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ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual

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Page 511

Call Detail Recording (CDR)
Issue  3   March 1996
When more than one condition a pplies to a call, the overriding code is 
shown in Table 3-44.
When two condition c o des ap p ly on the same call, one will override the other. 
The matrix below, Table 3-44, defines the overrides. To illustrate how to use this 
matrix, assume that condition codes 7 and A apply to the same call. The matrix 
contains 12 horizontal rows (0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, E, and F) and 12 vertical 
columns (0, 1, 4, 6,...

Page 512

Feature Descriptions
3-368Issue  3   March 1996 
nDialed Number (up to 15 digits)
The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
later releases is ‘‘dialed-num.’’
This field contains the number dialed. If it is an outgoing call, the field 
contains the numb er dialed by a system user. If it is an incoming call, the 
field contains the extension that was dialed (or implied as in DNIS.) If more 
than 15 digits are dialed, the least significant digits are truncated. 
Intra-switch CDR...

Page 513

Call Detail Recording (CDR)
Issue  3   March 1996
nIf CDR Privacy is enabled for the calling number (this feature is 
available on a per station basis and is administered on the ‘Station’ 
form) and this is an outgoing call (not an incoming or intraswitch 
call). In this case, the trailing digits of the dialed numb er is b lanked 
in the CDR for the call. If more than 15 d igits are dialed, the dialed 
number will first be truncated to 15 digits, then the a ppropriate 
number of digits is blanked....

Page 514

Feature Descriptions
3-370Issue  3   March 1996 
FRLs, numbered zero through seven, are associated with the AAR and 
ARS features and define calling privileges. The information contained in 
this field is as follows:
— If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is not used 
to make the call, this field contains the originating voice terminal 
user’s FRL.
— If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is used to 
make the call, this field c ontains the FRL associated with the...

Page 515

Call Detail Recording (CDR)
Issue  3   March 1996
nFeature Flag (one digit)
The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
later releases is ‘‘feat-flag’’.
Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
The d i git in this field indicates whether or not the switch has received 
answer supervision from the network and whether the call was a voice or 
data call (Data Call CDR):
— A 4 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer 
— A 0 in this field...

Page 516

Feature Descriptions
3-372Issue  3   March 1996 
Calls are flagg e d as data calls if they use a conversion resource (such as 
a mo dem pool) and/or originate or terminate on a data mo dule.
With G3V4 a n d later releases, the feat-flag bit on the CDR record can be 
administered to reflect whether an outgoing ISDN call was reported as 
interworked by the network. Prior to G3V4 interworked calls were treated 
as if no network answer was received. With the G3V4 option active, the 
feat-flag indicates that...

Page 517

Call Detail Recording (CDR)
Issue  3   March 1996
This field specifies the INS requested for a call. This field a p plies only to 
ISDN calls. Each Network Specific Facility is translated into an INS 
according to Table 3-45.
Intra-switch CDR will not output this field.
nIXC Code (one d i git hexadecimal representation) (three or four digits with 
an ISDN format)
— Non-ISDN Formats
The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, 
G3V2, and later releases is ‘‘ixc-code.’’
Table 3-45....

Page 518

Feature Descriptions
3-374Issue  3   March 1996 
IXC codes, numbered one through 15 (1 through F hexadecimal), 
are associated with the AAR and ARS features and depict the 
carrier used on the call.  This information is sent to the CDR output 
device in ASCII code as a hexadecimal representation (for 
example, ASCII ‘‘F’’ equals ‘‘15’’).
An IXC access number is used to access a specific common 
carrier for a call.  In the US, this number is of the form 10XXX, 950 
— 1XXX, or NXX — XXXX, where N is any...

Page 519

Call Detail Recording (CDR)
Issue  3   March 1996
nIncoming Ring Interval Duration (G3V4 and later releases)
With G3V4 and later releases each trunk group can be administered so 
that CDR will record  the ring time to answer or abandon for incoming calls 
originated by the trunk group. In addition, CDR will record  if the incoming 
destination is busy. This record is separate from the normal call duration 
record printed for an answered call.
When an incoming call originated by a trunk group with...

Page 520

Feature Descriptions
3-376Issue  3   March 1996 
The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
later releases is ‘‘null.’’
The NULL is used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in 
triplets) when needed by the receiving adjunct.
nOutgoing Circuit Identification (three digits)
The field name for Customized CDR Record s for G3rV1, G3V2, and 
later releases is ‘‘out-crt-id.’’
For outgoing calls, this field contains the member number of the trunk 
within a trunk group...
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