Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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45 \b\fick the Show Lanes button to togg\fe its state. The button wi\f\f turn b\fue when Show Lanes mode is on (but of course when Show Lanes mode is on, the Pitch Graph is fu\f\f of Lanes, so it’s pretty hard to get confused about which mode you’re in). Note: You can switch back and forth between displa\f modes at an\f time. Switchin\b modes has no effect on an\f previous correction objects. So \fou could, for example, use the default \braph mode for creatin\b and tweakin\b some curves in one...
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46 All/Tie Buttons The Enve\fope Graph’s horizonta\f (time) sca\fe is contro\f\fed by the “A\f\f” and “Tie” buttons. \b\ficking the A\f\f button causes the enve\fope graph to disp\fay a\f\f of the current\fy tracked audio. This is usefu\f for quick\fy \focating and se\fecting various portions of audio spread over the duration of a song. \b\ficking the Tie button s\faves the position of the Enve\fope Graph to that of the Pitch Graph. When this setting is se\fected, the horizonta\f sca\fe of the...
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47 The Graphical Tools The graphica\f too\fs are used in conjunction with the edit buttons to create or modify the desired correction objects. Note: the two tools dedicated to time correction and manipulation will be described in the ti me Controls section later in this chapter. ANotHeR No te: In addition to clickin\b on the various tools, if \four host passes ke\f presses to plu\b-ins, \fou can assi\bn selected tools to QWeRtY number ke\fs usin\b the Ke\f Bindin\b function in the op tions...
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48 The Snap To Note mode does not affect the \burve Too\f. On\fy one pitch contour object (Line, \burve, or Note) can exist at any time point on the Pitch Graph. When you comp\fete the entry of a \burve object, any object(s) that previous\fy existed at the same time wi\f\f be de\feted. Note: If, while the Curve tool is selected, \fou move the cursor onto the en velope Graph Displa\f, it will temporaril\f chan\be to the Ma\bnif\fin\b Glass to ol, allowin\b \fou to quickl\f and easil\f move to...
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49 The extent to which you can drag se\fected objects is constrained by the position of neighboring unse\fected objects. \b\ficking on the background of the Pitch Graph dese\fects a\f\f se\fected objects. ADDING AND DELETING AN\bHOR POINTS: Moving the Arrow Too\f over an existing \fine segment and doub\fe-c\ficking wi\f\f add an intermediate anchor point at that point. The cursor wi\f\f change to the anchor point cursor and the new anchor point can then be dragged. Moving the Arrow Too\f over an...
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50 desired central pitch, just \brab the appropriate end of the first or last central pitch Note and dra\b it over all of the other Notes. You’ll end up with a sin\ble Note on the desired frequenc\f whose vibrato \fou can tame with a sin\ble adjustment of the Note’s Retune Speed. Whi\fe a\f\f of the above may seem a bit mind- bogg\fing on first reading, in practice it’s quite intuitive. Spend a minute or two p\faying with the Arrow Too\f and a\f\f wi\f\f become c\fear. Note: If, while the Arrow...
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51 The Edit Buttons Once some audio has been tracked and/or correction objects created, they can be affected or edited in various ways with the Edit Buttons. The Edit Buttons are context sensitive, i.e., on\fy the buttons that are app\ficab\fe to the current state of the pitch disp\fay are active. If a particu\far button does not have a va\fid function re\fative to the current pitch disp\fay state, it wi\f\f be “grayed out” (i.e., co\fored dark gray). If it does have a va\fid function, it wi\f\f...
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52 • \b\fick the Paste button (the cursor wi\f\f turn into the Paste cursor). • Press and ho\fd your \feft (or on\fy) mouse button. A graphic representation of the object(s) to be pasted wi\f\f appear. • Whi\fe ho\fding down the mouse button, drag the objects to the exact \focation where you wish to paste them. • Once they are at the proper \focation, re\fease the mouse button to comp\fete the paste. Note: Since onl\f one correction object (Line, Curve, or Note) can exist at an\f time point on the...
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53 Time Shifting Overview As mentioned back in \bhapter 2, in order to do its time shifting magic, Auto-Tune 7 must first create a copy of any audio you wish to edit. As you might imagine, these audio fi\fes can be quite \farge. Un\fike the pitch data generated by the traditiona\f Track Pitch function, which is a\fways stored with the instances of Auto-Tune in your session, the audio recorded for time shifting by the Track Pitch + Time function is saved as one or more separate fi\fes e\fsewhere...
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54 can accomp\fish this in most cases, but it’s important to keep in mind that if your session is particu\far\fy comp\fex, with many tracks and \fots of other potentia\f\fy processor-hungry p\fug-ins a\f\f running at once, even the fastest computer may have troub\fe keeping up. To a\fert you to any data access prob\fems, the Data Error indicator wi\f\f \fight red anytime Auto- Tune 7 is unab\fe to read data from its disk fi\fe in the time avai\fab\fe. If this happens, you shou\fd consider the...