Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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55 The Pitch Graph Displa\f In the process of time shifting, the articu\fation and transient profi\fe of your audio is typica\f\fy more re\fevant than its pitch contour. For that reason, the amp\fitude enve\fope of the tracked audio is now disp\fayed as a background e\fement of the Pitch Graph Disp\fay. This makes it much easier to accurate\fy se\fect the desired regions for time shifting and to se\fect the individua\f points in time to shift. The Envelope Graph Displa\f In addition to its...
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56 The Clear All Button \b\ficking the \b\fear A\f\f button c\fears a\f\f time edits from the track, essentia\f\fy restoring the timing of the origina\f audio. Note: Unlike the Clear All function described in the pi tch ed itin\b to ols section, the ti me Control Clear All function does not delete an\f tracked data, onl\f time edits. ANotHeR No te: Also unlike the Clear All function described in the pi tch ed itin\b to ols section, the ti me Control Clear All function is undoable, so...
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57 AN o t HeR N o te : You will find that the envelope displa\f in the pi tch ed it Graph provides a useful reference for selectin\b the initial ran\be and exactl\f the ri\bht point to move. Yet ANotHeR No te: When selectin\b and movin\b a point, the vertical position of the cursor has no effect. on l\f the horizontal position counts. Examples of Using the Move Point Tool The quickest way to become fami\fiar with the time edit too\fs is to run through the tutoria\fs in \bhapter 4. But if...
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58 (sing\fe) I-beam and c\ficking and dragging the mouse wi\f\f se\fect a new range. • Whenever the cursor is over an area that IS \focated within an existing range se\fection, but NOT \focated within a previous\fy defined region, the cursor appears as a doub\fe I-beam and c\ficking and dragging the mouse wi\f\f create a new region within the existing range. • Whenever the cursor is over an area that is \focated in a previous\fy defined region, it changes to the Move Region cursor and c\ficking...
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59 • Each instance of Auto-Tune 7 that is used for time shifting wi\f\f have its own data fo\fder. So if, for examp\fe, you have instances of Auto- Tune 7 on five separate tracks in your project, you wi\f\f have five data fo\fders associated with that project which must be copied if the project is moved or archived. • Be sure to use the Data Fi\fe Management Dia\fog’s abi\fity to rename data fi\fe fo\fders to make it easy to identify the project and track the data is associated with. This wi\f\f...
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60N o te : While the “Setup Folder Location…” function is onl\f available before trackin\b an\f audio, if \fou initiall\f track audio to the default folder location and later decide that \fou’ d like to have it at a different location, \fou can, at an\f time, simpl\f use the “Move Data Files…” function described in the next section. After Tracking Au\fio Once you have tracked some audio using the Track Pitch + Time function, ca\f\fing up the Data Fi\fe Management Dia\fog wi\f\f resu\ft in...
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61 To rename a data fo\fder, simp\fy type the new name in the fo\fder name fie\fd and c\fick the Rename Fo\fder button. \belete All \bata Files It is important to note that de\feting an instance of Auto-Tune 7 (after bouncing or freezing a processed track) wi\f\f not automatica\f\fy de\fete any associated data fi\fes. Simi\far\fy, de\feting an entire session (after archiving it, for examp\fe) wi\f\f not de\fete any data fi\fes associated with instances of Auto-Tune 7 in the session. As a...
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62 Setup Fol\fer Location… If the worst has happened and the correct data fo\fder has actua\f\fy been permanent\fy de\feted, you wi\f\f have to re-track your audio and remake any previous edits. To do that: • \b\fick the “Setup Fo\fder Location…” button. Dismiss the resu\fting a\fert. A navigation window wi\f\f appear. • Navigate to your desired \focation and c\fick \bhoose. An a\fert message wi\f\f confirm that you have set the new fo\fder \focation. • Optiona\f\fy, rename the data fo\fder. After...
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63 Chapter 4 : Auto\bTune 7 Tutorials This chapter introduces you to how Auto-Tune 7 works by guiding you through a number of brief tutoria\fs. These tutoria\fs make use of a number of audio and MIDI fi\fes. (We wi\f\f assume that you are fami\fiar with \foading audio and MIDI fi\fes into your host app\fication.) If you purchased a packaged version of Auto-Tune 7, your wi\f\f find the required fi\fes in the “Tutoria\f Audio” fo\fder on the insta\f\fation DVD ROM. If you purchased your copy of...
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64 pitch changes. This parameter contro\fs how rapid\fy the pitch correction is app\fied to the incoming pitch. The units are mi\f\fiseconds. A va\fue of zero wi\f\f cause instantaneous changes from one tone to another and wi\f\f comp\fete\fy suppress a vibrato (note that re\fated vo\fume changes wi\f\f remain). Retune va\fues from 10 to 50 are typica\f for voca\fs. To continue: 1 . S et the Retune Speed to 0 2 . I n the Edit Sca\fe Disp\fay, c\fick the Remove buttons next to a\f\f...