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Brother 580mc Plain Paper Fax Owners Manual

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    							MESSAGE CENTER   9 - 6
    Setting Toll Saver
    When you set the toll saver feature, the FAX/MFC answers after four rings if you donÕt 
    have messages, and after two rings if you do have messages. This way, when you call 
    the FAX/MFC, if it rings three times, you know you have no messages, and can hang 
    up, to avoid a toll charge.
    1Press Function/Set, 2, 1.
    2Press   or   to select the TOLL SAVER (or RING DELAY) and press  
    3Press   or   to select ON and press Function/Set.
    4Press Stop to exit.
    ICM Recording Monitor
    This feature lets you turn the speaker volume for voice messages ON or OFF. When 
    you turn the monitor OFF, you will not hear messages as they come in.
    1Press Function/Set, 8, 5.
    2Use   or   to select OFF (or ON) and press Function/Set.
    3Press Stop to exit.
    Recording a Conversation
    You can record a telephone conversation by pressing Play/Record during the 
    conversation. Your recording can be as long as the Incoming Message Maximum 
    Time. You and the other party will hear a beep every 15 seconds while recording. To 
    stop recording, press Stop. You cannot record a conversation using Speaker Phone.
    Fax Forwarding/Paging
    When Paging is set to ON, your FAX/MFC dials the pager number youÕve 
    programmed, and dials your Personal Identification Number (PIN) when connected, 
    to activate your pager and let you know you have a fax or voice message in the 
    Message Center memory.
    When Fax Forwarding is set to ON, your FAX/MFC dials the fax machine phone 
    number youÕve programmed, and forwards any faxes youÕve received.
    When Toll Saver is ON, it overrides your Ring Delay setting. Toll Saver must be off 
    for the FAX/MFC to operate using your Ring Delay setting. (See Setting Ring Delay, 
    page 5-2.)
    You can not use Paging and Fax Forwarding at the same time. 
    							9 - 7   MESSAGE CENTER
    Programming a Fax Forwarding Number
    1Press Function/Set, 8, 6.
    2Press   or    until the LCD displays FAX FORWARD? and press 
    3Enter the number of the fax machine where 
    faxes will be forwarded (up to 20 digits) and 
    press Function/Set.
    4Press Stop to exit.
    Programming Paging Number
    1Press Function/Set, 8, 6.
    2Press   or    until the LCD displays PAGING? and press Function/Set.
    3Enter your pager phone number (up to 20 digits) 
    followed by # # and press Function/Set. Do 
    not include the area code if it is the same as that 
    of your FAX/MFC. For example, 1 8 0 0 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 # #.
    4If your pager requires a PIN, enter the PIN, press #, press Redial/Pause, enter your 
    FAX/MFC telephone number, then press # # and press Function /Set. For example, 
    1 2 3 4 5 # Redial/Pause 1 8 0 0 5 2 1 2 8 4 6 # #.
    If you do not need a PIN, press Redial/Pause, enter the telephone number of your 
    FAX/MFC, then press # # and press Function/Set. For example, Redial/Pause 1 
    8 0 0 5 2 1 2 8 4 6 # #.
    5Press Stop to exit.
    You can change a Fax Forwarding number remotely. (See page 9-11.)
    You can not use Paging and Fax Forwarding at the same time.
    You can not change a Paging number or PIN remotely.
    ENTER & SET 
    							MESSAGE CENTER   9 - 8
    Remote Retrieval
    Using Remote Access Code
    1Dial your fax number from a touch tone phone.
    2When your FAX/MFC answers, immediately enter your Remote Retrieval Access 
    3The FAX/MFC signals the kinds of messages received:
     1 long beepÑFax message(s)
     2 long beepsÑVoice message(s)
     3 long beepsÑFax and Voice message(s)
    No beepsÑNo messages
    4The FAX/MFC then prompts you with two short beeps to enter a command. If you 
    wait longer than 30 seconds to enter a command, the MFC hangs up. If you enter an 
    invalid command, the FAX/MFC beeps three times.
    5Press 9 0 to reset the FAX/MFC when you finish.
    6Hang up.
    Changing Remote Retrieval Access Code
    Enter your Remote Retrieval Access Code when the FAX/MFC picks up your call, so 
    you can access features remotely. The access code is preset to 159 , but you can 
    change it.
    1Press Function/Set, 8, 7.
    2Enter a three-digit number from 000 to 999 and press Function/Set. The Ò Ó cannot 
    be changed.
    3Press Stop to exit.
    If your FAX/MFC is set to MANUAL mode, you can access the Message Center by 
    waiting about 2 minutes, then entering the Remote Access Code within 30 seconds.
    Do not use the same digits that appear in your Fax Receive Code or Telephone 
    Answer Code. 
    							9 - 9   MESSAGE CENTER
    Remote Commands
    Follow the commands below to access features remotely. When you call the
    FAX/MFC and enter your Remote Retrieval Access Code (159 ), the system will 
    signal you with two short beeps to enter a remote command.
    Remote CommandsOperation Details
    91 Playing voice messagesAfter one long beep, the FAX/MFC plays the 
    1   (Skip back) Press 1 while listening to an ICM to repeat it.  
    If you press 1 before a message, you will hear 
    the previous message.
    2   (Skip next) While playing the ICM, you can skip to the 
    next message.
    9 STOP Playing Stop playing the ICM.
    92 Record MemoAfter one long beep, you can record a memo. 
    To stop recording, press 9.
    93 Erase all ICMIf you hear one long beep, the erase is 
    accepted. If you hear three short beeps, you 
    cannot erase because all voice messages have 
    not been played, or there is no voice message 
    to erase. 
    *This code erases all recorded messages, not 
    one at a time.
    94 Play and Record OGM in 
    1 Play 1 MSG CTR OGM The FAX/MFC plays the selected OGM. You 
    can stop playing OGMs by pressing 9.
    2 F/T OGM
    2 Record 1 MSG CTR OGM After one long beep, you can record the 
    selected OGM. You will hear the message 
    played once. You can stop recording the 
    message by pressing 9. 2 F/T OGM
    95 Changing Fax Forwarding/
    Paging settingIf you hear one long beep, the change is 
    accepted. If you hear three short beeps, you 
    cannot change it because the conditions  have 
    not been met. (Example: registering paging 
    number.) You can register your fax forwarding 
    number by using 4. FAX FWD NO. (See page 
    9-11.) Once you have registered the number, 
    the FAX/MFC automatically will change to 
    FAXFWD:ON mode. Then retrieve a Memory 
    Status List by entering 9 6 1 (See page 9-10.) 
    to make sure that the Fax Forwarding number 
    you registered is correct in the List. 1 OFF
    2 Fax Forwarding
    3 Paging
    4 FAX FWD NO. 
    							MESSAGE CENTER   9 - 10
    Retrieving Memory Status List
    You can retrieve the Memory Status List from a remote fax machine to see if you have 
    any fax messages.
    1Dial your fax number.
    2When you hear the beep, immediately enter your Remote Retrieval Access Code 
    (1 5 9 ).
    3When you hear two short beeps, use the dial pad to press 9 6 1.
    4Using the dial pad, enter the number of the remote fax machine (up to 20 digits) where 
    you want the Memory Status List forwarded, and then press # #.
    5After you hear your FAX/MFC beep, hang up and wait.
    Your FAX/MFC calls the remote fax machine.  The remote fax machine prints the 
    Memory Status List. 96 Retrieve a fax
    1 Memory Status List Enter the number of a remote fax machine to 
    receive a report or stored fax messages. (See 
    page 9-10.) 2 Retrieve all faxes
    3  Erase  fax  in  the  memory If you hear one long beep, you can erase the fax 
    message from the memory.
    97 Check the receiving statusYou can check whether your FAX/MFC has 
    received any FAX or VOICE messages. If yes, 
    you will hear one long beep. If no, you will 
    hear three short beeps. 1 FAX
    2 VOICE
    98 Change Answer ModeIf you hear one long beep, you can change the 
    answer mode. If you hear three short beeps, 
    you cannot change it. (Example: There is no 
    MSG CTR OGM when you want to change to 
    MSG CTR mode.) 1 MSG CTR
    2 FAX/TEL
    3 FAX
    90 ExitAfter a long beep, you can exit remote control.
    You can not use  or  # as dial numbers.  However, if you want to store a pause, 
    press #. 
    Remote CommandsOperation Details 
    							9 - 11   MESSAGE CENTER
    Retrieving Fax Messages
    1Dial your fax number.
    2When you hear the beep, immediately enter your Remote Retrieval Access Code 
    (1 5 9).
    3As soon as you hear two short beeps, use the dial pad to press 9 6 2.
    4Using the dial pad, enter the number of the remote fax machine (up to 20 digits) where 
    you want your fax messages forwarded, and then press # #.
    5After you hear your FAX/MFC beep, hang up and wait.
    Your FAX/MFC calls the remote fax machine.  The remote fax machine prints your 
    fax messages.
    Changing Fax Forwarding Number
    You can change the default setting of your fax forwarding number from a remote fax 
    1Dial your fax number.
    2When you hear the beep, immediately enter your Remote Retrieval Access Code 
    (1 5 9 ).
    3When you hear two short beeps, use the dial pad to press 9 5 4.
    4Enter the new number of the remote fax machine where you want your fax messages 
    forwarded, then press # #.
    5To retrieve the Memory Status List, when you hear two short beeps, use the dial pad 
    to press 9 6 1.
    6Use the dial pad to enter the number of the remote fax machine (up to 20 digits), then 
    press # #.
    7After you hear your FAX/MFC beep, hang up and wait.
    Your FAX/MFC calls the remote fax machine. The remote fax machine prints the 
    Memory Status List showing the new forwarding number.
    8Check the forwarding number.
    If the forwarding number is not correct, return to Step 1 to reset it.
    You can not use  or  # as dial numbers. However, if you want to store a pause, 
    press #.
    You can not use  or  # as dial numbers.  However, if you want to store a pause, 
    press #. 
    							MAKING COPIES   10 - 1
    1010Making Copies
    Copy Functions
    To make a single copy that is not reduced, enlarged or sorted, you only have to press 
    one key. The default resolution for a single copy is Super Fine. Set the resolution to 
    PHOTO for photographs. Remember, your machine cannot scan anything closer than 
    one-eighth inch from the edge of the paper. 
    Making a Single Copy
    1Place the original face down in the ADF.
    2Press Copy/Help twice.
    To cancel, press Stop.
    Do NOT pull on the paper while copying is in progress.
    Copy Options: Single or Multiple Copies, 
    Reduce/Enlarge, Sort/Stack
    You can choose additional copy options. First, you can select the number of copies. 
    Next, you can choose whether multiple copies will be STACKED (all copies of page 1, 
    then all copies of page 2, etc.) or SORTED (collated). Finally, you can choose an 
    enlargement or reduction ratio. To automatically reduce the copy to the paper size you 
    have set for the paper tray, select AUTO. To reduce the copy by a fixed percentage, 
    choose 93%, 87%, 75% or 50%. Or, to enlarge the copy, select 150%, 125% or 
    120%. To copy a document at its original size, select 100%.
    1Place the original face down in the ADF.
    2Press Copy/Help.
    3Enter the number of copies you want (1-99) and 
    press Function/Set. 
    For example, press 9 for nine copies.
    To start copying now, press Copy/Help.
    If you would like to select additional copy 
    options, like SORT, ENLARGE or 
    REDUCE, press Function/Set. 
    STACK P.01 FNE
    							10 - 2   MAKING COPIES
    4Press  or   to select SORT. 
    For example, select SORT.
    To start copying now without enlarging or 
    reducing, press Copy/Help.
    To reduce or enlarge the image, press 
    5Press  or   to select an enlargement or 
    reduction ratio. 
    For example, 75 %.
    6Press Copy/Help.
    If you are making multiple copies and get a MEMORY FULL message while you 
    are scanning the first page, press Stop to cancel the job. Then make a single copy. If 
    you selected SORT and the MEMORY FULL message appears while scanning 
    subsequent pages, you can press Copy/Help to copy the portion that is in memory, 
    or press Stop to cancel. To restart the copy job using less memory, press Copy/Help 
    for stacked copies.
    SORT P.01 FNE
    ELG/RDC:100% ?
    ELG/RDC:100% ?
    ELG/RDC:120% ?
    ELG/RDC: 93% ? 
    ELG/RDC: 75% ?
    SORT  P.01 FNE 
    							PRINTING REPORTS   11 - 1
    1111Printing Reports
    FAX/MFC Settings and Activity
    You can print the following lists and reports:
    Choose to print a Transmission Verification 
    Report after each fax you send.
    Activity Report lists information about the last 30 
    incoming and outgoing faxes. TX means 
    Transmit; RX means Receive.
    Lists names and numbers stored in One Touch and 
    Speed Dial memory, in numerical order.
    AUTO DIAL LIST (above), alphabetically.
    Lists settings for INITIAL SETUP, SETUP 
     Lists summary information and amount of  
    memory in use.
    To Print a Report
    1Press Function/Set, 7.
    2Enter the number of the report you want to print.  For example, press 4 to print the 
    3Press Start.
    4Press Stop to exit.
    For the Activity Report, also press     or     to select PRINT REPORT?.
    							11 - 2   PRINTING REPORTS
    Transmission Verification (Xmit) Report
    You can use the Xmit Report as proof that you sent a fax.  This report lists the name 
    or fax number of the receiving party, the time and date of transmission, and whether 
    the transmission was successful.
    When the feature is OFF, the report is printed automatically only if thereÕs an error 
    during transmission.  If the report indicates NG, send the original again.  If the report 
    indicates you should check the readability of certain pages, resend those pages.
    When the feature is ON, the report is printed with every fax you send.
    1Press Function/Set, 7, 1.
    2Press     or     to select ON (or OFF) and press Function/Set. 
    3Press Stop to exit.
    Activity Report Interval
    You can set the FAX/MFC to print activity reports at specific intervals (6, 12, 24 
    hours, 2, 4 or 7 days).  If you set the interval to OFF, you can print the report by 
    following the steps in the previous section.
    1Press Function/Set, 7, 2. 
    2Press    or     to display: 
    and press Function/Set.
    3Press    or     to choose your setting and 
    press Function/Set.  If you choose 7 days, the screen prompts you to choose a day 
    at which to begin the 7-day countdown.
    4Enter the time, in 24-hour format, that printing will begin and press Function/Set.
    (For example, enter 19:45 for 7:45 PM)
    5Press Stop to exit.
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