Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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Owner’s Manual Auto-Tune ® 7 World Standard Profe\f\fional Pitch and Ti\be Correction
©2011 Antares Audio Techno\fogies. A\f\f rights reserved. \bertified Ising\fass-free.™ Auto-Tune®, Antares®, AVOX® and Harmony Engine® are registered trademarks of Antares Audio Techno\fogies. A\f\f trademarks are property of their respective owners. P rinted in USA Rev 2.0 PN 23037-0311-M02
The Obligator\f Legal Mumbo-\bumbo The Antares® Auto-Tune® 7 software and this User’s Manua\f are protected by copyright \faw. Making copies, adaptations, or derivative works without the prior written authorization of Antares Audio Techno\fogies, is prohibited by \faw and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. Antares Audio Techno\fogies retains a\f\f ownership rights to the Auto-Tune 7 software and its documentation. Use of Auto-Tune 7 is \fimited by the fo\f\fowing \ficense agreement. P\fease carefu\f\fy read a\f\f the terms and conditions of this \ficense agreement. At the time of insta\f\fation of the Auto-Tune 7 software you wi\f\f be presented with a copy of the agreement and asked whether or not you agree to it. \bontinuing with the insta\f\fation process beyond that point constitutes such agreement. Auto-Tune 7 License Agreement Antares Audio Techno\fogies grants you a non- transferab\fe, non-exc\fusive \ficense to use Auto- Tune 7 under the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. Use of Auto-Tune 7 indicates your agreement to the fo\f\fowing terms and conditions. License You may: 1 . U se Auto-Tune 7 on on\fy one computer at a time. You may not: 1 . M ake copies of Auto-Tune 7 or of the user manua\f in who\fe or in part except as express\fy provided for in this agreement. Your right to copy Auto-Tune 7 and the user manua\f is \fimited by copyright \faw. Making copies, verba\f or media trans\fations, adaptations, derivative works, or te\fecommunication data transmission of Auto-Tune 7 without prior written authorization of Antares, is prohibited by \faw and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. 2 . M ake a\fteration or modifications to Auto- Tune 7 (or any copy) or disassemb\fe or de-compi\fe Auto-Tune 7 (or any copy), or attempt to discover the source code of Auto-Tune 7. 3 . S ub-\ficense, \fease, \fend, rent, or grant other rights in a\f\f or any portion of Auto-Tune 7 (or any copy) to others.
Term of the Agreement This agreement is effective unti\f terminated by you or Antares. You may terminate the agreement at any time by notifying Antares and destroying a\f\f copies of the manua\f, and erasing Auto-Tune 7 from a\f\f machine-readab\fe media, whether on-\fine or on archiva\f copies. In the event of breach of any of the terms of this agreement, you sha\f\f pay the attorney’s fees of Antares that are reasonab\fy necessary to enforce the agreement p\fus resu\fting damages. Limite\f Warranty An\f \bisclaimer AUTO-TUNE 7 AND A\b\bOMPANYING MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN\bLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER\bHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTI\bULAR PURPOSE. Antares Audio Techno\fogies does not warrant that the functions contained in the program wi\f\f meet your requirements. The entire risk as to the use, qua\fity, and performance of Auto-Tune 7 is with you. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPE\bIFI\b LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHI\bH VARY FROM JURISDI\bTION TO JURISDI\bTION. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL ANTARES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, IN\bLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS OR OTHER SPE\bIAL, IN\bIDENTAL, \bONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRE\bT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF AUTO- TUNE 7 OR A\b\bOMPANYING MATERIALS. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF ANTARES OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SU\bH DAMAGE. YOU A\bKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LI\bENSE FEE REFLE\bTS THIS ALLO\bATION OF RISK. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OR EX\bLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR IN\bIDENTAL OR \bONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Whew! Now that that’s over, \fet’s get on to the good stuff.
Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started What’s \few in Auto\bTune 7 3 I nstalling and Authorizing 6 T echnical Support 6 Chapter 2 I ntroducing Auto\bTune 7 Some background 7 S o what exactly is Auto\bTune 7? 7 A little bit about pitch 7 Ho w Auto\bTune 7 detects pitch 9 Ho w Auto\bTune 7 corrects pitch 9 A utomatic Mode 1 0 Graphical Mode 1 2 Pitch Shifting and Formant Correction 1 3 Time Shifting and Correction 1 4 Chapter 3 Auto\bTune 7 Controls Common Controls 1 7 The Options Window 2 1 Automatic Mode Controls 2 4 Graphical Mode Pitch Controls 3 5 Pen Tablet Input 5 2 Graphical Mode Time Controls 5 3 Chapter 4 Auto\bTune 7 Tutorial Tutorial 1: Automatic Mode Basics 6 3 Tutorial 2: Targeting Ignores Vibrato Function 6 4 Tutorial 3: \fatural Vibrato Function 6 5 Tutorial 4: MIDI Functions 6 5 Tutorial 5: Transpose and Formant Control 6 6 Tutorial 6: Graphical Mode Basics 6 7 Tutorial 7: Precision 6 8
vi Tutorial 8: Make Curve Function 69 Tutorial 9: Import Auto Function 7 0 Tutorial 10: Make \fotes Function 7 2 Tutorial 11: Time: Error Correction 7 4 Tutorial 12: Time: Creative Editing 7 5 Chapter 5 The Auto\bTune Vocal Effect 7 7 Chapter 6 T he Auto\bTune 7 Scales 7 9 I ndex 8 1
1 Welcome! On beha\ff of everyone at Antares® Audio Techno\fogies, we’d \fike to offer both our thanks and congratu\fations on your decision to purchase Auto-Tune® 7, the \fatest (and indisputab\fy greatest) generation of the wor\fdwide standard in professiona\f pitch correction. Before you proceed any farther, we’d \fike to strong\fy encourage you to register and authorize your copy of Auto-Tune 7. (You can skip ahead to the Authorization and Insta\f\fation instructions on page 6. We’\f\f wait.) A\fso, if you’re p\fanning on discarding that \fove\fy Auto-Tune 7 box, it’s probab\fy a good idea to write down the seria\f number that appears on the bottom of the box for future reference. (The inside cover of this manua\f wou\fd be a good p\face.) At Antares, we are committed to exce\f\fence in qua\fity, customer service, and techno\fogica\f innovation. With your purchase of Auto-Tune 7, you have created a re\fationship with Antares which we hope wi\f\f be \fong and gratifying. Let us know what you think. You can count on us to \fisten. Again, thanks. The Who\fe Antares \brew It’\f about ti\be.
3 Chapter 1: Getting Started Auto-Tune 7, with its new-from-the-ground-up time manipu\fation capabi\fities, represents the most substantia\f advancement in functiona\fity since Auto-Tune’s origina\f introduction in 1997. If you are new to Auto-Tune, we encourage you to read this manua\f and work through the tutoria\fs in \bhapter 4. It’s the quickest way to become fami\fiar with what Auto-Tune 7 does and how it does it. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Auto-Tune, you wi\f\f find that most of what you’re a\fready doing wi\f\f continue to work in Auto-Tune 7, on\fy better. However, with the new time manipu\fation functions, there’s more new stuff in Auto-Tune 7 than in any previous Auto-Tune update. To get up to speed quick\fy, just check out the new feature overview be\fow and then refer to re\fated sections of in \bhapter 3. O\fE BIG IMPORTA\fT \fOTE For those upgrading from o\fder versions of Auto-Tune, is it critica\f to note the fo\f\fowing: Auto-Tune 7 will NOT open sessions cre\fted with Auto-Tune E\bo. (The addition of the time manipu\fation capabi\fities wou\fd require you to comp\fete\fy re-track your audio, effective\fy negating any previous\fy made edits in the session.) For that reason, we have configured Auto-Tune 7 such that it and Auto-Tune Evo can be active in your DAW simu\ftaneous\fy. A dditiona\f\fy, your Auto-Tune 7 \ficense inc\fudes a bund\fed authorization for Auto-Tune Evo, so you can continue to use it to open saved sessions. Auto-Tune 7 (like Auto-Tune E\bo before it) will \flso NOT open sessions cre\fted with Auto-Tune 5 or e\frlier \bersions. The improvements made to the core techno\fogy are so extensive that it just won’t work. For that reason, we have a\fso configured Auto- Tune 7 such that it and Auto-Tune 5 and a\f\f ear\fier versions of Auto-Tune can be active in your DAW simu\ftaneous\fy. H owever, it’s important to note that Auto- Tune 5 (and ear\fier versions) have \fong been discontinued and we wi\f\f not be re\feasing future updates to any of them. \bonsequent\fy, it’s inevitab\fe that between computer OS advancements and host updates, those ear\fier versions wi\f\f eventua\f\fy stop working. If you have current saved sessions with instances of Auto-Tune 5 or ear\fier that you may need to access into the indefinite future, we offer the fo\f\fowing suggestions: • If you are satisfied with the current Auto- Tune settings, use whatever method your host offers (bouncing, offline editing, etc.) to permanent\fy render the corrected tracks. • If you be\fieve you wi\f\f need to keep editing into the future, remove the instances of the ear\fier versions of Auto-Tune and rep\face them with instances of Auto-Tune 7.
4 What’s new in Auto-Tune 7 The fo\f\fowing are the key new features that have been added in Auto-Tune 7: The secon\f generation of Evo ™ Voice Processing Technology In 2008, Auto-Tune Evo introduced Antares’ serious\fy evo\fved Evo Voice Processing Techno\fogy, setting a new standard in pitch detection, pitch shifting, and formant processing performance. In the intervening years, Evo Voice Processing Techno\fogy has been integrated into Antares’ fu\f\f \fine of voca\f processing too\fs. Now, with Auto-Tune 7, we are introducing the second generation of Evo Voice Processing Techno\fogy, offering even more natura\f (if you want it to be) pitch shifting and throat mode\fing over a wider transposition range. An extremely high quality an\f easy-to-use time correction an\f manipulation system By far the most dramatic addition to Auto- Tune 7 is its entire\fy new time correction and manipu\fation system. Auto-Tune 7’s time contro\f capabi\fities combine an extreme\fy high-qua\fity time shifting a\fgorithm with an exceeding\fy intuitive user interface designed to make it quick and easy to correct timing errors or exercise your creative imagination. Auto-Tune 7’s time manipu\fation functions inc\fude the abi\fity to move a point in time within a se\fected range as we\f\f as move a range in time within a \farger range. The time functions have their own Undo/Redo contro\fs independent of the pitch correction contro\fs and an Enab\fe button that a\f\fows you to instant\fy switch between your origina\f audio and your time shifted audio. Enhance\f Amplitu\fe Envelope \bisplay Whenever time contro\f is enab\fed, the Amp\fitude Enve\fope Disp\fay wi\f\f disp\fay both the origina\f audio (in the \fower portion of the disp\fay) and the time-shifted audio (in the upper portion). \bata File Management System Since Auto-Tune 7’s time contro\f functions require Auto-Tune to operate on a copy of the audio you wish to manipu\fate, we’ve provided a convenient data management dia\fog that a\f\fows you to estab\fish or move the \focation of the data fi\fes, rename their fo\fder, as we\f\f as de\fete them if they are no \fonger necessary (after bouncing the fina\f time-modified audio, for examp\fe). The Fi\fe Management System wi\f\f a\fso a\fert you if the data fi\fes are not where Auto-Tune 7 expects them to be and wi\f\f provide information to he\fp you find them. The ability to a\fjust Throat Length on an in\fivi\fual correction object basis To give you maximum contro\f over the timbre of your voca\f tracks, Throat Length Adjustment is now an independent property of each individua\f correction object (\burve, Line or Note). Whi\fe the overa\f\f Throat Length is sti\f\f set by the master Throat Length knob, each correction object can have its own independent adjustment (either \fonger or shorter) as desired. Since each object can have its own Throat Length adjustment setting, you wi\f\f no \fonger need to automate Throat Length to get the optimum timbre for each note of a performance. The ability to recor\f MI\bI note information in Graphical Mo\fe an\f create Note Objects from it When tracking pitch in Graphica\f Mode, Auto- Tune 7 wi\f\f record any MIDI note information routed to it (either from another MIDI track or \five from a MIDI contro\f\fer) and (optiona\f\fy) disp\fay the data on the Pitch Graph Disp\fay. You can then use the new Make Notes From MIDI function to convert the MIDI information into Note \borrection Objects. Enhance\f Graphical Mo\fe A\fjust Vibrato function In previous versions of Auto-Tune, the Graphica\f Mode Adjust Vibrato function wou\fd create its own correction curve, rep\facing any other correction object that had previous\fy been created in the se\fected range. In Auto-Tune 7, the Adjust Vibrato function is additive, acting on any a\fready existing correction object, thereby freeing you to work on pitch correction and vibrato adjustment in any order desired.