Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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15 Move Point too\f, you first se\fect a range of audio and then se\fect the region within that se\fection that you want to move and move it forward or back in time, again compressing and expanding the audio around it. Both too\fs are context sensitive. That is, they change function (from se\fection to moving, for examp\fe) depending on what \fies beneath them on the screen. As a resu\ft, the time manipu\fation process becomes smooth and intuitive, never breaking your creative flow with the...
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17 Chapter 3: Auto\bTune 7 Controls Continuous Controls Auto-Tune 7’s continuous contro\fs are represented graphica\f\fy as virtua\f knobs. Depending on your preference, you can contro\f knobs by vertica\f, horizonta\f or radia\f mouse movement. Set your preference in the Options dia\fog described be\fow. Doub\fe-c\ficking on a knob wi\f\f return it to its defau\ft va\fue. In some host app\fications, \bommand (Mac)/\bontro\f (P\b) c\ficking on a knob wi\f\f a\fso reset it to defau\ft (see the...
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18 If, on the other hand, your signa\f is noisy or not we\f\f-iso\fated (as might be more common in a \five performance situation) or you are dea\fing with a particu\far\fy breathy or guttura\f voice, it may be necessary to a\f\fow more signa\f variation (higher Tracking numbers). However, under these circumstances tracking is not guaranteed and a too “re\faxed” setting may introduce distortion and popping. Note: the improved pitch detection technolo\b\f in Auto-tu ne 7 (in combination with the...
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19 Scale \betune The Detune parameter a\f\fows you to change the pitch standard of Auto-Tune 7 from the defau\ft A = 440Hz. The va\fue is set in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone). The range of adjustment is from -100 to +100 cents. For convenience, the detune amount is a\fso disp\fayed in Hertz re\fative to A440. The Detune function can be used to tune a voca\f performance to some irreparab\fy out-of-tune instrument (a piano or organ, for examp\fe), or to a\f\fow correction to other than the...
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20 The Throat Length contro\f \fets you modify the \fength of the mode\fed throat. The range of the contro\f is 50 to 180. Va\fues above 100 represent a \fengthening of the throat whi\fe va\fues be\fow 100 represent a shortening of the throat. The actua\f va\fues represent the percentage change in the throat \fength. For examp\fe, a va\fue of 120 represents a 20% increase in throat \fength, whi\fe a va\fue of 70 represents a 30% decrease in throat \fength. Note: this control is onl\f active when...
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21 Options \b\ficking the Options button wi\f\f bring up a window containing a number of settings that fa\f\f into the “set and forget” category. They are: BUFFER SIZE This contro\fs the number of seconds of memory buffer space that are permanent\fy reserved for pitch tracking and pitch correction data in Graphica\f Mode. (There is a separate buffer for each p\fug-in occurrence.) To change the buffer a\f\focation, c\fick in the data fie\fd and enter the required number of seconds. The maximum...
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22 USE \bUSTOM \bURSORS \b\fick the check box to use \bustom \bursors in Graphica\f Mode. Norma\f\fy, Auto-Tune 7 disp\fays different cursor shapes in the Pitch Graph Disp\fay to he\fp you se\fect ranges and grab and drag objects (e.g., the object cursor, the anchor point cursor, etc.). However, some host app\fications mistaken\fy think that they own the cursor when it is in a p\fug-in window. This may cause the cursor to flash as the host and Auto-Tune 7 a\fternate\fy try to set the cursor...
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23 E\fit Functions \b\fear A\f\f Undo Redo Se\fect A\f\f \but \bopy Paste Time Control Undo Time \bhange Redo Time \bhange \b\fear A\f\f Time \bhanges Control Toggles Snap To Note Auto-Scro\f\f Show Lanes Track Pitch \bursor Time Indicator Show Output \burve Show MIDI Track Pitch + Time Enab\fe Time \bontro\f Correction Objects Make \burves Import Auto Make Notes Make Notes from MIDI Other Controls Reset Interna\f \bock Nudge Up Nudge Down Zoom In Horizonta\f Zoom Out Horizonta\f Zoom In Vertica\f Zoom...
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24 Bypass Auto-Tune 7 does not inc\fude a dedicated Bypass contro\f as that function is typica\f\fy provided by the host app\fication’s p\fug-in interface. Automatic Mode Controls Pitch Correction Functions Retune Spee\f Retune Speed contro\fs how rapid\fy the pitch correction is app\fied to the incoming sound. The units are mi\f\fiseconds. A va\fue of zero wi\f\f cause instantaneous changes from one tone to another and wi\f\f comp\fete\fy suppress a vibrato (note that any re\fated...