Yamaha Tyros 1 User Manual
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Folder/File Operations using the Open/Save Display Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 71TYROS Owner’s Manual Converting into Kanji (Japanese language) ............................................................ This applies only if you are using the “ (kana-kan)” button (in Japanese). When the input “hiragana” characters are shown in reverse display (highlighted), press the [ENTER] button one or several times to convert the characters into the appropriate kanji. The reversed area can be changed by the [DATA ENTRY] dial. The converted area can be changed back to “hiragana” by the [DELETE] LCD button (lower [7] button). The reversed area can be cleared at once by the [CAN- CEL] LCD button (lower [8] button). To actually enter the change, press the [OK] LCD button (upper [8] button) or enter the next character. To enter the “hiragana” itself (without converting it), press the [OK] LCD button (upper [8] button). Changing the Open/Save Display View The Open/Save display actually has two different view types. One is Direct Selection, which we’ve seen up until this point. The other is Number Input, which lets you open files according to their numbers. Switch between the two types by pressing the upper [7] LCD button. From the Direct Selection type, you select the desired file directly by pressing the appropriate LCD letter button. The Number Input type, on the other hand, lets you call up the desired file by entering the appropriate file number (see below). Since the TYROS has many files spread out over several pages, Number Input may be quicker and more convenient — providing you know the number of the file. Number Input type — Entering numbers................................................................. To select voice number 128, for example, press the [1], [2] and [8] LCD buttons in sequence as shown below, and press the [ENTER] button. Entering one- or two-digit numbers is done in the same way. When you select the next or previous file, press the [ ] or [] LCD button. 8 F G H I J 12345678 Open/Save display — Direct Selection Open/Save display — Number Input Input the desired number. Shows the prop- erty of the drive/ folder/file. Moves the cursor to the top of this page (path). Scrolls up/down through the file list on this page (path). Moves the cursor to the end of this page (path). Calls up the upper level directory page.Press this to cancel the number you’ve input and return to the origi- nal display. 12345678 ENTER 1234567812345678 1234567812345678 69
Folder/File Operations using the Open/Save Display Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 72TYROS Owner’s Manual Number Input type — Memorizing paths ................................................................. The location of the folders and files currently indicated on the LCD display is referred to as a “path.” The Open/Save display for songs and styles lets you memorize the current path to one of the panel buttons. Even if your data is scattered across the drive in a com- plex hierarchy of folders and paths, you can instantly call up a specific file — no matter how deeply hidden — with a single button-press. In the example instructions below, the Open/Save display for songs is used. 1First, select the Number Input type, then call up the path to be memorized to the button and press the [MEMORY] LCD button (LCD [E] button). 2Press the desired button in the SONG section (for songs) to which the path (selected in step #1 above) is to be memorized. 3Call up the other path (for example, the Open/Save display for voices) and press the same button as in step #2. You will see the display same as shown in step #1. Paths for style files can also be memorized, as explained above. See page 111 for details. A B C D E SONG 70
Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 73TYROS Owner’s Manual As we’ve seen up to this point, the LCD display lets you select various types of files such as voice, style, song, and lets you adjust the parameter value of various functions. The highlight cursor is another convenient, colorful feature of the LCD display, since it clearly indicates (by a red border and highlighted background) the file to be selected or the parameter to be adjusted. Cursor indication of files (voices, styles, songs, etc.)......................... Cursor indication of parameters................................................................... The currently selected voice which will sound when you play the keyboard. You can move the cursor around the Open/Save display by using the [DATA ENTRY] dial. The high- lighted item is not actually selected until you press the [ENTER] button. In this display (Mixing Console), the selected parameter for editing is highlighted; use the [DATA ENTRY] dial to adjust the parameter.In this display (Microphone Setting), the selected arrow indicators are highlighted in red. Use the [DATA ENTRY] dial to adjust the selected parameter. 71 The panel buttons listed in the chart below light in one of two colors: green or red. This easy-to-understand color- coding scheme indicates the status of the button/function, as described here. Off................ No data is currently assigned to the button. Green.......... Data has been assigned to the button. Red.............. Data has been assigned to the button and the button is active or playing back. For details about each button, see below. Off Green Red [REGISTRATION MEMORY] buttonsNo panel settings are memorized to the button. Panel settings are memorized to the button. Panel settings are memorized to the button and the button is active (was selected last). [PROGRAMMABLE ONE TOUCH SETTING] buttonsNo panel settings are memorized to the button. Panel settings are memorized to the button. Panel settings are memorized to the button and the button is active (was selected last). INTRO [I] - [III] buttons MAIN VARIATION [A] - [D] buttons [BREAK] button ENDING/rit.[I] - [III] buttonsThe corresponding section of the selected style has no data.The corresponding section of the selected style has data.The corresponding section of the selected style has data and is ac- tive. [SP1] - [SP4] buttonsNo song position marker is assigned to the button. A song position marker is assigned to the button. A song position marker is assigned to the button and represents the lat- est marker to be passed during play- back. MULTI PAD [1] - [4]No data is assigned to the Multi Pad. Data is assigned to the Multi Pad. Active (playing back). About the Highlight Cursor in the Display About the Panel Button Colors
Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 74TYROS Owner’s Manual72 About the Keyboard The TYROS keyboard features various functions and performance conveniences that are simply unavailable on an acoustic instrument. As explained in the Quick Guide for example, it allows you to play several different voices together in a layer, or play one voice with your left hand while you play a different voice (or even three layered voices!) with your right. Below is a summary of the keyboard-related functions and modes. Keyboard Sections and Their Functions Synchro Start On/Off The convenient Synchro Start function lets you start style or song playback by simply playing a key on the keyboard. Naturally, it should be set to on (standby) when you want to use it. Synchro Start — Style Playback (page 32) Turn it on or off by pressing the [SYNC START] button in the STYLE CONTROL section. When Synchro Start is on, style playback behaves in two different ways, depending on the [ACMP] button status: • When [ACMP] is off — Only the Rhythm part (channel) of the selected style starts as soon as you play any key on the keyboard. • When [ACMP] is on — All parts of the selected style start as soon as you play a key/chord in the Chord section of the keyboard. (Playing in any other section does not start the style.) Synchro Start — Song Playback To turn Synchro Start on or off, simultaneously hold down the [TOP] button and press the [START/STOP] button in the SONG CONTROL section. When Synchro Start is on, the song starts from the current position as soon as you play the keyboard. LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWERLEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWER LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWERLEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWER LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWERLEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFF UPPER LOWER VOICE RIGHT1 Playing a single voice Playing two voices in a layer VOICE RIGHT1 + RIGHT2 VOICE RIGHT1 + RIGHT2 + RIGHT3 Playing three voices in a layer Playing separate voices with the right and left hands VOICE RIGHT1 + RIGHT2 + RIGHT3 VOICE LEFT Split Point ........... The point on the keyboard that separates the left-hand section and the right-hand section. When [ACMP] (style playback) is turned on: ACMP VOICE RIGHT 1 - 3 Chord section for style playback Split Point ........... The point on the keyboard that separates the chord section and the right-hand sec- tion. VOICE RIGHT 1 - 3 Chord section + VOICE LEFT Split Point When the Split Point for the Chord section and the Split Point for the Voice are set to different points (notes): VOICE LEFT Chord section for style playback Split Point for the Chord sectionVOICE RIGHT 1 - 3 Split Point for the Voice SYNC START TOPSTART/ STOP SYNC STARTNG
Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 75TYROS Owner’s Manual73 Function Tree Button/Controller............Indicates the Button/Controller that you should use at first for entering the corresponding function. Num- bers at the left end correspond to the ones in “Top panel & connections” on page 16. LCD title...........................This appears at the top of the LCD display called up by operating the Button/Controller. “---” indicates that no LCD display is called up by operating the Button/Controller. Function............................Describes the function that can be executed on the LCD display called up by operating the Button/Con- troller. Describes the function of the Button/Controller itself if the LCD title is “---.” Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage qPOWER ON/OFF switch--- Turning the POWER on or off 22, 24 wMASTER VOLUME control--- Adjusting the overall volume 22 eINPUT VOLUME control--- Adjusting the microphone sound volume 46, 130 rMIC buttons [VOCAL HARMONY] button --- Turning Vocal Harmony on or off 47, 130 [TALK] button --- Calling up the Talk Settings related to the microphone sound 132 [EFFECT] button --- Turning the effect for the microphone sound on or off 130 [VH TYPE SELECT] buttonVOCAL HARMONY TYPESelecting/producing the Vocal Harmony effect 47, 130 [MIC SETTING] buttonMICROPHONE SETTING OVERALL SETTINGSetting microphone relataed parameters such as EQ, Noise Gate, and Compressor132 TALK SETTING Setting the Talk Setting related parameters 132 tSONG CONTROL buttons [SP1] - [SP4] buttons ---Entering Song Position Markers to the selected song and executing jumps among the Markers.44, 91 [LOOP] button --- Turning looped playback (between Markers) on or off 44, 91 [REC] button (Pop-up window) Recording a song 54 [TOP] button --- Going directly to the top measure of the selected song 43 [START/STOP] button --- Starting/stopping playback or recording of the selected song 43 [REW] button (Pop-up window) Fast reverse of the song playback position 43, 91 [FF] button (Pop-up window) Fast forward of the song playback position 43, 91 yFADE IN/OUT buttons---Producing smooth fade-ins and fade-outs when star ting and stopping the style/song109 uSONG buttons SONGThe Open/Save display for songs 43, 66 iSTYLE buttonsThe Open/Save display for styles 32, 66 [POP & ROCK] - [WORLD] buttonSTYLEThe Open/Save display of the category (path) that corresponds to the selected button37, 111 [PRESET] buttonSTYLEEnabling selection of the style categories from the [POP & ROCK] - [WORLD] buttons, as printed on the panel37, 111 [USER/DISK] buttonSTYLEEnabling selection of custom-entered categories from the [POP & ROCK] - [WORLD] buttons, as saved by user37, 111 oSTYLE CONTROL buttons [ACMP] button --- Turning ACMP (Auto Accompaniment ) on or off 32 [OTS LINK] button --- Turning the OTS Link function on or off 110 [AUTO FILL IN] button --- Turning the Auto Fill in on or off 35 [INTRO] buttons --- Playing the Intro sections of the selected style 34 [MAIN VARIATION] buttons --- Playing the Main sections of the selected style 34 [BREAK] button --- Playing the Break sections of the selected style 34 [ENDING/rit.] button --- Playing the Ending sections of the selected style 34 [SYNC STOP] button --- Turning Sync Stop on or off 110 [SYNC START] button --- Turning Sync Star t on or off 32, 110 [START/STOP] button --- Starting/stopping style playback 33 !0METRONOME button--- Starting/stopping the Metronome 156 !1TAP TEMPO button--- Tapping out the tempo of the style playback 109 !2TEMPO button(Pop-up window) Changing the tempo of the Style/Multi Pad/Song playback 109 !3TRANSPOSE button(Pop-up window) Transposing the pitch up or down 82 !4MULTI PAD CONTROL buttons [1] - [4] buttons --- Playing the Multi Pads 38, 124 [STOP] button --- Stopping the Multi Pad playback 38, 124
Function Tree Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 76TYROS Owner’s Manual74 !5MIXING CONSOLE button MIXING CONSOLE134 VOL/VOICEAdjusting the volume and pan for each part and setting the Song Auto Revoice135 FILTER Adjusting the Harmonic content and Brightness for each part 135 TUNEAdjusting the pitch related parameters for each part including the trans- pose setting135 EFFECTAdjusting the effect depth for each part and setting the Effect type/param- eter for each block136 EQSelecting/producing a Master EQ type and adjusting the EQ gain for each part139 CMP Selecting/producing a Master compressor type 140 LINE OUTLine out settings for each part and for each instrument (key) of the drum voice140 !6BALANCE button(Pop-up window) Adjusting the volume balance among par ts 36, 45 !7CHANNEL ON/OFF button(Pop-up window) Turning each channel (par t) of the selected song/style playback on or off 37, 45 !8REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons [REGIST BANK] button REGISTRATION BANK Open/Save display for Registration Memory Banks 52 [FREEZE] button --- Turning the Freeze function on or off 128 [1] - [8] buttons --- Recalling various panel settings 51 [MEMORY] buttonREGISTRATION MEMORY CONTENTSMemorizing various panel settings to Registration Memory/One Touch Setting51 !9DEMO button DEMODemo song selection/playback 24 @0HELP button HELPViewing explanations of the TYROS features and selecting the language for the display messages61 @1FUNCTION button MASTER TUNE/SCALE TUNE MASTER TUNE Setting the overall pitch of the TYROS 150SCALE TUNE Tuning each individual note of the octave 150 SONG SETTINGSetting the song playback related parameters, such as Guide function set- tings92 STYLE SETTING/SPLIT POINT/ CHORD FINGERING STYLE SETTING/ SPLIT POINTSetting the style playback related parameters, such as Split Point settings 112 CHORD FINGERING Selecting the way in which chords are played with your left hand 108CONTROLLERFOOT PEDAL Assigning the foot pedal function 152 KEYBOARD/PANELSetting the keyboard related parameters, such as Initial Touch and After- touch154 REGIST. SEQUENCE/ FREEZE/VOICE SET REGISTRATION SEQUENCESetting the Registration Memory Sequence 128 FREEZE Specifying which settings are affected by the Freeze function 128 VOICE SETDetermining whether the preset settings are recalled or not when a new voice is selected151 HARMONY/ECHOSelecting a Harmony/Echo type and setting related parameters 39, 154 VIDEO OUTSetting the display characteristics that are output to a television or video monitor connected to the [VIDEO OUT] jack151 MIDISelecting a MIDI template 144SYSTEM MIDI system-related parameter settings 146TRANSMIT MIDI transmit channel settings 146RECEIVE MIDI receive channel settings 147 ROOTMIDI chord root settings that determines whether or not the TYROS rec- ognizes the received note event as the chord root for the style playback148 CHORD DETECTMIDI chord root settings that determines whether or not the TYROS rec- ognizes the received note event as the chord type for the style playback148 MFC10 Setting the parameters related to a connected optional MFC10 148UTILITYCONFIG 1 Setting various parameters such as the Fade In/Out and the metronome 156 CONFIG 2Setting the parameter that determines whether the voice program change number will be indicated on the Open/Save display for voices and the parameter that determines whether the optionally installed speaker will sound or not. 156 DISKExecuting the disk related operations such as the Disk copy function and format156 OWNER Executing operations such as registering your name to the TYROS 158SYSTEM RESET Resetting the internal Flash ROM to the Factory Set 158 Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage
Function Tree Basic Operations — Organizing Your Data 77TYROS Owner’s Manual75 @2SOUND CREATOR button SOUND CREATORCreating a User Voice 83, 85 COMMONSetting values of various parameters called up when a User Voice is selected86 CONTROLLERSetting values of parameters related to the Modulation Wheel and After- touch for a User Voice86 SOUNDSetting values of important sound-shaping parameters, such as Filter and EQ87 EFFECT/EQSetting parameters of the Effect/EQ type called up when a User voice is selected87 HARMONYSetting values of harmony related parameters called up when a User voice is selected87 @3DIGITAL RECORDING button SONG CREATORCreating a User Song 94 REC MODESetting parameters that determine how recording star ts and stops, such as Punch In/Out settings95 CHANNEL Editing recorded song data for each part (channel) 96CHD Recording Chord data for the style playback using the Event List 981-16 Recording MIDI events for each channel using the Event List 100SYS/EX. Recording System Exclusive Messages using the Event List 106LYRICS Recording Lyrics data using the Event List 106 STYLE CREATORCreating a User Style 114 BASICSetting basic parameters such as beat, pattern length, section/par t (chan- nel) to be recorded116 ASSEMBLYAssembling an orignal style by combining existing rhythm patters from other styles118 GROOVE Altering the timing for each section, velocity of notes for each channel 118CHANNEL Editing recorded style data for each part (channel) 120PARAMETER Editing various parameters related to the Style File Format 120EDIT Recording MIDI events for each channel using the Event List 117 MULTI PAD CREATORCreating a User Multi Pad 124RECORD Turning Repeat and Chord Match on or off, and recording a Multi Pad 124EDIT Recording MIDI events for each pad using the Event List 125 @4PROGRAMMABLE MUSIC FINDER button MUSIC FINDERSelecting/Editing /Searching a Record of the Music Finder 40, 126 @5PROGRAMMABLE ONE TOUCH SETTING buttons [1] - [4] --- Calling up various panel settings that match the selected style 36, 110 @6VOICE buttons VOICEOpen/Save display for voices 26, 66 @7PART SELECT buttons--- Selecting a keyboard part from among four parts (RIGHT 1, 2, 3, LEFT) 78 @8PART ON/OFF buttons--- Turning each keyboard part (RIGHT 1, 2, 3, LEFT) on or off 74, 78 @9VOICE EFFECT buttons [HARMONY/ECHO] button --- Turning Harmony/Echo on or off 39, 154 [INITIAL TOUCH] button --- Turning Initial Touch on or off 39, 81 [SUSTAIN] button --- Turning Sustain on or off 39, 81 [POLY/MONO] button --- Setting the selected keyboard part to Poly or Mono 39, 81 [DSP] button --- Setting the DSP effect of the selected keyboard part to on or off 39, 81 [DSP VARIATION] button --- Setting the DSP effect variations of the selected keyboard part to on or off 39, 81 #0UPPER OCTAVE buttons--- Transposing Upper par ts (RIGHT1 - 3) up or down by one octave 28 #1GUIDE button--- Turning the Guide function on or off 48 #2PITCH BEND wheel--- Bending notes played on the keyboard up or down 82 #3MODULATION wheel--- Applying a vibrato effect to notes played on the keyboard 82 Button/ControllerLCD titleFunctionPage
78TYROS Owner’s Manual76 Reference Voices Voices and Keyboard Parts As you know by now, the TYROS has a wide variety of musical instrument sounds, referred to as “voices.” And, as shown on page 74, the TYROS allows you to independently select and play up to four voice parts at the same time in a number of ways. Any voice can be assigned to any part. Since there are four different parts, be careful to confirm which parts are selected, and make sure not to confuse one part for another as you select voices for them. See below for details on confirming the currently selected part, and instructions on selecting parts. Note names of the keyboard............................................................................................... Each key has a note name; for example, the lowest (farthest left) key on the keyboard corresponds to C1 and the highest (farthest right) key to C6. Left Hold...................................................................................................................................... This function causes the LEFT part voice to be held even when the keys are released. Non-decaying voices such as strings are held continuously, while decay-type voices such as piano decay more slowly (as if the sustain pedal has been pressed). This function is especially effective when used with style playback. For example, if you play and release a chord in the Chord section of the keyboard (with the Left part on and the Left voice set to Strings), the strings part sustains, adding a natural richness to the overall accompaniment sound. LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFFPART SELECT UPPER LOWER F G H I J LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFFPART SELECT UPPER LOWER Upper section of the keyboard Lower section of the keyboardYou can confirm the currently selected part by checking which lamp of the [PART SELECT] buttons lights. To select the desired keyboard part, press the corresponding part button.If you want to turn only a specified part on, press the corresponding LCD button from the Main display. Split Point C1 C1 - B1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C#1D#1F#1G#1A#1 C2 - B2C3 - B3C4 - B4C5 - B5 C6 LEFTLEFT HOLDRIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 PART ON / OFFPART SELECT UPPER LOWER
Voices Reference 79TYROS Owner’s Manual Voice Types The buttons of the VOICE section (excepting USER) are used to call up the relevant voice selection (Open/Save) display for the Preset drive. Pressing one of the buttons calls up the voice selection display corresponding to the selected category, and the last selected voice in the category is automatically called up. Five of these voice categories (below) are slightly different from the others and deserve special explanation. Organ Flutes Voices............................................................................................ Press the [ORGAN FLUTES] button to call up the Open/Save display for selecting among the special organ voices. You can also use the Sound Creator features to create your own original organ sounds. Just as on a traditional organ, you can create your own sounds by adjusting the levels of the flute footages. Percussion/Drum Kit Voices............................................................................ When one of the Drum Kit or SFX Kit voices in the [PERC./DRUM] group is selected, you can play various drums and percussion instruments or SFX (sound effects) sounds on the keyboard. The drum and percussion instruments played by the various keys are marked by symbols below the keys. Some of the instruments in the different drum kit voices sound different even though they have the same name, while others are essentially the same. See the separate Data List for a complete listing of the Drum Kit and SFX Kit assign- ments. GM&XG Voices and GM2 Voices.................................................................... You can select the GM/XG/GM2 voices (page 8) directly via panel operations. Press one of the VOICE buttons to call up the Open/Save display for voices, then press the [UP] LCD button (lower [8] buttons) and call up the P2 page containing the “GM&XG” folder and the “GM2” folder. Custom Voices...................................................................................................... Normally, data cannot be stored to the Preset drive; however, voice data created with the Voice Editor software (pages 59, 85) can be saved to the Preset drive as Custom Voice data. Custom Voices saved to the Preset drive can be called up via the [CUSTOM VOICE] button. STRINGS TRUMPET CHOIR SAXOPHONE SYNTH GUITAR BASS BRASS PIANO E.PIANO ORGANUSERORGAN FLUTES CUSTOM VO IC EACCORDION PA D PERC. / DRUM KIT FLUTE / CLARINETVOICE The [USER] button lets you directly access those voices saved to drives other than the Preset drive. Press this button and the voice last selected from the User drive or disk drive will be called up, along with the appropriate Open/Save display. Custom Voices Organ Flutes Voices Percussion/Drum Voices Preset Voices • The Transpose functions (page 82) do not affect the Drum Kit or SFX Kit voices. Seq Click H Bell Tree Jingle Bell Triangle Open Cuica Open Wood Block L Wood Block HGuiro Long Samba Whistle L Samba Whistle HCabasa Agogo H Timbale H Conga L Conga H MuteBongo H Ride Cymbal 2 Crash Cymbal 2 Splash Cymbal Ride Cymbal Cup Chinese CymbalHigh Tom Mid Tom H Mid Tom L Low Tom Floor Tom H Floor Tom L Snare TightSnare Kick Kick Tight Kick Soft Snare Soft Snare Roll Brush Tap SwirlBrush SwirlBrush Tap Shaker Triangle Mute Cuica Mute Claves Guiro Short Maracas Agogo L Timbale L Conga H Open Bongo L Vibraslap Cowbell Tambourine Ride Cymbal 1 Crash Cymbal 1 Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Pedal Hi-Hat Closed Hand Clap Side Stick Open Rim Shot Sticks Castanet Brush Slap C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 When “Standard Kit 1” is selected: 77
Voices Reference 80TYROS Owner’s Manual78 Mega Voices........................................................................................................................................................ These specially programmed voices are not indicated among the VOICE buttons on the panel. In fact, they are not even intended to be played from the TYROS keyboard. The Mega voices are primarily designed for use with recorded MIDI sequence data (such as songs and styles). Some of the guitar and bass voices in particular have been created as Mega voices for the TYROS, and are easily distinguished from the normal voices by their icons in the Open/Save displays. What makes Mega voices special is their use of velocity switching. Normal voices use velocity switching, too — to make the sound quality and/or level of a voice according to how strongly or softly you play it. This makes the TYROS voices sound authentic and natural. However, with Mega voices, each velocity range (the measure of your playing strength) has a completely different sound. For example, a Mega guitar voice includes the sounds of various performance techniques (as shown below). In conven- tional instruments, different voices having those sounds would be called up via MIDI and played in combination to achieve the desired effect. However, now with Mega voices, a convincing guitar part can be played with just a single voice, using specific velocity values to play the desired sounds. Because of the complex nature of these voices and the precise velocities need to play the sounds, they’re not intended for playing from the keyboard. They are, however, very useful and convenient when creating MIDI data — especially when you want to avoid using several different voices just for a single instrument part. Sound maps for the TYROS’ Mega voices (like the one above) are given in the separate Data List booklet. Take full advantage of the Mega voices and refer to these maps when creating MIDI sequence data for songs, styles, and Multi Pads. 127 C-2 C-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 0 The sounds of various guitar performance techniques are inde- pendently assigned to different velocity and note ranges. Harmonics Slide Hammer-on notes Muted “Dead” notes Open (hard) Open (mid) Open (soft)StrummingFret Noise Example Mega Voice — Guitar Velocity Since the Mega voices are fundamentally different from the other voices of the TYROS, you should keep in mind the following points and precau- tions when working with them. Unexpected or undesired sounds may result depend- ing on the settings or conditions below: • Initial Touch setting in the [FUNCTION] → CON- TROLLER → KEYBOARD/PANEL display (page 154) • Harmony/Echo settings in the [FUNCTION] → HARMONY/ECHO display (page 154) • Touch sensitivity-related settings in the Sound Creator (page 86) • Playing keys in the left-hand Chord sections when Stop Accompaniment (page 112) is set to “STYLE.”Unexpected or undesired sounds may result depending on the settings below, when editing or creating data for songs, styles, and Multi Pads: • When selecting a Mega voice from the Revoice display of a style (page 37). • When changing the velocity values of several notes at once in the Event List displays of song, style, or Multi Pad (page 100). • When changing the velocity values of several notes at once with the Velocity Change function (page 120) and the Dynamics function (page 118) in the Style Creator function. • When changing the note numbers of several specified channels at once with the Channel Transpose function (page 97) in the Song Cre- ator function. Mega voices are unique to the TYROS and are not compatible with other mod- els. Any song/style/Multi Pad data you’ve created on the TYROS using the Mega voices will not sound properly when played back on other instru- ments. Maximum Polyphony The TYROS features a maximum polyphony of 128 notes. Since style playback uses a number of the available notes, the full 128 notes will not be available on the keyboard when a style is played back. The same applies to the Voice RIGHT1, RIGHT2, RIGHT3, LEFT, Multi Pad, and Song functions. When the maximum polyphony is exceeded, notes are played using last-note priority.