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Antares AutoTune 7 user manual

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Page 81

 1. Adjust the zoom and scro\f\f contro\fs to focus on bars 3 through 5. P\fay the track and note 
that the end of the second phrase (the end 
of the word “i\f\fusion), is sustained too \fong.

 e\fect the Move Point Too\f and se\fect the 
range from the beginning of the \fast sy\f\fab\fe 
of “i\f\fusion” (at time position 4:1.80) to the 
beginning of the breath before the fo\f\fowing 
note (at time position 5:2.23). 

 se the Move Point Too\f to se\fect the point 
to be moved. In this...

Page 82

Listen to the track to become fami\fiar with 
it. We’re going to use the Move Region too\f 
to move the second note of the pattern and 
change the fee\f of the bass \fine. 

 et up Auto-Tune 7 as an insert effect on 
the track and se\fect “Bass Inst” as the 
Input Type.

 e\fect Graphica\f Mode and se\fect Bars + 
Beats as the Time Disp\fay mode.

 ress the Track Pitch + Time button. 

 \fay the “Bass_riff” fi\fe and track the 
two-bar \fine. Stop the transport to exit...

Page 83

Chapter 5: The Auto\bTune Vocal Effect 
In addition to its adoption as 
the wor\fdwide standard in 
professiona\f pitch correction, 
Auto-Tune has a\fso gained 
renown as the too\f of choice for what has 
become one of the signature voca\f sounds of 
our time.
First heard on \bher’s 1998 mega-hit “Be\fieve,” 
variations of the effect have gone on to appear 
on songs from a huge variety of artists. Since 
there seems to be a \fot of mytho\fogy about 
how it’s accomp\fished, we thought we’d 
provide the...

Page 84

 3. Track your audio.
 \fick the Make Notes button. If necessary, 
adjust the Number of Note Objects contro\f 
to get as accurate a representation of the 
desired target notes as possib\fe.

 ake sure that a\f\f of the Note objects in 
the range where you want the effect to 
happen butt up against each other (this 
wi\f\f ensure that a\f\f of the note transitions 
are instantaneous). If they don’t, either 
use the Arrow too\f to extend existing Note 
boundaries so that they do, or use...

Page 85

Chapter 6: The Auto\bTune 7 Scales
The fo\f\fowing are brief descriptions of the 
sca\fes avai\fab\fe in Auto-Tune 7:
Modern Equal Temperament
These first three equa\f-tempered sca\fes are the 
ubiquitous sca\fes typica\f\fy found in Western 
tona\f music:
• Major:  A seven-tone equa\f tempered major 
•  Minor:  A seven-tone equa\f tempered minor 
•  Equal Tempere\f chromatic:  A twe\fve-tone 
equa\f tempered chromatic sca\fe.
Historical Tunings
•  Ling Lun:  A twe\fve-tone sca\fe...

Page 86

Contemporar\f Tunings
Equa\f tempered sca\fes with a \farge number 
of tones are typica\f\fy used to p\fay common 
tona\f harmony with greater purity of interva\fs 
and chords. The typica\f approach is to ana\fyze 
a passage (or \fess) of music and se\fect tones 
from a sca\fe that wi\f\f best approximate the 
desired pure interva\fs.
• 19 Tone:  This sca\fe has greater purity of 
minor thirds and major thirds (and converse\fy, 
minor and major sixths) than twe\fve-tone equa\f 
temperament. A...

Page 87

Adjust Vibrato  41
A\f\f/ Tie Buttons  46
Amp\fitude Amount  33
Antares Audio Techno\fogies  ii, 1
Antares On\fine \bommunity  6
Arrow Too\f  48
Authorizing Auto-Tune 7  6
Automatic Mode  10\borrection examp\fe  11
Retune Speed  11
Sca\fes  10
Vibrato  11
Automatic Mode \bontro\fs  24 \breate Vibrato  32
MIDI Functions  30
Pitch \bhange Meter  34
Pitch \borrection Functions  24
The Edit Sca\fe Disp\fay  26
Virtua\f Keyboard  28
Auto Scro\f\f  46
Auto-Tune 5  3
Auto-Tune Evo  3
Auto-Tune Voca\f...

Page 88

Edit Buttons  51\b\fear A\f\f Button  51
\but And \bopy Buttons  51
Nudge Buttons  52
Paste Button  51
Redo Button  51
Se\fect A\f\f Button  51
Snap To Note Button  51
Undo Button  51
Edit Functions  23
Editing Moda\fity  46
Editing Too\fs  46
Edit Sca\fe Disp\fay Bypass  26
Bypass A\f\f  27
\bents  27
Remove  27
Remove A\f\f  27
Set A\f\f  27
Set Major/Set Minor  27
Enab\fe Button  55
Enve\fope Graph Disp\fay  45, 55
Equa\f Tempered Sca\fe  8
Ethnic Tunings  79
Evo™ Voice Processing Techno\fogy  4...

Page 89

MIDI Functions  30, 42Instance ID  30
Learn Sca\fe From MIDI  30
Make Notes From MIDI  43
Octave As P\fayed/A\f\f Octaves  31
Recording MIDI Information  42
Show MIDI  43
Target Notes Via MIDI  31
Modern Equa\f Temperament  79
Move Data Fi\fes…  60
Move Point Too\f  56
Move Region Too\f  57
Natura\f Vibrato  25
Note Too\f  48
Nudge Buttons  52
Number of Note Objects  39
Object Pitch Disp\fay  45
Octave As P\fayed/A\f\f Octaves  31
Onset De\fay  32
Onset Rate  32
Options  21
Output Pitch Disp\fay...

Page 90

Sca\fe Se\fection  18
Scissors Too\f  50
Se\fectab\fe \b\fock Source  35
Se\fect A\f\f Button  51
Se\fect Pitch Reference  18
seria\f number  1
Set A\f\f  27
Set Major/Set Minor  27
Setup Fo\fder Location…  62
Shape  32
Show Lanes  44
Show MIDI  43
Snap To Note Button  51
Sync to host transport (host dependent)  35
Targeting Ignores Vibrato  25
Target Notes Via MIDI  31
Technica\f Support  6
The Edit Sca\fe Disp\fay  26
Throat Length  19
Throat Length Adjust  42
Time \bontro\f Functions  55\b\fear...
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