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Canon Pixma Pro 1 Quick Start Guide

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    .]עצב/Execute [ לע ץחל
    .הספדהה ךלהמב )J ( ןוילעה הסכמה תא חתפת לא
    .]רושיא/OK [ לע ץחל
    .ותמלשהל דע תוקד 7-8  ךשמנ הספדהה שאר רושיי
     לע ץחל ,]הספדהה שאר רושיי לחתה/Start Print Head Alignment [ ךסמה עיפומ רשאכ
     רושיי.האבה העדוהב  ]רושיא/OK[ לע ץחל .]הספדהה שאר רשיי/Align Print Head [
    .ותמלשהל דע תוקד 7-8  ךשמנ הספדהה שאר
     ןכמ רחאל ,בשחמבש האיגשה ךסמ תא קודב ,תבהבהמ ) K( )המותכ( הרהזא הרונה םא
    . בלשמ בוש לחתה
    Pritisnite  ]Execute/Izvrši] .
    Ne otvarajte gornji poklopac  )J ( za vrijeme ispisa.
    Pritisnite  ]OK/U redu] .
    Poravnavanje ispisne glave traje oko 7 – 8 minuta.
    Kada se prikaže zaslon  ]Start Print Head Alignment/Pokreni poravnavanje 
    ispisne glave] , pritisnite ]Align Print Head/Poravnaj ispisnu glavu] . U sljedećoj 
    poruci pritisnite  ]OK/U redu] .
    Poravnavanje ispisne glave traje oko 7 – 8 minuta.
    	  Ako lampica  Alarm )narančasta( )K( treperi, provjerite zaslon s pogreškom 
    na računalu, a zatim počnite ispočetka od koraka  .
    Click Execute .
    Do not open the Top Cover  )J ( while printing.
    When the  Start Print Head Alignment  screen appears, click Align Print Head. 
    Click  OK in the subsequent message.
    Print Head Alignment takes about 7 – 8 minutes to complete. 
    Click  OK.
    Print Head Alignment takes about 7 – 8 minutes to complete.
    	  If the  Alarm lamp )orange( )K( flashes, check the error screen on the 
    computer, then start again from  .
    .םלשוה הספדהה שאר רושיי ,תינבתה לש ינשה דומעה ספדוהש רחאל  
    .ריינה תא רסה
    . ]הספדה שאר רושיי/Print Head Alignment [ ךסמב ]אבה/Next [ לע ץחל ,Windows  -ב
    .הלעמל תוגצומה הלאמ תונושה תוינבת וספדויש ןכתיי ,תיטמוטוא הספדהה שאר תא בוש רשיית םא
     תא תוקנל ידכ תספדמה לעש ) L( לוטיב/ךשמה ןצחלה לע ץחל ,תבהבהמ ) K( )המותכ( הארתה תירונה םא
    .]אבה/ Next[ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאל ,האיגשה
    .םייוהד ןושארה דומעה לע תוספדומה תוינבתמ םימיוסמ םיקלח
    Kada se ispiše druga stranica uzorka, poravnavanje ispisne glave je 
    Izvadite papir.
    U sustavu Windows, pritisnite ]Next/Sljedeće]  na zaslonu ]Print Head Alignment/
    Poravnanje ispisne glave] . 	 
    Ako ponovno automatski poravnate ispisnu glavu, možda će se ispisati uzorci drugačiji od onih 
    prikazanih gore.
    	  Ako lampica  Alarm )narančasta( )K( treperi, pritisnite gumb  NASTAVI/ODUSTANI )L( na 
    pisaču kako biste poništili pogrešku, a zatim pritisnite  ]Next/Sljedeće].
    Neki dijelovi uzorka na prvoj stranici su blijedi.
    When the second page of the pattern is printed, Print Head 
    Alignment is complete. 
    Remove the paper.
    In Windows, click  Next on the  Print Head Alignment  screen. 	 
    If you align the Print Head automatically again, patterns different from those shown above may 
    be printed.
    	  If the  Alarm lamp )orange( )K( flashes, press the  RESUME/CANCEL button )L( on the printer 
    to clear the error, then click Next.
    Some parts of patterns printed on the first page are faint.
    הנקתהל בושח עדימ
    .תספדמה ךותב אצמנש רפסמה תא ןזה ,המשרהה ךסמב גצומ וניא ירודיסה רפסמה םאExtended Survey Program ךסמה עיפומ םא
     תורשפאה תרחבנ רשאכ קר עיפוי  ]שמתשמ םושיר/User Registration[ ךסמה
     ךסמב ]הקירפא ,ןוכיתה חרזמה ,הפוריא/Europe, Middle East, Africa[ .]ךירוגמ םוקמ תא רחב/ Select Your Place of Residence[.]םיכסמ ינא/Agree [ לע ץחל ,Extended Survey Program  -ל םיכסמ התא םא 
     ןקתות אל Extended Survey Program  ,]םיכסמ ינניא/Do not agree [ לע ץחלת םא
    .)תספדמה דוקפת לע עיפשמ וניא רבדה(
    Zaslon ]User Registration/Registracija proizvoda] prikazat će se 
    samo kada je na zaslonu  ]Select Your Place of Residence/Odabir 
    mjesta stanovanja] odabrano  ]Europe, Middle East, Africa/Europa, 
    Bliski istok, Afrika].
    Važne informacije za instalaciju
    Ako se na zaslonu za registraciju ne prikazuje serijski broj, unesite broj koji 
    se nalazi unutar pisača.Ako se prikaže zaslon Extended Survey Program
    Ako se slažete s uvjetima za Extended Survey Program, pritisnite  ]Agree/
    Slažem se] .
    Ako pritisnete  ]Do not agree/Ne slažem se] , Extended Survey Program neće se 
    instalirati  )to ne utječe na rad pisača (.
    The User Registration screen will only be displayed when  Europe, 
    Middle East, Africa is selected on the Select Your Place of 
    Residence screen.
    If the serial number is not displayed on the registration screen, input the 
    number found inside the printer.If the Extended Survey Program screen appears
    Important Information for the Installation
    If you can agree to Extended Survey Program, click  Agree.
    If you click  Do not agree , the Extended Survey Program will not be installed. 
    ) This has no effect on the printer's functionality. (
    .הנקתהה תא םילשהל ידכ  ]האיצי/Exit[ לע ץחל
     רומשו ]הנקתה רוטילקת/Setup CD-ROM [ תא אצוה
    .חוטב םוקמב וילע Windows
    .ליחתמ ] Solution Menu EX [
    /OK[ לע םיצחול רשאכ ליחתמ ] Solution Menu EX[
    .]Canon Solution Menu EX [ חיש ודה תביתב ]רושיא
    Macintosh רובע
     ]Solution Menu EX ] לע םיגצומה םינצחלה
     רוזאל וא תנידמל םאתהב תונתשהל םייושע .השיכרה
    Pritisnite ]Exit/Izlaz]  za dovršetak instalacije.
    Izvadite ]Setup CD-ROM/CD-ROM za 
    postavljanje]  i spremite ga na sigurno mjesto.
    Za Windows
    Solution Menu EX] se pokreće.
    ] Solution Menu EX] se pokreće kada pritisnete 
    ] OK/U redu]  u dijaloškom okviru  ]Canon 
    Solution Menu EX] .
    Za Macintosh
    Gumbi prikazani u izborniku ]Solution 
    Menu EX] mogu se razlikovati ovisno o 
    državi ili regiji u kojoj je uređaj kupljen.
    Remove the  Setup CD-ROM  and keep it in a 
    safe place. For Windows
    Solution Menu EX starts.
    Solution Menu EX starts when clicking  OK in the 
    Canon Solution Menu EX  dialog.
    For Macintosh
    The buttons displayed on Solution Menu 
    EX may vary depending on the country 
    or region of purchase.
    Click  Exit to complete the installation.
    .המלשוה הרדגהה !וניתוכרב
    ]XPS תספדמ ןקתה להנמ/XPS Printer Driver] תנקתה
     להנמ/XPS Printer Driver] תא ףסונב ןיקתהל ןתינ ,רתוי תמדקתמ וא  Windows Vista SP1 -ו Windows 7  הלעפהה תוכרעמב
     Custom [ לע ץחל ”.)הנכות תנקתה(  USB רוביח תרדגה 5 “ ףיעסב 22 דומעב
      -מ לחה עצב ,ןיקתהל ידכ .] XPS תספדמ ןקתה
     Custom [ ךסמב ]XPS תספדמ ןקתה להנמ/XPS Printer Driver [ רחב ןכמ רחאל , -ב ]תישיא תמאתומ הנקתה/Install
    . ]תישיא תמאתומ הנקתה/Install
    Čestitamo! Postavljanje je završeno.
    Instalacija ]XPS Printer Driver/XPS upravljačkog programa za pisač]
    Kod sustava Windows 7 i Windows Vista SP1 ili novija verzija,  ]XPS Printer Driver/XPS upravljački program 
    za pisač] može se naknadno instalirati. Kako biste ga instalirali, krenite od   na stranici 22 u poglavlju ”5 
    Postavljanje USB veze  )instalacija softvera (.“  Pritisnite  ]Custom Install/Prilagođena instalacija]  u koraku
     a zatim odaberite  ]XPS Printer Driver/XPS upravljački program za pisač]  na zaslonu ]Custom Install/
    Prilagođena instalacija] .
    Congratulations! Setup is complete.
    Installing the XPS Printer Driver
    In Windows 7 and Windows Vista SP1 or later, the XPS Printer Driver can be installed additionally. To install, 
    perform from
      on page 22 in "5 Set Up a USB Connection  )Software Installation (." Click  Custom Install  in
    then select  XPS Printer Driver  in the Custom Install  screen.
    יטוח רוביח תרדגה
    הנכותה תנקתה
     ךילהת .בשחמה לש חישקה ןנוכל ,םינקתה ילהנמ ללוכ ,הנכות )ןיקתהל( קיתעהל שי ,בשחמל הרוביח ידי לע תספדמב שמתשהל ידכ.)םינקתומש הנכותה ימושיי רפסמ וא בשחמה תביבס יפ לע הנתשמ הנקתהה ךשמ( בוריקב תוקד  20 ךרוא הנקתהה
    Postavljanje žične veze
    Instalacija softvera
    Ako pisač želite povezati s računalom, softver s upravljačkim programima mora se kopirati )instalirati( na tvrdi disk 
    računala. Postupak instalacije traje oko 20 minuta )vrijeme instalacije razlikuje se ovisno o računalnom okružju ili 
    broju softverskih aplikacija za instalaciju(.
    Set Up a Wired Connection
    Software Installation
    To use the printer by connecting it to a computer, software including the drivers needs to be copied )installed( to the 
    computer's hard disk. The installation process takes about 20 minutes. )The installation time varies depending on 
    the computer environment or the number of application software to be installed.(
    .הנקתהה ינפל םיחותפה םימושייה לכ תא רוגס
    .)תכרעמה ילהנמ תצובקב רבחכ וא( תכרעמ להנמכ תכרעמל סנכיה
    .הנקתהה ךילהת ךלהמב םישמתשמ ףילחת לא
    .טנרטניאה תוריש קפס םע ץעייתה .םולשתב ךורכ רוביחהש ןכתיי .הנקתהה ךילהת ךלהמב טנרטניאל רוביח שרדייש ןכתיי
    /Setup CD-ROM[ תא איצות לאו ךסמה לעש תוארוהה רחא אלמ .הנקתהה ךילהת ךלהמב בשחמה תא שדחמ ליעפהל ךרטצתש ןכתיי
    .שדחמ הלעפהה ןמזב ]הנקתה רוטילקת 
    .שדחמ לעפוה בשחמהש רחאל בוש ליחתת הנקתהה
     העיפומ םא .תשרל תשגל הסנמ  Canon תנכותש הרהזא תעדוה עיפוהל היושע ,תלעפומ ךלש החטבאה תנכות לש שאה תמוח תייצקנופ םא
    .השיג דימת ריתתש ךכ החטבאה תנכות תא רדגה ,תאזכ הרהזא תעדוה
    .”טרפמ“ ףיעסב ןייע תכרעמה תושירדלEasy-WebPrint EX
     טנרטניאהמ הספדה תנכות איה Easy-WebPrint EX
     Internet  .תקפוסמה הנכותה תנקתה םע בשחמב תנקתומש
     וא Safari 4  וא )Windows ( רתוי םדקתמ וא  Explorer 7
     שורד )רתוי םדקתמ וא Mac OS X v.10.5 ( רתוי םדקתמ
    .טנרטניאל רוביח שורד הנקתהל .וז הנכותב שמתשהל ידכ
    	  Prije instalacije izađite iz svih aktivnih programa.
    	  Prijavite se kao administrator )ili član grupe Administratori(.
    	  Nemojte mijenjati korisnike tijekom postupka instalacije.
    	  Tijekom instalacije možda će biti potrebna veza s internetom. To se možda naplaćuje. Obratite se davatelju internetskih 
    	  Tijekom postupka instalacije možda će biti potrebno ponovo pokrenuti računalo. Slijedite upute na zaslonu i nemojte 
    vaditi ]Setup CD-ROM/CD-ROM za postavljanje] tijekom ponovnog pokretanja.
    Nakon što se računalo ponovno pokrene, instalacija se nastavlja.
    	  Ako je funkcija vatrozida vašeg sigurnosnog softvera uključena, može se prikazati poruka upozorenja da softver tvrtke 
    Canon pokušava pristupiti mreži. Ako se prikaže takva poruka upozorenja, sigurnosni softver postavite tako da uvijek 
    dopusti pristup.
    	  Informacije o zahtjevima sustava potražite u poglavlju ”Specifikacije“.Easy-WebPrint EX
    Easy-WebPrint EX je softver za web-ispis koji 
    se instalira na računalo prilikom instalacije 
    isporučenog softvera. Za korištenje ovog softvera 
    potreban je Internet Explorer 7 ili noviji  )Windows ( 
    ili Safari 4 ili noviji  )Mac OS X v.10.5 ili noviji (. Za 
    instalaciju je potrebna veza s internetom.
    	  Quit all running applications before installation.
    	  Log on as the administrator )or a member of the Administrators group(.
    	  Do not switch users during the installation process.
    	  Internet connection may be required during the installation. Connection fees may apply . Consult the internet service 
    	  It may be necessary to restart your computer during the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions and do 
    not remove the Setup CD-ROM during restart.
    The installation resumes once your computer has restarted.
    	  If the firewall function of your security software is turned on, a warning message may appear that Canon software is 
    attempting to access the network. If such a warning message appears, set the security software to always allow access.
    	  For the system requirements, refer to "Specifications."Easy-WebPrint EX
    Easy-WebPrint EX is Web print software that 
    is installed on the computer when installing the 
    supplied software. Internet Explorer 7 or later 
    )Windows ( or Safari 4 or later  )Mac OS X v.10.5 or 
    later ( is required to use this software. An Internet 
    connection is required for installation.
    							36יטוח רוביח תורדגה תעיבק ינפל
     תא )רבחל( ףיסוהל ידכ תואבה תוארוהה תא עצב ,רוביחה תא תרשיאש רחאל
    .תשרל תספדמה
    .םירבוחמ בתנהו בשחמהש אדו
    טנרטניא.המודכו בתנ
    Prije konfiguracije postavki žične veze
    Nakon provjere veze izvršite sljedeće korake za dodavanje pisača u 
    mrežu )povezivanje(.
    Provjerite jesu li računalo i usmjerivač povezani.
    InternetUsmjerivač itd.
    Before Configuring Wired Settings
    After confirming the connection, perform the following instructions to 
    add )connect( the printer to the network.
    Make sure that the computer and router are 
    InternetRouter, etc.
    יטוח רוביח לע תורעה
     םאתהב םינתשמ תשרה ןקתה לש החטבאה תורדגהו הרדגהה יכילהת ,בתנה תויצקנופ ,הרוצתה
    .ןרציה םע רשק רוצ וא ןקתהה לש תוארוהה ךירדמב ןייע ,םיטרפל .ךלש תכרעמה תביבסל
    .תשרה להנמ םע ץעייתה ,תידרשמ תשרב
     יטרפה עדימה ןוגכ םינותנ תפישחל ןוכיס םייק ,החטבא יעצמאב תנגומ הניאש תשרל רבחתת םא
    .ישילש דצל ,ךלש
    .תשרב תויעב ןורתפל ךירדמ  :ספדומה ךירדמב ןייע ,תשרה רוביחב םיישקב לקתנ התא םא וא
    .םירוטילקתה ןנוכב ]הנקתה רוטילקת/Setup CD-ROM [ תא סנכה ןכמ רחאל ,בשחמה תא לעפה
    .תיטמוטוא הליחתמ הנקתהה תינכות ,Windows  הלעפהה תכרעמב שמתשמ התא םא
     .]ילש בשחמה/ My Computer[ וא  ]בשחמ/Computer[-ב רוטילקתה למס לע םיימעפ ץחל ,תיטמוטוא הליחתמ הניא הנכותה םא
    .MSETUP4.EXE לע םיימעפ ץחל ,עיפומ רוטילקתה ןכות רשאכ Windows
    ■ Napomene o žičnoj vezi
    	  Konfiguracija, funkcije usmjerivača, postupci postavljanja i sigurnosne postavke 
    mrežnog uređaja razlikuju se ovisno o vašem operativnom sustavu. Pojedinosti 
    potražite u priručniku uređaja ili kontaktirajte proizvođača.
    	  Kod postavljanja u uredu, zatražite savjet od svog administratora za mrežu.
    	  Ako se povežete s mrežom koja nije zaštićena, postoji rizik da treća strana dobije 
    pristup osobnim podacima.
    	  Ako imate problema s mrežnom vezom, pogledajte tiskani priručnik:  Upute za 
    rješavanje problema s mrežom .
    Uključite računalo, a zatim stavite  ]Setup CD-ROM/CD-ROM za postavljanje]  u CD-ROM 
    Ako koristite sustav Windows, program za postavljanje automatski će se pokrenuti.
    	 Ako se program ne pokrene automatski, dvaput pritisnite ikonu CD-ROM-a u mapi  ]Computer/Računalo] ili ]My 
    Computer/Moje računalo]. Kada se prikaže sadržaj CD-ROM-a, dva puta pritisnite  MSETUP4.EXE.
    Za Windows
    ■ Notes on Wired Connection
    	  The configuration, router functions, setup procedures and security settings of the 
    network device vary depending on your system environment. For details, refer to 
    your device's instruction manual or contact its manufacturer.
    	  In an office setup, consult your network administrator.
    	  If you connect to a network that is not protected with security measures, there is a 
    risk of disclosing data such as your personal information to a third party .
    	  If you have trouble with the network connection, refer to the printed manual:  Network 
    Setup Troubleshooting .
    Turn on the computer, then insert the  Setup CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
    If you are using Windows, the setup program starts automatically.
    	 If the program does not start automatically, double-click the CD-ROM icon in  Computer or My Computer. When 
    the CD-ROM contents appear, double-click  MSETUP4.EXE.
    For Windows
    Windows 7/Windows Vista
    Windows XP
     הלעפה/AutoPlay] ךסמב   ]Msetup4.exe  תא לעפה/Run Msetup4.exe [ לע ץחל
     User [ חישה וד תביתב  ]ךשמה/Continue ]  לע וא  ]ןכ/Yes [ לע ץחל ןכמ רחאלו  ]תיטמוטוא
    . ]שמתשמ ןובשח תרקב/Account Control
    /Yes [ לע ץחל ,םיאבה םיבלשב בוש העיפומ  ]שמתשמ ןובשח תרקב/User Account Control [ חיש ודה תבית םא
    . ]ךשמה/Continue [ לע וא ]ןכ
    .ךסמה לעש תוארוהה יפ לע לעפו הרזע ןצחלה לע ץחל ,ךל םיעודי םניא ךלש תכרעמה להנמ לש המסיסה וא שמתשמה םש םא .הדובעה ןחלוש לעש רוטילקתה למס לע םיימעפ ץחל ,תיטמוטוא תחתפנ הניא רוטילקתה תייקית םא
     ןכמ רחאלו המסיסהו תכרעמה להנמ םש תא ןזה .אבה ךסמל ךישמהל ידכ רוטילקתה תייקיתבש 
    ]Setup[ למסה לע םיימעפ ץחל
    .]רושיא/OK [ לע ץחל
    Pritisnite ]Run Msetup4.exe/Pokreni Msetup4.exe]  na zaslonu ]AutoPlay/
    Automatska reprodukcija] , a zatim pritisnite ]Yes/Da]  ili ]Continue/Nastavi]  u 
    dijaloškom okviru  ]User Account Control/Kontrola korisničkog računa] .
    Ako se dijaloški okvir ]User Account Control/Kontrola korisničkog računa]  ponovno prikaže u 
    sljedećim koracima, pritisnite  ]Yes/Da]  ili ]Continue/Nastavi] .
    Ako ne znate administratorsko ime i lozinku, pritisnite gumb za pomoć, a zatim slijedite upute na zaslonu. Ako se mapa CD-ROM-a ne otvori automatski, dva puta pritisnite ikonu CD-ROM-a na radnoj površini.
    Dvaput pritisnite ikonu  ]Setup]  u mapi CD-ROM kako biste prešli na sljedeći zaslon. Unesite svoje 
    administratorsko ime i lozinku, a zatim pritisnite  ]OK/U redu] .
    Click Run Msetup4.exe  on the AutoPlay  screen, then click  Yes or Continue  on 
    the  User Account Control  dialog box.
    If the User Account Control  dialog box reappears in following steps, click  Yes or Continue .
    If you do not know your administrator name or password, click the help button, then follow the on-screen instructions. If the CD-ROM folder does not open automatically, double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop.
    Double-click the  Setup icon of the CD-ROM folder to proceed to the following screen. Enter your administrator 
    name and password, then click  OK.
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