Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 For Single-Carrier Cabinets Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 For Single-Carrier Cabinets Instructions Manual
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Set Date and Time September 1995 Issue 1 7-13 6. Type day of month (1 through 31) and press TAB to move to next field. Cursor is positioned on Year: field. 7. Type current year (for example, 1995) and press TAB to move to next field. Cursor is positioned on Hour: field. 8. Type current hour for 24-hour clock (see Table 7-4) and press TAB to move to the next field. Cursor is positioned on Minute: field. 9. Type current minute (0 through 59). Seconds cannot be set. 10. Press ENTE R when the information is correct.. 1. Verify the screen displays: ‘‘command successfully completed’’ ‘‘command:’’ 2. Type display time, and press ENTER to verify date/time d ata. Table 7-4. Conversion to 24-Hour Clock Standard Time Standard Time 12-Hour 24-Hour 12-Hour 24-Hour 12:00 midnight 0000 12:00 noon 1200 1:00 am 0100 1:00 pm 1300 2:00 am 0200 2:00 pm 1400 3:00 am 0300 3:00 pm 1500 4:00 am 0400 4:00 pm 1600 5:00 am 0500 5:00 pm 1700 6:00 am 0600 6:00 pm 1800 7:00 am 0700 7:00 pm 1900 8:00 am 0800 8:00 pm 2000 9:00 am 0900 9:00 pm 2100 10:00 am 1000 10:00 pm 2200 11:00 am 1100 11:00 pm 2300

A ctivate the System 7-14September 1995 Issue 1 NOTE: The Set Date and Time Screen is displayed showing all d ata entered in the previous ste ps followed by: command: Set System Maintenance Parameters NOTE: If you do not have a TN778 circuit pack, skip this procedure and p roceed to Save Translations on page 7-15. 1. Verify the terminal sc reen displays: command: 2. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press ENT ER. NOTE: Verify the screen displays Maintenance-Relate d System Parameters Screen (see Screen 7-4). The screen displays the default values and the cursor is positioned on Product Identification: line. Screen 7-4. Typical Display System-Parameters Maintenance Screen (Page 1) display system-parameters maintenance Page 1 of 2 MAINTENANCE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS OPERATIONS SUPPORT PARAMETERS Product Identification: __________ OSS Telephone Number: __________ Alarm Origination Activated? n Cleared Alarm Notification? n Restart Notification? n Test Remote Access Port? n CPE Alarm Activation Level: none Packet Bus Activated? n Customer Access to INADS port? n SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Start Time: 01 : 00 Daily Maintenance: dail y Save Translation: dail y Control Channel Interchange: no System Clocks Interchange: no SPE Interchange: no EXP-LINK Interchange: no

Save Translations September 1995 Issue 1 7-15 3. Move the cursor by pressing TAB to move down the screen from field to field and enter y in the Packet Bus Activated? field to indicate you have a TN778 circuit pack. This is the only field needing change on this screen to turn the red lights off. 4. Press ENTE R when the information is correct. 5. Verify the screen displays: command successfully completed command: Save Translations The save translation command copies the current system translations onto the translation card. For standard-reliability systems, one translation card plus one backup are required. For high or critical-reliability systems, two translation cards plus two backups are required. !CAUTION: Do not attemp t to save translations on the orange-labeled, 10 MB memory card. Use the white translation card! The following procedure can be used to save system translations on the original card(s) and can also can be used to make a backup card or card s: 1. Verify the screen displays: command: 2. Type save translation and press ENT ER. 3. After several minutes, the screen displays something like this:

A ctivate the System 7-16September 1995 Issue 1 Screen 7-5. Typical Save Translation Screen 4. Verify a 0 is displayed in the Error Code column for each switch processing element in the system. A 0 indicates the save translation was successfully completed for the translation card. If a 0 did not a p pear, the save translation did not comp lete. Record the ‘‘error code number’’ and the ‘‘error message’’ and notify your AT&T representative. 5. Remove the original translation card (s) from the TN777B(s) and replace it or them with backup card(s). 6. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the backup card(s). 7. Remove the backup translation card(s) from the TN777B and replace it or them with the original translation card(s). 8. Label the bac kup card(s) with the date and time of the b a ckup. A special notation should be put on the card s to clearly distinguish them from other such devices. 9. Store the b ackup in a secure place. save translation SPE A SAVE TRANSLATION Processor Command Completion Status Error Code SPE_A Success 0 SPE_B Success 0 Command successfully completed command:

Save Translations September 1995 Issue 1 7-17 Logoff Log off the system to prevent unauthorized changes of the data. To log off: 1. Type logoff and press EN TER. 2. Verify the screen displays: Login: NOTE: The login promp t indicates you have logg e d off the system and it is ready for another p erson to log on.

Issue 1 September 1995 8-1 8 Test the System The following tests provide verification of the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) cables and terminators, and fi bre-optic inter-cabinet c a bles (ICC). If a FAIL Result c o de is seen or other problems are indicated, check these cables. If problems persist, refer to the U.S. English book, DE FI NITY Co mmunications System Generic 1 and Generic 3i Maintenance , 555-104-205. The status of the system should be reviewed first, followed by testing the tone-clock, Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) b us, and duplication link in the Processor Port Network (PPN). Then test exp ansion interfaces, tone-clock(s), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) buses, and duplication in the Expansion Port Networks (EPNs). NOTE: Circuit pack positions are usually given by cabinet, carrier (within cabinet), and slot (within carrier). They may also b e given by port (within slot). The term “cabinet” refers to a stack of single carrier cabinets making up one port network. A port network is d efined as a group of c a binets connected together with one Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) bus. Check the System Status for Each Cabinet The system status may suggest p roblem areas. Specific tests later provide more specific diagnostic information. 1. Verify the terminal sc reen displays: command: 2. Type status system all-cabinets and press ENT ER.

Test the System 8-2Issue 1 September 1995 3. Verify the screen displays system status screens similar to the example shown below: Screen 8-1. Example System Status Screen for Cabinet 1 NOTE: In the first section of the report, all Tone-Clocks should report a SERVICE STATE of in. NOTE: In the second section of the report, all Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) buses should report a SERVICE STATE of in. NOTE: In the third section of the report, all expansion links should report a SERVICE STATE of in, and, under EXP-LINK, the c a binet/carrier/slot numbers for the fi ber optic cables are listed. For example, 01A01 in Screen 8-1 refers to cabinet 01, carrier A, and slot 01. NOTE: Refer to the U.S. English b ook, DE FI NITY Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3i Maintenance , 555-104-205, for a detailed interpretation of this screen. status system all-cabinets Page 1 of 3 SPE A SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1 SELECT SPE ALARMS TONE/ SERVICE SYSTEM SYSTEM SPE MODE SWITCH MAJOR MINOR CLOCK STATE CLOCK TONE 1A active auto 1 0 1A in standby standby 1B maint/init auto 1 0 1B in active active SERVICE CONTROL DEDICATED SERVICE BUS ALARMS BUS OPEN BUS TDM STATE CHANNEL TONES PKT STATE MAJOR MINOR FAULTS LEADS 1A in y n 1 1B in n y EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 1A auto-on 01A01-02A01 in standby MCC 1B auto-on 01B01-02B02 in active

Check the System Status for Each Cabinet Issue 1 September 1995 8-3 Screen 8-2. Example System Status Screen for Cabinet 2 NOTE: See the notes associated with Screen 8-1 on the previous page. status system all-cabinets Page 2 of 3 SPE A SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 2 SELECT SPE ALARMS TONE/ SERVICE SYSTEM SYSTEM SPE MODE SWITCH MAJOR MINOR CLOCK STATE CLOCK TONE 1A active auto 1 0 2A in active active 1B maint/init auto 1 0 2B in standby standby SERVICE CONTROL DEDICATED SERVICE BUS ALARMS BUS OPEN BUS TDM STATE CHANNEL TONES PKT STATE MAJOR MINOR FAULTS LEADS 2A in y n 2 2B in n y EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 2A auto-on 01A01-02A01 in standby MCC 01B01-02B02 in active

Test the System 8-4Issue 1 September 1995 Screen 8-3. Example System Status Screen for Cabinet 3 NOTE: See the notes associated with Screen 8-1 on the previous page. NOTE: In the example of Screen 8-3, c a binet 3 (the second Expansion Port Network (EPN)) is not connected to the system. Check Circuit Pack Configuration The list configuration report provides a list of circuit packs plugged into the system and recognized by the software. 1. Verify the screen displays: command: 2. Type list configuration all and press ENTER. 3. Verify the screen displays list configuration screens similar to the example shown below. Check the report on the screen with the equipment installed and make sure the software is communicating with each circuit pack (except power supply circuit packs). Wait until after the diagnostic tests later in this chapter before attempting to correct any problems. status system all-cabinets Page 3 of 3 SPE A SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 3 SELECT SPE ALARMS TONE/ SERVICE SYSTEM SYSTEM SPE MODE SWITCH MAJOR MINOR CLOCK STATE CLOCK TONE 1A active auto 1 0 3A 1B maint/init auto 1 0 3B SERVICE CONTROL DEDICATED SERVICE BUS ALARMS BUS OPEN BUS TDM STATE CHANNEL TONES PKT STATE MAJOR MINOR FAULTS LEADS 3A 3B EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 3A -

Check Circuit Pack Configuration Issue 1 September 1995 8-5 4. Note any disp lays for boards that say in the VINTAGE column: BOARD NOT PRESENT or CONFLICT. Screen 8-4. Example System Configuration Screen — Page 1 NOTE: Under Assigned Ports, a “u” indicates unassigned ports and a number indicates the port has been translated. list configuration all Page 1 SPE B SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Board Assigned Ports Number Board Type Code Vintage u=unassigned t=tti 01A01 EXPANSION INTRFC TN570B 000001 01A03 DID TRUNK TN459 000004 u u u u u u u u 01A04 DID TRUNK TN436 000004 u u u u u u u u 01A07 TIE TRUNK TN439 000004 u u u u 01A09 ANNOUNCEMENT TN750 000007 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 01B01 EXPANSION INTRFC TN570 000009 01B02 TONE DETECTOR TN748D 000002 01 02 03 05 06 07 01B03 DATA LINE TN726 000012 u u u u u u u u 01B08 BRI LINE TN556B 000003 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 01C01 ANALOG LINE TN746B 000006 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u press CANCEL to quit -- press NEXT PAGE to continue