתואש תוספדמה תמישר/Detected Printers List [ חיש-ודה תבית העיפומ רשאכ
    . ]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאלו  ]series
     Detected Printers [ חיש-ודה תביתב תגצומ הניא תספדמהש וא  ]השדח תספדמ תרדגה/Set Up New Printer[ ךסמה גצומ םא
    .תשרב תויעב ןורתפל ךירדמ  :ספדומה ךירדמב ןייע ,]ורתואש תוספדמה תמישר/List
     Detected Printers [ חיש-ודה תביתב תגצומ הניא תספדמהש וא  ]השדח תספדמ תרדגה/Set Up New Printer[ ךסמה גצומ םא
    .תשרב תויעב ןורתפל ךירדמ  :ספדומה ךירדמב ןייע ,]ורתואש תוספדמה תמישר/List
     ץחל ןכמ רחאלו PRO-1 series  רחב ]ורתואש תוספדמה תמישר/Detected Printers List [ ךסמה עיפומ רשאכ
    .]אבה/Next [ לע
    Kada se prikaže dijaloški okvir 
    ]Detected Printers List/Popis detektiranih pisača] , odaberite 
    ] Canon PRO-1 series] , a zatim pritisnite ]Next/Sljedeće] .
    	 Ako se prikaže zaslon  ]Set Up New Printer/Postavljanje novog pisača]  ili se pisač ne prikazuje u dijaloškom okviru 
    ]Detected Printers List/Popis detektiranih pisača], pogledajte tiskani priručnik:  Upute za rješavanje problema s 
    	  Ako se prikaže zaslon  ]Set Up New Printer/Postavljanje novog pisača]  ili se pisač ne prikazuje na zaslonu 
    ]Detected Printers List/Popis detektiranih pisača], pogledajte tiskani priručnik:  Upute za rješavanje problema s 
    Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]Detected Printers List/Popis detektiranih pisača] , odaberite ]PRO-1 
    series] , a zatim pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće] .
    When the 
    Detected Printers List  dialog box appears, select  Canon PRO-1 series, then click Next.
    	 If the  Set Up New Printer screen is displayed or the printer is not displayed in the  Detected Printers List dialog 
    box, refer to the printed manual:  Network Setup Troubleshooting .
    	 If the  Set Up New Printer screen is displayed or the printer is not displayed in the  Detected Printers List screen, 
    refer to the printed manual:  Network Setup Troubleshooting .
    When the Detected Printers List  screen appears, select  PRO-1 series, then click Next.
    !45 דומעב ”)Macintosh( םושיר“ ףיעסה תא ארק ןכמ רחאל !48 דומעב ”עדימ“ ףיעסה תא ארק ןכמ רחאל
     תמלשה/Setup Completion
    [ חיש-ודה תבית העיפומ רשאכ
    . ]המלשה/Complete [ לע ץחל ,]הנקתה
    Zatim pročitajte ”Registracija )Macintosh(“ na stranici 45! Zatim pročitajte ”Informacije“ na stranici 48!
    Kada se pojavi dijaloški okvir 
    ]Setup Completion/
    Dovršenje postavljanja] , pritisnite ]Complete/
    Dovršeno] .
    Next, read "Registration )Macintosh(" on page 45!
    Next, read "Information" on page 48!When the Setup Completion  dialog box appears, 
    click  Complete .
    .Macintosh בשחמב תספדמה תא םושרל דציכ ריבסמ הז ףיעס
    .48 דומעב ”עדימ“  לא רובע : Windows ישמתשמ
     לש Bonjour  תוריש םש אוה  ]Canon PRO-1 series[ ירחאש ירמונאפלאה םיוותה ףצר
    .הלש MAC תבותכ וא תספדמה
    .םיאבה םירבדה תא אדו ,הרתוא אל תספדמה םא
    .תלעפומ תספדמה
    .תלעפומ הניא יהשלכ החטבא תנכות לכ לש שאה תמוח תייצקנופ
    .Ethernet לבכ תועצמאב תשרה ןקתהל תרבוחמ תספדמה
    )Macintosh ( םושיר
     ץחל ]תספדמ םושיר/Register Printer [ ךסמה עיפומ רשאכ
    . ]תספדמ םושיר/Register Printer ] לע
    Mac OS X
    .46  דומעב - לא רובע
     דומעב -
     לא רובע
    U ovom odjeljku opisuje se registracija pisača na računalu Macintosh.
    Korisnici sustava Windows: idite na ”Informacije“ na stranici 48.
    	 Alfanumerički znakovi nakon  ]Canon PRO-1 series] predstavljaju Bonjour 
    servisni naziv ili MAC adresu pisača.
    	  Ako pisač nije prepoznat, provjerite sljedeće.
    − Pisač je uključen.
    − Funkcija vatrozida sigurnosnog softvera je isključena.
    − Pisač je povezan s mrežom putem Ethernet kabela.Registracija )Macintosh(
    Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]Register Printer/Registracija 
    pisača] , pritisnite  ]Register Printer/Registracija pisača] .
    Mac OS X
    Prijeđite na korak  na stranici 46.
    Prijeđite na korak 
     na stranici 46.
    This section describes how to register the printer on a Macintosh 
    Windows users: go to "Information" on page 48.
    When the 
    Register Printer  screen appears, click 
    Register Printer .
    Mac OS X
    	  The alphanumeric characters after  Canon PRO-1 series is the printer's Bonjour 
    service name or MAC address.
    	  If the printer is not detected, make sure of the following.
    − The printer is turned on.
    − The firewall function of any security software is turned off.
    − The printer is connected to the network device with the Ethernet cable.
    Go to  on page 46.
    Go to 
     on page 46.Registration )Macintosh(
    Mac OS X v.10.6.x/v.10.5.x
    Mac OS X v.10.4.11
    Mac OS X v.10.4.11
     ץחלו  ]Canon PRO-1 series canonijnetwork [ רחב
    . ]הפסוה/Add ] לע
    .47  דומעב - לא רובע
     תמישר/Printer List [ ןולחה עיפומ רשאכ
    . ]הפסוה/Add [ לע ץחל ,]תוספדמ
     You have no [ ךסמה עיפומ רשאכ
     תוספדמ ךל ןיא/ printers available
    .]הפסוה/Add] לע ץחל  ].תונימז
     Printer[ ןולחב ]תופסונ תוספדמ/More Printers [ לע ץחל
    . ]תוספדמ ןפדפד/Browser
    Odaberite  ]Canon PRO-1 series 
    canonijnetwork]  i pritisnite ]Add/Dodaj] .
    Idite na  na stranici 47.
    Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]Printer 
    List/Popis pisača] , pritisnite ]Add/
    Dodaj] .
    	 Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]You 
    have no printers available/Nema 
    dostupnih pisača] , pritisnite ]Add/
    Pritisnite  ]More Printers/Više pisača]  u prozoru 
    ] Printer Browser/Preglednik pisača] .
    Select Canon PRO-1 series canonijnetwork  and 
    click  Add.
    Go to  on page 47.
    Click  More Printers  in the Printer Browser  window.
    When the  Printer List  window 
    appears, click  Add.
    	 When the You have no printers 
    available. screen appears, click 
     ]Canon IJ Network [ תורשפאב רחב
     Canon PRO-1 [ רחב ,ץפקומה טירפתב
     ץחל ןכמ רחאל ,תוספדמה תמישרב  ]series
    . ]הפסוה/Add [ לע ]Canon PRO-1 series
    [ תספדמש אדו
    .תוספדמה תמישרל תפסוותמ
      לא רובע
    . ]תספדמ םושיר/Register Printer [ ךסמב ]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל
    !48 דומעב ”עדימ“ ףיעסה תא ארק ןכמ רחאל
    Na skočnom izborniku odaberite 
    ]Canon IJ Network] , na popisu pisača 
    odaberite  ]Canon PRO-1 series] , a 
    zatim pritisnite  ]Add/Dodaj] . Provjerite je li 
    ]Canon PRO-1 series] 
    dodan na popis pisača.
    Idite na .
    Pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće]  na zaslonu ]Register Printer/Registracija pisača] .
    Zatim pročitajte ”Informacije“ na stranici 48!
    Select Canon IJ Network  in the pop-up 
    menu, select  Canon PRO-1 series  in 
    the list of printers, then click  Add. Make sure that 
    Canon PRO-1 series 
    is added to the list of printers.
    Go to .
    Click  Next on the  Register Printer  screen.
    Next, read "Information" on page 48!
    ( ריינה ךמות תא חתפ ,הז ךסמ תעפוה םע תא זזה ןכמ רחאל ,)B ( הנזהה ץירח הסכמ תא חתפ
    .תווצקה ינשל )C ( ריינה ינווכמ
    Kada se prikaže ovaj zaslon, otvorite podlogu za papir  )A (.Otvorite poklopac utora za ulaganje  )B (, zatim 
    pomaknite vodilice za papir  )C ( do oba ruba.
    Open the Feed Slot Cover  )B (, then move the 
    Paper Guides  )C ( to both edges.
    When this screen appears, open the Paper Support 
    )A (.
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