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Antares AutoTune 7 user manual

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    Move Point too\f, you first se\fect a range of audio 
    and then se\fect the region within that se\fection 
    that you want to move and move it forward or 
    back in time, again compressing and expanding 
    the audio around it.
    Both too\fs are context sensitive. That is, they 
    change function (from se\fection to moving, 
    for examp\fe) depending on what \fies beneath 
    them on the screen. As a resu\ft, the time 
    manipu\fation process becomes smooth and 
    intuitive, never breaking your creative flow with 
    the need to switch too\fs or remember some 
    command key to temporari\fy change function. 
    The time functions a\fso have their own Undo/
    Redo contro\fs independent of the pitch 
    correction contro\fs and an Enab\fe button that 
    a\f\fows you to instant\fy switch between your 
    origina\f audio and your time shifted audio.
    Enhance\f Amplitu\fe Envelope \bisplay
    To he\fp you visua\fize the affects of your edits, 
    whenever time contro\f is enab\fed the Amp\fitude 
    Enve\fope Disp\fay wi\f\f disp\fay both the origina\f 
    audio (in the \fower portion of the disp\fay) and 
    the time-shifted audio (in the upper portion). 
    Additiona\f\fy, the disp\fay’s horizonta\f axis wi\f\f turn 
    red to indicate the ranges of audio that have 
    been time-tracked, so you wi\f\f a\fways know 
    which ranges are current\fy avai\fab\fe for time 
    Non-\festructive E\fiting
    Since Auto-Tune 7 works on a copy of your 
    audio, time editing a\fways \feaves your origina\f 
    audio intact. At any point you can simp\fy turn 
    off the Time \bontro\f Enab\fe button to instant\fy 
    return to your track’s origina\f timing.
    Note: Due to the architecture of tDM 
    s\fstems, time shiftin\b is not available 
    in the 
    M versions of Auto-
     ne 7. 
    If \fou wish to use the time shiftin\b function on a 
    M s\fstem, be sure to select the R
     S version 
    of Auto-
    ne 7.  
    Chapter 3: Auto\bTune 7 Controls
    Continuous Controls
    Auto-Tune 7’s continuous contro\fs are 
    represented graphica\f\fy as virtua\f knobs. 
    Depending on your preference, you can contro\f 
    knobs by vertica\f, horizonta\f or radia\f mouse 
    movement. Set your preference in the Options 
    dia\fog described be\fow. 
    Doub\fe-c\ficking on a knob wi\f\f return it to 
    its defau\ft va\fue. In some host app\fications, 
    \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) c\ficking on a 
    knob wi\f\f a\fso reset it to defau\ft (see the Auto-
    Tune 7 Read Me and/or your host app\fication 
    manua\f for detai\fs).
    Common Controls
    The fo\f\fowing contro\fs and disp\fays are 
    visib\fe regard\fess of which operating mode is 
    se\fected. Their settings affect both Automatic 
    and Graphica\f Modes.Input Type
    As a resu\ft of Antares 
    research into the 
    unique characteristics 
    of various types of 
    audio signa\fs, Auto-Tune 7 offers a se\fection of 
    optimized processing a\fgorithms for the most 
    common\fy pitch-corrected inputs. \bhoices 
    inc\fude Soprano Voice, A\fto/ Tenor Voice, Low 
    Ma\fe Voice, Instrument, and Bass Instrument. 
    Matching the appropriate a\fgorithm to the input 
    resu\fts in even faster and more accurate pitch 
    detection and correction.
    To se\fect the desired Input Type, c\fick on the 
    Input Type pop-up and then se\fect the desired 
    type from the pop-up \fist. This chapter is a reference for a\f\f of the contro\fs used in the Auto-Tune 7 interface. 
    How these contro\fs are used together for pitch correction and time shifting is 
    demonstrated in \bhapter 4, Auto-Tune 7 Tutoria\f. 
    If you are upgrading from Auto-Tune Evo, you can probab\fy just skip ahead to \bhapter 5, New 
    Feature Quick Start Guide 
    Note: Choosin\b the wron\b Input t\f
    pe (or just for\bettin\b to set it 
    at all) can result in compromised 
    \f attention.
    ANotHeR No te:  When an\f Input t\f
    pe other than Bass Instrument 
    is selected, Auto-
    ne 7 is reliabl\f 
    able to detect pitches down to A0 (55Hz). 
    Selectin\b Bass Instrument lowers the lowest 
    detectable frequenc\f b\f about one octave to 
    25Hz. Since the lowest 
    strin\b on a bass \buitar 
    is approximatel\f 41Hz, Bass Instrument (as its 
    name so abl\f implies) allows \fou to appl\f pitch 
    correction to those pesk\f fretless bass lines 
    as well as other low bass ran\be instruments. 
    However, when Bass Instrument is selected, 
    pitches above A4 ma\f be incorrectl\f tuned, so 
    be sure to select Bass Instrument onl\f when 
    correctin\b bass ran\be tracks.
    In order to 
    identify the 
    pitch of 
    the input, 
    Auto-Tune 7 
    requires a periodica\f\fy repeating waveform, 
    characteristic of a voice or so\fo instrument. 
    The Tracking contro\f determines how much 
    variation is a\f\fowed in the incoming waveform 
    for Auto-Tune 7 to sti\f\f consider it periodic.
    If you are working with a we\f\f-iso\fated so\fo 
    signa\f (e.g., tracking in a studio or off of a mu\fti
    rack master) you can typica\f\fy set the Tracking 
    contro\f to 50 and forget it.  
    If, on the other hand, your signa\f is noisy or not 
    we\f\f-iso\fated (as might be more common in a 
    \five performance situation) or you are dea\fing 
    with a particu\far\fy breathy or guttura\f voice, 
    it may be necessary to a\f\fow more signa\f 
    variation (higher Tracking numbers). However, 
    under these circumstances tracking is not 
    guaranteed and a too “re\faxed” setting may 
    introduce distortion and popping.
    Note: the improved pitch detection 
    technolo\b\f in Auto-tu ne 7 (in 
    combination with the Input 
    selection described above) results in noticeabl\f 
    more reliable pitch detection compared to 
    previous versions of Auto-
    ne. If \fou have 
    used older versions of Auto-
    ne, \fou ma\f find 
    that situations that previousl\f required constant 
    modifications of the 
    ackin\b control now track 
    perfectl\f at the default settin\b.
    Select Pitch 
    Auto-Tune 7 provides 
    the abi\fity to pitch 
    correct stereo tracks 
    whi\fe maintaining the tracks’ phase coherence. 
    (Refer to your host app\fication’s manua\f for 
    instructions on assigning a p\fug-in to a stereo 
    track.) \b\fick the appropriate button to se\fect 
    which of the two stereo tracks (\feft or right) 
    Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f use as a pitch reference.
    Note: If there is a marked difference 
    in the two tracks, pick the cleanest, 
    most isolated track. For example, if 
    one track is a close mic’ d vocal while the other 
    is mic’ d from farther awa\f for ambience, or is 
    heavil\f processed, select the close mic’ d track.
    ANotHeR No te: Auto-tune 7 will 
    onl\f pitch correct true stereo tracks. 
    If the second track (i.e., the track 
    not selected as a pitch reference) is simpl\f an 
    independent unrelated track, unpredictable (and 
    potentiall\f unpleasant) sounds ma\f result. 
    he other hand, somethin\b interestin\b mi\bht 
    happen. You never know.
    When Auto-Tune 7 is instantiated on a mono 
    track, this contro\f is inactive (grayed out). Key Selection
    This contro\f \fets you se\fect the 
    key of the track you p\fan to 
    To se\fect the desired key, c\fick 
    on the Key pop-up and then se\fect the desired 
    note from the pop-up \fist. This determines the 
    pitch of the first note of the sca\fe according to 
    the standard A3 = 440 Hertz.
    Scale Selection
    This contro\f is used in 
    combination with the Key 
    se\fection above to define 
    the sca\fe of the track you 
    p\fan to process. 
    To se\fect a sca\fe, c\fick on the Sca\fe pop
     p and 
    then se\fect the desired sca\fe from the pop-up 
    Note: to avoid havin\b to deal with 
    scales containin\b those anno\fin\b 
    double flats, double sharps and 
    notes like Cb, 
    , Fb and B#, Auto-
     ne 7 
    will automaticall\f choose the simpler of two 
    enharmonicall\f equivalent scales. For example, 
    if \fou select Db Major, the 
    it Scale Displa\f 
    will dul\f displa\f the Db Major scale. However, 
    if \fou then \bo to the Scale selection pop-up 
    and select Minor, the Ke\f will automaticall\f be 
    chan\bed to C# and the 
    it Scale Displa\f will, in 
    fact, displa\f the much friendlier C# Minor scale. 
    is will be reflected on both the Auto Mode 
    it displa\f and the 
     tch Graph Displa\f in 
    the Graphical Mode.
    Auto-Tune 7 comes with 29 preprogrammed 
    sca\fes. The first three equa\f-tempered sca\fes, 
    chromatic, major, and minor, are the ubiquitous 
    sca\fes typica\f\fy found in Western tona\f music. 
    The other sca\fes are historica\f, ethnic, and 
    micro-tona\f sca\fes. An in-depth discussion of 
    these sca\fes and their history is beyond the 
    scope of this manua\f. The interested reader 
    wi\f\f find more information in 
    nin\b In — 
    Micro-tonalit\f In 
    ectronic Music  by Scott R. 
    Wi\fkinson, pub\fished by Ha\f Leonard Books.
    A brief description of each sca\fe can be found 
    in \bhapter 6, The Auto-Tune 7 Sca\fes.  
    The Detune 
    a\f\fows you to 
    change the 
    pitch standard of Auto-Tune 7 from the defau\ft 
    A = 440Hz. The va\fue is set in cents (100 
    cents = 1 semitone). The range of adjustment 
    is from -100 to +100 cents. For convenience, 
    the detune amount is a\fso disp\fayed in Hertz 
    re\fative to A440.
    The Detune function can be used to tune 
    a voca\f performance to some irreparab\fy 
    out-of-tune instrument (a piano or organ, for 
    examp\fe), or to a\f\fow correction to other than 
    the conventiona\f 440Hz standard.
    It shou\fd be noted that this contro\f functions 
    different\fy in Automatic and Graphica\f modes:
    AUTOMATI\b MODE In Automatic Mode, the 
    Sca\fe Detune contro\f shifts the pitch reference 
    by the set amount. 
    GRAPHI\bAL MODE In Graphica\f Mode, the 
    Sca\fe Detune contro\f shifts the position of 
    the horizonta\f graph pitch reference \fines (or 
    \fanes, if Show Lanes is se\fected), such that any 
    correction objects created or adjusted re\fative 
    to those reference \fines wi\f\f reflect the Sca\fe 
    Detune setting.
    VeRY IMpoRtA Nt  No te: If \fou 
    create an\f pitch correction objects 
    and subsequentl\f adjust the Scale 
    Detune settin\b, this will N
    chan\be the output 
    pitches of the existin\b objects. If \fou will be 
    workin\b in Graphical Mode on a track that 
    requires scale detunin\b, set the proper detune 
    amount B
    be\binnin\b pitch correction. 
    A tIp: If \fou have a tone that \fou 
    want to use as the pitch standard, 
    select that tone and pla\f it in a loop. 
    Adjust Scale Detune until the Chan\be meter 
    reads zero. (You ma\f be required to use the 
    Scale Displa\f to remove adjacent notes so that 
    ne 7 doesn’t tune to the wron\b note.)
    The defau\ft Sca\fe Detune setting is 0 cents. 
    Doub\fe-c\ficking or \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f 
    (P\b) c\ficking the Sca\fe Detune knob wi\f\f reset it 
    to that va\fue. Transpose
    In addition to any pitch 
    correction app\fied by 
    either Automatic or 
    Graphica\f Mode, the 
    Transpose contro\f \fets 
    you shift the overa\f\f pitch of your performance 
    over a two octave range (+/- one octave), 
    se\fectab\fe in precise semitone increments. 
    In Automatic Mode, this transposition is 
    accomp\fished in rea\f time. 
    In Graphica\f Mode, this function does not 
    affect the Pitch Edit Disp\fay. It provides overa\f\f 
    transposition on top of any pitch shifting 
    accomp\fished with the graphica\f editing too\fs. 
    As noted above, a\fthough you can a\fso 
    accomp\fish overa\f\f transposition in Graphica\f 
    Mode by se\fecting a\f\f the correction objects 
    in your track and manua\f\fy moving them up 
    or down, in most cases, using the Transpose 
    function wi\f\f provide superior resu\fts.
    Note: If \fou are transposin\b 
    more than a semitone or two 
    and \four intent is to preserve 
    the performer’s vocal character, be sure to 
    en\ba\be the Formant Correction function 
    described below. 
    ansposin\b lar\be intervals 
    (especiall\f transposin\b hi\bher) without formant 
    correction will result in the “munchkinization” 
    effect familiar from tape speed chan\bin\b and 
    earl\f di\bital samplin\b. (
     course, if sin\bin\b 
    chipmunks are what \fou’re \boin\b for, leave 
    Formant Correction off.)
    The defau\ft Transpose setting is 0 semitones 
    (i.e., no transposition). Doub\fe-c\ficking or 
    \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) c\ficking the 
    Transpose knob wi\f\f reset it to that va\fue.
    Throat Length
    As mentioned above, 
    the shape of a singer’s 
    throat is a prime 
    contributor to their 
    voca\f character. Auto-
    Tune 7 \fets you modify the voca\f qua\fity of a 
    performance by actua\f\fy varying the geometry 
    of a physica\f mode\f of the human voca\f tract 
    and processing the origina\f performance 
    through that mode\f.   
    The Throat Length contro\f \fets you modify 
    the \fength of the mode\fed throat. The range 
    of the contro\f is 50 to 180. Va\fues above 100 
    represent a \fengthening of the throat whi\fe 
    va\fues be\fow 100 represent a shortening of the 
    The actua\f va\fues represent the percentage 
    change in the throat \fength. For examp\fe, a 
    va\fue of 120 represents a 20% increase in 
    throat \fength, whi\fe a va\fue of 70 represents a 
    30% decrease in throat \fength.
    Note: this control is onl\f active when 
    Formant Correction is en\ba\bed. 
    When Formant Correction is not 
    en\ba\bed, this control is disabled (\bra\fed out). 
    Since Formant Correction is not available in the 
    M versions of Auto-
     ne 7, 
     roat Len\bth 
    is also not available in the 
    M versions. If 
    \fou wish to use the 
    roat Len\bth function 
    on a 
    M s\fstem, be sure to select the R
    version of Auto-
    ne 7.
    In addition to simp\fy changing voca\f timbre, 
    increasing throat \fength is usefu\f when the 
    origina\f performance is fema\fe and you want 
    to transpose it down and have it sound more 
    ma\fe. \bonverse\fy, decreasing throat \fength 
    is usefu\f when the origina\f input is ma\fe and 
    you want to transpose it up and have it sound 
    fema\fe or chi\fd\fike.
    Note: While this control \bives \fou the 
    abilit\f to radicall\f chan\be the throat 
    len\bth, keep in mind that the variation 
    in the len\bth of human vocal tracts is rarel\f 
    more than about 20% in either direction. If \fou 
    are lookin\b for a “realistic” vocal characteristic, 
    start with modest settin\bs of this control. More 
    extreme settin\bs can produce dramatic results, 
    but probabl\f not what an\fone would call 
    \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) c\fick the contro\f 
    to reset it to its defau\ft va\fue of 100.
    IMpoRtANt  Note: this function is 
    specificall\f for chan\bin\b the existin\b 
    qualit\f of a voice, not for manual 
    formant compensation for pitch shiftin\b. 
    ne 7 automaticall\f applies appropriate 
    formant correction when it shifts pitch with 
    Formant Correction 
    ANotHeR Note: this control sets the 
    overall th
    roat Len\bth for \four entire 
    track. Additionall\f, 
    roat Len\bth can 
    be adjusted on a note-b\f-note basis in Graphical 
    Mode usin\b the 
    roat Len\bth Adjust function 
    described in the Graphical Mode section below.
    Formant Correction
    \b\fick the Formant button to 
    togg\fe Auto-Tune 7’s formant 
    correction function on and off. 
    The button wi\f\f turn b\fue when 
    formant correction is active and wi\f\f be pa\fe 
    gray when it is inactive. 
    Engaging Auto-Tune 7’s Formant \borrection 
    prevents the shifting of a voice’s resonant 
    frequencies to ensure that its voca\f 
    characteristics are preserved over the pitch 
    shift range. (For a more comp\fete exp\fanation 
    of formant correction, refer to the Pitch Shifting 
    and Formant \borrection section in \bhapter 2.)
    AN IMpoRtA Nt  Note: over the ver\f 
    small intervals usuall\f associated 
    with basic pitch correction, formant 
    shiftin\b is essentiall\f inaudible and Auto-
    ne’s classic pitch adjustment technolo\b\f 
    still provides the optimum results. Formant 
    Correction is desi\bned to be used with overall 
    transposition or on tracks where notes are 
    shifted b\f lar\be intervals.
    AN otHeR Note: Formant Correction 
    is not available in the tD M versions 
    of Auto-
    ne 7. If \fou wish to use 
    the Formant Correction function on a 
    s\fstem, be sure to select the R
    S version of 
    ne 7. Correction Mo\fe
    \b\fick the appropriate 
    button to se\fect 
    either Automatic or 
    Graphica\f Mode.
    IMpoRtANt No te: Switchin\b 
    between Automatic and Graphical 
    Modes while \four DAW’s transport 
    is runnin\b will almost certainl\f result in audio 
    artifacts or other unexpected weirdness. Don’t 
    do that.  
    \b\ficking the Options button wi\f\f 
    bring up a window containing a 
    number of settings that fa\f\f into  
    the “set and forget” category. They are:
    BUFFER SIZE This contro\fs the number of 
    seconds of memory buffer space that are 
    permanent\fy reserved for pitch tracking and 
    pitch correction data in Graphica\f Mode. 
    (There is a separate buffer for each p\fug-in 
    occurrence.) To change the buffer a\f\focation, 
    c\fick in the data fie\fd and enter the required 
    number of seconds.
    The maximum buffer \fength is 14,400 seconds  (i.e., 4 hours).
    Note: For hosts that provide valid 
    time information, Auto-tu ne 7 will displa\f all 
    tracked pitch information at its correct time 
    within the track. If \four host supports this  capabilit\f, settin\b the buffer to the len\bth of 
    the entire son\b and trackin\b the pitch in one 
    pass will allow \fou to quickl\f and easil\f move 
    to each section of audio to be corrected as 
    NUMBER OF UNDOS Auto-Tune 7 provides 
    mu\ftip\fe Undo/Redo capabi\fity in Graphica\f 
    Mode. Se\fect the maximum a\f\fowab\fe number 
    here (up to 20). \bhoosing a higher number 
    a\f\focates more memory for saving intermediate  states.
    Note: the value selected here 
    applies independentl\f to both pitch 
    correction Undo/Redos and time control Undo/
    Redos. For example, if \fou set this value to 
    15, \fou will have 15 levels of undo for pitch 
    correction actions and an additional 15 levels for 
    time control actions
    KNOB \bONTROL Lets you se\fect how you 
    want to contro\f the “knobs” in the Auto-Tune 7 
     VERTI\bAL: Position the cursor over a knob, 
    press and ho\fd the \feft mouse button (or 
    the on\fy mouse button, if you’re using a 
    one-button mouse) and move the cursor 
    up to turn the knob c\fockwise or down to 
    turn the knob counterc\fockwise. The current 
    va\fue of the knob’s parameter appears in its 
    associated numeric disp\fay.
     HORIZONTAL: Position the cursor over a 
    knob, press and ho\fd the \feft mouse button 
    and move the cursor to the right to turn the 
    knob c\fockwise or to the \feft to turn the knob 
    counterc\fockwise. The current va\fue of the 
    knob’s parameter appears in its associated 
    numeric disp\fay.
     RADIAL: \b\fick anywhere around the 
    circumference of the knob, press and ho\fd 
    the \feft mouse button and “rotate” the 
    knob in the desired direction. The current 
    va\fue of the knob’s parameter appears in its 
    associated numeric disp\fay.  
    USE \bUSTOM \bURSORS \b\fick the check box 
    to use \bustom \bursors in Graphica\f Mode. 
    Norma\f\fy, Auto-Tune 7 disp\fays different cursor 
    shapes in the Pitch Graph Disp\fay to he\fp you 
    se\fect ranges and grab and drag objects (e.g., 
    the object cursor, the anchor point cursor, etc.). 
    However, some host app\fications mistaken\fy 
    think that they own the cursor when it is in a 
    p\fug-in window. This may cause the cursor to 
    flash as the host and Auto-Tune 7 a\fternate\fy 
    try to set the cursor shape. If this annoys you, 
    unc\fick this check box. It wi\f\f stop the flashing, 
    but you wi\f\f no \fonger see Auto-Tune 7’s 
    custom cursors.
    POSITION \b\fick the check box to cause 
    a vertica\f \fine to be disp\fayed at the cursor 
    position in Graphica\f Mode. This is most usefu\f 
    when you are comparing the various pitch 
    va\fues (tracked pitch, correction object pitch, 
    and output pitch) at one or more time \focations 
    in your track. 
    A tIp: Since the line indicator can be 
    somewhat anno\fin\b durin\b normal 
    editin\b tasks, \fou can, if \fou prefer, 
    uncheck this box in the 
    tions dialo\b and 
    then assi\bn 
     me Indicator to one of 
    the number ke\fs as described below. 
    wa\f, \fou can turn it on onl\f when \fou need 
    it, without havin\b to call up the 
    tions dialo\b 
    ever\f time.
    7 a\f\fows independent Retune Speeds for each 
    correction object, we’ve provided the abi\fity 
    to set custom defau\ft Retune Speeds for each 
    of the three object types: Lines, \burves and 
    Notes. These are the initia\f Retune Speed 
    va\fues that are assigned to each new\fy created 
    object. (You may, of course, modify each 
    individua\f object’s setting as needed.) To choose your own va\fues, just pay attention 
    to what va\fues you most common\fy use for 
    the various objects and set those as defau\fts. 
    Update as necessary.
    A tIp: Your choice of default values 
    will depend \breatl\f on \four particular 
    workflow and \four t\fpical use of 
    the various correction objects. If, for example, 
    \fou usuall\f use Make Curve or Import Auto to 
    tweak pitch while preservin\b all pitch \bestures, 
    usuall\f use Lines for quick correction of 
    individual out-of-tune notes, and usuall\f use 
    jects for precise pro\brammin\b of Auto-
    ne Vocal effects, \fou mi\bht set the Curves 
    default to 0, the Lines default to 20 and the 
    Notes default to 0. 
    he Key Bindings section 
    a\f\fows you to assign your most common\fy used 
    Graphica\f Mode too\fs and contro\fs to the 10 
    number keys that appear above the \fetter keys 
    on the 
    QWERTY portion of your keyboard.
    Note: Since some hosts reserve the 
    numeric ke\fpad for host ke\fboard 
    shortcuts even when a plu\b-in 
    window is active, the Ke\f Bindin\bs appl\f onl\f 
    to the number ke\fs on the QW
     portion of 
    \four ke\fboard.
    The fo\f\fowing functions are avai\fab\fe for 
    Graphic Tools
    Hand Scro\f\f
    Move Point
    Move Region  
    E\fit Functions
    \b\fear A\f\f 
    Se\fect A\f\f
    Time Control
    Undo Time \bhange
    Redo Time \bhange
    \b\fear A\f\f Time \bhanges
    Control Toggles
    Snap To Note
    Show Lanes
    Track Pitch
    \bursor Time Indicator
    Show Output \burve
    Show MIDI
    Track Pitch + Time
    Enab\fe Time \bontro\f
    Correction Objects
    Make \burves
    Import Auto
    Make Notes
    Make Notes from MIDI
    Other Controls
    Reset Interna\f \bock
    Nudge Up
    Nudge Down
    Zoom In Horizonta\f
    Zoom Out Horizonta\f
    Zoom In Vertica\f
    Zoom Out Vertica\f
    Adjust Retune Speed Faster
    Adjust Retune Speed S\fower
    Adjust Vibrato Depth More
    Adjust Vibrato Depth Less
    Adjust Throat Length Longer
    Adjust Throat Length Shorter
    WINDOW SIZE (VST and Audio Units versions 
    on\fy) S
    ince some hosts and/or p\fug-in formats 
    do not support rea\f-time p\fug-in window 
    resizing (i.e., dragging on the corner of the 
    window), the Window Size contro\fs a\f\fow you 
    to se\fect among three preset sizes or specify a 
    custom size of your choice.
    The preset sizes (measured in pixe\fs) are:
    orma\f: 850 wide by 600 high
    ide: 1600 wide by 600 high
    arge: 1600 wide by 1100 high
    \b\ficking any of the Preset buttons wi\f\f enter 
    those dimensions in the Width and Height data 
    entry fie\fds. To enter a custom size, simp\fy c\fick 
    in the desired fie\fd and enter the va\fue of your 
    The new size wi\f\f take affect when you c\fick the 
    Save button.
    Note: Some hosts do not support 
    immediate resizin\b of an open plu\b-
    in window. If \fours in one of those, 
    after clickin\b Save, \fou will have to close the 
    ne 7 window and reopen it to have the 
    size chan\be take affect.
    ANotHeR Note: Since real-time resiz-
    in\b is supported in all current versions 
    ols L
    and HD, neither the 
    S nor 
    M versions of Auto-
     ne 7 include 
    (or need) the Window Size controls.
    SAVE AS DEFAULT When the “Save as 
    defau\ft” box is checked, any changes you make 
    to the various Options settings are saved as 
    defau\fts for a\f\f future instances of Auto-Tune 7. 
    If you want to make a temporary change to an 
    Option setting for a particu\far track, but want to 
    retain the previous defau\ft for future instances, 
    uncheck the “Save as defau\ft” box before 
    c\ficking the Save button. Your modified va\fue 
    wi\f\f take effect in the current instance of Auto-
    Tune 7, but future instances wi\f\f revert to the 
    previous\fy saved va\fue.  
    Auto-Tune 7 does not inc\fude a dedicated 
    Bypass contro\f as that function is typica\f\fy 
    provided by the host app\fication’s p\fug-in 
    Automatic Mode Controls
    Pitch Correction Functions
    Retune Speed 
    how rapid\fy 
    the pitch 
    is app\fied to 
    the incoming 
    sound. The units are mi\f\fiseconds. A va\fue 
    of zero wi\f\f cause instantaneous changes 
    from one tone to another and wi\f\f comp\fete\fy 
    suppress a vibrato (note that any re\fated 
    vo\fume changes wi\f\f remain). Va\fues from 10 
    to 50 are typica\f for voca\fs (un\fess you’re going 
    for the now-infamous Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect, 
    in which case use 0). Larger va\fues \fet through 
    more vibrato and other interpretative pitch 
    gestures but a\fso s\fow down how rapid\fy pitch 
    corrections are made. 
    A\fthough the above suggestions can be used 
    as starting points, finding the correct Retune 
    Speed setting for a particu\far performance is 
    \farge\fy a matter of tria\f-and-error and depends 
    on such attributes as song tempo, note 
    duration and voca\f sty\fe, among others. As 
    a\fways, \fet your ears be your guide.
    The defau\ft Retune Speed va\fue is 20. Doub\fe-
    c\ficking or \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) 
    c\ficking the Retune Speed knob wi\f\f reset it to 
    that va\fue. Humanize
    One situation that 
    can be prob\fematic 
    in Automatic Mode 
    is a performance 
    that inc\fudes 
    both very short 
    notes and \fonger 
    sustained notes. 
    The prob\fem is that in order to get the short 
    notes in tune, you’d have to set a fast Retune 
    Speed, which wou\fd then make any sustained 
    notes sound unnatura\f\fy static. Lucki\fy, the 
    Humanize function easi\fy so\fves this prob\fem.
    The Humanize function differentiates between 
    short and sustained notes and \fets you app\fy 
    a s\fower Retune Speed just to the sustained 
    notes. Thus, the short notes are in tune and the 
    sustained notes sti\f\f a\f\fow the natura\f variations 
    of the origina\f performance.
    Here’s how it works:
    Start by setting Humanize to 0 and adjusting 
    the Retune Speed unti\f the shortest prob\fem 
    notes in the performance are in tune. At 
    this point, any sustained notes may sound 
    unnatura\f\fy static. If so, start advancing the 
    Humanize contro\f. The higher the Humanize 
    setting, the more the Retune Speed is s\fowed 
    for sustained notes. The goa\f is to find the 
    point where the sustained notes are a\fso in 
    tune and just enough of the natura\f variation 
    in the performance is present in the sustained 
    notes to sound natura\f and rea\fistic. (If you set 
    Humanize too high, any prob\fem sustained 
    notes may not be fu\f\fy corrected.)
    This is another of those settings where you 
    have to \fet your ears be your guide. The 
    optimum Humanize setting for any particu\far 
    performance wi\f\f depend on the performance 
    sty\fe, the other Automatic Mode settings and 
    the specific effect you desire.
    The defau\ft Humanize setting is 0. Doub\fe-
    c\ficking or \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) 
    c\ficking the Humanize knob wi\f\f reset it to that 
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