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ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3V4 Instructions Manual

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    of 397
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    Call Sequence 2 shows an incoming ISDN PRI call to switch A, delivered to
    VDN1.  VDN1 contains a collect digits vector step followed by an adjunct
    routing vector step.  The host routes the call, including UUI information, to
    VDN2 that tries to interflow the call to switch B.  Switch B does not accept the
    call and the call connects to Agent A in switch A.
    Call Sequence 2:
    Host A Host B Comment
    Call Offered
    (called=VDN1, domain=VDN1)
    Route Request
    (called=VDN0, collected=001)
    Route Select
    (called=VDN2, UUI=info2)
    Route End
    Queued Event
    (called=VDN2, domain=ACD SplitA)
    Call Offered
    (domain=VDN3, UUI=info2,
    Connected EventCall Ended Event
    Call Ended EventIncoming call to Switch A
    Call Prompting Collects Digits
    Drop Event
    Alert Event
    (called=VDN1, connected=agentA,
    domain=ACD splitA,
    Drop Event
    (connected=agentA)LAI info)Call intraßows from Switch A to B
    (VDN3 is the LAI VDN)
    Switch B denies call
    Call delivered to agent
    Agent drops
    A-64  Issue 4  September 1995 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    Call Sequence 3 shows an incoming ISDN PRI call to switch A, delivered to
    VDN1.  The incoming ISDN call contains UUI data. While in VDN1, the call is
    routed to VDN3 in switch B including UUI information and a return call
    destination (VDN11). Switch B connects the call to VRU Port2. After the VRU
    terminates the caller session, the ASAI host drops the call including UUI
    information back to switch A.  When the trunk to switch B drops, the call is
    directed to VDN11.  The host on switch A drops the call including UUI
    information in the request.
    Call Sequence 3:
    Host A Host B Comment
    Call Offered
    (called=VDN1, UUI=info0)
    Route Request
    (called=VDN1, domain=VDN0,
    Route Select
    (called=VDN3, UUI=info3,
    Route End
    Call Offered
    (called=VDN3, domain=VDN3,
    Connected Event
    Drop Event
    (connected=####, UUI=info4)Alert Event
    (called=VDN3, connected=####)UUI=info3)
    Call delivered to VRU UUI=info0)
    returncall dest=VDN11)
    (called=VDN3, connected=####)
    Call Offered
    (called=VDN1, domain=VDN11,
    3P Drop Request
    3P Drop ACK
    Call EndedAlert Event
    connected=VRU port 2,
    Connected Event
    connected = VRU port 2)
    3P Drop Request
    3P Drop ACK
    Call Ended EventVRU disconnects,
    provides UUI
    Call delivered to
    Return VDN
    Host drops call UUI=info3)
    Issue 4  September 1995  A-65 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    8. User Scenarios Ð Connected IE for
    Non-ISDN Trunks
    Table A-1 shows the Event Reports provided for a monitored call that is routed
    over an outgoing non-ISDN trunk.  The incoming call also uses a non-ISDN trunk
    and is directed to a VDN/vector that routes the call to an external number.
    Table A-1.  Incoming Call Routed to External Destination Example
    Operation Event Report
    Incoming Call Call Offered
    trunk group=102
    called number=65678
    domain=VDN 65678
    Call Routed to
    External Destination
    Non-ISDN Trunk Seized Trunk Seized
    called number=#####
    Call Connected
    Answer Supervision
    Received from the
    Network (or timed
    by switch)Connect
    trunk group=102
    called number=#####
    connected number=#####
    Called Party Drops Drop
    connected number=#####
    Call Terminates Call Ended
    c c c c c
    c c c
    c c c
    c c c
    c c c
    c c c
    c c c
    A-66  Issue 4  September 1995 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    9. User Scenarios Ð ASAI-Provided
    Dial-Ahead Digits
    This is a simple scenario in which the host provides dial-ahead digits via a Route
    Select. After the dial-ahead digits are stored by the switch, the digits are
    collected using call prompting vector commands. The scenario also shows the
    ASAI Event Reports sent to a monitoring host.
    Host Switch
    Offered Event
    Route Select
    Route End
    (user code collected digits=123)
    Incoming call to VDN 5678:
    Route Request
    (cause=invalid number)
    (called=9990, connected=7777, split=5555)
    (collected digits=2)
    Call Ended EventAlert Event
    Connect Event
    Drop Event
    Route Select
    Route End
    (called=9990, collected digits=6789)
    Route Request
    (collected digits=23)1.  Collect 1 digit
    2.  Adjunct route
    3.  Wait 4 sec
    Switch requests route
    Host provides 3 digits and
    invalid route
    Vector Execution Continues:
    4.  Collect 1 digit
    5.  Go to Step 8 if digit=1
    6.  Go to Step 9 if digit=2
    7.  Go to vector 111 if uncond
    8.  Route to 1123 if uncond
    9.  Route to 4444 if uncond
    Digit collected=1, so Step 8
    routes call to VDN 1123:
    1.  Collect 2 digits
    2.  Adjunct route
    3.  Wait 4 sec
    Call routed to VDN 9990:
    1.  Collect 4 digits
    2.  Queue to 5555
    3.  Announcement
    Call delivered to agent 7777
    Agent display of call prompter
    digits shows 6789
    Calling party drops
    Issue 4  September 1995  A-67 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    10. User Scenarios Ð ASAI-Requested
    Digit Collection
    This is a sample scenario for an incoming ISDN call that is routed via Adjunct
    Routing to an external destination. The user has subscribed to receive 4-digit
    DNIS numbers. As part of the route, the host requests collecting three digits from
    the caller.
    Host Switch
    Offered Event
    Route Select
    Route End
    (called=84154422800, user code=collect 3 digits)
    Incoming ISDN call to VDN:
    Route Request
    (collected digits=2)
    Connect Event
    Drop Event
    Entered Digits Event
    Trunk Seized Event
    (connected=####)1.  Collect 1 digit
    2.  Adjunct route
    3.  Wait 4 sec
    Routes to external number
    with digit collection
    Digits entered
    Destination answers
    Calling party drops
    Call terminates Call Ended Event
    A-68  Issue 4  September 1995 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    11. User Scenarios Ð VDN Return
    A customer may use the VDN Return Destination feature (G3V2 and later) to
    provide a more flexible remote access feature together with host-based call
    security. The remote user/caller does not have to call back into the switch when
    multiple destinations need to be reached or enter his/her identification every time
    a new destination is desired.  For example, a customer can program the
    following vector that is accessed by dialing a VDN that has a Return Destination
    1. Collect 8 digits after announcement 1001 (``Please enter your identification
    number and password followed by # sign.)
    2. Adjunct Routing link extension XXX1
    3. Wait 6 seconds hearing silence.
    4. Collect 16 digits after announcement 1002 (``Please enter the telephone
    number of your destination followed by # sign.)
    5. Adjunct Routing link extension XXX1
    6. Wait 6 seconds hearing silence.
    7. Disconnect after announcement 1003 (``We are sorry, but we are
    experiencing technical difficulties at this time, please try again later.)
    In this scenario, a remote caller calls into the switch by dialing the VDN
    administered with the Return Destination. The vector executed prompts the caller
    to enter an identification number and a password that will be passed, via the
    adjunct routing vector command, to the host for validation. The host can keep
    track of invalid attempts or decide to de-activate or activate certain identification
    numbers based on customer set criteria.
    After the host-based security is passed, the switch collects digits for the
    destination the caller wants to reach (vector step 4 above).  The host receives
    the number entered by the caller (vector step 5 above) and validates the entered
    number to check if the caller is allowed to reach the specified destination. If so,
    the host routes the call to the desired (dialed) destination.
    If the host security is not passed, the host routes the call to an appropriate
    alternate destination (for example, announcement with security violation
    message) and log the invalid call attempt.  If the host is not available, the call is
    disconnected after an announcement (vector step 7 above).
    After the called destination disconnects from the call, the caller can remain on
    the line to be connected to the Return Destination. A sample Return Destination
    vector is as follows:
    1. Collect 16 digits after announcement 1002 (``Please enter the telephone
    number of your next call followed by # sign.)
    2. Adjunct Routing link extension XXX1
    Issue 4  September 1995  
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    3. Wait 6 seconds hearing silence.
    4. Disconnect after announcement 1003 (``We are sorry, but we are
    experiencing technical difficulties at this time, please try again later.)
    Once connected to the Return Destination, the caller can enter a second
    destination/phone number to connect to. The host performs the same validation
    on the destination number as in the first destination and routes the call as
    appropriate (destination entered by caller or alternate destination). Note that the
    host can also provide reports on all the destinations and times reached by each
    remote user.
    In the Return Destination vector, it is recommended that the first vector
    command give the caller the opportunity to disconnect from the call rather than
    immediately routing the call to some destination. If the call was immediately
    routed and then the caller decided to hang-up, the destination that the call was
    routed to would ring, alerting the called party, but then no one would be on the
    line at the other end (this could be confusing to customers, and could be
    misinterpreted as a problem with the feature). Vector commands such as wait,
    collect after announcement, and announcement can provide the caller with
    the opportunity to disconnect before the call is routed. As an example, an
    announcement command with the recording ``Please hang-up to end your call,
    or remain on the line if you wish to place another call instructs the caller to
    disconnect before the call is routed.
    A-70  Issue 4  September 1995 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    12. ASAI Messaging Scenarios Ð
    VDN Return Destination
    This is a scenario where a call to a vector is routed using Adjunct Routing to an
    external destination. The host then drops the external destination and the call is
    delivered to the Return Destination for further vector processing. The scenario
    assumes that the call is being monitored by the ASAI host and that the Return
    Destination is VDN 77777.
    Host Switch
    Offered Event
    Route Select
    Route End
    (digit collection option)
    Incoming call to VDN 7777
    Route Request
    Call Ended EventAlert Event
    Connect Event
    Drop Event
    Queued Event
    Switch requests route
    Host routes to external number
    Entered digits instruct host to
    drop called party
    Host must take control of
    call to drop called party
    Switch returns call to VDN 7777
    Vector processing queues call
    Call delivered to agent Trunk Seized
    Entered Digits Event
    Take Control
    Take Control ACK
    3P Drop
    (on take control assoc)
    3P Drop ACK
    Drop Event
    (on VDN monitor assoc)
    Issue 4  September 1995  A-71 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    13. User Scenarios Ð Flexible Billingbbbbbbbb
    The following call sequences show typical Flexible Billing scenarios.
    Call Sequence 1 shows an incoming call on an ISDN-PRI trunk delivered to Split
    A.  The ISDN trunk is configured for MultiQuest service.  The incoming call
    indicates in its SETUP message that Flexible Billing is supported.  The call rings
    at agent 5001 and is answered.  The agent requests a billing change on the call,
    setting the new rate to $10/minute.  This billing change is sent over the ISDN-
    PRI trunk, and the 4ESS rejects the change.  The switch sends the response to
    the ASAI adjunct.  The agent requests a billing change on the call, setting the
    new rate to $5/minute.  This billing change is sent over the ISDN-PRI trunk, and
    the 4ESS accepts the change.  The switch sends the response to the ASAI
    Call Offered Event
    Connected Event
    Set Value
    (item=ßexible billing,
    Alerting Event
    RELease COMPlete
    Set Value
    Switch DEFINITY
    (ßexible billing enabled)
    (item=ßexible billing,
    RELease COMPlete
    Return Result message
    Call SETUP message
    FACility message (service=multiquest,
    indicating reason for rejectionfeature = ßexible billing)
    FACility message
    (item=ßexible billing,
    type=new rate,
    amount=1000) type=new rate, amount=1000)Call placed to monitored
    Call rings at agent
    Call answered by agent
    Adjunct requests billing
    Request sent to 4ESS
    Reject message
    type=new rate, amount=500)4ESS rejects billing
    Rejection sent to
    Adjunct requests
    billing change
    FACility message
    (item=ßexible billing,
    type=new rate,
    FACility message
    indicating acceptanceRequest sent to 4ESS
    4ESS accepts billing
    Result sent to Adjunct
    A-72  Issue 4  September 1995 
    							Call Scenarios and Applicationsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
    Call Sequence 2 shows an incoming call on an ISDN-PRI trunk delivered to
    VDN A.  The ISDN trunk is configured for MultiQuest service.  The incoming call
    indicates in its SETUP message that Flexible Billing is supported.  The call is
    adjunct-routed.  The adjunct sees that Flexible Billing is enabled, and routes the
    call to split 1.  The call rings at agent 5001 and is answered.  The switch sends
    the response to the ASAI adjunct.  The agent requests a billing change on the
    call, setting the new rate to $5/minute.  This billing change is sent over the
    ISDN-PRI trunk, and the 4ESS accepts the change.  The switch sends the
    response to the ASAI adjunct.
    Route Request
    Call Offered Event
    Set Value
    (item=ßexible billing,
    Route SelectSwitch DEFINITY
    (ßexible billing enabled)
    RELease COMPlete
    Return Result message
    Call SETUP message
    feature = ßexible billing)
    type=new rate, amount=500)Call placed to VDN
    Switch requests route
    Adjunct replies with
    Call answered by agent
    FACility message
    (item=ßexible billing,
    type=new rate,
    FACility message
    indicating acceptanceRequest sent to 4ESS
    Result sent to Adjunct (ßexible billing enabled)
    Alerting Event
    Connected Eventfor call
    Call offered to split
    Call rings at agent
    Adjunct requests
    billing change
    4ESS accepts billing
    change (destination = split1)
    Issue 4  September 1995  A-73 
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