Antares AutoTune 7 user manual
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65 6. Stop p\fayback and c\fick the Track Pitch button again to stop the tracking function. 7 . \b \fick the Import Auto button. A b\fue curve wi\f\f appear. This curve represents the pitch correction that wou\fd resu\ft from processing the audio with the current Automatic Mode settings. Note a\f\f the instances in which Auto-Tune 7 identifies G# or F# as the target pitch. 8 . S et Auto-Tune 7 back to Automatic Mode. 9 . S et Targeting Ignores Vibrato to On. 1 0. R eturn once...
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66 as the sca\fe deve\fops on Auto-Tune 7’s virtua\f keyboard and in the Sca\fe Edit window. As each note is sung, it is added to the sca\fe unti\f the sca\fe inc\fudes every note that appears in the me\fody. 8 . S et the Retune contro\f to 20 and p\fay the audio track using this sca\fe. Note: You can also instantaneousl\f define a scale b\f pla\fin\b all of the notes of the scale as a chord (i.e., all scale notes pla\fed on the same beat) and recordin\b that into a MIDI track. th is is an...
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67 Tutorial 6: Graphical Mode Basics This tutoria\f wi\f\f introduce you to the basic Graphica\f Mode functions, again using the “A2- A3-A2 sweep” fi\fe from Tutoria\f 1. Begin the tutoria\f by doing the fo\f\fowing: 1 . L oad or import “A2-A3-A2 sweep” into a track of your host program. P\fay the track so that you are fami\fiar with the origina\f audio. 2 . S et up Auto-Tune 7 to be an insert effect on that track. 3 . S et Auto-Tune 7 to Graphica\f Mode. 4 . S et the Key to “A”...
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68 Now that we have some correction objects on the Pitch Graph Disp\fay, this wou\fd be a good time to become fami\fiar with the functions of the Arrow and Scissors Too\fs. (Refer back to \bhapter 3 for detai\fed descriptions of the Arrow and Scissors Too\fs’ behaviors.) As you experiment in the fo\f\fowing steps, p\fay back the fi\fe to hear the effect of each action. 7 . S e\fect the Arrow Too\f. 8 . D rag the Arrow Too\f across the Pitch Graph to se\fect objects. 9 . M ove the cursor...
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69 Tutorial 8: Make Curve Function This tutoria\f wi\f\f introduce you to the Make \burve function. The Make \burve function gives you precise contro\f over pitch accuracy and inflection. 1 . S etup to process the fi\fe “\browd A\f\f” through Auto-Tune 7. 2 . S e\fect Graphica\f Mode. 3 . P ress the Track Pitch button. 4 . P \fay the “\browd A\f\f” fi\fe. 5 . S e\fect the Magnifying G\fass Too\f and drag out a box on the Pitch Graph that enc\foses the red curve for the “-gether”...
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70 2. Make sure Snap To Note is engaged and use the Line Too\f to draw a horizonta\f \fine at \b3 as shown be\fow: 3 . S et the Retune Speed to 20 and p\fay back the sound. Experiment with other Retune Speeds to see their effect on the green correction curve and to hear their effects. Some notes: Vibratos and other pitch gestures typica\f\fy occur with re\fated \foudness gestures. Specifica\f\fy, with vibratos, some voca\fists produce most\fy pitch variations and \fitt\fe \foudness variations...
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71 7. Use the I-Beam Too\f to drag a se\fection in the Pitch or Enve\fope Graph as shown: 8 . \b \fick the Import Auto button. Auto-Tune 7 wi\f\f compute a new b\fue curve object from the existing pitch data as we\f\f as a green output curve: PIT\bH DRAWN TO NEIGHBORING NOTES Assuming that this entire phrase shou\fd be centered around E3, there are severa\f prob\fem spots, indicated above, where the pitch is being incorrect\fy adjusted towards neighboring tones. 9 . T o hear the pitch...
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72 Tutorial 10: Make Notes Function This tutoria\f wi\f\f he\fp you become fami\fiar with Auto-Tune 7’s new Notes correction objects and how they are used for pitch correction and se\fective pitch shifting. For this tutoria\f, we wi\f\f once again use the “somewhere” audio fi\fe. 1 . L oad or import the audio fi\fe “somewhere” into a track of your host program. 2 . S et up Auto-Tune 7 to be an insert effect on that track. 3 . S e\fect Graphica\f Mode and se\fect G Major as the Key and...
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73 \b\fick on the note and drag it up two semitones to A3. P\fay the fi\fe and \fisten to the me\fodic change. 1 2. S e\fect the Scissors too\f and c\fick on the A3 note at about the 8.3 second point (at the pronounced pitch peak) to cut it into two notes. 1 3. S e\fect the Arrow too\f again and drag the first of these two notes back down to G3. P\fay the fi\fe and \fisten to the resu\ft. 1 4. T o create a smoother transition between the G3 and A3 notes, move the Arrow too\f cursor...
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74 20. The easiest so\fution, of course, is to se\fect the right sca\fe. \bhange the Key and Sca\fe from G \bhromatic to G Major. \b\fick Make Notes again. Set the Number of Note Objects to 20. Voi\fà. Tutorial 11: Time: Error Correction In this tutoria\f we’\f\f use Auto-Tune 7’s Move Point and Move Region functions to correct timing errors in a \fead voca\f track. Whi\fe you can use Auto-Tune 7’s bars and beats sca\fe as a reference for correction, we’ve a\fso inc\fuded a harmony track with...