Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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5 How to use this manual If this is your first experience of Auto-Tune, you wi\f\f find that Auto-Tune 7 has a very friend\fy user-interface and is extraordinari\fy easy to use. However, because Auto-Tune 7 does things that have never been done before, some aspects of the user-interface may not be immediate\fy obvious. You shou\fd at \feast read either \bhapter 3, Auto-Tune 7 \bontro\fs, or \bhapter 4, Auto-Tune 7 Tutoria\f, to \fearn the essentia\f information you wi\f\f need to operate...
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6 Installing Auto-Tune 7 Any unique instructions for insta\f\fing Auto-Tune 7 for your specific host or p\fug-in format are \focated in the Auto-Tune 7 Read Me fi\fe that accompanies the p\fug-in. This fi\fe may a\fso contain any \fast-minute Auto-Tune 7 information that didn’t make it into this manua\f. Auto-Tune 7 is designed to work with a wide variety of digita\f audio app\fications. P\fease refer to your host app\fication’s user manua\f for more information on insta\f\fing and using...
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7 Chapter 2: Introducing Auto\bTune 7 Some background In 1997, Antares Audio Techno\fogies first introduced the ground-breaking Auto-Tune Pitch \borrecting P\fug-In. Auto-Tune was a too\f that actua\f\fy corrected the pitch of voca\fs and other so\fo instruments, in rea\f time, without distortion or artifacts, whi\fe preserving a\f\f of the expressive nuance of the origina\f performance. Recordin\b Ma\bazine ca\f\fed Auto-Tune the “ho\fy grai\f of recording.” And went on to say, “Bottom \fine,...
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8 midd\fe. A symphony orchestra p\faying a sca\fe in unison, for examp\fe, resu\fts in an extreme\fy comp\fex waveform, yet you are sti\f\f ab\fe to easi\fy sense the pitch. The voca\fists and the so\fo instruments that Auto-Tune 7 is designed to process have a very c\fear\fy defined qua\fity of pitch. The sound generating mechanism of these sources is a vibrating e\fement (voca\f chords, a string, an air co\fumn, etc.). The sound that is thus generated can be graphica\f\fy represented as a...
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9 How Auto-Tune 7 detects pitch In order for Auto-Tune 7 to automatica\f\fy correct pitch, it must first detect the pitch of the input sound. \ba\fcu\fating the pitch of a periodic waveform is a straightforward process. Simp\fy measure the time between repetitions of the waveform. Divide this time into one, and you have the frequency in Hertz. Auto-Tune 7 does exact\fy this: It \fooks for a periodica\f\fy repeating waveform and ca\fcu\fates the time interva\f between repetitions. The pitch...
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10 Automatic Mode Auto-Tune 7’s Automatic Mode works by continuous\fy tracking the pitch of an input sound and comparing it to a user-defined sca\fe. The sca\fe tone c\fosest to the input is continuous\fy identified. If the input pitch exact\fy matches the sca\fe tone, no correction is app\fied. If the input pitch varies from the desired sca\fe tone, an output pitch is generated which is c\foser to the sca\fe tone than the input pitch. (The exact amount of correction is contro\f\fed by the...
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11 Retune Spee\f Auto-Tune 7 a\fso gives you contro\f over how rapid\fy, in time, the pitch adjustment is made toward the sca\fe tone. This is set with the Retune Speed contro\f (see \bhapter 3 for more detai\fs). Fast Speed settings are appropriate for short duration notes and for mechanica\f instruments, \fike oboe or c\farinet, whose pitch typica\f\fy changes a\fmost instant\fy. A fast enough setting wi\f\f a\fso minimize or comp\fete\fy remove a vibrato, as we\f\f as produce the iconic...
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12 Graphical Mode The Graphica\f Mode is simi\far to the Automatic Mode in that it a\fso continuous\fy tracks the pitch of the incoming sound and modifies the output pitch to be c\foser to a desired pitch. But in the Graphica\f Mode, the desired pitch is not a predefined sca\fe tone, but rather is a graphica\f representation of your desired pitch (ca\f\fed a “correction object”). As in Automatic Mode, the rate of change towards the desired pitch is contro\f\fed by the Retune Speed contro\f,...
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13 The horizonta\f grid \fines (or Lanes, when Show Lanes in se\fected) represent sca\fe pitches. The key annotation, sca\fe name, and sca\fe detune va\fue are those defined by the common area contro\fs at the top of the interface. They do not affect the computations of the Graphica\f Mode in any way. They are mere\fy a reference to guide you in setting the target pitches. Graphica\f Mode a\fso inc\fudes the Enve\fope Graph, which disp\fays the amp\fitude (\foudness) enve\fope of the sound...
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14 \fets you use Antares’ unique throat mode\fing techno\fogy to modify a voice’s character by passing it through a precise physica\f mode\f of the human voca\f tract. New to Auto-Tune 7 is the abi\fity in Graphica\f Mode to individua\f\fy modify the throat mode\fing for each note or correction object, offering an entire\fy new \feve\f of creative contro\f. Time Shifting and Correction By far the most dramatic addition to Auto- Tune 7 is its entire\fy new time correction and manipu\fation system....