Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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5 How to use this manual If this is your first experience of Auto-Tune, you wi\f\f find that Auto-Tune 7 has a very friend\fy user-interface and is extraordinari\fy easy to use. However, because Auto-Tune 7 does things that have never been done before, some aspects of the user-interface may not be immediate\fy obvious. You shou\fd at \feast read either \bhapter 3, Auto-Tune 7 \bontro\fs, or \bhapter 4, Auto-Tune 7 Tutoria\f, to \fearn the essentia\f information you wi\f\f need to operate Auto-Tune 7. The contents of this manual Chapter 1: Getting Starte\f The chapter you are reading. Chapter 2: Intro\fucing Auto-Tune 7 This chapter presents some basic facts about pitch and how Auto-Tune 7 functions to correct pitch errors, as we\f\f as an introduction to Auto- Tune 7’s new time contro\f features. The basic functiona\fity of Auto-Tune 7 is discussed, and information you need in order to use it effective\fy is provided. Chapter 3: Auto-Tune 7 Controls This chapter is reference information for a\f\f of the contro\fs used in the Auto-Tune 7 interface. Chapter 4: Auto-Tune 7 Tutorial This chapter introduces you to detai\fs of how Auto-Tune 7 works by guiding you through severa\f tutoria\fs. The tutoria\fs wi\f\f give you insight into how and when to use each of Auto- Tune 7’s key functions. Chapter 5: The Auto-Tune Vocal Effect What it is. How to do it. Chapter 6: The Auto-Tune 7 Scales Brief descriptions of the various sca\fes avai\fab\fe in Auto-Tune 7. Smooth continuous scrolling of graphical au\fio \fata If you have se\fected Auto Scro\f\f in Graphica\f Mode, the graphica\f data wi\f\f scro\f\f smooth\fy across the screen during p\fayback, maintaining the current\fy p\faying audio at the vertica\f center of the window. Amplitu\fe envelope in the graphical e\fiting win\fow A disp\fay of the tracked audio’s amp\fitude enve\fope now appears as a background e\fement in the graphica\f editing window. Whi\fe its primary function is to he\fp make precise se\fections for time shifting, since it is a\fways visib\fe in the center of the window, it provides a he\fpfu\f indication of the presence of tracked audio, even if that audio is current\fy beyond the upper or \fower boundaries of the window. Expan\fe\f Key Bin\fing shortcuts to incorporate the new time manipulation controls What the tit\fe says. You can program custom keyboard access to a\f\f of the new time manipu\fation too\fs and contro\fs. The option to \fisplay the graphical timeline as bars an\f beats Primari\fy designed as reference for time manipu\fation, you can now disp\fay the graphica\f time\fine in either abso\fute time or as bars and beats re\fative to your project’s tempo. Note: Bars and beats will onl\f be displa\fed for the ran\be(s) of tracked audio. Increase\f vertical zoom range in Graphical Mo\fe For ease of extreme\fy precise pitch editing, you can now zoom a\f\f the way in to the one-cent- per-pixe\f \feve\f. A \fisplay of the cursor’s position in time Yup. A disp\fay of the cursor’s position in time. The disp\fay wi\f\f read out in seconds or bars and beats, depending on the current Time Disp\fay setting.
6 Installing Auto-Tune 7 Any unique instructions for insta\f\fing Auto-Tune 7 for your specific host or p\fug-in format are \focated in the Auto-Tune 7 Read Me fi\fe that accompanies the p\fug-in. This fi\fe may a\fso contain any \fast-minute Auto-Tune 7 information that didn’t make it into this manua\f. Auto-Tune 7 is designed to work with a wide variety of digita\f audio app\fications. P\fease refer to your host app\fication’s user manua\f for more information on insta\f\fing and using p\fug-ins. Authorizing Auto-Tune 7 Authorization is the process by which Auto- Tune 7 is a\f\fowed to permanent\fy run on your computer. Detai\fed instructions covering the avai\fab\fe authorization options wi\f\f be found in the fi\fe “Authorization Read Me” which is inc\fuded on the insta\f\fation DVD ROM or with your software down\foad. Note: You will need to authorize Auto-tu ne 7 before \fou can run it in \four host. If \fou plan to follow alon\b with the manual (a \bood idea), \bo do it now. Technical Support In the un\fike\fy event that you experience a prob\fem using Auto-Tune 7, try the fo\f\fowing: 1 . M ake sure you have the \fatest version of the p\fug-in. You can down\foad and insta\f\f the \fatest version of Auto-Tune 7 from the fo\f\fowing web page: h ttp://\foad/ update.shtm\f 2 . I f you are having prob\fems authorizing your software, be sure that you have the \fatest version of the PA\bE Inter\fok drivers. You can down\foad and insta\f\f the \fatest version for your operating system from www. I MPORTANT! Windows users: After down\foading and insta\f\fing the PA\bE drivers, you must reboot your computer before running your software. If your prob\fem is not reso\fved after taking the above actions, try the fo\f\fowing: 1 . Make another quick scan through this manua\f. Who knows? You may have stumb\fed onto some feature that you didn’t notice the first time through. 2 . \b onsu\ft our searchab\fe know\fedgebase at: h ttp:// index.shtm\f 3 . \b heck our web page for tips, techniques, or any \fate-breaking information: h ttp:// 4 . J oin the Antares On\fine \bommunity. The Antares On\fine \bommunity is a p\face where Antares product users can gather to exchange information, compare notes, and get to know other Antares users from around the wor\fd. \bheck it out at: h ttp:// 5 . F or the quickest access to new deve\fopments, fo\f\fow us on Twitter and “Like” our Facebook pages: h ttp:// h ttp:// Audio-Techno\fogies/68524457680 h ttp:// Tune/81891651280
7 Chapter 2: Introducing Auto\bTune 7 Some background In 1997, Antares Audio Techno\fogies first introduced the ground-breaking Auto-Tune Pitch \borrecting P\fug-In. Auto-Tune was a too\f that actua\f\fy corrected the pitch of voca\fs and other so\fo instruments, in rea\f time, without distortion or artifacts, whi\fe preserving a\f\f of the expressive nuance of the origina\f performance. Recordin\b Ma\bazine ca\f\fed Auto-Tune the “ho\fy grai\f of recording.” And went on to say, “Bottom \fine, Auto-Tune is amazing… Everyone with a Mac shou\fd have this program.” (In fact, we know of quite a few peop\fe back then who bought ki\fo-buck Pro Too\fs ™ systems just to be ab\fe to run Auto-Tune.) In the intervening years, Auto-Tune has estab\fished itse\ff as the wor\fdwide standard in professiona\f pitch correction. Today, it’s used dai\fy by tens of thousands of audio professiona\fs around the wor\fd to save studio and editing time, ease the frustration of end\fess retakes, save that otherwise once-in-a-\fifetime performance, or to create what has become the signature voca\f effect of our time for many, many artists. Auto-Tune is, in fact, the wor\fd’s \fargest-se\f\fing audio p\fug-in. Now, we\f\f over a decade after its introduction, recognizing the enormous increase in the power of the computers we a\f\f use for audio recording, we’ve evo\fved Auto-Tune to the next \feve\f of performance. With Auto-Tune 7, you now have contro\f, not on\fy of pitch, but of rhythm and articu\fation. Auto-Tune 7’s time manipu\fation capabi\fities combine an extreme\fy high-qua\fity time-shifting a\fgorithm with an exceeding\fy intuitive user interface designed to make it quick and easy to correct timing errors or exercise your creative imagination. Auto-Tune 7 gives you the abi\fity to po\fish every facet of your voca\f tracks in one, integrated, easy-to-use environment. So what exactl\f is Auto-Tune 7? Auto-Tune 7 is a precision too\f for correcting intonation and timing errors or creative\fy modifying the intonation or rhythmic articu\fation of a performance. For pitch correction, Auto-Tune 7 emp\foys state-of-the-art digita\f signa\f processing a\fgorithms (many, interesting\fy enough, drawn from the geophysica\f industry) to continuous\fy detect the pitch of a periodic input signa\f (typica\f\fy a so\fo voice or instrument) and instant\fy and seam\fess\fy change it to a desired pitch (defined by any of a number of user- programmab\fe sca\fes, MIDI input, or through the use of graphica\f editing too\fs). To take maximum advantage of the power of Auto-Tune 7’s pitch correction functions, you shou\fd have a basic understanding of pitch and how Auto-Tune 7 functions to correct pitch errors. This chapter presents basic termino\fogy and introduces Auto-Tune 7’s operating paradigm, giving you the background you need to use it effective\fy. Later in the chapter, we’\f\f provide an overview of Auto-Tune 7’s new time manipu\fation features. A little bit about pitch Pitch is traditiona\f\fy associated with our perception of the “highness” or “\fowness” of a particu\far sound. Our perception of pitch ranges from the very genera\f (the high pitch of hissing steam, the \fow pitch of the rumb\fe of Godzi\f\fa’s enormous footsteps as he stomps his way through Tokyo) to the very specific (the exact pitch of a so\fo singer or vio\finist). There is, of course, a wide range of variation in the
8 midd\fe. A symphony orchestra p\faying a sca\fe in unison, for examp\fe, resu\fts in an extreme\fy comp\fex waveform, yet you are sti\f\f ab\fe to easi\fy sense the pitch. The voca\fists and the so\fo instruments that Auto-Tune 7 is designed to process have a very c\fear\fy defined qua\fity of pitch. The sound generating mechanism of these sources is a vibrating e\fement (voca\f chords, a string, an air co\fumn, etc.). The sound that is thus generated can be graphica\f\fy represented as a waveform (a graph of the sound’s pressure over time) that is periodic. This means that each cyc\fe of waveform repeats itse\ff fair\fy exact\fy, as in the periodic waveform shown in the diagram be\fow: Because of its periodic nature, this sound’s pitch can be easi\fy identified and processed by Auto-Tune 7. Other sounds are more comp\fex. This waveform: is of a vio\fin section p\faying a sing\fe note in unison. Our ears sti\f\f sense a specific pitch, but the waveform does not repeat itse\ff. This waveform is a summation of a number of individua\f\fy periodic vio\fins. The summation is non-periodic because the individua\f vio\fins are s\fight\fy out of tune with respect to one another. Because of this \fack of periodicity, Auto-Tune 7 wou\fd not be ab\fe to process this sound. Some pitch terminolog\f The pitch of a periodic waveform is defined as the number of times the periodic e\fement repeats in one second. This is measured in Hertz (abbreviated Hz.). For examp\fe, the pitch of A4 (the A above midd\fe \b on a piano) is traditiona\f\fy 440Hz (a\fthough that standard varies by a few Hz. in various parts of the wor\fd). Pitches are often described re\fative to one another as interva\fs, or ratios of frequency. For examp\fe, two pitches are said to be one octave apart if their frequencies differ by a factor of two. Pitch ratios are measured in units ca\f\fed cents. There are 1200 cents per octave. For examp\fe, two tones that are 2400 cents apart are two octaves apart. The traditiona\f twe\fve- tone Equa\f Tempered Sca\fe that is used (or rather approximated) in 99.9% of a\f\f Western tona\f music consists of tones that are, by definition, 100 cents apart. This interva\f of 100 cents is ca\f\fed a semitone. The twe\fve equa\f\fy-spaced tones of the Equa\f Tempered Sca\fe happen to contain a number of interva\fs that approximate integer ratios in pitch. The fo\f\fowing tab\fe shows these approximations: INTERVAL \bENTS N EARBY R ATIO IN R ATIO \b ENTS minor second 100 1 6/15 1 11.75 major second 2 00 9 /8 2 03.91 minor third 3 00 6/ 5 3 15.64 major third 4 00 5 /4 3 86.31 perfect fourth 50 0 4 /3 4 98.04 tritone 6 00 perfect fifth 7 00 3 /2 7 01.65 minor sixth 8 00 8 /5 8 13.69 major sixth 9 00 5 /3 8 84.36 minor seventh 1 000 1 6/9 9 96.09 major seventh 1 100 1 5/8 1 088.27 octave 1 200 2 1 200.00 As you can see, the interva\fs in the Equa\f Tempered Sca\fe are NOT equa\f to the harmonious integer ratios. Rather, the Equa\f Tempered Sca\fe is a compromise. It became wide\fy used because once a harpsichord or piano is tuned to that sca\fe, any composition in any key cou\fd be p\fayed and no one chord wou\fd sound better or worse than that same chord in another key.
9 How Auto-Tune 7 detects pitch In order for Auto-Tune 7 to automatica\f\fy correct pitch, it must first detect the pitch of the input sound. \ba\fcu\fating the pitch of a periodic waveform is a straightforward process. Simp\fy measure the time between repetitions of the waveform. Divide this time into one, and you have the frequency in Hertz. Auto-Tune 7 does exact\fy this: It \fooks for a periodica\f\fy repeating waveform and ca\fcu\fates the time interva\f between repetitions. The pitch detection a\fgorithm in Auto-Tune 7 is virtua\f\fy instantaneous. It can recognize the repetition in a periodic sound within a few cyc\fes. This usua\f\fy occurs before the sound has sufficient amp\fitude to be heard. Used in combination with a s\fight processing de\fay, the output pitch can be detected and corrected without artifacts in a seam\fess and continuous fashion. (A\fthough it must be kept in mind that some p\fug-in protoco\fs introduce a certain amount of inherent and unpredictab\fe de\fay.) Auto-Tune 7 was designed to detect and correct pitches up to the pitch \b6. (If the input pitch is higher than \b6, Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f occasiona\f\fy interpret the pitch an octave \fower. This is because it interprets a two cyc\fe repetition as a one cyc\fe repetition.) On the \fow end, Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f detect pitches as \fow as 25Hz (when the Bass Input Type is se\fected). This range of pitches a\f\fows intonation correction to be performed on virtua\f\fy a\f\f voca\fs and instruments. Of course, Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f not detect pitch when the input waveform is not periodic. As demonstrated above, Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f fai\f to tune up even a unison vio\fin section. But this can a\fso occasiona\f\fy be a prob\fem with so\fo voice and so\fo instruments as we\f\f. \bonsider, for examp\fe, an exceptiona\f\fy breathy voice, or a voice recorded in an unavoidab\fy noisy environment. The added signa\f is non-periodic, and Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f have difficu\fty determining the pitch of the composite (voice + noise) sound. Lucki\fy, there is a contro\f (the Tracking contro\f, discussed in \bhapter 3) that wi\f\f \fet Auto-Tune 7 be a bit more casua\f about what it considers “periodic.” Experimenting with this setting wi\f\f often a\f\fow Auto-Tune 7 to track even noisy signa\fs.A Note: the above description has been in prett\f much ever\f Auto-tu ne manual since the be\binnin\b. While it is still definitel\f true in the \beneral case, it must be noted that Auto- tu ne ev o did a much better job than an\f prior version of Auto- tu ne with borderline troublesome material and Auto- tu ne 7 does even better \fet. How Auto-Tune 7 corrects pitch Auto-Tune 7 provides two separate and distinct ways to approach pitch correction: Automatic Mode and Graphica\f Mode. The basic functiona\fity of each is described be\fow.
10 Automatic Mode Auto-Tune 7’s Automatic Mode works by continuous\fy tracking the pitch of an input sound and comparing it to a user-defined sca\fe. The sca\fe tone c\fosest to the input is continuous\fy identified. If the input pitch exact\fy matches the sca\fe tone, no correction is app\fied. If the input pitch varies from the desired sca\fe tone, an output pitch is generated which is c\foser to the sca\fe tone than the input pitch. (The exact amount of correction is contro\f\fed by the Retune Speed and Humanize settings, described be\fow and in \bhapter 3.) Scales The heart of Automatic Mode pitch correction is the Sca\fe. Auto-Tune 7 \fets you choose from major, minor, chromatic or 26 historica\f, ethnic and micro-tona\f sca\fes. Individua\f sca\fe notes can be bypassed, resu\fting in no pitch correction when the input is near those notes. Individua\f sca\fe notes can a\fso be removed, a\f\fowing a wider range of pitch correction for neighboring pitches. The sca\fe can be detuned, a\f\fowing pitch correction to any pitch center. For added flexibi\fity, you can a\fso se\fect the target pitches in rea\f time via MIDI from a MIDI keyboard or a pre-recorded sequencer track.
11 Retune Spee\f Auto-Tune 7 a\fso gives you contro\f over how rapid\fy, in time, the pitch adjustment is made toward the sca\fe tone. This is set with the Retune Speed contro\f (see \bhapter 3 for more detai\fs). Fast Speed settings are appropriate for short duration notes and for mechanica\f instruments, \fike oboe or c\farinet, whose pitch typica\f\fy changes a\fmost instant\fy. A fast enough setting wi\f\f a\fso minimize or comp\fete\fy remove a vibrato, as we\f\f as produce the iconic Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect. S\fow Speed settings, on the other hand, are appropriate for \fonger notes where you want expressive pitch gestures (\fike vibrato) to come through at the output and for voca\f and instrumenta\f sty\fes that are typified by gradua\f s\fides (portamento) between pitches. An appropriate\fy se\fected s\fow setting can \feave expressive gestures intact whi\fe moving the average pitch to the correct tona\f center. Vibrato Auto-Tune 7 a\f\fows rea\f-time adjustment of the depth of any natura\f vibrato present in the input. Auto-Tune 7 can a\fso add a vibrato to an input that does not natura\f\fy exhibit one. You can program the vibrato rate a\fong with individua\f vibrato depths for pitch, amp\fitude (\foudness) and formant (resonant frequencies). You can a\fso specify de\fayed vibrato with independent\fy programmab\fe onset de\fay and onset rate. By combining a fast Retune Speed setting with Auto-Tune 7’s Vibrato settings, you can even remove a performer’s own vibrato and rep\face it with Auto-Tune 7’s programmed vibrato, a\f\f in rea\f time. A\fso, unusua\f combinations of Vibrato Waveform, Rate and Depth settings can be used for some interesting specia\f effectsAn Example of Automatic Mo\fe Correction As an examp\fe, consider this before-and -af ter graphic representation of the pitch of a voca\f phrase that contains both vibrato and expressive gestures. In the origina\f performance, we can see that a\fthough the fina\f note shou\fd be centered around D, the voca\fist a\f\fowed the tai\f of the note to fa\f\f near\fy three semitones flat. The “after” p\fot is the resu\ft of passing this phrase through Auto-Tune 7’s Automatic Mode programmed to a D Major Sca\fe (with \b# and B set to ”Remove”) and a Retune Speed setting of 25. That Retune Speed causes the pitch center to be moved to D, whi\fe sti\f\f retaining the vibrato and expressive gestures. (Setting \b# and B to ”Remove” is necessary to keep Auto-Tune 7 from trying to correct the serious\fy flat tai\f of the \fast note to those pitches. See \bhapter 3 for more detai\fs.) 10.0 10.5 11.0 D3 B2 ORIGINAL PERFORMAN\fE \fORRE\fTED BY A\bTO-T\bNE 7 \f # 3
12 Graphical Mode The Graphica\f Mode is simi\far to the Automatic Mode in that it a\fso continuous\fy tracks the pitch of the incoming sound and modifies the output pitch to be c\foser to a desired pitch. But in the Graphica\f Mode, the desired pitch is not a predefined sca\fe tone, but rather is a graphica\f representation of your desired pitch (ca\f\fed a “correction object”). As in Automatic Mode, the rate of change towards the desired pitch is contro\f\fed by the Retune Speed contro\f, but in Graphica\f Mode you can assign a different Retune Speed to each individua\f correction object, ensuring that any pitch change is as natura\f (or as wacky) as you desire.The key feature of Graphica\f Mode is the Pitch Graph disp\fay. On this disp\fay, the vertica\f axis represents pitch (with higher notes towards the top) whi\fe the horizonta\f axis represents time. Depending on your host, you can resize the Graphica\f Mode window up to the \fimit of your monitor size. On the Pitch Graph, the red curve represents the origina\f pitch contour of the input track, whi\fe the desired target pitch or pitch contour (as defined by one of the three possib\fe \borrection Objects described be\fow) is indicated in b\fue. The green curve disp\fays the exact output pitch based on the current setting of the Retune Speed for each correction object.
13 The horizonta\f grid \fines (or Lanes, when Show Lanes in se\fected) represent sca\fe pitches. The key annotation, sca\fe name, and sca\fe detune va\fue are those defined by the common area contro\fs at the top of the interface. They do not affect the computations of the Graphica\f Mode in any way. They are mere\fy a reference to guide you in setting the target pitches. Graphica\f Mode a\fso inc\fudes the Enve\fope Graph, which disp\fays the amp\fitude (\foudness) enve\fope of the sound whose pitch is shown in the Pitch Graph. The horizonta\f sca\fe of this graph wi\f\f either 1) show the enve\fope of the entire extent of the pitch-detected sound or 2) a\fign with the horizonta\f sca\fe and position of the Pitch Graph above it. To define the desired pitches, Graphica\f Mode provides three different Pitch \borrection Objects: Lines, \burves and Notes. You can draw desired target pitches using the Line and \burve drawing too\fs, se\fective\fy modify the existing pitch contours using the Make \burve function, or use Note Objects to disp\fay and modify the pitch of each individua\f target note. The different Objects can be free\fy intermixed on a track to accomp\fish different tasks, or just to a\f\fow you to work in whichever way fee\fs easiest. In addition, Auto-Tune 7 introduces the abi\fity to define target pitches using MIDI. Simi\far in concept to the Target Notes Via MIDI function in Automatic Mode, when tracking pitch in Graphica\f Mode, Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f record any MIDI note information routed to it (either from another MIDI track or \five from a MIDI contro\f\fer) and (optiona\f\fy) disp\fay the data on the Pitch Graph Disp\fay. You can then use the new Make Notes From MIDI function to convert the MIDI information into Note \borrection Objects. \bomp\fete image sca\fing and scro\f\fing contro\fs are provided, a\fong with a se\fection of graphica\f too\fs which a\f\fow easy editing, inc\fuding cut, copy and paste functions. Given the power of the too\fs, there is a huge variety of possib\fe Graphica\f Mode workflows, but the basic steps you wi\f\f typica\f\fy perform in Graphica\f Mode are: • In your host app\fication, se\fect some sound for processing. • Bring up Auto-Tune 7. Set the buffer \fength to at \feast the number of seconds from the beginning of the track to the end of the audio you are going to process. Press the Track Pitch button, then p\fay back the audio. The pitch wi\f\f be detected and then disp\fayed in the Pitch Graph as a red curve. • When you have tracked a\f\f the audio you want to work with, stop the transport to exit Track Pitch mode. • Define target pitches using any combination of \borrection Objects (Lines, \burves or Notes) and the graphica\f too\fs and adjust each object’s Retune Speed and vibrato depth for the desired effect. • If desired, set a transposition interva\f, engage formant correction, or modify overa\f\f voca\f character with the Throat Length contro\f. Then use the Throat Length Adjust contro\f to individua\f\fy set the voca\f timbre of each note. • P\fay back the track. The pitch wi\f\f be corrected or shifted as specified. Pitch Shifting, Formant Correction and Throat Modeling Auto-Tune 7’s Pitch Shifting, Formant \borrection, and master Throat Mode\fing functions are \focated in the common contro\f area and avai\fab\fe in both Automatic and Graphica\f Modes. Pitch Shifting In addition to any pitch correction app\fied by either Automatic or Graphica\f Mode, Auto-Tune 7 provides a Transpose function that \fets you shift the overa\f\f pitch of your performance over a two octave range (+/- an octave), se\fectab\fe in precise semitone increments. In Automatic Mode, this transposition is accomp\fished in rea\f time. In Graphica\f Mode, this function does not affect the Pitch Edit Disp\fay. It provides overa\f\f transposition after any pitch shifting accomp\fished with the graphica\f editing too\fs.
14 \fets you use Antares’ unique throat mode\fing techno\fogy to modify a voice’s character by passing it through a precise physica\f mode\f of the human voca\f tract. New to Auto-Tune 7 is the abi\fity in Graphica\f Mode to individua\f\fy modify the throat mode\fing for each note or correction object, offering an entire\fy new \feve\f of creative contro\f. Time Shifting and Correction By far the most dramatic addition to Auto- Tune 7 is its entire\fy new time correction and manipu\fation system. We’ve designed Auto- Tune 7’s time contro\f capabi\fities to combine an extreme\fy high-qua\fity time-shifting a\fgorithm with an exceeding\fy intuitive user interface designed to make it quick and easy to correct timing errors or exercise your creative imagination. Time Tracking In order to do its time shifting magic, Auto-Tune 7 must first create a copy of the audio you wish to edit. This is accomp\fished with the Track Pitch and Time function. To he\fp manage this audio data, we’ve provided a convenient Data Fi\fe Management dia\fog that a\f\fows you to estab\fish or move the \focation of the data fi\fes, rename their fo\fder, as we\f\f as de\fete them if they are no \fonger necessary (after bouncing the fina\f time-modified audio, for examp\fe). The Fi\fe Management System wi\f\f a\fso a\fert you if the data fi\fes are not where Auto-Tune 7 expects them to be and wi\f\f provide information to he\fp you find them. Time Tools A\fthough a\f\fowing for an enormous amount of flexibi\fity, Auto-Tune 7’s time shifting functions make use of two easy-to-use too\fs; the Move Point too\f and the Move Region too\f. The Move Point too\f a\f\fows you to se\fect a range of audio and pick any point in the range and move it forward or back in time, compressing and expanding the audio around it. The Move Region too\f is designed for moving notes, words, or phrases whi\fe preserving the timing of the moved e\fement. As with the A\fthough you can a\fso accomp\fish overa\f\f transposition in Graphica\f Mode by se\fecting a\f\f the correction objects in your track and manua\f\fy moving them up or down, in most cases, using the Transpose function wi\f\f provide superior resu\fts. Formant Correction A sound’s ”formants” are the combined acoustic resonances that resu\ft from the physica\f structure of whatever is producing the sound. In the case of a human voice, air from your \fungs is forced through your voca\f chords, causing them to vibrate. From there, the voice is propagated through the throat, the mouth and out through the \fips. It is the shape of these structures that create the resonant characteristics that define your unique voca\f identity. When a voca\f is pitch-shifted by \farge interva\fs without formant correction, not on\fy is the pitch of sung notes shifted, but the formants are shifted as we\f\f. The resu\fting effect is not just of a person singing higher or \fower notes, but of a person who is \fitera\f\fy growing or shrinking (depending on the direction of the shift). Whi\fe this can be usefu\f for producing singing chipmunks, it typica\f\fy does not produce rea\fistic pitch-shifting over ranges \farger than a semitone or two. Engaging Auto-Tune 7’s Formant \borrection prevents the shifting of a voice’s resonant frequencies to ensure that its voca\f characteristics are preserved over the pitch shift range. AN IMpoRtA Nt Note: over the ver\f small intervals usuall\f associated with basic pitch correction, formant shiftin\b is essentiall\f inaudible and Auto- tu ne’s classic pitch adjustment technolo\b\f still provides the optimum results. Formant Correction is desi\bned to be used with overall transposition or on tracks where notes are shifted b\f lar\be intervals. Throat Mo\feling As mentioned above, the shape of a singer’s throat is a prime contributor to their voca\f character. Auto-Tune 7’s Throat Length contro\f